Congresswoman whose district covers El Paso say's Trump is not welcome in El Paso

The President of the United States has been told he's not welcome in an American city by an elected official.

Way to make a call for unity ! Unfuckingbelievable.

Texas House rep says Trump not welcome in El Paso after shooting

The Texas congresswoman who represents El Paso on Monday said President Trump is not welcome in her district as the community mourns the death of 20 people following a mass shooting Saturday.

“From my perspective he [Trump] is not welcome here. He should not come here while we are in mourning,” Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas) said in an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.

The El Paso shooter allegedly wrote a white nationalist manifesto ahead of his attack in the community near the border with Mexico, and many Democrats have pointed to the president's rhetoric as encouraging violence.
Escobar said it is “probably unfair” to say the shooter came to El Paso as a result of Trump holding a rally in the city, but she said Trump needs to reflect on his words and actions at rallies that could be encouraging violent attacks such as the Saturday shooting.

trump would only go to gloat anyway. up to support his boy.
El Paso is considered to be one of the safest cities in the USA. The person who did the shooting at the Wal Mart is actually from Dallas. He drove 10 hours from Dallas to El Paso, and when he got there that morning, he started his shooting spree. No, the person who did the shooting in El Paso wasn't from there.

Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

Until he fired the first round, he was considered a law abiding citizen. This is Texas. His rampage only lasted 45 seconds. Now, that's a pretty good response rate of stopping him, I would say. Since it is Texas, I can bet that there were at least 10 armed citizens in the mix but not a single one pulled out that old hogleg and fired back. For those of you that have never been under fire, you won't understand why. Citizens with guns are usually more dangerous to themselves and others around them than they are the bad guy. And when faced with an AR with a 100 round mag (that hasn't jammed like Aurora) that's a lot of firepower and maybe just saving your own bacon is very high on your list of things to do that day.

They were all chickenshit mexicans.
They wont fight for their homeland so what makes you think they'd fight for their countrymen?
El Paso is considered to be one of the safest cities in the USA. The person who did the shooting at the Wal Mart is actually from Dallas. He drove 10 hours from Dallas to El Paso, and when he got there that morning, he started his shooting spree. No, the person who did the shooting in El Paso wasn't from there.

Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

The city itself is very safe. It's only when nutjobs from other cities decide they don't like brown people. He drove all night, and interestingly enough, he didn't choose the Wal Mart ahead of time, he simply stopped there because he was hungry and wanted something to eat. When he saw all the Hispanic people in the store, he went back out, got his gun out of the car, and then went back inside and shot up the place. Considering that the police were there in less than 60 seconds (thanks for the info Daryl Hunt), I'd say that their response time was pretty freaking good.

And, how exactly would they have been able to stop him before the shooting? Unless he did something that would get him pulled over, there would have been no reason to stop his car and search it. Unless, of course, you believe we should live in a police state and sacrifice freedom for security. There was nothing prior that would have put him under watch.
She's Mexican and sees herself as a mexican citizen and leader.

She is an American Congressperson. Notice the emphasis on American. And it's a free country no matter how bad you want to curtail other's right of speech when they don't agree with you and they speak out. You honestly think you are the only ones that have the right to make really stupid comments?

I'd say she is an un-American Congresschick. It would be the same if the Governor of Texas had told Obama to stay off his turf during the Obama Regime.

Of course, he didn't.

But I guess the rules have changed, eh?

One difference, Obama was more welcome across the nation than Trump is. And there is nothing unamerican about her expressing her personal opinion. So now you want to censor her and all the others on that side of the fence? You had better have a lot of black vans, black Choppers, Machine guns, and prison camps ready and willing.

Obozo loved? Sure. Like that military funeral he was TOLD by the parents to stay away from because they and their son didn't want that POS there? But he showed up anyway, took a photo and left. You defend an Un-American Congressperson's right to free speech, but want to deny Trump the same. Remember, it's a free country and no matter how much you bitch and cry, Trump will be your President until 2024.

You still don't get it. A President is not a normal Person and should never be treated as such. And a President should NEVER forget that. The President has standards that he has to hold himself to that are far above what you and I do. Oh, all Presidents slip up once in awhile (GWB and Bill are two examples). But at the end of the day they go back to the high standards demanded of a President. Sorry, no more free rides. Trump did sound Presidential yesterday and I gave him credit for it. But to give him a whole series of free rides like you want just ain't going to happen.

We aren't talking about Obama. Last time I checked, he termed out. We are talking about Trump. And no, we aren't talking about Hillary either. Try talking about this without bringing up Obama, Bill or Hillary. Bet you can't without having your head explode. If I supported Trump as hard as you do with his normal day to day actions my head certainly would explode.

Exactly. A president is NOT a normal citizen. Not only should they act presidential, but I also expect them to be fairly well versed in world events as well as have a decent vocabulary. The only time Trump sounds presidential is when he is smart enough to read the teleprompter and not throw in his own brand of bullshit.

Too bad he didn't know that the shooting happened in Dayton, and not Toledo as he said in his teleprompter speech. (Yeah, I know, I just gave the Trumpkins an excuse as to why he said Toledo).
If hate equals violence then all the liberal hate out there just perpetuates it. Trump nothing to do with any mass shootings.
El Paso is considered to be one of the safest cities in the USA. The person who did the shooting at the Wal Mart is actually from Dallas. He drove 10 hours from Dallas to El Paso, and when he got there that morning, he started his shooting spree. No, the person who did the shooting in El Paso wasn't from there.

Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

The city itself is very safe. It's only when nutjobs from other cities decide they don't like brown people. He drove all night, and interestingly enough, he didn't choose the Wal Mart ahead of time, he simply stopped there because he was hungry and wanted something to eat. When he saw all the Hispanic people in the store, he went back out, got his gun out of the car, and then went back inside and shot up the place. Considering that the police were there in less than 60 seconds (thanks for the info Daryl Hunt), I'd say that their response time was pretty freaking good.

And, how exactly would they have been able to stop him before the shooting? Unless he did something that would get him pulled over, there would have been no reason to stop his car and search it. Unless, of course, you believe we should live in a police state and sacrifice freedom for security. There was nothing prior that would have put him under watch.
El Paso is a dangerous motherfucking place.
El Paso is considered to be one of the safest cities in the USA. The person who did the shooting at the Wal Mart is actually from Dallas. He drove 10 hours from Dallas to El Paso, and when he got there that morning, he started his shooting spree. No, the person who did the shooting in El Paso wasn't from there.

Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

The city itself is very safe. It's only when nutjobs from other cities decide they don't like brown people. He drove all night, and interestingly enough, he didn't choose the Wal Mart ahead of time, he simply stopped there because he was hungry and wanted something to eat. When he saw all the Hispanic people in the store, he went back out, got his gun out of the car, and then went back inside and shot up the place. Considering that the police were there in less than 60 seconds (thanks for the info Daryl Hunt), I'd say that their response time was pretty freaking good.

And, how exactly would they have been able to stop him before the shooting? Unless he did something that would get him pulled over, there would have been no reason to stop his car and search it. Unless, of course, you believe we should live in a police state and sacrifice freedom for security. There was nothing prior that would have put him under watch.
El Paso is a dangerous motherfucking place.

Very low crime rate.
El Paso is considered to be one of the safest cities in the USA. The person who did the shooting at the Wal Mart is actually from Dallas. He drove 10 hours from Dallas to El Paso, and when he got there that morning, he started his shooting spree. No, the person who did the shooting in El Paso wasn't from there.

Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

The city itself is very safe. It's only when nutjobs from other cities decide they don't like brown people. He drove all night, and interestingly enough, he didn't choose the Wal Mart ahead of time, he simply stopped there because he was hungry and wanted something to eat. When he saw all the Hispanic people in the store, he went back out, got his gun out of the car, and then went back inside and shot up the place. Considering that the police were there in less than 60 seconds (thanks for the info Daryl Hunt), I'd say that their response time was pretty freaking good.

And, how exactly would they have been able to stop him before the shooting? Unless he did something that would get him pulled over, there would have been no reason to stop his car and search it. Unless, of course, you believe we should live in a police state and sacrifice freedom for security. There was nothing prior that would have put him under watch.
El Paso is a dangerous motherfucking place.

No it's not. Here, educate yourself.......................

State of the Union: Facts show Trump wrong to say El Paso dangerous city until fence

Trump said El Paso had a high crime rate before the fence was constructed and that the rate of crime dropped substantially after it was completed.

That was not the case.

The number of violent crimes reported in El Paso before and after construction of the fence can be calculated by combining data from the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office and the El Paso Policy Department that is available through Uniform Crime Reports from the FBI.

Looking broadly at the past 30 years, the rate of violent crime reached its peak in 1993, when more than 6,500 violent crimes were recorded.

But between 1996 and 2006, the number of violent crimes reported by law enforcement fell by more than 34 percent and less than 2,700 crimes were reported.
The President of the United States has been told he's not welcome in an American city by an elected official.

Way to make a call for unity ! Unfuckingbelievable.

Texas House rep says Trump not welcome in El Paso after shooting

The Texas congresswoman who represents El Paso on Monday said President Trump is not welcome in her district as the community mourns the death of 20 people following a mass shooting Saturday.

“From my perspective he [Trump] is not welcome here. He should not come here while we are in mourning,” Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas) said in an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.

The El Paso shooter allegedly wrote a white nationalist manifesto ahead of his attack in the community near the border with Mexico, and many Democrats have pointed to the president's rhetoric as encouraging violence.
Escobar said it is “probably unfair” to say the shooter came to El Paso as a result of Trump holding a rally in the city, but she said Trump needs to reflect on his words and actions at rallies that could be encouraging violent attacks such as the Saturday shooting.
Actually, what is unbelievable is that there are assdfucks like you who deny thew hate that Trump spews.
How about El Paso residents(legal and illegal) are not welcome here?
If Trump thinks he is not welcome in El Paso, he should walk across the border into Juarez
El Paso is considered to be one of the safest cities in the USA. The person who did the shooting at the Wal Mart is actually from Dallas. He drove 10 hours from Dallas to El Paso, and when he got there that morning, he started his shooting spree. No, the person who did the shooting in El Paso wasn't from there.

Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

The city itself is very safe. It's only when nutjobs from other cities decide they don't like brown people. He drove all night, and interestingly enough, he didn't choose the Wal Mart ahead of time, he simply stopped there because he was hungry and wanted something to eat. When he saw all the Hispanic people in the store, he went back out, got his gun out of the car, and then went back inside and shot up the place. Considering that the police were there in less than 60 seconds (thanks for the info Daryl Hunt), I'd say that their response time was pretty freaking good.

And, how exactly would they have been able to stop him before the shooting? Unless he did something that would get him pulled over, there would have been no reason to stop his car and search it. Unless, of course, you believe we should live in a police state and sacrifice freedom for security. There was nothing prior that would have put him under watch.
El Paso is a dangerous motherfucking place.

Very low crime rate.

not at all.

In actuality, El Paso has a higher crime rate than 69.9% of American cities.
El Paso is considered to be one of the safest cities in the USA. The person who did the shooting at the Wal Mart is actually from Dallas. He drove 10 hours from Dallas to El Paso, and when he got there that morning, he started his shooting spree. No, the person who did the shooting in El Paso wasn't from there.

Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

The city itself is very safe. It's only when nutjobs from other cities decide they don't like brown people. He drove all night, and interestingly enough, he didn't choose the Wal Mart ahead of time, he simply stopped there because he was hungry and wanted something to eat. When he saw all the Hispanic people in the store, he went back out, got his gun out of the car, and then went back inside and shot up the place. Considering that the police were there in less than 60 seconds (thanks for the info Daryl Hunt), I'd say that their response time was pretty freaking good.

And, how exactly would they have been able to stop him before the shooting? Unless he did something that would get him pulled over, there would have been no reason to stop his car and search it. Unless, of course, you believe we should live in a police state and sacrifice freedom for security. There was nothing prior that would have put him under watch.
El Paso is a dangerous motherfucking place.

Very low crime rate.

not at all.

In actuality, El Paso has a higher crime rate than 69.9% of American cities.
Seems pretty average for a major city
Crime rate has dropped in half since 2000

El Paso doesn’t even rank in the top 20 most dangerous cities in Texas

20 Most Dangerous Cities In Texas
Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

The city itself is very safe. It's only when nutjobs from other cities decide they don't like brown people. He drove all night, and interestingly enough, he didn't choose the Wal Mart ahead of time, he simply stopped there because he was hungry and wanted something to eat. When he saw all the Hispanic people in the store, he went back out, got his gun out of the car, and then went back inside and shot up the place. Considering that the police were there in less than 60 seconds (thanks for the info Daryl Hunt), I'd say that their response time was pretty freaking good.

And, how exactly would they have been able to stop him before the shooting? Unless he did something that would get him pulled over, there would have been no reason to stop his car and search it. Unless, of course, you believe we should live in a police state and sacrifice freedom for security. There was nothing prior that would have put him under watch.
El Paso is a dangerous motherfucking place.

Very low crime rate.

not at all.

In actuality, El Paso has a higher crime rate than 69.9% of American cities.
Seems pretty average for a major city
Crime rate has dropped in half since 2000

El Paso isn't Chicago or Baltimore, but it still isn't crime-free. The "City Data" report indicated that out of nearby cities to El Paso, only Las Cruces has a higher crime rate
Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

The city itself is very safe. It's only when nutjobs from other cities decide they don't like brown people. He drove all night, and interestingly enough, he didn't choose the Wal Mart ahead of time, he simply stopped there because he was hungry and wanted something to eat. When he saw all the Hispanic people in the store, he went back out, got his gun out of the car, and then went back inside and shot up the place. Considering that the police were there in less than 60 seconds (thanks for the info Daryl Hunt), I'd say that their response time was pretty freaking good.

And, how exactly would they have been able to stop him before the shooting? Unless he did something that would get him pulled over, there would have been no reason to stop his car and search it. Unless, of course, you believe we should live in a police state and sacrifice freedom for security. There was nothing prior that would have put him under watch.
El Paso is a dangerous motherfucking place.

Very low crime rate.

not at all.

In actuality, El Paso has a higher crime rate than 69.9% of American cities.
Seems pretty average for a major city
Crime rate has dropped in half since 2000

El Paso doesn’t even rank in the top 20 most dangerous cities in Texas

20 Most Dangerous Cities In Texas
Goddamn illegals are ruining Texas.
Yet the El Paso police were unable to protect or serve their community by stopping this horrible man from bringing his big gun and all that ammunition and other things into town and using them to assault the oooulation. Still doesn’t sound like a very safe place to me. ;)

The city itself is very safe. It's only when nutjobs from other cities decide they don't like brown people. He drove all night, and interestingly enough, he didn't choose the Wal Mart ahead of time, he simply stopped there because he was hungry and wanted something to eat. When he saw all the Hispanic people in the store, he went back out, got his gun out of the car, and then went back inside and shot up the place. Considering that the police were there in less than 60 seconds (thanks for the info Daryl Hunt), I'd say that their response time was pretty freaking good.

And, how exactly would they have been able to stop him before the shooting? Unless he did something that would get him pulled over, there would have been no reason to stop his car and search it. Unless, of course, you believe we should live in a police state and sacrifice freedom for security. There was nothing prior that would have put him under watch.
El Paso is a dangerous motherfucking place.

Very low crime rate.

not at all.

In actuality, El Paso has a higher crime rate than 69.9% of American cities.
Seems pretty average for a major city
Crime rate has dropped in half since 2000

El Paso doesn’t even rank in the top 20 most dangerous cities in Texas

20 Most Dangerous Cities In Texas
Who’s gonna report a crime when Juarez gangs will kill you.
The President of the United States has been told he's not welcome in an American city by an elected official.

Way to make a call for unity ! Unfuckingbelievable.

Texas House rep says Trump not welcome in El Paso after shooting

The Texas congresswoman who represents El Paso on Monday said President Trump is not welcome in her district as the community mourns the death of 20 people following a mass shooting Saturday.

“From my perspective he [Trump] is not welcome here. He should not come here while we are in mourning,” Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas) said in an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.

The El Paso shooter allegedly wrote a white nationalist manifesto ahead of his attack in the community near the border with Mexico, and many Democrats have pointed to the president's rhetoric as encouraging violence.
Escobar said it is “probably unfair” to say the shooter came to El Paso as a result of Trump holding a rally in the city, but she said Trump needs to reflect on his words and actions at rallies that could be encouraging violent attacks such as the Saturday shooting.
Actually, what is unbelievable is that there are assdfucks like you who deny thew hate that Trump spews.
How about El Paso residents(legal and illegal) are not welcome here?
Sorry, but it is people like Trump that are not welcomed in America. We do not need bigots & hate spewers.

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