Congressman: I don't think Assad is behind Syria attack

The murdering psychopath Assad needs to go. ..... :cool:
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The murdering psychopath Assad needs to go. ..... :cool:
Why are YOU an Arab against Assad?

I'll Tell You Why.

The Radical Islamic World, and the so called Moderate Islamic World sees Assad as soft against Israel.

Islam wants to take over Syria so they can use Syria as a platform to launch attacks against Israel and annihilate them.

Quick, what do these 3 Nations have in Common during The Obama Administration?

The brutal Alawites, headed by the Assad family gang, make up only about 5% of the Syrian population. And have terrorized the 85% Sunni majority for decades. Who only want to be free from the murderous dictator Assad. ...... :cool:
The murdering psychopath Assad needs to go. ..... :cool:
Why are YOU an Arab against Assad?

I'll Tell You Why.

The Radical Islamic World, and the so called Moderate Islamic World sees Assad as soft against Israel.

Islam wants to take over Syria so they can use Syria as a platform to launch attacks against Israel and annihilate them.

Quick, what do these 3 Nations have in Common during The Obama Administration?

The brutal Alawites, headed by the Assad family gang, make up only about 5% of the Syrian population. And have terrorized the 85% Sunni majority for decades. Who only want to be free from the murderous dictator Assad. ...... :cool:

No the Sunnis have terrorized the Alawites and Shiite. The rebels are Sunni that want to enforce Sharia Law and Assad wont have it.
The brutal Alawites, headed by the Assad family gang, make up only about 5% of the Syrian population. And have terrorized the 85% Sunni majority for decades. Who only want to be free from the murderous dictator Assad. ...... :cool:
If you say so. If the Syrian people want him gone then so be it let them do it NOT a western backed overthrow that fucks shit up completely.
The murdering psychopath Assad needs to go. ..... :cool:
Why are YOU an Arab against Assad?

I'll Tell You Why.

The Radical Islamic World, and the so called Moderate Islamic World sees Assad as soft against Israel.

Islam wants to take over Syria so they can use Syria as a platform to launch attacks against Israel and annihilate them.

Quick, what do these 3 Nations have in Common during The Obama Administration?


Coups , and a failed one in Syria. Sunni maj as well.
The brutal Alawites, headed by the Assad family gang, make up only about 5% of the Syrian population. And have terrorized the 85% Sunni majority for decades. Who only want to be free from the murderous dictator Assad. ...... :cool:
No one likes Assad, but tell me why all Islamic Nations are Oppressive and Totalitarian?

Syria is your problem.
ISIS is your problem
Al Queda is your problem
Al Nusra is your problem
Hamas is your problem
PLO is your problem
Boko Haram is your problem
The Taliban is your problem

Maybe you should quit practicing intolerance and hate? Maybe you should all become Buddhists or Christians.

To be honest, the US, and the rest of the world should just let you all go at each other's throats.
We should also let you all have Nuclear Weapons, because you would use them against each other, and do the world a favor by kindly wiping each other out.
Any other likely candidate? The only other who I can see doing it is ISIS and since this stuff is usually delivered in an air strike and ISIS does not have an air force as far as I know that makes Assad the most likely. I'm not saying Assad did it just that he seems to be the one most likely to have done it.
Here is what


All have in common.

Obama Bin Lying IS A MUSLIM. There is no denying that. He was born a Muslim, and practiced the Muslim Faith, and has a Muslim name. You can argue about that if you want....but it doesn't matter. Let's just say he is not for the sake of argument. Look at his actions.

He is the First President in US History, not only to negotiate with Terrorists, but to use them to do regime change, and supply them with arms and money. He's even helped Radical Terrorist States develop ICBMS and Nuclear Weapons.

So what do those three nations have in common?

Obama Bin Lying funded Civil Wars in each one of them and used ISLAMIC TERRORISTS against those Nation's Governments and the Terrorists Obama & Clinton back all have SWORN to ANNIHILATE ISRAEL.

Now, I don't know if Obama Bin Spying is The "Hidden Imam" in Islamic Mythology who wages wars in The Middle East to establish an Islamic Caliphate by Stealth, but he sure as phuck looks like every thing he did in The Middle East was for 1 purpose.....

To surround Israel with Hostile and Radical Enemies and To Strengthen Them.

I don't like Assad, but can you imagine if Obama went 3 for 3 on his REGIME CHANGE?

You'd have Al Queda Running Libya
You'd have The Muslim Brotherhood Running Egypt
And ISIS Running Syria

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And to continue on the them from the above post of mine, observe this map.
This is Obama Bin Lying's Legacy. He brought all of this about intentionally through his policies an funding regime change.
Congressman: 'I don't think' Assad is behind Syria attack

FINALLY a little common sense now lets hope MORE people wake the fuck up!
The Russian and or Syrian response was that a factory containing these chemicals was bombed and that this was the source of the chemicals.................... Well if that is true why is Syria making sarin gas? Face it, Syria did this, what motivates a retard, is another matter
Here is what


All have in common.

Obama Bin Lying IS A MUSLIM. There is no denying that. He was born a Muslim, and practiced the Muslim Faith, and has a Muslim name. You can argue about that if you want....but it doesn't matter. Let's just say he is not for the sake of argument. Look at his actions.

He is the First President in US History, not only to negotiate with Terrorists, but to use them to do regime change, and supply them with arms and money. He's even helped Radical Terrorist States develop ICBMS and Nuclear Weapons.

So what do those three nations have in common?

Obama Bin Lying funded Civil Wars in each one of them and used ISLAMIC TERRORISTS against those Nation's Governments and the Terrorists Obama & Clinton back all have SWORN to ANNIHILATE ISRAEL.

Now, I don't know if Obama Bin Spying is The "Hidden Imam" in Islamic Mythology who wages wars in The Middle East to establish an Islamic Caliphate by Stealth, but he sure as phuck looks like every thing he did in The Middle East was for 1 purpose.....

To surround Israel with Hostile and Radical Enemies and To Strengthen Them.

I don't like Assad, but can you imagine if Obama went 3 for 3 on his REGIME CHANGE?

You'd have Al Queda Running Libya
You'd have The Muslim Brotherhood Running Egypt
And ISIS Running Syria

Silly post...... :cuckoo: ... :lol:
Here is what


All have in common.

Obama Bin Lying IS A MUSLIM. There is no denying that. He was born a Muslim, and practiced the Muslim Faith, and has a Muslim name. You can argue about that if you want....but it doesn't matter. Let's just say he is not for the sake of argument. Look at his actions.

He is the First President in US History, not only to negotiate with Terrorists, but to use them to do regime change, and supply them with arms and money. He's even helped Radical Terrorist States develop ICBMS and Nuclear Weapons.

So what do those three nations have in common?

Obama Bin Lying funded Civil Wars in each one of them and used ISLAMIC TERRORISTS against those Nation's Governments and the Terrorists Obama & Clinton back all have SWORN to ANNIHILATE ISRAEL.

Now, I don't know if Obama Bin Spying is The "Hidden Imam" in Islamic Mythology who wages wars in The Middle East to establish an Islamic Caliphate by Stealth, but he sure as phuck looks like every thing he did in The Middle East was for 1 purpose.....

To surround Israel with Hostile and Radical Enemies and To Strengthen Them.

I don't like Assad, but can you imagine if Obama went 3 for 3 on his REGIME CHANGE?

You'd have Al Queda Running Libya
You'd have The Muslim Brotherhood Running Egypt
And ISIS Running Syria

Silly post...... :cuckoo: ... :lol:

Thanks for acknowledging that my analysis in 100% accurate.
You see, I happen to know your god.
He is called the Great Trickster.
The Deceiver
The Father of Lies.

You should read the Koran some time. It's a fascinating book about how a Liar became a god....

Do you want me to cite some verses from the Koran to prove this or would you just acknowledge it now?

allah commands you to lie. It is you duty as a muslim to lie to infidels.

But maybe...just maybe we can get you to tell the truth...


Wamakaroo wamakara Allahu waAllahu khayru al-makireena
Congressman: 'I don't think' Assad is behind Syria attack

FINALLY a little common sense now lets hope MORE people wake the fuck up!
The Russian and or Syrian response was that a factory containing these chemicals was bombed and that this was the source of the chemicals.................... Well if that is true why is Syria making sarin gas? Face it, Syria did this, what motivates a retard, is another matter
OK chickenhawk. Go on down to the closest recruiting office and tell them you wanna go fight in Syria....go on now...
Occam's Razor would suggest the simplest explanation was that the poison gas was Jihadi in origin and stockpiled at an ISIS ammo dump.

Assad attacked the ammo dump in an air strike and the gas was released due to damage to the poison gas containers stored in the ISIS ammo dump
Congressman: 'I don't think' Assad is behind Syria attack

FINALLY a little common sense now lets hope MORE people wake the fuck up!
The Russian and or Syrian response was that a factory containing these chemicals was bombed and that this was the source of the chemicals.................... Well if that is true why is Syria making sarin gas? Face it, Syria did this, what motivates a retard, is another matter
OK chickenhawk. Go on down to the closest recruiting office and tell them you wanna go fight in Syria....go on now...
Dork, if they can drop bombs on themselves, we can easily help them out..........

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