Congressional Action Needed on Presidential Health

no you cant...but as we have seen every president over 70 has had some kind of mental problems as we have seen with Reagan and Trump and now Biden....and no one is telling you who you can vote for.....there is such a thing as qualifications....why does a president have to be at least 35 years old?.....are we painting all 25 and 30 year olds with that brush?...being president is the most stress filled job in this country....
Not exactly a fan of that requirement either but it does make a bit of sense relative to maturity

It’s also why I am against term limits.

Curiosity. .. what if you’re 69 and will spend 3 years over 70 in your term? Can you still run?
Not exactly a fan of that requirement either but it does make a bit of sense relative to maturity

It’s also why I am against term limits.

Curiosity. .. what if you’re 69 and will spend 3 years over 70 in your term? Can you still run?
then you are second term.....and there are many 30 to 35 year old people who run big enterprises and have the maturity to run the country....
then you are second term
But you're okay "suffering" for 3 years under someone whom you think isn't all there mentally if you're taking the view of an actuary or someone similar?
.....and there are many 30 to 35 year old people who run big enterprises and have the maturity to run the country....
Running a company is a meritocracy--I would wager that most of those whom you talk about are either the founders or were in on the ground floor of the enterprise.

Politics is a different animal.

Anyway, back to the point...I think the congress should pass legislation making a quarterly physical of the President a must. What is done with the findings is another matter of course...but the fact that there would be someone whom (hopefully) isn't from the campaign or working for the White House doing the examination would be a step in the right direction.
But you're okay "suffering" for 3 years under someone whom you think isn't all there mentally if you're taking the view of an actuary or someone similar?

Running a company is a meritocracy--I would wager that most of those whom you talk about are either the founders or were in on the ground floor of the enterprise.

Politics is a different animal.

Anyway, back to the point...I think the congress should pass legislation making a quarterly physical of the President a must. What is done with the findings is another matter of course...but the fact that there would be someone whom (hopefully) isn't from the campaign or working for the White House doing the examination would be a step in the right direction.
and yea like they will have someone who isnt on the team doing the about if you are over 70 you cant run for the job,then that physical may not be necessary....
and yea like they will have someone who isnt on the team doing the about if you are over 70 you cant run for the job,then that physical may not be necessary....
Again, the devil is in the details.
somehow how candy i get the impression as long as the person is a democrat you wouldnt care if he was on life support......but a republican it would be i right?....
Not even close.

Somehow I get the impression you don't think before you post. Am I right?
i have seen replies to your posts saying that about you.....and i know i am right about that....
Meanwhile back in reality, I'm the one --with a democratic president in office--stating that we should strip away the power of the presidency to do first strike nuke launches and that we should also mandate by law tests for the presidential health.

Saying that I would be okay with the President on life support as long as he was a democrat is a bizarre statement to make. But then again, you're the one coming up with an arbitrary number as to the time when someone is no longer able to hold office. So you're among the last places I would shop for wisdom or accuracy.
Well that was odd. You're concerned about the health and mental stability of American Presidents, but didn't make a single reference to Joe Biden?

He's just a lovable old Grandfatherly guy from Scranton who tends to forget things and has a few quirks, right?

Yes. He likes to sniff little girls hair.
Meanwhile back in reality, I'm the one --with a democratic president in office--stating that we should strip away the power of the presidency to do first strike nuke launches and that we should also mandate by law tests for the presidential health.

Saying that I would be okay with the President on life support as long as he was a democrat is a bizarre statement to make. But then again, you're the one coming up with an arbitrary number as to the time when someone is no longer able to hold office. So you're among the last places I would shop for wisdom or accuracy.
yea we know candy you are just treasure trove of wisdom and bad the bullshit you throw up doesnt back that up....
yea we know candy you are just treasure trove of wisdom and bad the bullshit you throw up doesnt back that up....
Well, the thread speaks for itself. I'm recommending reigning in the power of the presidency during a democratic administration. So shove it up your ass.
While I doubt that would happen these days, like everything else, we should codify a statute stating that the President needs to go through a required health exam.
consider all the checks one goes through for a federal, or even state position......~S~
Now that the GOP has the rock, I think they should launch a bill to make the annual presidential physical a federal law. Currently the President is not required to undergo any health physical. The disclosure, like income tax releases, was just something they did. But now I think the GOP should enact a bill to make it mandatory. And, depending on the make-up of the bill of course, I would support the concept and probably the bill.

Those who watched The West Wing may recall that the President hid a multiple sclerosis diagnosis (he had it before he became President) from the public. And while it was in remission, it wasn't showing up on his annual physicals. Of course, this is fiction. But it also has happened in the past. Woodrow Wilson had a massive stroke on 10/2/1919 and was bedridden for most of the presidency thereafter. He developed dementia. His wife essentially ran the Presidency. While I doubt that would happen these days, like everything else, we should codify a statute stating that the President needs to go through a required health exam.

Mary Graham wrote a book on the subject called Presidential Secrets; The Use and Abuse of Hidden Power. On a podcast she recently said:

I think we’re going to have to have an act of Congress that provides the information. So​
financial disclosure is now routine. Shouldn’t we also have an annual health disclosure for a​
president who so much depends on? Some group can decide if there’s something in the report​
that suggests a developing health problem that might relate to the president’s capacity to​
govern, then that should be revealed. I really believe in the American people, if they have the​
information they’ll then decide what to do whether it’s at the next election or making their voices​
heard in a way that forces the people within the administration to face the issue.​
I think she makes some great points. I'm not so sure it should be something required for candidates but once they get into office, they become our employee. We should be able to know if the health of the guardian of the people's trust is physically able to do the job.

The Democrats would likely never go for it in this day and age with a Democratic president. So the bill, if introduced, should be set to go into effect in 2030 or at some other time in the future. I would say that they should do it quarterly.
Of course this would happen after the current potato-in-chief leaves office.
Of course this would happen after the current potato-in-chief leaves office.

Because of the politics, it would be something that would be instituted far down range.

We're no longer mature enough in this nation to soberly look at the shortfalls of our federal code and proactively patch the holes.

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