Congressmen tweeting out offers for federal job to Crooked Andrew McCabe in droves

Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.
How would one knowingly know that, uh if there was no crime to obstruct to begin with ??

Knowingly know WHAT?

Trump asked Comey to let Flynn go (kill investigation) and when Comey refused he fired him.

If one provably caused the other Trump is guilty of Obstruction of Justice, it absolutely does not matter what Trump thought about Flynn commiting or not commiting perjury.
Then when Comey kept after Flynn (the innocent man)?

Moron, Flynn HAS ALREADY ADMITED GUILT, he lied to everyone and their mother about his dealings with Kyslyak re. sanctions.

What you are posting straight clown nonsence from alt-fact universe.
Tell us what he has admitted guilt for ?? Be specific and detailed.. Try not to get to to out on the limb.

I just told you dummy.

Just read his guilty plea.
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.
Whose idea was it to do that? Trump alone? What did McCabe do to qualify for such malice?
Ask his peers
It was his peers That made the recommendation
But you have a narrative. But god forbid if anyone tells ya any different.
News reports of incidents like this are usually convoluted and take several days to arrive anywhere near the truth, so I'm looking for fragments of information that might clarify what I've read and heard thus far. McCabe's loss of pension is an unusually harsh and malicious punitive effort and I'm curious to know what he did to provoke it.
I’m just guessing. if he with held information that Flynn was innocent would be be pretty serious

Another Trumptard here, you people live out on the moon.
Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.
How would one knowingly know that, uh if there was no crime to obstruct to begin with ??

Knowingly know WHAT?

Trump asked Comey to let Flynn go (kill investigation) and when Comey refused he fired him.

If one provably caused the other Trump is guilty of Obstruction of Justice, it absolutely does not matter what Trump thought about Flynn commiting or not commiting perjury.
Then when Comey kept after Flynn (the innocent man)?

Moron, Flynn HAS ALREADY ADMITED GUILT, he lied to everyone and their mother about his dealings with Kyslyak re. sanctions.

What you are posting straight clown nonsence from alt-fact universe.
Alt facts again..... you guys will lie about anything..

Stfu alt-fact pusher.

Flynn’s official admission of guilt is written in black and white, plain English.

How detached from reality can you fools get??

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Demon-crats gotta pay out that hush money now to Mcabe in the form of a pension ? Hope it breaks them eventually. They can barely raise any money now. We need a second special council, and that should begin the job of bankruptcy on the demon critters. Shumer sqealing like a pig when Trumps lawyer said enough of the bullcrap, it's time to end the sharade, just shows how desperate the swamp critters are to hold on to their bullcrap. Pathetic.

You are pathetic. Worth noting Democrat candidates are having no problems raising money. We don't need a second counsel.
I have a somewhat different view on this one. I've spent over fifty years protecting workers' jobs through the negotiated grievance procedure (including binding arbitration) and hearings before administrative law judges (ALJs) of the EEOC and Merit Systems Protection Board. Sadly, If the employee's dismissal is not quickly resolved through the negotiated grievance agreement an appeal to an arbitrator or ALJ can take months. When a worker is eventually reinstated that does not make him/her whole. Even if the employee is awarded full back pay that does not undo the months of suffering the worker's family endured without a steady income. I have seen firsthand the effects that this loss of income has on a worker's family. It is ugly and painful and I hate it.

I have the same problem with McCabe's firing. I have absolutely no sympathy for McCabe. If he spends the rest of his life in prison it will be his fault. The problem is that his loss of retirement will not have much effect on his own life if he does go to jail; however, it will have a tremendous impact on his wife and others who are dependent on his income.

For the record, I am convinced that McCabe was engaged in an illegal attempt to keep Trump from winning the election and he was also directly involved – if not totally in charge of – an “insurance policy” designed to have Trump removed from office. What McCabe did was reprehensible and he should be prosecuted. If he is convicted he deserves some serious jail time. In spite of all this, if the decision had been mine to make I would have let him retire. Letting the man go within a day of his retirement date is something I have never heard of. It makes those who fired him look vengeful and petty.

Many of you disagree with me and I accept that without challenge; however, the way I feel defines who I am and who I've always been. I have no desire to change.

I am convinced that you are cuckoo. McCabe did nothing that was illegal. He apparently didn't even voter in the election.
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.

It was the FBI that recommended his termination

FBI didn’t recommend he get no pension or appeal - that is 100% Trump who was clearly driving the attack on McCabe’s credibility because he is a major witness in obstruction case against Trump.
.No longer a credible witness for anyone, so the Demon-critters might as well move on to the next acme plan.

Dumbass, his testimony was in a long time ago. Before Trump screwed him.
Not a credible witness.

Who died and made you king? He is more than credible since he voted neither for Clinton or Trump.
I have a somewhat different view on this one. I've spent over fifty years protecting workers' jobs through the negotiated grievance procedure (including binding arbitration) and hearings before administrative law judges (ALJs) of the EEOC and Merit Systems Protection Board. Sadly, If the employee's dismissal is not quickly resolved through the negotiated grievance agreement an appeal to an arbitrator or ALJ can take months. When a worker is eventually reinstated that does not make him/her whole. Even if the employee is awarded full back pay that does not undo the months of suffering the worker's family endured without a steady income. I have seen firsthand the effects that this loss of income has on a worker's family. It is ugly and painful and I hate it.

I have the same problem with McCabe's firing. I have absolutely no sympathy for McCabe. If he spends the rest of his life in prison it will be his fault. The problem is that his loss of retirement will not have much effect on his own life if he does go to jail; however, it will have a tremendous impact on his wife and others who are dependent on his income.

For the record, I am convinced that McCabe was engaged in an illegal attempt to keep Trump from winning the election and he was also directly involved – if not totally in charge of – an “insurance policy” designed to have Trump removed from office. What McCabe did was reprehensible and he should be prosecuted. If he is convicted he deserves some serious jail time. In spite of all this, if the decision had been mine to make I would have let him retire. Letting the man go within a day of his retirement date is something I have never heard of. It makes those who fired him look vengeful and petty.

Many of you disagree with me and I accept that without challenge; however, the way I feel defines who I am and who I've always been. I have no desire to change.

Your problem is equating “feelings” and evidence based beliefs.

There is no evidence McCabe did anything illegal or that there was any grand conspiracy to prevent Trump from becoming president.

There's plenty of evidence, dirtbag.

There is no evidence dirtbag.
I applaud Democrats for offering to help McCabe get his retirement.
McCabe is highly qualified. I would hire him
. You would wouldn't you. And what does that say about your character after all that has been learned about Mcabe ?? That he would be a great swamp critter to fight your fight against republicans ?? He got caught you know.

You have as much character as dogshit. We have learned nothing about McCabe. Your accusations are based on nothing but your own paranoid fantasies.
is this even legal? talk about collusion.

Rep. Jamie Raskin on Twitter
Why would it be illegal, exactly?

it ought to be illegal. folks should get jobs based on their qualifications, not based on a desire to get revenge from President Trump

Why not? McCabe's firing was Trump's revenge. It would be poetic justice. I'd say stick that in your ear Trump..
So you are claiming the IG/OPR are corrupt?
You're a fucking idiot!!!!!!
President Trump had ZERO to do with McCabe's corruption.
McCabe was fired by Wray the day after Wray read the classified documents about McCabe hiding Hillary's corruption for a month after he knew about it just before the 2016 election.
I can't wait to see McCabe in a federal court trying to stay out of prison.
BTW. My 'sources' tell me McCabe is about to be charged with at least fifteen federal crimes.

Wray was kowtowing to Trump and nothing more. Your sources are people in looney bins.
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.
Whose idea was it to do that? Trump alone? What did McCabe do to qualify for such malice?
Ask his peers
It was his peers That made the recommendation
But you have a narrative. But god forbid if anyone tells ya any different.
News reports of incidents like this are usually convoluted and take several days to arrive anywhere near the truth, so I'm looking for fragments of information that might clarify what I've read and heard thus far. McCabe's loss of pension is an unusually harsh and malicious punitive effort and I'm curious to know what he did to provoke it.
I’m just guessing. if he with held information that Flynn was innocent would be be pretty serious

Another Trumptard here, you people live out on the moon.
As you've learned the more of a waste your life has become,the more aggressive you've became.
FBI didn’t recommend he get no pension or appeal - that is 100% Trump who was clearly driving the attack on McCabe’s credibility because he is a major witness in obstruction case against Trump.

If he is fired from his job for cause, he automatically loses his pension.

btw...For there to be obstruction there has to be a crime. Just exactly
what Crime has Donald Trump been accused of?

Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.

Investigation of what?

This isn't a buffet. You don't get to question a number of things until
you find a lie. You don't get a special counsel to find a crime.

If the investigation is for collusion then the questions will be limited
to collusion. If Mueller doesn't agree then he is forced to put Trump
before the Grand Jury He doesn't get to ask the questions then and
he cannot tell the Grand Jury that they have to ask trick questions trying
to find a lie because there is no collusion
Money Laundering

The list keeps growing
. Your mental illness keeps growing.. lol

It's Trump cultists like you that are mentally ill. That's why cult members have to be deprogrammed.
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.

It was the FBI that recommended his termination
It was actually the Inspector General and the Office of Personnel Responsibility. The IG and OPR both stated they believe that McCabe violated federal laws and the ethical standards of the FBI.. Sessions had no recourse but to fire McCabe when he was handed a referral for prosecution. Once the referral was given to Sessions his hands were tied, he had no other course of action..

Bullcrap. Apparently the IG report was rushed through. Sessions did it to appease Trump.
I have a somewhat different view on this one. I've spent over fifty years protecting workers' jobs through the negotiated grievance procedure (including binding arbitration) and hearings before administrative law judges (ALJs) of the EEOC and Merit Systems Protection Board. Sadly, If the employee's dismissal is not quickly resolved through the negotiated grievance agreement an appeal to an arbitrator or ALJ can take months. When a worker is eventually reinstated that does not make him/her whole. Even if the employee is awarded full back pay that does not undo the months of suffering the worker's family endured without a steady income. I have seen firsthand the effects that this loss of income has on a worker's family. It is ugly and painful and I hate it.

I have the same problem with McCabe's firing. I have absolutely no sympathy for McCabe. If he spends the rest of his life in prison it will be his fault. The problem is that his loss of retirement will not have much effect on his own life if he does go to jail; however, it will have a tremendous impact on his wife and others who are dependent on his income.

For the record, I am convinced that McCabe was engaged in an illegal attempt to keep Trump from winning the election and he was also directly involved – if not totally in charge of – an “insurance policy” designed to have Trump removed from office. What McCabe did was reprehensible and he should be prosecuted. If he is convicted he deserves some serious jail time. In spite of all this, if the decision had been mine to make I would have let him retire. Letting the man go within a day of his retirement date is something I have never heard of. It makes those who fired him look vengeful and petty.

Many of you disagree with me and I accept that without challenge; however, the way I feel defines who I am and who I've always been. I have no desire to change.

Your problem is equating “feelings” and evidence based beliefs.

There is no evidence McCabe did anything illegal or that there was any grand conspiracy to prevent Trump from becoming president.

There's plenty of evidence, dirtbag.

There is no evidence dirtbag.
There's plenty of evidence, dirtbag.
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.

It was the FBI that recommended his termination

FBI didn’t recommend he get no pension or appeal - that is 100% Trump who was clearly driving the attack on McCabe’s credibility because he is a major witness in obstruction case against Trump.

If he is fired from his job for cause, he automatically loses his pension.

btw...For there to be obstruction there has to be a crime. Just exactly
what Crime has Donald Trump been accused of?

Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.

You mean like Bill Clinton meeting secretly with the head of the DOJ while the Hillary investigation was going on?

That kind of Obstruction?

He was terminated, ie, fired. If he accepts another civil service job his time to retirement will start over.

No it doesn't. Civil Service time is cumulative. Doesn't matter that he was fired to get Stormy Daniels off the news cycle.

Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.

It was the FBI that recommended his termination

FBI didn’t recommend he get no pension or appeal - that is 100% Trump who was clearly driving the attack on McCabe’s credibility because he is a major witness in obstruction case against Trump.

If he is fired from his job for cause, he automatically loses his pension.

btw...For there to be obstruction there has to be a crime. Just exactly
what Crime has Donald Trump been accused of?

Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.

You mean like Bill Clinton meeting secretly with the head of the DOJ while the Hillary investigation was going on?

That kind of Obstruction?


No idiot, meeting in itself is not obstruction. Just like Trump meeting with Comey, the FBI director who president would not normally meet, is not in itself obstruction.
I have a somewhat different view on this one. I've spent over fifty years protecting workers' jobs through the negotiated grievance procedure (including binding arbitration) and hearings before administrative law judges (ALJs) of the EEOC and Merit Systems Protection Board. Sadly, If the employee's dismissal is not quickly resolved through the negotiated grievance agreement an appeal to an arbitrator or ALJ can take months. When a worker is eventually reinstated that does not make him/her whole. Even if the employee is awarded full back pay that does not undo the months of suffering the worker's family endured without a steady income. I have seen firsthand the effects that this loss of income has on a worker's family. It is ugly and painful and I hate it.

I have the same problem with McCabe's firing. I have absolutely no sympathy for McCabe. If he spends the rest of his life in prison it will be his fault. The problem is that his loss of retirement will not have much effect on his own life if he does go to jail; however, it will have a tremendous impact on his wife and others who are dependent on his income.

For the record, I am convinced that McCabe was engaged in an illegal attempt to keep Trump from winning the election and he was also directly involved – if not totally in charge of – an “insurance policy” designed to have Trump removed from office. What McCabe did was reprehensible and he should be prosecuted. If he is convicted he deserves some serious jail time. In spite of all this, if the decision had been mine to make I would have let him retire. Letting the man go within a day of his retirement date is something I have never heard of. It makes those who fired him look vengeful and petty.

Many of you disagree with me and I accept that without challenge; however, the way I feel defines who I am and who I've always been. I have no desire to change.

Your problem is equating “feelings” and evidence based beliefs.

There is no evidence McCabe did anything illegal or that there was any grand conspiracy to prevent Trump from becoming president.

There's plenty of evidence, dirtbag.

There is no evidence dirtbag.
There's plenty of evidence, dirtbag.

well then put it up, instead of paroting baselss assertions like the brianless tool you are.
Sessions and Trump just made McCabe a popular STAR (and soon to be rich).......Nonetheless, it should also be remembered that McCabe was the KEY FBI administrator throughout the Boston marathon bombing investigation.

Yep...and the key guy that ignored the warnings from the Russian government
that those two would cause trouble in America and he and the FBI did nothing
about the warnings.

uh, no

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