Conservatives and liberals can agree: Four obvious reason Obama needs to go


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Hey__ We as conservatives don't like Obamacare and many of us believe that he was born in Kenya. But___ even if libs can't (or won't) agree with us on those matters; the following are four matters that conservatives and liberals can agree about. Because the truth of the matter is that conservatives and liberals have the prosperity of the nation as their bottom line.

1. Unemployment

Unemployment has remained over 8 percent for so many months that it is the worst economy since The Great Depression. I'll note that during that time, America continued to elect their sweetheart with his failed policies and the depression last well more than a decade.

Black unemployment has also doubled under Obama. And conservative estimates are that real unemployment is 20 percent.

Obama himself stated if he could not get unemployment back to 5 percent then he would not deserve a second term. Let's take him at his word.

2. Wealth

It's a misnomer that Obama is attacking the wealthy. By third world standards, even many our impoverished people are rich. The average American family's savings have been depleted 40 percent in 3 1/2 years of Obama! And as the money becomes devalued, our hard earned savings are being devalued.

3. Debt

The debt skyrocketed at record rates, $5 trillion during the first term of Obama. And those "shovel ready jobs" by Obama's own admission "were never there." Though, actually, they were; but Obama was too busy setting up political funds and paying off cronies to worry about it.

4. Gas prices

Gas prices have doubled under Obama. And Obama's energy guy has not retracted his desire for $8 a gallon gas price; nor has Obama for that matter! And Obama has lived up to his rhetoric, blocking Keystone, denying drilling permits and dumping money into failed ventures like Solyndra (against the advice of his own auditing personnel).
Hey__ We as conservatives don't like Obamacare and many of us believe that he was born in Kenya. But___ even if libs can't (or won't) agree with us on those matters; the following are four matters that conservatives and liberals can agree about. Because the truth of the matter is that conservatives and liberals have the prosperity of the nation as their bottom line.

1. Unemployment

Unemployment has remained over 8 percent for so many months that it is the worst economy since The Great Depression. I'll note that during that time, America continued to elect their sweetheart with his failed policies and the depression last well more than a decade.

Black unemployment has also doubled under Obama. And conservative estimates are that real unemployment is 20 percent.

Obama himself stated if he could not get unemployment back to 5 percent then he would not deserve a second term. Let's take him at his word.

2. Wealth

It's a misnomer that Obama is attacking the wealthy. By third world standards, even many our impoverished people are rich. The average American family's savings have been depleted 40 percent in 3 1/2 years of Obama! And as the money becomes devalued, our hard earned savings are being devalued.

3. Debt

The debt skyrocketed at record rates, $5 trillion during the first term of Obama. And those "shovel ready jobs" by Obama's own admission "were never there." Though, actually, they were; but Obama was too busy setting up political funds and paying off cronies to worry about it.

4. Gas prices

Gas prices have doubled under Obama. And Obama's energy guy has not retracted his desire for $8 a gallon gas price; nor has Obama for that matter! And Obama has lived up to his rhetoric, blocking Keystone, denying drilling permits and dumping money into failed ventures like Solyndra (against the advice of his own auditing personnel).

That's interesting. I think Obama is a horrible president, but can only agree with one of these "reasons". It's not the president's responsibility to set gas prices or provide us with jobs. He's done very little to raise taxes on the wealthy (only talked about it). He could have, and should have, vetoed more of the crazy spending bills and bailouts, but that ball was rolling before he showed up.
1. Unemployment

When the President took office, we were losing 750,000 jobs a month due to GOP policies. The stock market had crashed to half its value. Today, we are gaining, all too slowly, but gaining. A major part of the problem is that the GOP has done everything in it's power to prevent any gains in order to prevent the President re-election. The other part of the problem is that the manufacturing that would boost real wage jobs has been shipped overseas by the very wealthy to increase their wealth even more. Romney himself is part and parcel of this problem.
2. For the last 30 years, both the working poor and middle class have been losing ground. As the real income of this group has been declining, the income of the very wealthy has been increasing dramatically. To the point that the disparity in wealth is far greater than is was at the beginning of the First Great Republican Depression. If we cannot change this, we will soon see the Second Great Republican Depression. For a return to the policies that nearly put us there in 2008, will surely put us there during the first term of the Romney-Ryan team.
3. Debt

We fought two wars off of the books for seven years. The Bush admin never saw a spending bill that it did not approve of. In fact, Cheney stated "Reagan taught us that deficits don't matter".

Now the President took office with a major depression just around the corner. Without rapid action that would pump money into the economy we would have seen the Second Great Republican Depression.

So, how does the Romney-Ryan ticket plan to address the deficit? By cutting the income of the government even more. By putting the primary burden of taxes on the middle class and working poor. By shoveling even more money into the military-industrial complex. In fact, when the math is done, their budgets create far more deficits than does the present administrations proposals.
4. Gas Prices

Hmmm....... Even hear of Adam Smith? Supply and Demand? It is called a Free Market. And, at present, our largest single export is refined petroleum products, ie, gasoline and diesel. In other words, we are competing in a world market for a product that is in great demand. We either pay the present prices, or the companies sell the gas overseas to those that will pay the prices.
Hey__ We as conservatives don't like Obamacare and many of us believe that he was born in Kenya. But___ even if libs can't (or won't) agree with us on those matters; the following are four matters that conservatives and liberals can agree about. Because the truth of the matter is that conservatives and liberals have the prosperity of the nation as their bottom line.

1. Unemployment

Unemployment has remained over 8 percent for so many months that it is the worst economy since The Great Depression. I'll note that during that time, America continued to elect their sweetheart with his failed policies and the depression last well more than a decade.

Black unemployment has also doubled under Obama. And conservative estimates are that real unemployment is 20 percent.

Obama himself stated if he could not get unemployment back to 5 percent then he would not deserve a second term. Let's take him at his word.

2. Wealth

It's a misnomer that Obama is attacking the wealthy. By third world standards, even many our impoverished people are rich. The average American family's savings have been depleted 40 percent in 3 1/2 years of Obama! And as the money becomes devalued, our hard earned savings are being devalued.

3. Debt

The debt skyrocketed at record rates, $5 trillion during the first term of Obama. And those "shovel ready jobs" by Obama's own admission "were never there." Though, actually, they were; but Obama was too busy setting up political funds and paying off cronies to worry about it.

4. Gas prices

Gas prices have doubled under Obama. And Obama's energy guy has not retracted his desire for $8 a gallon gas price; nor has Obama for that matter! And Obama has lived up to his rhetoric, blocking Keystone, denying drilling permits and dumping money into failed ventures like Solyndra (against the advice of his own auditing personnel).

That's interesting. I think Obama is a horrible president, but can only agree with one of these "reasons". It's not the president's responsibility to set gas prices or provide us with jobs. He's done very little to raise taxes on the wealthy (only talked about it). He could have, and should have, vetoed more of the crazy spending bills and bailouts, but that ball was rolling before he showed up.

Obama pushed for bailouts of his own. That ball wasn't already rolling. He also pushed for 'the stimulus bill' which was supposed to create 'shovel ready jobs.' Instead it just went into his political slush funds.

And if you think that the president has no control regarding gas prices, then that's a massively ignorant denial.

And why do you think that Obama didn't push for more taxes? Pretty suspicious given his propensity to socially engineer, right? It's b/c if he screwed up the economy any further, he would be throwing away any shot at a re-election. Maybe you should rethink your higher taxes nonsense. If your hero, Obama won't even do it, then maybe it's about time you realize you've been lied to.
What are we suppose to be agreeing on?

That Obama has failed.

The GOP failed. Damned near gave us another Great Depression. We are still digging out of the damage that they have done. But people like you wish to try it all over again. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a differant result.

Republicans are the one that propped up fanny mae and freddy mac? <Shakes head> And we were never heading for a Great Depression in 08. But we will be heading for a massive collapse by 2016 if we continue to pursue Obama's failed policies.

If you want to know what I believe; look at what Kasich has done to turn around Ohio. That is what Romney will do for this country. Responsible spending. It's high time for it. You know dang well that Obama has been irresponsible.
4. Gas Prices

Hmmm....... Even hear of Adam Smith? Supply and Demand? It is called a Free Market. And, at present, our largest single export is refined petroleum products, ie, gasoline and diesel. In other words, we are competing in a world market for a product that is in great demand. We either pay the present prices, or the companies sell the gas overseas to those that will pay the prices.

Yes__ and Obama has quelled supply.
1. Unemployment

Bush in his last year lost 4.4 million jobs, under Obama that has improved greatly. Do you buy and support American made and fair wages? It took FDR a long time to recover from republican policy failure too.

2. Wealth

The primary reasons for our deficits are two unfunded wars and the Bush tax reduction which has become almost impossible to change given the republicans in congress.

3. Debt

The market crashed 40% under the Bush policies and the debt cause is noted above. 70% of today's debt was caused by republican policy. Romney and Ryan want to increase that debt.

4. Gas prices

Gas prices are controlled by the market. You control that market with your purchases. Go look in the mirror. Ride a bike if you don't like the cost.

"We do face an entitlement crisis, then. But it is not the one identified by Fox News and the Neoliberal Right. It is the one concealed by the nomenclature and attacks by the Right. What&#8217;s more, as the recent economic meltdown in 2008 demonstrated, these entitlements are not only unjust, they are extremely dangerous. A class entitlement to escape regulation while putting at risk a whole society, and indeed world, is nothing to sneeze at. And as we have seen most recently, even if a world wide depression is avoided after such a meltdown, its costs and sacrifices gradually trickle down the social ladder until they, too, reach those at the middle and bottom layers of society. So, the rich and the superrich feel entitled to monopolize the largesse when growth occurs and to pass down the costs of their adventurism when the bottom falls out. That is a hell of a lot of entitlement. That is precisely why so many are so eager to publicize the false version of &#8220;the entitlement society&#8221; today, within state legislatures controlled by the Republican Party, through Superpacs allowed by the gang of five neoliberals on the Supreme Court, and on the 24 hour News Media. Reduce the deficit, they chant, by curtailing programs supporting the middle and poor classes. Quietly accept the double-trickle down process. But don&#8217;t you dare touch the entitlements of the rich that put everyone else at risk." William E. Connolly The Contemporary Condition: The Real Entitlement Crisis

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1. Unemployment

When the President took office, we were losing 750,000 jobs a month due to GOP policies. The stock market had crashed to half its value. Today, we are gaining, all too slowly, but gaining. A major part of the problem is that the GOP has done everything in it's power to prevent any gains in order to prevent the President re-election. The other part of the problem is that the manufacturing that would boost real wage jobs has been shipped overseas by the very wealthy to increase their wealth even more. Romney himself is part and parcel of this problem.

There was a negative short term job market reaction that is to be expected to occur during economic woes. That period long ago ended. You can read article after article by non partisan hacks about how Obama's policies have stifled the recovery. In fact, his policies have pushed back the natural unemployment equilibrium from 5.5 percent to plus 8 percent. There is no further "recovery" in sight b/c that's the reality and his media puppets won't tell you that (not that you could accept it).
There was a negative short term job market reaction that is to be expected to occur during economic woes. That period long ago ended. You can read article after article by non partisan hacks about how Obama's policies have stifled the recovery. In fact, his policies have pushed back the natural unemployment equilibrium from 5.5 percent to plus 8 percent. There is no further "recovery" in sight b/c that's the reality and his media puppets won't tell you that (not that you could accept it).
You really shouldn't comment on the economy after your party voted down every jobs bill that was proposed.

This sudden interest in the un-employment rate is disenguous.
There was a negative short term job market reaction that is to be expected to occur during economic woes. That period long ago ended. You can read article after article by non partisan hacks about how Obama's policies have stifled the recovery. In fact, his policies have pushed back the natural unemployment equilibrium from 5.5 percent to plus 8 percent. There is no further "recovery" in sight b/c that's the reality and his media puppets won't tell you that (not that you could accept it).
You really shouldn't comment on the economy after your party voted down every jobs bill that was proposed.

This sudden interest in the un-employment rate is disenguous.

I'm not sure what jobs bills Republicans were supposed to have killed. I know that all of Obama's bailouts were approved. I know that he was even granted the very unpopular Obamacare.

And I don't know how you can say I'm not concerned about unemployment. For myself, it is and always will be a top issue. I believe that govt. is an enemy of business. You even have Obama's EPA dude bragging about killing business.
Obama pushed for bailouts of his own. That ball wasn't already rolling. He also pushed for 'the stimulus bill' which was supposed to create 'shovel ready jobs.' Instead it just went into his political slush funds.

The stimulus bailout non-sense was started by Bush, but as I said, this in the one reason you post I agree on. Obama was wrong for doing the same thing and continuing the Bush policies.

And if you think that the president has no control regarding gas prices, then that's a massively ignorant denial.

I'm saying more than that. I'm saying that president should never be able to control gas prices, or have the power to provide us with jobs. That's not the proper role of limited government in a free economy.

And why do you think that Obama didn't push for more taxes? Pretty suspicious given his propensity to socially engineer, right? It's b/c if he screwed up the economy any further, he would be throwing away any shot at a re-election. Maybe you should rethink your higher taxes nonsense. If your hero, Obama won't even do it, then maybe it's about time you realize you've been lied to.

If you've been paying attention at all, you know Obama is not my hero and I'm not in favor of higher income taxes at all. I think federal income tax should be ended entirely.

I was merely pointing out that the "reasons" you cite are mostly bullshit. And that's important because it's a huge part of the problem. Republicans don't want limited government any more than Democrats. They want a ubiquitous "daddy-state" that uses its power to make sure we all have jobs and gas prices are low, and a long list of other ends that the right is quite happy to use big government to achieve. It's that kind of hypocrisy that ensures we see no real change. It ensures that every new administration, Republican or Democrat, continues to grow government, continues to grow the debt and continues to piss away the freedom and fortunes of our children.
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