Congressmen tweeting out offers for federal job to Crooked Andrew McCabe in droves

There is no evidence McCabe did anything illegal

Of course not, that’s why the FBI recommended he be fired, because he did nothing wrong.

I am not even going to argue with your stupid ass today.

Hey stupid ass, do you know the difference between wrong and illegal?

If Sessions really felt there was a “candor” problem McCabe should be fired ASAP! for to not get a pension for 22 year service, then surely he should have resigned himself first for lying to Congress in his confirmation.

Trump was driving this, no doubt about it.
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is this even legal? talk about collusion.

Rep. Jamie Raskin on Twitter
Why would it be illegal, exactly?

it ought to be illegal. folks should get jobs based on their qualifications, not based on a desire to get revenge from President Trump

Moot point. McCabe is going to get his pension, and Trump and members of his family are going to prison. Jefferey Sessions, and other members of his cabinet, and Republicans in Congress will be sharing an entire cell block with them.

I don't know you magamites are going to deal with that reality when it happens. I just hope you don't give US Troop movement to the Russians for revenge. Ret. General Barry McCaffery, who is a Medal of Honor winner did state that Trump is now a danger to national security, so any of his magamite followers would certainly put our troops in harms way to get revenge for their messiah.
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.

It was the FBI that recommended his termination

FBI didn’t recommend he get no pension or appeal - that is 100% Trump who was clearly driving the attack on McCabe’s credibility because he is a major witness in obstruction case against Trump.

If he is fired from his job for cause, he automatically loses his pension.

btw...For there to be obstruction there has to be a crime. Just exactly
what Crime has Donald Trump been accused of?

Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.
He got fired.
That doesn't change what I said at all.
Yeah it really does. These Director type people in the Government serve at the pleasure if the Executive Branch. If the President doesn't think they are doing their job he can fire them Your issue is that the President is Trump.

Correction, if they have an "R" by their name they can be fired without due process, but not with a "D" by their name.

That is why Trump needs to be fired. No due process to prove anything, just elect Dims to Congress and let them impeach him.
They can impeach the entire Executive Branch and Clinton still wouldn't be President. The hatred of Trump is based solely on the fact that he had the audacity to win and deny Hillary her turn.
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.

It was the FBI that recommended his termination

FBI didn’t recommend he get no pension or appeal - that is 100% Trump who was clearly driving the attack on McCabe’s credibility because he is a major witness in obstruction case against Trump.

If he is fired from his job for cause, he automatically loses his pension.

btw...For there to be obstruction there has to be a crime. Just exactly
what Crime has Donald Trump been accused of?

Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.

April 10, 2016
Obama to Chris Wallace
“She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy,” . “What I also know is that there’s classified and then there’s classified. There’s stuff that is really top secret top secret, and then there’s stuff that is being presented to the president or the secretary of state that you may not want on the transom or going out over

“I continue to believe she has not jeopardized America’s national security,” “Now what I’ve also said, and she’s acknowledged, is there’s a carelessness in terms of managing emails that she has owned and she has owned and she recognizes. But I also think it is important to keep this in perspective. This is somebody who served her country for four years as Secretary of State and did an outstanding job.”

July 5, 2016
FBI Director James Comey statement on Clinton email investigation.
"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past."

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

I thought Obama was some type of Jedi lawyer warrior or something but Trump can offhandedly comment about an ongoing investigation and the left goes full on retard screaming obstructionism.
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.
He got fired.
That doesn't change what I said at all.
Yeah it really does. These Director type people in the Government serve at the pleasure if the Executive Branch. If the President doesn't think they are doing their job he can fire them Your issue is that the President is Trump.

Correction, if they have an "R" by their name they can be fired without due process, but not with a "D" by their name.

That is why Trump needs to be fired. No due process to prove anything, just elect Dims to Congress and let them impeach him.
They can impeach the entire Executive Branch and Clinton still wouldn't be President. The hatred of Trump is based solely on the fact that he had the audacity to win and deny Hillary her turn.
I call that BS ,,,,The hatred of Trump is as deep as it is is because he's a certified slime ball ,a lying pervert that the hypocrite evangelicals now support If he was a Dem these lying sacks of shit would be tearing their hair out
He got fired.
That doesn't change what I said at all.
Yeah it really does. These Director type people in the Government serve at the pleasure if the Executive Branch. If the President doesn't think they are doing their job he can fire them Your issue is that the President is Trump.

Correction, if they have an "R" by their name they can be fired without due process, but not with a "D" by their name.

That is why Trump needs to be fired. No due process to prove anything, just elect Dims to Congress and let them impeach him.
They can impeach the entire Executive Branch and Clinton still wouldn't be President. The hatred of Trump is based solely on the fact that he had the audacity to win and deny Hillary her turn.
I call that BS ,,,,The hatred of Trump is as deep as it is is because he's a certified slime ball ,a lying pervert that the hypocrite evangelicals now support If he was a Dem these lying sacks of shit would be tearing their hair out
Yeah you keep telling yourself that.
That doesn't change what I said at all.
Yeah it really does. These Director type people in the Government serve at the pleasure if the Executive Branch. If the President doesn't think they are doing their job he can fire them Your issue is that the President is Trump.

Correction, if they have an "R" by their name they can be fired without due process, but not with a "D" by their name.

That is why Trump needs to be fired. No due process to prove anything, just elect Dims to Congress and let them impeach him.
They can impeach the entire Executive Branch and Clinton still wouldn't be President. The hatred of Trump is based solely on the fact that he had the audacity to win and deny Hillary her turn.
I call that BS ,,,,The hatred of Trump is as deep as it is is because he's a certified slime ball ,a lying pervert that the hypocrite evangelicals now support If he was a Dem these lying sacks of shit would be tearing their hair out
Yeah you keep telling yourself that.
The truth and nothing but the truth so help me God
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.

It was the FBI that recommended his termination

FBI didn’t recommend he get no pension or appeal - that is 100% Trump who was clearly driving the attack on McCabe’s credibility because he is a major witness in obstruction case against Trump.

If he is fired from his job for cause, he automatically loses his pension.

btw...For there to be obstruction there has to be a crime. Just exactly
what Crime has Donald Trump been accused of?

Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.
How would one knowingly know that, uh if there was no crime to obstruct to begin with ??
That doesn't change what I said at all.
Yeah it really does. These Director type people in the Government serve at the pleasure if the Executive Branch. If the President doesn't think they are doing their job he can fire them Your issue is that the President is Trump.

Correction, if they have an "R" by their name they can be fired without due process, but not with a "D" by their name.

That is why Trump needs to be fired. No due process to prove anything, just elect Dims to Congress and let them impeach him.
They can impeach the entire Executive Branch and Clinton still wouldn't be President. The hatred of Trump is based solely on the fact that he had the audacity to win and deny Hillary her turn.
I call that BS ,,,,The hatred of Trump is as deep as it is is because he's a certified slime ball ,a lying pervert that the hypocrite evangelicals now support If he was a Dem these lying sacks of shit would be tearing their hair out
Yeah you keep telling yourself that.
Don't you just love the way that the Demon-crats keep calling Trump all sorts of names and stuff ?? It's flipping hilarious. The hypocrisy is amazing.
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.

It was the FBI that recommended his termination

FBI didn’t recommend he get no pension or appeal - that is 100% Trump who was clearly driving the attack on McCabe’s credibility because he is a major witness in obstruction case against Trump.

If he is fired from his job for cause, he automatically loses his pension.

btw...For there to be obstruction there has to be a crime. Just exactly
what Crime has Donald Trump been accused of?

Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.
How would one knowingly know that, uh if there was no crime to obstruct to begin with ??

Knowingly know WHAT?

Trump asked Comey to let Flynn go (kill investigation) and when Comey refused he fired him.

If one provably caused the other Trump is guilty of Obstruction of Justice, it absolutely does not matter what Trump thought about Flynn commiting or not commiting perjury.
is this even legal? talk about collusion.

Rep. Jamie Raskin on Twitter
Why would it be illegal, exactly?

it ought to be illegal. folks should get jobs based on their qualifications, not based on a desire to get revenge from President Trump

His firing was Trump revenge, Jesus H dotard batman.
So the FBI's IG and the FBI's OPR were secretly 'colluding' with Trump to fire McCabe? Makes perfect sense.
You need drug counselling pal.
Trump would have lost in court

Can’t wait for what McCabe has to tell
It was the FBI that recommended his termination

FBI didn’t recommend he get no pension or appeal - that is 100% Trump who was clearly driving the attack on McCabe’s credibility because he is a major witness in obstruction case against Trump.

If he is fired from his job for cause, he automatically loses his pension.

btw...For there to be obstruction there has to be a crime. Just exactly
what Crime has Donald Trump been accused of?

Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.
How would one knowingly know that, uh if there was no crime to obstruct to begin with ??

Knowingly know WHAT?

Trump asked Comey to let Flynn go (kill investigation) and when Comey refused he fired him.

If one provably caused the other Trump is guilty of Obstruction of Justice, it absolutely does not matter what Trump thought about Flynn commiting or not commiting perjury.
What obstruction are you referring too ?? Are you referring to Trump (in your mind) alledgedly obstructing justice by asking Comey to leave Flynn alone because he knew that Flynn was an innocent man ??

Then when Comey kept after Flynn (the innocent man), did Trump see it all as Comey lying to him about it after being told by Comey that he (Trump) wasn't under investigation ???........Otherwise Trump was told that he wasn't under investigation, so Trump figured that Comey would have left Flynn alone once he vouched for him and his innocense. So once Trump saw that Comey was conducting a witch hunt to get to him under false pretenses or false Russian collusion charges or allegations, and to do it by way of other Trump officials being threatened or harassed, (and Comey was lying about it all), Trump fired Comey ?
FBI didn’t recommend he get no pension or appeal - that is 100% Trump who was clearly driving the attack on McCabe’s credibility because he is a major witness in obstruction case against Trump.

If he is fired from his job for cause, he automatically loses his pension.

btw...For there to be obstruction there has to be a crime. Just exactly
what Crime has Donald Trump been accused of?

Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.
How would one knowingly know that, uh if there was no crime to obstruct to begin with ??

Knowingly know WHAT?

Trump asked Comey to let Flynn go (kill investigation) and when Comey refused he fired him.

If one provably caused the other Trump is guilty of Obstruction of Justice, it absolutely does not matter what Trump thought about Flynn commiting or not commiting perjury.
What obstruction are you referring too ?? Are you referring to Trump (in your mind) alledgedly obstructing justice by asking Comey to leave Flynn alone because he knew that Flynn was an innocent man ??

Then when Comey kept after Flynn (the innocent man), did Trump see it all as Comey lying to him about it after being told by Comey that he (Trump) wasn't under investigation ???........Otherwise Trump was told that he wasn't under investigation, so Trump figured that Comey would have left Flynn alone once he vouched for him and his innocense. So once Trump saw that Comey was conducting a witch hunt to get to him under false pretenses or false Russian collusion charges or allegations, and to do it by way of other Trump officials being threatened or harassed, (and Comey was lying about it all), Trump fired Comey ?
Flynn is not innocent

He has already plead guilty
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.

It was the FBI that recommended his termination

FBI didn’t recommend he get no pension or appeal - that is 100% Trump who was clearly driving the attack on McCabe’s credibility because he is a major witness in obstruction case against Trump.

If he is fired from his job for cause, he automatically loses his pension.

btw...For there to be obstruction there has to be a crime. Just exactly
what Crime has Donald Trump been accused of?

Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.

Investigation of what?

This isn't a buffet. You don't get to question a number of things until
you find a lie. You don't get a special counsel to find a crime.

If the investigation is for collusion then the questions will be limited
to collusion. If Mueller doesn't agree then he is forced to put Trump
before the Grand Jury He doesn't get to ask the questions then and
he cannot tell the Grand Jury that they have to ask trick questions trying
to find a lie because there is no collusion
Good for them...only scum would try to cut someone off from their pension just before they qualify with no due process.

It was the FBI that recommended his termination

FBI didn’t recommend he get no pension or appeal - that is 100% Trump who was clearly driving the attack on McCabe’s credibility because he is a major witness in obstruction case against Trump.

If he is fired from his job for cause, he automatically loses his pension.

btw...For there to be obstruction there has to be a crime. Just exactly
what Crime has Donald Trump been accused of?

Obstruction IS a crime. On it’s own. Without any underlying qualifications.

If you knowingly worked to obstruct investigation you are guilty, period.

Investigation of what?

This isn't a buffet. You don't get to question a number of things until
you find a lie. You don't get a special counsel to find a crime.

If the investigation is for collusion then the questions will be limited
to collusion. If Mueller doesn't agree then he is forced to put Trump
before the Grand Jury He doesn't get to ask the questions then and
he cannot tell the Grand Jury that they have to ask trick questions trying
to find a lie because there is no collusion
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