Congress Let Thieves Steal HOW MUCH in COVID Relief?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Congress Let Thieves Steal HOW MUCH in COVID Relief?

17 Sep 2024 ~~ By Stephen Green

Remember that time Congress spent trillions of dollars we didn't have to provide relief from the unnecessary and illegal lockdowns? And then actual Americans only received a pittance while the resulting inflation murdered our paychecks after we were mercifully allowed to eventually go back to work?
Yeah, it's so much worse than that, according to Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas). While the name of Sessions's subcommittee is a mouthful, what they've uncovered has got to be the biggest theft in the history of — well, everything.
Sessions said the theft adds up to "Half a trillion dollars. Maybe more. Much of it lost to criminal actors and our enemies. Often using comically simple tactics.”
Congress has serious responsibilities, including national defense and protecting our nation's finances. They frivolously threw away money we don't have to make you forget the abuse heaped on you during COVID — and let thieves get away with gobs of it.
Meanwhile, Presidentish Joe Biden's 2022 Inflation Reduction Act — which even he finally admitted did no such thing — provided "the largest single infusion of funds" in the history of the IRS so it could go after waitresses' tips and transactions adding up to more than $600 a year on your Venmo or PayPal accounts. Because we can't have people who are living from paycheck to paycheck get away with robbing Uncle Sam of a hundred bucks here and there. But half a trillion dollars going to thieves and scammers here and abroad? Washington has a shrug emoji for that.

Meanwhile, the $8 Trillion spending by Biden has given us more than a trillion dollars of unpaid interest each year on our $38 Trillion debt..
Doesn't everyone want to be like Pelosi, Sanders, Schumer and other multi-millionaire politicians that have nver done a day's work.
A few billion here, a few billion there... pretty soon you’re talking about some real money!
They Biden/Harris/Obama trio depleted are oil reserves and military weaponry rose our debt. to unreal levels and opened our borders to millions of unknowns.... and weaponized our justice Dept. and pentagon....
Now tell me what would you do differently if you were attempting to over throw America from within.....

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