Congress seeks to rescind Medals of Honor

What do you think Congress should focus one?

Jewish space lasers starting fires in CA?

Horse paste as a COVID treatment?

Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden Hunter Biden...

Madison cllawtorn's claim of QOP drug fueled sex parties?
Have not heard anything about space lasers the horse medicine was pushed by the left and was debunked long ago even the MSM is now admitting the Hunter Biden laptop story was not Russian disinformation Madison lost his primary and is out of office and now irrelevant. And at least they all took place in the here and now wounded knee not so much.
Crashing markets? I bought 200 shares of AMD at $80.09 about a week ago.

Massive inflation?

Just two and only one is actually happening if you consider 9% to be massive.
yes 9.1 percent is massive…

and the first six months of 2022 have been the worst for the market in 40 years

you are living in a fantasy world
Ok. Though Im not sure who this helps the people who got them are long since dead, their families dont receive any special privileges because of it, and the people effected by their actions are all dead as well. So, essentially the Congress is going to delete their names out of the CMoH database at the Library of Congress? Well I for one am glad they have used up whatever amount of bandwidth it took to get this done. God knows as country we dont have anything more important to worry about that 20 dead people who got CMoH based on the standards of their time but wouldnt have based on today's morals and mores.
Wounded Knee was an atrocity by any standard

Awarding a medal of valor for slaughtering women and children is an insult to humanity
Yeah because that's a priority vs sky high food and gas prices and 200,000 illegals flooding across the border each month, FFS.

Which law is waiting to be signed that will solve those problems?

Congress can walk and chew gum at the same time
MacArthur should have been shamed after ordering his troops to fire on WWI Bonus veterans demanding the promised payments as the republic caused Great Depression gripped the nation.
You can find the citation in the book or on line and it is embarrassingly short and lacking detail. Essentially the highest award for valor above and beyond the call of duty was presented to MacArthur to atone for FDR placing him in an awkward situation.
Yeah because that's a priority vs sky high food and gas prices and 200,000 illegals flooding across the border each month, FFS.
Well we are dealing with a bunch of immature out of touch virtue signaling loons that currently hold office.
This is a hollow and pointless gesture. If Democrats want to right past wrongs they should start with their Klan and Jim Crow laws.
This is a hollow and pointless gesture. If Democrats want to right past wrongs they should start with their Klan and Jim Crow laws.
Think they have already done that

They are also taking down monuments to the Confederacy
Wounded Knee was an atrocity by any standard

Awarding a medal of valor for slaughtering women and children is an insult to humanity
Ok. Again glad we have nothing else to worry about than some dead people who got medals that no one really cares about. Tell me how many CMoH were awarded during the GWOT era without looking it up. And name 4 of them. You cant because it's not something 99% of people give 2 shits about. Hell I dont know and I was on active duty during the entire GWoT. Renaming post offices has more relevance than this. 4 not named Kyle Carpenter or Dakota Meyer.
Which law is waiting to be signed that will solve those problems?

Congress can walk and chew gum at the same time
BTW Congress has off loaded the lion's share of it's responsibility onto executive agencies so that it has time to do shit like this.
Feel free to provide evidence of them taking action to answer for the Klan and Jim Crow. I'll wait.
The Klan has been prosecuted
Jim Crow was abolished

Soldiers who were awarded Medals of Honor for slaughtering women and children still have their medals
The Klan has been prosecuted
Jim Crow was abolished

Soldiers who were awarded Medals of Honor for slaughtering women and children still have their medals
Only if they were buried with them and Congress rescinding them wont change that unless they plan on digging these people to take them back. 99.9999% of Americans werent aware these idiots got medals until the Congress passed this law. Barring it they would have continued to be in the trash heap of history that no one gives a shit about.
Only if they were buried with them and Congress rescinding them wont change that unless they plan on digging these people to take them back. 99.9999% of Americans werent aware these idiots got medals until the Congress passed this law. Barring it they would have continued to be in the trash heap of history that no one gives a shit about.

It sends a message to our Native Americans that we no longer celebrate the slaughter of their people
Which law is waiting to be signed that will solve those problems?

Congress can walk and chew gum at the same time

Any reason why these fucking idiots decided to do that now, 140 years later, in the middle of a serious economic crisis and potential collapse?

Maybe they're trying to distract everybody.

Their numbers must look bleak. They're taking an ass kicking in November.

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