Conservative Families More Likely To Be Mixed-Race Than liberal Families


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Shocked? I'm not. liberals are what they are. And in the spirit of not posting OPs that are taunting or baiting, I won't tell you what I think of them. Although I'm sure you can surmise my thoughts.......

Without further ado

Volokh Conspiracy: Hey, Going By the Actual Data, It Turns Out Conservatives Are More Likely to be Part of a Mixed Race Family
Ace of Spades HQ

Now, let me clarify on that: The difference is statistically insignificant. 10% of liberals hail from mixed race families, and 11% of conservatives. You can't make anything of that difference (though MSNBC would, were the numbers to run in the opposite direction).

So let's take the percentages as equal. (Except, not really.) Does MSNBC care about the facts, or just spouting off ignorantly with some make-'em-up blogger provocation?


Imagine the MSM describing any non-white population as chiefly animated by fear and other insalubrious traits.

Here's how bigotry works: You don't know many (or any) members of a group you have antipathy towards. Because you know nothing about them, you view them as The Other, and, untainted by fact or personal experience, you can imagine them as wholly alien, foreign, and, of course, evil and inhuman.

The left understands this -- they often discuss "Otherizing" a group -- and yet they do not apply this to their own thinking. In their minds, only The Other can be guilty of viewing others as The Other. The left, with all their ignorance, hatred, and stupid crude bigotries, cannot be so guilty.

The left generally exercises their imagination to find new ways of demonizing those who do not like socialism and communism. Every once in a while, their fevered minds come up with some interesting insight into human behavior and psychology (such as the tendency of people to view those unlike them as "The Other").

But because the entire point of this exertion of mind was simply to come up with exciting new ways to demonize one's political opponents, they fail utterly to take the insight seriously and examine their own thinking for defects.

And so they stumble on, crude-minded, without self awareness or self examination, bitter, hateful, and unredeemed.

Understanding the liberal mind isn't difficult. At all. There's not much to them to analyze or to think about.
It's funny that the article claims if the numbers were reversed MSNBC would stoop so low as to exploit them, while then going on to exploit them :laugh:
Wow, immigration reform is right around the corner. Praise jesus
Yeah, I've noticed how many conservative families adopt children of other races.

Is it to keep their wimmenz busy and not wistful for a career of their own?

Or is it because conservative men are so kinky and can go make it rain while the wife is preoccupied?

Tampa was the GOP convention site because the strip club to citizen ratio was so high. The ladies made up for the storm, and then some, the following nites.

Regards from Rosie
Yeah, I've noticed how many conservative families adopt children of other races.

Is it to keep their wimmenz busy and not wistful for a career of their own?

Or is it because conservative men are so kinky and can go make it rain while the wife is preoccupied?

Tampa was the GOP convention site because the strip club to citizen ratio was so high. The ladies made up for the storm, and then some, the following nites.

Regards from Rosie

Wow. Just a marvelous post there :rolleyes:
Yeah, I've noticed how many conservative families adopt children of other races.

Is it to keep their wimmenz busy and not wistful for a career of their own?

Or is it because conservative men are so kinky and can go make it rain while the wife is preoccupied?

Tampa was the GOP convention site because the strip club to citizen ratio was so high. The ladies made up for the storm, and then some, the following nites.

Regards from Rosie

Republicans keep their women at home? No, a republican woman has the class to raise there children and family comes first. Unlike a liberal woman who will kill their child for convinence. Also a conservative man usually makes enough money to support his family. Unlike a liberal man who sucks the teat of goverment.

You say republican men are kinky? It was a democrat president that screwed an intern with a cigar.
The other is nonsense, except that pelosi's plane had enough liquer on it tostock those nudie bars.
Horse crap. Mixed families in conservative states does not mean the families are conservative. Judas Priest, stop the fudging.
The case against the closet racism of the liberal left is now championed by our very own closet Marxist?


I just lol'ed....

Well, within 20 years the south will turn blue as it will be democrat ruling it.
Yeah, I've noticed how many conservative families adopt children of other races.

Is it to keep their wimmenz busy and not wistful for a career of their own?

Or is it because conservative men are so kinky and can go make it rain while the wife is preoccupied?

Tampa was the GOP convention site because the strip club to citizen ratio was so high. The ladies made up for the storm, and then some, the following nites.

Regards from Rosie

Wow. Just a marvelous post there :rolleyes:

You're welcome.

Regards from Rosie
I just lol'ed....

Well, within 20 years the south will turn blue as it will be democrat ruling it.

Not so much that as that they'll be blue from the cold as climate change fails to go along with the leftist fantasy. Think Atlanta. I do. And I smile!
Horse crap. Mixed families in conservative states does not mean the families are conservative. Judas Priest, stop the fudging.

You obviously did not read the article. The families self-identified their political orientation.

For almost all of these households, the GSS reports both political views and whether the household is mixed race, as opposed to a white household, an African-American household, or whatever.
Shocked? I'm not. liberals are what they are. And in the spirit of not posting OPs that are taunting or baiting, I won't tell you what I think of them. Although I'm sure you can surmise my thoughts.......

Without further ado

Volokh Conspiracy: Hey, Going By the Actual Data, It Turns Out Conservatives Are More Likely to be Part of a Mixed Race Family
Ace of Spades HQ

Now, let me clarify on that: The difference is statistically insignificant. 10% of liberals hail from mixed race families, and 11% of conservatives. You can't make anything of that difference (though MSNBC would, were the numbers to run in the opposite direction).

So let's take the percentages as equal. (Except, not really.) Does MSNBC care about the facts, or just spouting off ignorantly with some make-'em-up blogger provocation?


Imagine the MSM describing any non-white population as chiefly animated by fear and other insalubrious traits.

Here's how bigotry works: You don't know many (or any) members of a group you have antipathy towards. Because you know nothing about them, you view them as The Other, and, untainted by fact or personal experience, you can imagine them as wholly alien, foreign, and, of course, evil and inhuman.

The left understands this -- they often discuss "Otherizing" a group -- and yet they do not apply this to their own thinking. In their minds, only The Other can be guilty of viewing others as The Other. The left, with all their ignorance, hatred, and stupid crude bigotries, cannot be so guilty.

The left generally exercises their imagination to find new ways of demonizing those who do not like socialism and communism. Every once in a while, their fevered minds come up with some interesting insight into human behavior and psychology (such as the tendency of people to view those unlike them as "The Other").

But because the entire point of this exertion of mind was simply to come up with exciting new ways to demonize one's political opponents, they fail utterly to take the insight seriously and examine their own thinking for defects.

And so they stumble on, crude-minded, without self awareness or self examination, bitter, hateful, and unredeemed.

Understanding the liberal mind isn't difficult. At all. There's not much to them to analyze or to think about.

10% vs. 11%?????

Do you realize that this could have been 10.4% vs 10.6% rounded?

Did it say what the margin of error was? 10% vs. 11% plus or minus 3%?

All that this poll says is the the number of liberals vs. conservatives from mixed families is about equal.

Nothing to see here.
Shocked? I'm not. liberals are what they are. And in the spirit of not posting OPs that are taunting or baiting, I won't tell you what I think of them. Although I'm sure you can surmise my thoughts.......

Without further ado

Volokh Conspiracy: Hey, Going By the Actual Data, It Turns Out Conservatives Are More Likely to be Part of a Mixed Race Family
Ace of Spades HQ

Now, let me clarify on that: The difference is statistically insignificant. 10% of liberals hail from mixed race families, and 11% of conservatives. You can't make anything of that difference (though MSNBC would, were the numbers to run in the opposite direction).

So let's take the percentages as equal. (Except, not really.) Does MSNBC care about the facts, or just spouting off ignorantly with some make-'em-up blogger provocation?


Imagine the MSM describing any non-white population as chiefly animated by fear and other insalubrious traits.

Here's how bigotry works: You don't know many (or any) members of a group you have antipathy towards. Because you know nothing about them, you view them as The Other, and, untainted by fact or personal experience, you can imagine them as wholly alien, foreign, and, of course, evil and inhuman.

The left understands this -- they often discuss "Otherizing" a group -- and yet they do not apply this to their own thinking. In their minds, only The Other can be guilty of viewing others as The Other. The left, with all their ignorance, hatred, and stupid crude bigotries, cannot be so guilty.

The left generally exercises their imagination to find new ways of demonizing those who do not like socialism and communism. Every once in a while, their fevered minds come up with some interesting insight into human behavior and psychology (such as the tendency of people to view those unlike them as "The Other").

But because the entire point of this exertion of mind was simply to come up with exciting new ways to demonize one's political opponents, they fail utterly to take the insight seriously and examine their own thinking for defects.

And so they stumble on, crude-minded, without self awareness or self examination, bitter, hateful, and unredeemed.

Understanding the liberal mind isn't difficult. At all. There's not much to them to analyze or to think about.

I am not the least bit surprised. Pay attention to the actions of people and you figure out those people. Libs are all talk.

It's easy as hell for politicians to stand up and claim to believe in equality, but when you look at actions, their words rot on their tongues.

Liberals will hate this because it's undeniable proof that the right is less prejudiced. It's easy to gin up anger by lying about racism and then gain votes by promising the sun and moon. Liberals convince some people that they need to be saved because others are stopping them from being treated equally. And they do that to cover the fact that they don't think minorities are smart enough to do things for themselves.

The left uses minorities for political gain because they don't see them as equals.

The right just sees them as other people and marries them, hires them and doesn't focus on color.

When someone on the right criticizes welfare or crime rates in black neighborhoods, it's not racism, in fact many of those concerned about the statistics are minorities. Some are brave enough to state facts because they realize that people are better than that and it's time to get to the root of the problem. You can't keep pretending that taking a hard look at the problem is racist because you will make the problem worse. The left is content to do just that, as long as they benefit politically. Of course, the liberal policies that seek to convince people that they aren't good enough to make it on their own are at the root of the problem. The left has systematically destroyed the minority families over the years.

People deserve a real chance and the only way to do that is for each person to take the reigns of their own lives. Don't encourage anything less or you are cheating young people out of a good future. Liberals are so invested in the idea that minorities are completely helpless that too many people started to believe it and now rely on those politicians for everything. Only a racist would deliberately undermine black people's ability to do great things.
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I just lol'ed....
Did you get any on you?

Well, within 20 years the south will turn blue as it will be democrat ruling it.
Keep dreamin' bud, The South is run by Conservatives and have far better economies than the guttertrash Blue state shitholes run by progressives.
Yeah, I've noticed how many conservative families adopt children of other races.

Is it to keep their wimmenz busy and not wistful for a career of their own?

Or is it because conservative men are so kinky and can go make it rain while the wife is preoccupied?

Tampa was the GOP convention site because the strip club to citizen ratio was so high. The ladies made up for the storm, and then some, the following nites.

Regards from Rosie

And there's the liberal war on women for ya, on full display.

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