Congressmen tweeting out offers for federal job to Crooked Andrew McCabe in droves

I'm not looking up 18 U.S.C. statute. Since he's been fired his .gov time is gone. When he's 57 he will get the money he put into his retirement but if he gets hired at a .gov job his time starts all over. I doubt that he can be hired and I doubt he'll be able to get any kind of a security clearance. He was fired for cause. Being fired does void his retirement except for what he contributed.
I'm not looking up 18 U.S.C. statute. Since he's been fired his .gov time is gone. When he's 57 he will get the money he put into his retirement but if he gets hired at a .gov job his time starts all over. I doubt that he can be hired and I doubt he'll be able to get any kind of a security clearance. He was fired for cause. Being fired does void his retirement except for what he contributed.
Nope, that's not how it works.
You linked Whitewater.

The impeachment was about his behavior in the White House and more
specifically, lying about his behavior.

It had nothing to do with Whitewater.[/QUOTE]

except for the part where the whitewater special prosecutor borught charges, you're absolutely right
is this even legal? talk about collusion.

Rep. Jamie Raskin on Twitter
Why would it be illegal, exactly?

OPM which handles government employees will ban him from federal employment because he was fired for cause.

opm has nothing to do with congressional hires.
Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.

Investigation of what?

This isn't a buffet. You don't get to question a number of things until
you find a lie. You don't get a special counsel to find a crime.

If the investigation is for collusion then the questions will be limited
to collusion. If Mueller doesn't agree then he is forced to put Trump
before the Grand Jury He doesn't get to ask the questions then and
he cannot tell the Grand Jury that they have to ask trick questions trying
to find a lie because there is no collusion

WRONG WRONG AND WRONG AGAIN. You straight up do not know wtf you are talking about.

Clinton's impeachment was for lying about a blowjob, which was far far outside of what investigation was about.

Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia

Special council can pursue anything he happens to stumble into.
He beat the white water controversy, and then came a whole new case when the dress was found out about, and he was in trouble for sexual harassment of an intern who happen to be one Monica Lewinsky. When questioned he chose to lie about it.

Mueller was not authorized to go beyond collusion in a case in which the claim was that Trump wasn't being investigated, yet it has turned into a witch hunt in the attempt to politically assasinate Trump.

Dumbass the point was that special investigator ended up getting Clinton on completely different matter
The investigator didn't get after him on anything nor did he initiate the pursuit, because it was the accusers of Clinton commiting crimes is what caused the investigator's to look into the matters that were to be investigated.

The collusion charge has been debunked, and no further alledged credible accusers are bringing anything to the table or forward, but the investigator himself keeps trying to bring Trump down ??? Smells of a coup attempt to me, and luckily the players are dropping like flies getting swatted off a watermelon that everyone is finally tryin to enjoy in this new Trump economy.

......Whitewater special investigator ended up investigating completely unrelated WH blow jobs.

Read that sentence untill you understand very clearly that NO, there are no clear limits to the scope of what special investigator can investigate.
I'm not looking up 18 U.S.C. statute. Since he's been fired his .gov time is gone. When he's 57 he will get the money he put into his retirement but if he gets hired at a .gov job his time starts all over. I doubt that he can be hired and I doubt he'll be able to get any kind of a security clearance. He was fired for cause. Being fired does void his retirement except for what he contributed.
Nope, that's not how it works.
He doesn't work. He was fired for cause.
is this even legal? talk about collusion.

Rep. Jamie Raskin on Twitter
The Democrat Party has shown they are willing to be lawless in order to gain power back. Their corruption seems to know no bounds.

The Federal Government needs to step in, arrest all Democrat leaders and permanently outlaw the Party. They're long since been Socialists so they may as well be in the organization.

For now, disband the Democrats and throw leaders in jail.
is this even legal? talk about collusion.

Rep. Jamie Raskin on Twitter
The Democrat Party has shown they are willing to be lawless in order to gain power back. Their corruption seems to know no bounds.

The Federal Government needs to step in, arrest all Democrat leaders and permanently outlaw the Party. They're long since been Socialists so they may as well be in the organization.

For now, disband the Democrats and throw leaders in jail.

Yep, sounds totally lawful


Besides - Mueler, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe...are all Republicans.
I don’t understand. There are so many jobs out there already. He could be a carnival barker directing people to the sideshow freaks. His ability to lie would come in handy as he describes the bearded lady, or the cyclops available for twenty five cents a gander.
is this even legal? talk about collusion.

Rep. Jamie Raskin on Twitter
Why would it be illegal, exactly?

OPM which handles government employees will ban him from federal employment because he was fired for cause.

The OPM has nothing to do with Congressional employees. Whether he was fired for cause remains to be seen. I've seen vague words like candid used which has no legal meaning.

OPM handles all government employees including Congressman! They don't handle political appointees.
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.
He got fired.
That doesn't change what I said at all.

He can appeal it, but all the dirt will come out in his trial anyway!

Including the Trump dirt.

Why would Trump have any dirt relating to why McCabe got fired? Do you have a brain or is your head pressurized to keep your head from imploding?
Why would Trump have any dirt relating to why McCabe got fired? Do you have a brain or is your head pressurized to keep your head from imploding?

So your saying that Trumps Twitter rants over the last - what? - 6 to 9 months railing against McCabe and calling for him to be fired are based on not being informed.

Oh wait,

That's about right.

I'm not looking up 18 U.S.C. statute. Since he's been fired his .gov time is gone. When he's 57 he will get the money he put into his retirement but if he gets hired at a .gov job his time starts all over. I doubt that he can be hired and I doubt he'll be able to get any kind of a security clearance. He was fired for cause. Being fired does void his retirement except for what he contributed.

uh, no

thanks for playing
Investigation of what?

This isn't a buffet. You don't get to question a number of things until
you find a lie. You don't get a special counsel to find a crime.

If the investigation is for collusion then the questions will be limited
to collusion. If Mueller doesn't agree then he is forced to put Trump
before the Grand Jury He doesn't get to ask the questions then and
he cannot tell the Grand Jury that they have to ask trick questions trying
to find a lie because there is no collusion

WRONG WRONG AND WRONG AGAIN. You straight up do not know wtf you are talking about.

Clinton's impeachment was for lying about a blowjob, which was far far outside of what investigation was about.

Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia

Special council can pursue anything he happens to stumble into.
He beat the white water controversy, and then came a whole new case when the dress was found out about, and he was in trouble for sexual harassment of an intern who happen to be one Monica Lewinsky. When questioned he chose to lie about it.

Mueller was not authorized to go beyond collusion in a case in which the claim was that Trump wasn't being investigated, yet it has turned into a witch hunt in the attempt to politically assasinate Trump.

Dumbass the point was that special investigator ended up getting Clinton on completely different matter
The investigator didn't get after him on anything nor did he initiate the pursuit, because it was the accusers of Clinton commiting crimes is what caused the investigator's to look into the matters that were to be investigated.

The collusion charge has been debunked, and no further alledged credible accusers are bringing anything to the table or forward, but the investigator himself keeps trying to bring Trump down ??? Smells of a coup attempt to me, and luckily the players are dropping like flies getting swatted off a watermelon that everyone is finally tryin to enjoy in this new Trump economy.

......Whitewater special investigator ended up investigating completely unrelated WH blow jobs.

Read that sentence untill you understand very clearly that NO, there are no clear limits to the scope of what special investigator can investigate.
.The difference is that he didn't go looking for it... It came looking for him via Linda Tripp.

Now if someone turns an investigator on to a huge finding of illegal activity, should the investigator be charged to investigate the information per the proper authorities then broadening his powers in respect to the information that is presented ??

Who gave the investigator the extended powers to investigate what Linda Tripp had brought to bear in that specific case ??

Was the special council's powers broadened, and if so who broadened them ? Did they just use the council already in place instead of appointing another to investigate the information brought forth by Tripp ??

The rules are that the council can't go looking under rocks himself in an endless effort to find something if the original charge is done, but if someone comes forward with something altogether different, then he has to get permission to then investigate the information given him, but it must be called something unrelated to the case at hand if it is unrelated. Right ?

Otherwise was the investigation of Monica and Bill called "White Water" ? No it wasn't.

Mueller can't find anything on collusion, so he's attempting to broaden the scope to include unrelated items without revisiting the authorization process. This is what constitutes the title witch hunt.
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Why would Trump have any dirt relating to why McCabe got fired? Do you have a brain or is your head pressurized to keep your head from imploding?

So your saying that Trumps Twitter rants over the last - what? - 6 to 9 months railing against McCabe and calling for him to be fired are based on not being informed.

Oh wait,

That's about right.


Your reading skills suck. Try again!
Why would Trump have any dirt relating to why McCabe got fired? Do you have a brain or is your head pressurized to keep your head from imploding?

So your saying that Trumps Twitter rants over the last - what? - 6 to 9 months railing against McCabe and calling for him to be fired are based on not being informed.

Oh wait,

That's about right.


Your reading skills suck. Try again!


take your own advice, *rock*

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