Congress can exclude or admit any foreigner it wants, for any reason or no reason

Which by and large are based on Biblical ideals.

Really? Which ones? Do non Christian countries not have the same laws?
I'm talking about America. Is that not clear from the context?

Now, as to which laws,these:

laws against murder
laws against stealing
laws against lying (in court, etc)
Environmental laws

Which non Christian country doesn't have those laws? What's that? None you say? Gotcha...:rolleyes:
As I made clear, I was talking about America. I think you got yourself.

And you, obviously, are missing the point. If non Christian countries ALSO have the same laws, your argument that these laws are based on the bible, fails miserably.
How? I'm talking about America, and have been from the beginning of this. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track that doesn't relate. You could, of course, point out where I said other country's laws are based on Biblical principals.
Really? Which ones? Do non Christian countries not have the same laws?
I'm talking about America. Is that not clear from the context?

Now, as to which laws,these:

laws against murder
laws against stealing
laws against lying (in court, etc)
Environmental laws

Which non Christian country doesn't have those laws? What's that? None you say? Gotcha...:rolleyes:
As I made clear, I was talking about America. I think you got yourself.

And you, obviously, are missing the point. If non Christian countries ALSO have the same laws, your argument that these laws are based on the bible, fails miserably.
How? I'm talking about America, and have been from the beginning of this. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track that doesn't relate. You could, of course, point out where I said other country's laws are based on Biblical principals.

Is this intentional obtuseness or are you just really slow?

If other countries that are not "Christian" have the SAME EXACT laws, they are societal, not religious.
Eek! Ebola!

Eek! A homo!

Eek! A Mexican!

Eek! A negro!

Eek! A Muslim!

Eek! The Constitution!

Give me a freaking break. It's not a matter of being a whining pooping in your pants idiot Its a matter of knowing that unless we really demo these psycho assholes we will see more Paris rock concert attacks or San Bernadino attacks.

Stop being an asshole. I've already been contacted by several good friends who are now on the lookout at their mosques and they are terrified that newbies will tilt radical.This is a valid concern to moderate muslims who have run from their radicals and moved here to a better safer life.

I'm still trying to get a handle on as are others why we are accepting so many Sunnis over Shia, Yazidis and Christians. When it's Sunnis who have torn up the ME in the latest bullshit called Arab Spring.

We're bringing in according to people I know in Toronto the non persecuted.

You really need to grow up g5000. People posting valid concerns you target and mock. It's getting really old. It's a pity because I think you have the real potential to make a difference on a board.

If you would just grow up and stop being such an anal retentive poster who prefers to mock instead of being engaged.
National Review gets the truth out over all the talking heads and the bullshit establishment GOP. Others "get it". Like Rupert Murdoch who says that the refugee program needs to pause and reviews have to be taken to get it right.

Grow up assholes. We're living in dangerous times.

"First of all, it’s important to underline that Congress can exclude or admit any foreigner it wants, for any reason or no reason.

Non-Americans have no constitutional right to travel to the United States and no constitutional due-process rights to challenge exclusion; as the Supreme Court has written multiple times,

“Whatever the procedure authorized by Congress is, it is due process as far as an alien denied entry is concerned.”

What’s more, while the president doesn’t have the authority that Obama has claimed, to let in anyone he wants for any reason (under the guise of “parole”), he does have the statutory authority to keep anyone out, for any reason he thinks best.

From 8 USC §1182: Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate (emphasis added)."

Read more at: It's Time for a Grown-Up Alternative to Trump's Crude Muslim-Immigration Proposal, by Mark Krikorian, National Review

They would have to repeal the Refugee Act of 1980 first.
The solution is easy just stop all immigration

We do not need any more people in this country

And then when we do start allowing people in again we should be much more discriminating who we let in

We don't need any more unskilled uneducated people in this country and anyone wanting to immigrate should have some sort of skill we deem desirable and should have to prove they can support themselves

Yeah...fuck what our country has always stood for...:rolleyes:

What is it you think our country "has always stood or, "importing hoards of cheap labor for third world countries?"
National Review gets the truth out over all the talking heads and the bullshit establishment GOP. Others "get it". Like Rupert Murdoch who says that the refugee program needs to pause and reviews have to be taken to get it right.

Grow up assholes. We're living in dangerous times.

"First of all, it’s important to underline that Congress can exclude or admit any foreigner it wants, for any reason or no reason.

Non-Americans have no constitutional right to travel to the United States and no constitutional due-process rights to challenge exclusion; as the Supreme Court has written multiple times,

“Whatever the procedure authorized by Congress is, it is due process as far as an alien denied entry is concerned.”

What’s more, while the president doesn’t have the authority that Obama has claimed, to let in anyone he wants for any reason (under the guise of “parole”), he does have the statutory authority to keep anyone out, for any reason he thinks best.

From 8 USC §1182: Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate (emphasis added)."

Read more at: It's Time for a Grown-Up Alternative to Trump's Crude Muslim-Immigration Proposal, by Mark Krikorian, National Review

They would have to repeal the Refugee Act of 1980 first.

Only as long as Obama is in office.
National Review gets the truth out over all the talking heads and the bullshit establishment GOP. Others "get it". Like Rupert Murdoch who says that the refugee program needs to pause and reviews have to be taken to get it right.

Grow up assholes. We're living in dangerous times.

"First of all, it’s important to underline that Congress can exclude or admit any foreigner it wants, for any reason or no reason.

Non-Americans have no constitutional right to travel to the United States and no constitutional due-process rights to challenge exclusion; as the Supreme Court has written multiple times,

“Whatever the procedure authorized by Congress is, it is due process as far as an alien denied entry is concerned.”

What’s more, while the president doesn’t have the authority that Obama has claimed, to let in anyone he wants for any reason (under the guise of “parole”), he does have the statutory authority to keep anyone out, for any reason he thinks best.

From 8 USC §1182: Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate (emphasis added)."

Read more at: It's Time for a Grown-Up Alternative to Trump's Crude Muslim-Immigration Proposal, by Mark Krikorian, National Review


But he did say "Muslims", not muslim immigrants, not foreign muslims, just muslims, right.

So, that include citizens,right?

By the way, how do you test form "Islamism"? The Japanese used to use an engraved image of the christ and asked people to defile it by stepping on it. Many of the Christians immediately started praying when they were forced to.

If you think forcing them to eat pig is a sure sign, the muslim is allowed to under dire circumstances, i.e. they are relieved if it is necessary.
Also, many of them knows "the Lords prayer"--So that leaves the muslim lying about their beliefs in the trinity.

Good Luck in devising a test. I think you guys are going to find out how flexible Islam is when it comes to hiding muslims among Christians and Jews.
The solution is easy just stop all immigration

We do not need any more people in this country

And then when we do start allowing people in again we should be much more discriminating who we let in

We don't need any more unskilled uneducated people in this country and anyone wanting to immigrate should have some sort of skill we deem desirable and should have to prove they can support themselves

Yeah...fuck what our country has always stood for...:rolleyes:

What is it you think our country "has always stood or, "importing hoards of cheap labor for third world countries?"

Wrong thread skippy, this one's about Moooooooslims not Mexicans.
National Review gets the truth out over all the talking heads and the bullshit establishment GOP. Others "get it". Like Rupert Murdoch who says that the refugee program needs to pause and reviews have to be taken to get it right.

Grow up assholes. We're living in dangerous times.

"First of all, it’s important to underline that Congress can exclude or admit any foreigner it wants, for any reason or no reason.

Non-Americans have no constitutional right to travel to the United States and no constitutional due-process rights to challenge exclusion; as the Supreme Court has written multiple times,

“Whatever the procedure authorized by Congress is, it is due process as far as an alien denied entry is concerned.”

What’s more, while the president doesn’t have the authority that Obama has claimed, to let in anyone he wants for any reason (under the guise of “parole”), he does have the statutory authority to keep anyone out, for any reason he thinks best.

From 8 USC §1182: Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate (emphasis added)."

Read more at: It's Time for a Grown-Up Alternative to Trump's Crude Muslim-Immigration Proposal, by Mark Krikorian, National Review

They would have to repeal the Refugee Act of 1980 first.

Only as long as Obama is in office

They will never repeal that.They have trouble getting enough votes to rename a post office.
Muslim is a foreigner ?


RW's look for ways to be stupid.

Oh look another far left drone thinking that being Muslim is the same as being white..
National Review gets the truth out over all the talking heads and the bullshit establishment GOP. Others "get it". Like Rupert Murdoch who says that the refugee program needs to pause and reviews have to be taken to get it right.

Grow up assholes. We're living in dangerous times.

"First of all, it’s important to underline that Congress can exclude or admit any foreigner it wants, for any reason or no reason.

Non-Americans have no constitutional right to travel to the United States and no constitutional due-process rights to challenge exclusion; as the Supreme Court has written multiple times,

“Whatever the procedure authorized by Congress is, it is due process as far as an alien denied entry is concerned.”

What’s more, while the president doesn’t have the authority that Obama has claimed, to let in anyone he wants for any reason (under the guise of “parole”), he does have the statutory authority to keep anyone out, for any reason he thinks best.

From 8 USC §1182: Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate (emphasis added)."

Read more at: It's Time for a Grown-Up Alternative to Trump's Crude Muslim-Immigration Proposal, by Mark Krikorian, National Review

They would have to repeal the Refugee Act of 1980 first.

Only as long as Obama is in office

They will never repeal that.They have trouble getting enough votes to rename a post office.

Still running that narrative I see!

Far left drones and their debunked narratives..
I'm talking about America. Is that not clear from the context?

Now, as to which laws,these:

laws against murder
laws against stealing
laws against lying (in court, etc)
Environmental laws

Which non Christian country doesn't have those laws? What's that? None you say? Gotcha...:rolleyes:
As I made clear, I was talking about America. I think you got yourself.

And you, obviously, are missing the point. If non Christian countries ALSO have the same laws, your argument that these laws are based on the bible, fails miserably.
How? I'm talking about America, and have been from the beginning of this. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track that doesn't relate. You could, of course, point out where I said other country's laws are based on Biblical principals.

Is this intentional obtuseness or are you just really slow?

If other countries that are not "Christian" have the SAME EXACT laws, they are societal, not religious.
IOW, you can't point out where I said anything about other countries. The history of this country is clear, the Bible played a large role in the composition of our laws. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track.
In other words, Trump proposed a perfectly legal, perfectly Constitutional idea. Naturally, we're not supposed to know about Carter actually doing it.
Legal does not necessarily mean "Constitutional." Many laws have been found to be unconstitutional.
Until it's found to be otherwise, a law is considered to be constitutional.
Which non Christian country doesn't have those laws? What's that? None you say? Gotcha...:rolleyes:
As I made clear, I was talking about America. I think you got yourself.

And you, obviously, are missing the point. If non Christian countries ALSO have the same laws, your argument that these laws are based on the bible, fails miserably.
How? I'm talking about America, and have been from the beginning of this. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track that doesn't relate. You could, of course, point out where I said other country's laws are based on Biblical principals.

Is this intentional obtuseness or are you just really slow?

If other countries that are not "Christian" have the SAME EXACT laws, they are societal, not religious.
IOW, you can't point out where I said anything about other countries. The history of this country is clear, the Bible played a large role in the composition of our laws. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track.

Your saying it does not make it so. The same laws exist all over the world in countires that are not Christian. They are not religious laws, they are societal.
As I made clear, I was talking about America. I think you got yourself.

And you, obviously, are missing the point. If non Christian countries ALSO have the same laws, your argument that these laws are based on the bible, fails miserably.
How? I'm talking about America, and have been from the beginning of this. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track that doesn't relate. You could, of course, point out where I said other country's laws are based on Biblical principals.

Is this intentional obtuseness or are you just really slow?

If other countries that are not "Christian" have the SAME EXACT laws, they are societal, not religious.
IOW, you can't point out where I said anything about other countries. The history of this country is clear, the Bible played a large role in the composition of our laws. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track.

Your saying it does not make it so. The same laws exist all over the world in countires that are not Christian. They are not religious laws, they are societal.

There have been laws regarding murder, theft etc long before christianity ever reared its ugly head
As I made clear, I was talking about America. I think you got yourself.

And you, obviously, are missing the point. If non Christian countries ALSO have the same laws, your argument that these laws are based on the bible, fails miserably.
How? I'm talking about America, and have been from the beginning of this. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track that doesn't relate. You could, of course, point out where I said other country's laws are based on Biblical principals.

Is this intentional obtuseness or are you just really slow?

If other countries that are not "Christian" have the SAME EXACT laws, they are societal, not religious.
IOW, you can't point out where I said anything about other countries. The history of this country is clear, the Bible played a large role in the composition of our laws. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track.

Your saying it does not make it so. The same laws exist all over the world in countires that are not Christian. They are not religious laws, they are societal.
And where do our fundamental rights come from, as stated in our Constitution?
And you, obviously, are missing the point. If non Christian countries ALSO have the same laws, your argument that these laws are based on the bible, fails miserably.
How? I'm talking about America, and have been from the beginning of this. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track that doesn't relate. You could, of course, point out where I said other country's laws are based on Biblical principals.

Is this intentional obtuseness or are you just really slow?

If other countries that are not "Christian" have the SAME EXACT laws, they are societal, not religious.
IOW, you can't point out where I said anything about other countries. The history of this country is clear, the Bible played a large role in the composition of our laws. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track.

Your saying it does not make it so. The same laws exist all over the world in countires that are not Christian. They are not religious laws, they are societal.

There have been laws regarding murder, theft etc long before christianity ever reared its ugly head
Not in the US.
And you, obviously, are missing the point. If non Christian countries ALSO have the same laws, your argument that these laws are based on the bible, fails miserably.
How? I'm talking about America, and have been from the beginning of this. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track that doesn't relate. You could, of course, point out where I said other country's laws are based on Biblical principals.

Is this intentional obtuseness or are you just really slow?

If other countries that are not "Christian" have the SAME EXACT laws, they are societal, not religious.
IOW, you can't point out where I said anything about other countries. The history of this country is clear, the Bible played a large role in the composition of our laws. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track.

Your saying it does not make it so. The same laws exist all over the world in countires that are not Christian. They are not religious laws, they are societal.
And where do our fundamental rights come from, as stated in our Constitution?

Non sequitur. The laws you referenced all predate Christianity.
How? I'm talking about America, and have been from the beginning of this. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track that doesn't relate. You could, of course, point out where I said other country's laws are based on Biblical principals.

Is this intentional obtuseness or are you just really slow?

If other countries that are not "Christian" have the SAME EXACT laws, they are societal, not religious.
IOW, you can't point out where I said anything about other countries. The history of this country is clear, the Bible played a large role in the composition of our laws. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track.

Your saying it does not make it so. The same laws exist all over the world in countires that are not Christian. They are not religious laws, they are societal.

There have been laws regarding murder, theft etc long before christianity ever reared its ugly head
Not in the US.

The same exact laws existed prior to the revolution.
Is this intentional obtuseness or are you just really slow?

If other countries that are not "Christian" have the SAME EXACT laws, they are societal, not religious.
IOW, you can't point out where I said anything about other countries. The history of this country is clear, the Bible played a large role in the composition of our laws. If you want to talk about other countries, feel free to do so, but you'll be on a parallel track.

Your saying it does not make it so. The same laws exist all over the world in countires that are not Christian. They are not religious laws, they are societal.

There have been laws regarding murder, theft etc long before christianity ever reared its ugly head
Not in the US.

The same exact laws existed prior to the revolution.
Yes, and there were laws mandating church attendance in the colonies before the foundation of the federal government. There were also laws forbidding businesses to operate on Sunday. Go on.

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