Conservatism Run Amok

Is America more or less conservative now than in the past? Would think with a Democrat for President, less. And yet, tv reflects where the nation is ideologically. Take "Happy Days" (1974-1984.) Very first episode, and in some manner, every episode thereafter, the lead character 'The Fonz' unhooks a teenaged girl's bra with a snap of his fingers. Try showing that today. Parents would chase you up the nearest tree and set fire to it. But back then, it was 'cool.'

If the 1950s were so clean cut, how do we explain "Happy Days?" In the same period, (1977-1981) we also had "Eight Is Enough." And "Laverne & Shirley" (1976–1983) whose opening credits show a guy giving himself a hickey with a vaccum cleaner. Sex obsessed if you ask me.

Conservatives can't seem to give a speech these days without invoking the phrase, "Return to family values." Which family's values? The one with 8 kids, or the one where they're all trying to get each other naked? Not then, but further back you say? Oh like "Leave It to Beaver " (1958–1963) where 'Beaver' finds an antique pipe and with his friend Lumpy they smoke it? Or the one about the older son 'Wally' shaving, getting caught, and then getting a shave at the barber shop with his father as some kind of 'scared straight' lesson (barber mentions quietly to his father he's only shaving off the shaving cream.) That's the 50s idea of a controversial subject? Or the one showing the wife in full going-out regalia happy vaccuming the house? As an aside, why do those sorta commercials, and even ones today show women all dressed up to do housework, and show them smiling away like they couldn't be happier about it?

If conservatives want traditional family values, we should begin by asking them what it is they want to return to exactly? Women to be sex objects to be manipulated into undressing or being happy housewives, where everyone smokes, everyone drinks, and everyone's married and the wife couldn't be happier about getting all dressed up before cleaning the house?

Those family values?

I have not heard a family values speech from a conservative in years. That is, except for Palin. But she does not count due to her trailer park sensibilities. She is a fucking nut.

I am not saying that there are no conservatives out there advocating family values, just that I am not hearing it. I suspect that the RNC has decided to not push that part of their platform so hard. There may be some evangelicals harping on it. But, I kind of just tune them out. I am much more concerned with fiscal policy and national security matters.

People like Delta and me do not want others passing judgment on what we do behind closed doors. You have no authority or mandate to influence or control what Delta and I, two consenting adults, decide to do. For example, Delta and I may decide that we would like to grease each other up and then give each other a nice, relaxing massage. Maybe someone gets erect during the massage....a completely involuntary biological thing. It is just being a bro and doing a solid to take care of it for the other. It does not mean that Delta and I are gay; it just means that we are confident enough in who we are as men that we can give a handy J to each other and not feel weird about it.

Delta and I are not uptight about this shit like most of you are. We both know that 2 dudes can hang and have a meaningful political discussion, even if we have fingers inserted in each other during the discussion. That does not matter. It has no bearing on anything. The whole "family values" thing is misplaced in a political discussion.

Lighten up!

I don't care if people wanna make judgement calls, go right ahead. My caring begins when judgement calls go from personal opinions and stated positions to legislation.

As to the rest...Wow I'm flattered you think about me like that. :)
Do progressives really think the sit-com "happy days" was real? Do pop-culture educated liberals actually think about anything but pop-culture? Wouldn't it be nice to go back to the days before LBJ's abomination of a failed "war on poverty" when Black families were intact and the out of wedlock birth rate among Blacks wasn't 75%? Do racist white elite progressives even care about what happened to the Black family since LBJ's "great society"? They treat Blacks as if they were still on the plantation and needed to be cared for by democrats.
The problem with progressives is that they rely on cliches and hollywood sit-coms for their sense of history. It's interesting that democrats never use the phrase "family values" because they have none. What's the opposite of family values in the brave new world of liberalism? I shudder to think about it.

Considering the lies and hypocrisy from RW "family values" politicians and bible thumpers, that is really DAMN funny.

Good for you for having a sense of humor.
Is America more or less conservative now than in the past? Would think with a Democrat for President, less. And yet, tv reflects where the nation is ideologically. Take "Happy Days" (1974-1984.) Very first episode, and in some manner, every episode thereafter, the lead character 'The Fonz' unhooks a teenaged girl's bra with a snap of his fingers. Try showing that today. Parents would chase you up the nearest tree and set fire to it. But back then, it was 'cool.'

If the 1950s were so clean cut, how do we explain "Happy Days?" In the same period, (1977-1981) we also had "Eight Is Enough." And "Laverne & Shirley" (1976–1983) whose opening credits show a guy giving himself a hickey with a vaccum cleaner. Sex obsessed if you ask me.

Conservatives can't seem to give a speech these days without invoking the phrase, "Return to family values." Which family's values? The one with 8 kids, or the one where they're all trying to get each other naked? Not then, but further back you say? Oh like "Leave It to Beaver " (1958–1963) where 'Beaver' finds an antique pipe and with his friend Lumpy they smoke it? Or the one about the older son 'Wally' shaving, getting caught, and then getting a shave at the barber shop with his father as some kind of 'scared straight' lesson (barber mentions quietly to his father he's only shaving off the shaving cream.) That's the 50s idea of a controversial subject? Or the one showing the wife in full going-out regalia happy vaccuming the house? As an aside, why do those sorta commercials, and even ones today show women all dressed up to do housework, and show them smiling away like they couldn't be happier about it?

If conservatives want traditional family values, we should begin by asking them what it is they want to return to exactly? Women to be sex objects to be manipulated into undressing or being happy housewives, where everyone smokes, everyone drinks, and everyone's married and the wife couldn't be happier about getting all dressed up before cleaning the house?

Those family values?

I have not heard a family values speech from a conservative in years. That is, except for Palin. But she does not count due to her trailer park sensibilities. She is a fucking nut.

I am not saying that there are no conservatives out there advocating family values, just that I am not hearing it. I suspect that the RNC has decided to not push that part of their platform so hard. There may be some evangelicals harping on it. But, I kind of just tune them out. I am much more concerned with fiscal policy and national security matters.

People like Delta and me do not want others passing judgment on what we do behind closed doors. You have no authority or mandate to influence or control what Delta and I, two consenting adults, decide to do. For example, Delta and I may decide that we would like to grease each other up and then give each other a nice, relaxing massage. Maybe someone gets erect during the massage....a completely involuntary biological thing. It is just being a bro and doing a solid to take care of it for the other. It does not mean that Delta and I are gay; it just means that we are confident enough in who we are as men that we can give a handy J to each other and not feel weird about it.

Delta and I are not uptight about this shit like most of you are. We both know that 2 dudes can hang and have a meaningful political discussion, even if we have fingers inserted in each other during the discussion. That does not matter. It has no bearing on anything. The whole "family values" thing is misplaced in a political discussion.

Lighten up!

I don't care if people wanna make judgement calls, go right ahead. My caring begins when judgement calls go from personal opinions and stated positions to legislation.

As to the rest...Wow I'm flattered you think about me like that. :)

I hear you, bro. Fortunately we have a constitution that values minority rights.

On the rest, I am not necessarily making advances on you personally, Delta. I am just saying that you and I are on the same page here; we are not uptight about this stuff. Delta and I both know that sex - all of it - is natural. For example, if Delta and I were hanging out one Sunday afternoon watching football, what would be the problem if I reached up under his shirt and started massaging his nipples? While doing this, what would be "wrong" with Delta pulling out his cock and rubbing it? What's the big fucking deal. It does not mean we are gay. It just feels good, like scratching your balls when they itch or passing gas.

Too many people get hung up over shit like this. Delta does not. He is willing to let it all hang out. This is why I love him.

Here's to you, bro!

=======> ---------- ;)
Is America more or less conservative now than in the past? Would think with a Democrat for President, less. And yet, tv reflects where the nation is ideologically. Take "Happy Days" (1974-1984.) Very first episode, and in some manner, every episode thereafter, the lead character 'The Fonz' unhooks a teenaged girl's bra with a snap of his fingers. Try showing that today. Parents would chase you up the nearest tree and set fire to it. But back then, it was 'cool.'

If the 1950s were so clean cut, how do we explain "Happy Days?" In the same period, (1977-1981) we also had "Eight Is Enough." And "Laverne & Shirley" (1976–1983) whose opening credits show a guy giving himself a hickey with a vaccum cleaner. Sex obsessed if you ask me.

Conservatives can't seem to give a speech these days without invoking the phrase, "Return to family values." Which family's values? The one with 8 kids, or the one where they're all trying to get each other naked? Not then, but further back you say? Oh like "Leave It to Beaver " (1958–1963) where 'Beaver' finds an antique pipe and with his friend Lumpy they smoke it? Or the one about the older son 'Wally' shaving, getting caught, and then getting a shave at the barber shop with his father as some kind of 'scared straight' lesson (barber mentions quietly to his father he's only shaving off the shaving cream.) That's the 50s idea of a controversial subject? Or the one showing the wife in full going-out regalia happy vaccuming the house? As an aside, why do those sorta commercials, and even ones today show women all dressed up to do housework, and show them smiling away like they couldn't be happier about it?

If conservatives want traditional family values, we should begin by asking them what it is they want to return to exactly? Women to be sex objects to be manipulated into undressing or being happy housewives, where everyone smokes, everyone drinks, and everyone's married and the wife couldn't be happier about getting all dressed up before cleaning the house?

Those family values?

Pay close attention here - take your ADD medication. Now hear this: YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT. That is all.
Democrat policies ruined the Black family and now racist elitist liberals make fun of family values and ridicule the Bible. What's next for libs, arresting Christians?
Is America more or less conservative now than in the past? Would think with a Democrat for President, less. And yet, tv reflects where the nation is ideologically. Take "Happy Days" (1974-1984.) Very first episode, and in some manner, every episode thereafter, the lead character 'The Fonz' unhooks a teenaged girl's bra with a snap of his fingers. Try showing that today. Parents would chase you up the nearest tree and set fire to it. But back then, it was 'cool.'

If the 1950s were so clean cut, how do we explain "Happy Days?" In the same period, (1977-1981) we also had "Eight Is Enough." And "Laverne & Shirley" (1976–1983) whose opening credits show a guy giving himself a hickey with a vaccum cleaner. Sex obsessed if you ask me.

Conservatives can't seem to give a speech these days without invoking the phrase, "Return to family values." Which family's values? The one with 8 kids, or the one where they're all trying to get each other naked? Not then, but further back you say? Oh like "Leave It to Beaver " (1958–1963) where 'Beaver' finds an antique pipe and with his friend Lumpy they smoke it? Or the one about the older son 'Wally' shaving, getting caught, and then getting a shave at the barber shop with his father as some kind of 'scared straight' lesson (barber mentions quietly to his father he's only shaving off the shaving cream.) That's the 50s idea of a controversial subject? Or the one showing the wife in full going-out regalia happy vaccuming the house? As an aside, why do those sorta commercials, and even ones today show women all dressed up to do housework, and show them smiling away like they couldn't be happier about it?

If conservatives want traditional family values, we should begin by asking them what it is they want to return to exactly? Women to be sex objects to be manipulated into undressing or being happy housewives, where everyone smokes, everyone drinks, and everyone's married and the wife couldn't be happier about getting all dressed up before cleaning the house?

Those family values?

I have not heard a family values speech from a conservative in years. That is, except for Palin. But she does not count due to her trailer park sensibilities. She is a fucking nut.

I am not saying that there are no conservatives out there advocating family values, just that I am not hearing it. I suspect that the RNC has decided to not push that part of their platform so hard. There may be some evangelicals harping on it. But, I kind of just tune them out. I am much more concerned with fiscal policy and national security matters.

People like Delta and me do not want others passing judgment on what we do behind closed doors. You have no authority or mandate to influence or control what Delta and I, two consenting adults, decide to do. For example, Delta and I may decide that we would like to grease each other up and then give each other a nice, relaxing massage. Maybe someone gets erect during the massage....a completely involuntary biological thing. It is just being a bro and doing a solid to take care of it for the other. It does not mean that Delta and I are gay; it just means that we are confident enough in who we are as men that we can give a handy J to each other and not feel weird about it.

Delta and I are not uptight about this shit like most of you are. We both know that 2 dudes can hang and have a meaningful political discussion, even if we have fingers inserted in each other during the discussion. That does not matter. It has no bearing on anything. The whole "family values" thing is misplaced in a political discussion.

Lighten up!

I don't care if people wanna make judgement calls, go right ahead. My caring begins when judgement calls go from personal opinions and stated positions to legislation.

As to the rest...Wow I'm flattered you think about me like that. :)
Delta wants to dip his wick in a piss bucket....glad you're not my neighbor.
Is America more or less conservative now than in the past? Would think with a Democrat for President, less. And yet, tv reflects where the nation is ideologically. Take "Happy Days" (1974-1984.) Very first episode, and in some manner, every episode thereafter, the lead character 'The Fonz' unhooks a teenaged girl's bra with a snap of his fingers. Try showing that today. Parents would chase you up the nearest tree and set fire to it. But back then, it was 'cool.'

If the 1950s were so clean cut, how do we explain "Happy Days?" In the same period, (1977-1981) we also had "Eight Is Enough." And "Laverne & Shirley" (1976–1983) whose opening credits show a guy giving himself a hickey with a vaccum cleaner. Sex obsessed if you ask me.

Conservatives can't seem to give a speech these days without invoking the phrase, "Return to family values." Which family's values? The one with 8 kids, or the one where they're all trying to get each other naked? Not then, but further back you say? Oh like "Leave It to Beaver " (1958–1963) where 'Beaver' finds an antique pipe and with his friend Lumpy they smoke it? Or the one about the older son 'Wally' shaving, getting caught, and then getting a shave at the barber shop with his father as some kind of 'scared straight' lesson (barber mentions quietly to his father he's only shaving off the shaving cream.) That's the 50s idea of a controversial subject? Or the one showing the wife in full going-out regalia happy vaccuming the house? As an aside, why do those sorta commercials, and even ones today show women all dressed up to do housework, and show them smiling away like they couldn't be happier about it?

If conservatives want traditional family values, we should begin by asking them what it is they want to return to exactly? Women to be sex objects to be manipulated into undressing or being happy housewives, where everyone smokes, everyone drinks, and everyone's married and the wife couldn't be happier about getting all dressed up before cleaning the house?

Those family values?

I have not heard a family values speech from a conservative in years. That is, except for Palin. But she does not count due to her trailer park sensibilities. She is a fucking nut.

I am not saying that there are no conservatives out there advocating family values, just that I am not hearing it. I suspect that the RNC has decided to not push that part of their platform so hard. There may be some evangelicals harping on it. But, I kind of just tune them out. I am much more concerned with fiscal policy and national security matters.

People like Delta and me do not want others passing judgment on what we do behind closed doors. You have no authority or mandate to influence or control what Delta and I, two consenting adults, decide to do. For example, Delta and I may decide that we would like to grease each other up and then give each other a nice, relaxing massage. Maybe someone gets erect during the massage....a completely involuntary biological thing. It is just being a bro and doing a solid to take care of it for the other. It does not mean that Delta and I are gay; it just means that we are confident enough in who we are as men that we can give a handy J to each other and not feel weird about it.

Delta and I are not uptight about this shit like most of you are. We both know that 2 dudes can hang and have a meaningful political discussion, even if we have fingers inserted in each other during the discussion. That does not matter. It has no bearing on anything. The whole "family values" thing is misplaced in a political discussion.

Lighten up!

I don't care if people wanna make judgement calls, go right ahead. My caring begins when judgement calls go from personal opinions and stated positions to legislation.

As to the rest...Wow I'm flattered you think about me like that. :)

I hear you, bro. Fortunately we have a constitution that values minority rights.

On the rest, I am not necessarily making advances on you personally, Delta. I am just saying that you and I are on the same page here; we are not uptight about this stuff. Delta and I both know that sex - all of it - is natural. For example, if Delta and I were hanging out one Sunday afternoon watching football, what would be the problem if I reached up under his shirt and started massaging his nipples? While doing this, what would be "wrong" with Delta pulling out his cock and rubbing it? What's the big fucking deal. It does not mean we are gay. It just feels good, like scratching your balls when they itch or passing gas.

Too many people get hung up over shit like this. Delta does not. He is willing to let it all hang out. This is why I love him.

Here's to you, bro!

=======> ---------- ;)
PB just squirted on his keyboard.
"Family values"?

The GOP hasn't used that phrase with any regularity since back when liberals were claiming to be "tolerant".

Both parties have long since dumped those silly terms for the most part.


Did you see the idiotic speeches at the last "values voter" shindig?

They can call it anything they want but you can bet we'll hear more dog whistle crap as the general gets closer.

Delta is right - keep it out of legislation. Keep your religion out of government.
Democrat policies ruined the Black family and now racist elitist liberals make fun of family values and ridicule the Bible. What's next for libs, arresting Christians?

Lots of ad hom insults and lies from the radical RWs.

Not much is facts though.

Is America more or less conservative now than in the past? Would think with a Democrat for President, less. And yet, tv reflects where the nation is ideologically. Take "Happy Days" (1974-1984.) Very first episode, and in some manner, every episode thereafter, the lead character 'The Fonz' unhooks a teenaged girl's bra with a snap of his fingers. Try showing that today. Parents would chase you up the nearest tree and set fire to it. But back then, it was 'cool.'
Yet another whiner who sees people using government coercion to control others, and yet somehow concludes that those people are CONSERVATIVE???

Seems to be an increasingly common leftist tactic, to take examples of big-government addicts similar to themselves, and try to pretend they are being done by the other side instead.

When leftists lose as frequently as they are doing today, their tactics become ever more disingenuous and futile.
Is America more or less conservative now than in the past? Would think with a Democrat for President, less. And yet, tv reflects where the nation is ideologically. Take "Happy Days" (1974-1984.) Very first episode, and in some manner, every episode thereafter, the lead character 'The Fonz' unhooks a teenaged girl's bra with a snap of his fingers. Try showing that today. Parents would chase you up the nearest tree and set fire to it. But back then, it was 'cool.'

If the 1950s were so clean cut, how do we explain "Happy Days?" In the same period, (1977-1981) we also had "Eight Is Enough." And "Laverne & Shirley" (1976–1983) whose opening credits show a guy giving himself a hickey with a vaccum cleaner. Sex obsessed if you ask me.

Conservatives can't seem to give a speech these days without invoking the phrase, "Return to family values." Which family's values? The one with 8 kids, or the one where they're all trying to get each other naked? Not then, but further back you say? Oh like "Leave It to Beaver " (1958–1963) where 'Beaver' finds an antique pipe and with his friend Lumpy they smoke it? Or the one about the older son 'Wally' shaving, getting caught, and then getting a shave at the barber shop with his father as some kind of 'scared straight' lesson (barber mentions quietly to his father he's only shaving off the shaving cream.) That's the 50s idea of a controversial subject? Or the one showing the wife in full going-out regalia happy vaccuming the house? As an aside, why do those sorta commercials, and even ones today show women all dressed up to do housework, and show them smiling away like they couldn't be happier about it?

If conservatives want traditional family values, we should begin by asking them what it is they want to return to exactly? Women to be sex objects to be manipulated into undressing or being happy housewives, where everyone smokes, everyone drinks, and everyone's married and the wife couldn't be happier about getting all dressed up before cleaning the house?

Those family values?

What's any better now days?
More on drugs and alcohol,more murders and rapes, more gangs,more in poverty, children learning sex by the time they are 6 years old. More dropping out of high school, more children having children.
Women being dependent on the Government rather than a husband and having more children to get government assistance.
Our schools are not teaching our children but making them memorize the school assignments.

At least those shows taught values. Right from wrong, evil vs good and taught to be proud of how you looked. Now days people are even wearing blue jeans and t-shirts to church.
"Family values" referred to the belief that the nuclear family, with a working dad as the head of the household, and a stay-at-home mom, who deferred to her husband, was the ideal way of life. Such a concept was great for men who made enough money to support their families, and while the economy provided good paying jobs in manufacturing, the trades, and other non-professional sectors. It was also part of the anti-feminist backlash of the late 70's and early 80's.

But that economy no longer exists, because manufacturing has been largely out-sourced to Third World countries. Even when conservatives were touting "family values", the images they invoked were more fantasy than reality. The majority of women worked, and always did. Conservatives notion of family did not mesh with the reality that most people lived. They ignored rampant infidelity, or any suggestion of spousal abuse, divorce, drug or alcohol problems, health problems, or anything that didn't mesh with their "Leave It To Beaver" fantasy.

As the economy changed, and it became more and more difficult for average families to get by with just one income, it was insanity to keep promoting the single-income family. And with so many conservative "family values" leaders being caught up in sex scandals, the hypocrisy couldn't have been more obvious.
If conservatives want traditional family values, we should begin by asking them what it is they want to return to exactly? Women to be sex objects to be manipulated into undressing or being happy housewives, where everyone smokes, everyone drinks, and everyone's married and the wife couldn't be happier about getting all dressed up before cleaning the house?

Those family values?

Yeah, I mean with shows like Family Guy and Southpark the standard now, these filthy shows like Happy Days are shocking.


Delta, the reason you're a leftist is because you're fucking stupid - you DO know this, right?
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"Family values"?

The GOP hasn't used that phrase with any regularity since back when liberals were claiming to be "tolerant".

Both parties have long since dumped those silly terms for the most part.


Interesting to note that "tolerance" in the form of gay marriage is now taking place in 30 states across the nation whereas "family values" has slunk off back into the shadows embarrassed by the antics of Mark Sanford, Larry Craig, David Vitter, John Ensign, Mark Foley, Rudy Guilliani, etc, etc.

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