Cons, please explain Trump's grocery stores comment

feck'em , they all Asked , Begged and APPLIED for their jobs and then YOU agree to put your life in their hands Lesh .
feck'em , they all Asked , Begged and APPLIED for their jobs Lesh .
So that's the Trumper response to millions of your fellow Americans getting screwed by Trump's nonsense?

"Feck em"?

High end grocery stores deliver the comestibles to domestic staff, who have called the order in, in advance. The bills are paid monthly.

In this scenario, the grocery stores could easily grant a month's leeway.

But for people who spend their time in the checkout lines, I don't see any easy way for the grocers to accommodate this short-term "crisis."

OTOH, workers in the Real World who earn salaries on the order of magnitude of Federal GS employees, have either savings or other debt resources that can cover this inconvenience. Don't forget, the average wage for a Fed is nearing six digits, and like all Americans, the vast majority of Fed households have two (2) incomes.

While there is no doubt that some of them are put at hardship by this, they are in a small minority, and the Media seeks out for coverage those who are most dramatically affected, in their continuing campaign to reverse the results of the 2016 election.
Trump did not obtain a mandate for a wall. The dems actually GAINED congressional seats in 2016, and he's now lost the House.
maybe these 'federal' workers and others will smarten up and start living within their means . Plus they should put away some money for future catastrophe and i advise easily accessed cash under the mattress or in a sock plus always use cash when a person spends money . I learned that from my Parents who raised , fed and took care of 5 kids and we lived pretty good in a very desirable area of the USA with full bellies and this way of living was attained by my DAD the single wage earner plus we kids all had good teeth and health . My Parents learned how to run THEIR economy from my Grandparents who also had one wage earner named Grandpa in the family of 3 kids and my Grandmother .
I have been the sole wage earner when married and raising kids yet no one likes to work for free...Even if you do get paid later your life is set up to the pay period and to be fair no man or woman should have to work for gratis only when the original agreement was a pay period on a certain date.
The spoiled Federal workers are simply facing the reality that millions of their fellow citizens face and have gone through. They're the ones out of touch.
Air traffic workers caused shut downs at Laguardia and other airports Trump is the biggest POS ever to enter out WH
maybe these 'federal' workers and others will smarten up and start living within their means . Plus they should put away some money for future catastrophe and i advise easily accessed cash under the mattress or in a sock plus always use cash when a person spends money . I learned that from my Parents who raised , fed and took care of 5 kids and we lived pretty good in a very desirable area of the USA with full bellies and this way of living was attained by my DAD the single wage earner plus we kids all had good teeth and health . My Parents learned how to run THEIR economy from my Grandparents who also had one wage earner named Grandpa in the family of 3 kids and my Grandmother .
I have been the sole wage earner when married and raising kids yet no one likes to work for free...Even if you do get paid later your life is set up to the pay period and to be fair no man or woman should have to work for gratis only when the original agreement was a pay period on a certain date.
The spoiled Federal workers are simply facing the reality that millions of their fellow citizens face and have gone through. They're the ones out of touch.
Those "spoiled Federal workers" are no different than most of us...working their butts off and trying to get by.

Air Traffic Controllers for example do a high stress job...with thousands of OUR lives on the line...and in NORMAL times work 10 hoiur days , 6 days a week.
Yep, Federal workers are experiencing what every other worker has experienced. Welcome to reality. Go bite a pillow in solidarity with them.
maybe these 'federal' workers and others will smarten up and start living within their means . Plus they should put away some money for future catastrophe and i advise easily accessed cash under the mattress or in a sock plus always use cash when a person spends money . I learned that from my Parents who raised , fed and took care of 5 kids and we lived pretty good in a very desirable area of the USA with full bellies and this way of living was attained by my DAD the single wage earner plus we kids all had good teeth and health . My Parents learned how to run THEIR economy from my Grandparents who also had one wage earner named Grandpa in the family of 3 kids and my Grandmother .
I have been the sole wage earner when married and raising kids yet no one likes to work for free...Even if you do get paid later your life is set up to the pay period and to be fair no man or woman should have to work for gratis only when the original agreement was a pay period on a certain date.
The spoiled Federal workers are simply facing the reality that millions of their fellow citizens face and have gone through. They're the ones out of touch.
Air traffic workers caused shut downs at Laguardia and other airports Trump is the biggest POS ever to enter out WH
What about President Reagan? He's the POS that really busted their gang.
Billionaires are rich bitches that get everything done for them so all they have to do is sit on the shitter and Twitter...They don't get that lower class jibe about having to shop and clean for oneself and what it entails.
my only concern over this crisis is being able to buy watermelon! i have to eat my watermelon on a daily basis! and god forbid any of my local grocers run out !!!:tongue-44:

You gotta find the cocos frios guy on the side of the road. They always got the best fruit.
maybe these 'federal' workers and others will smarten up and start living within their means . Plus they should put away some money for future catastrophe and i advise easily accessed cash under the mattress or in a sock plus always use cash when a person spends money . I learned that from my Parents who raised , fed and took care of 5 kids and we lived pretty good in a very desirable area of the USA with full bellies and this way of living was attained by my DAD the single wage earner plus we kids all had good teeth and health . My Parents learned how to run THEIR economy from my Grandparents who also had one wage earner named Grandpa in the family of 3 kids and my Grandmother .
I have been the sole wage earner when married and raising kids yet no one likes to work for free...Even if you do get paid later your life is set up to the pay period and to be fair no man or woman should have to work for gratis only when the original agreement was a pay period on a certain date.
---------------------------------------- yeah well , such is life but after this time period maybe some people will SMARTEN up as there are NO guarantees of anything Moonglow .
Like hell there is no guarantees in life and you know what it is..
I have to disagree that federal workers are experiencing the same thing private sector workers have experienced. When private sector workers lose their job or are laid off, they are not forced to continue working that job without pay.
Yep, Federal workers are experiencing what every other worker has experienced. Welcome to reality. Go bite a pillow in solidarity with them.

We all get forced to work for no pay for months at a time?

Yesterday Donald Trump said that banks and grocery stores would "work along" with furloughed federal workers.
Trump: Local businesses such as grocery stores will 'work along' with feds during shutdown
I understand the bank part. Maybe they will give workers low interest loans.
But can you explain what grocery stores will do?

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The fact that any bank would give a person who isn’t working a loan is just retarded. Just look at that a minute the stupid will present itself. “Im not working, I know, I’ll take out a loan!” Said no smart person ever. These dregs are allegedly adults. Let them do what everyone else had to do in the non government work force when they were out of work.

Actually a bank would be stupid not to give them a loan. They have already passed the bill guaranteeing the Fed employees will get all their back pay when this is over, so it is about as safe as loan as you can hand out. Low risk and make a little extra on for the banks
I'm thinking more on Ross's comment. I really don't know what % of gummmit workers who have jobs, but aren't getting paid, are eligible for loans from federal credit unions. Ross is a jerk in real life, but he may actually have a valid point.
Yesterday Donald Trump said that banks and grocery stores would "work along" with furloughed federal workers.
Trump: Local businesses such as grocery stores will 'work along' with feds during shutdown
I understand the bank part. Maybe they will give workers low interest loans.
But can you explain what grocery stores will do?

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The fact that any bank would give a person who isn’t working a loan is just retarded. Just look at that a minute the stupid will present itself. “Im not working, I know, I’ll take out a loan!” Said no smart person ever. These dregs are allegedly adults. Let them do what everyone else had to do in the non government work force when they were out of work.

Actually a bank would be stupid not to give them a loan. They have already passed the bill guaranteeing the Fed employees will get all their back pay when this is over, so it is about as safe as loan as you can hand out. Low risk and make a little extra on for the banks
And furloughed workers have successfully sued the govt for econ damages in the past. And they should. If they are forced to pay interest just to pay bills when the gummit refuses to pay them ....
maybe these 'federal' workers and others will smarten up and start living within their means . Plus they should put away some money for future catastrophe and i advise easily accessed cash under the mattress or in a sock plus always use cash when a person spends money . I learned that from my Parents who raised , fed and took care of 5 kids and we lived pretty good in a very desirable area of the USA with full bellies and this way of living was attained by my DAD the single wage earner plus we kids all had good teeth and health . My Parents learned how to run THEIR economy from my Grandparents who also had one wage earner named Grandpa in the family of 3 kids and my Grandmother .
I have been the sole wage earner when married and raising kids yet no one likes to work for free...Even if you do get paid later your life is set up to the pay period and to be fair no man or woman should have to work for gratis only when the original agreement was a pay period on a certain date.
The spoiled Federal workers are simply facing the reality that millions of their fellow citizens face and have gone through. They're the ones out of touch.
Air traffic workers caused shut downs at Laguardia and other airports Trump is the biggest POS ever to enter out WH
What about President Reagan? He's the POS that really busted their gang.
What is your view on the state of our country if all air traffic people walk out ? Think trump can fire them all? It's hurting us now Anymore and the shit hits the fan and let me repeat ,,Trump is a complete AH

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