Conservatives and the media

Supreme Court Justice. CHECK.

Another Supreme Court Justice coming...........soon to CHECK

Less CFR's ........aka regulations........CHECK.

Trans Atlantic Treaty scrapped..........CHECK.

Keystone pipeline...................CHECK

Paris Accords scrapped.............CHECK.........

Media exposed for being a bunch of Liars.................CHECK.

I'm enjoying this shit.
The problem is that conservatives have taken a meme and turned it into binary, all-or-nothing gospel. They've done this before, with "greed is good" and "government is the problem", where they take a general principle and make it an a b s o l u t e, applying it completely to every situation, always.

Yes, the national media is biased, and yes, they're hiding it less and less. But now the Right has allowed itself to become convinced that 100% of what they say is "fake", all the time. So, if they don't like a story, it's "fake", whether is any proof of it being fake or not. This is part of what is exacerbating our divide.

And by the way, this was all triggered most recently by the term "fake news", which was originally used against the Right in the context of purely & blatantly fabricated, fantastical stories created by sites such as WND and Info Wars. When ideologues are accurately stung by a term that is appropriate, they immediately try to co-opt it and turn it around. The Left has done this with "snowflake" and (as I've seen here recently) "Identity Politics".

So now the Right labels any news it doesn't like as "fake". That's surely not helpful.
Lie to me once. Shame on you.

Lie to me Twice. Shame on me.

They have lost all credibility. No need to listen to a pack of Liars anymore.

You supported Hillary.

LMFAO!!! seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:

When you have the majority of the news supporting one party only it's a problem.
People have been complaining about it for 30 years.
so you actually believe the propaganda you just posted? :lol:
The problem is that conservatives have taken a meme and turned it into binary, all-or-nothing gospel. They've done this before, with "greed is good" and "government is the problem", where they take a general principle and make it an a b s o l u t e, applying it completely to every situation, always.

Yes, the national media is biased, and yes, they're hiding it less and less. But now the Right has allowed itself to become convinced that 100% of what they say is "fake", all the time. So, if they don't like a story, it's "fake", whether is any proof of it being fake or not. This is part of what is exacerbating our divide.

And by the way, this was all triggered most recently by the term "fake news", which was originally used against the Right in the context of purely & blatantly fabricated, fantastical stories created by sites such as WND and Info Wars. When ideologues are accurately stung by a term that is appropriate, they immediately try to co-opt it and turn it around. The Left has done this with "snowflake" and (as I've seen here recently) "Identity Politics".

So now the Right labels any news it doesn't like as "fake". That's surely not helpful.
Lie to me once. Shame on you.

Lie to me Twice. Shame on me.

They have lost all credibility. No need to listen to a pack of Liars anymore.

You supported Hillary.


I'm sure that you believe that Hillary lies as much as Trump. More even.

But you can not prove it. I can support the claim that Trump lies more than Hillary.
so you actually believe the propaganda you just posted? :lol:
Yep..............Next question.

You really haven't looked at some of the crap they put out these days.............

Same question.......You actually listen to the crap they put out now.

Except some of them who got their asses fired for causing that news agency to get SUED for 100 Million Dollars for SLANDER.

Shame isn't it, WHEN THE TRUTH TURNS ON YOU............Poor CNN.........Perhaps one day they might get ratings. Cartoons are beating their asses now.

LMAO seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:

When you have the majority of the news supporting one party only it's a problem.
People have been complaining about it for 30 years.

We don't have that. It's a false narrative and has been for 30 years.
False equivalence. There is no comparison between FOX and CNN.

MSNBC is closer to FOX, but at MSNBC they issue retractions and don't use questions as a form of news reporting.

Sorry. FOX is in a world by itself.

Poor comparison. CNN is closer to DailyKOS. CNN promotes the party, A story is run, not if it is true, but if it furthers the goals of the party. If a story happens to be true, that's fine, if not, that's fine too. The only standard CNN and all of the Nazi press has is to promote the party and slander the hated enemy,which is America. seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:
WE need Gateway Pundit ...:bye1:

U.S. Sen. John McCain took to Facebook early Thursday to issue what he called a Fake News Alert. The pro-Trump alt-right website Gateway Pundit, he said, ran a fake story claiming he had ties with Veselnitskaya. At issue was a photo on Veselnitskaya's Facebook page purportedly taken from inside McCain's D.C. office.

"The photo in question shows Mark Feygin and me, a Russian opposition lawyer working to free Nadiya Savchenko, Ukraine's first female military pilot and Member of the Ukrainian Parliament who had been abducted by pro-Russian separatists and illegally imprisoned in Vladimir Putin's Russia," the Arizona Republican said in the statement.

McCain said he tweeted the photo in April 2015, and for reasons that are unclear Veselnitskaya posted it without comment on her Facebook page with a time stamp of Dec. 24, 2015.

The Gateway Pundit also posted a fake story on Thursday with a screaming headline that alleged former Rep. Ron Dellums had served as a Washington chaperone for Veselnitskaya days after she had met Trump Jr. at Trump Tower.

Internet scrutiny zeroes in on Kremlin-aligned Russian operative Natalia Veselnitskaya
The problem is that conservatives have taken a meme and turned it into binary, all-or-nothing gospel. They've done this before, with "greed is good" and "government is the problem", where they take a general principle and make it an a b s o l u t e, applying it completely to every situation, always.

Yes, the national media is biased, and yes, they're hiding it less and less. But now the Right has allowed itself to become convinced that 100% of what they say is "fake", all the time. So, if they don't like a story, it's "fake", whether is any proof of it being fake or not. This is part of what is exacerbating our divide.

And by the way, this was all triggered most recently by the term "fake news", which was originally used against the Right in the context of purely & blatantly fabricated, fantastical stories created by sites such as WND and Info Wars. When ideologues are accurately stung by a term that is appropriate, they immediately try to co-opt it and turn it around. The Left has done this with "snowflake" and (as I've seen here recently) "Identity Politics".

So now the Right labels any news it doesn't like as "fake". That's surely not helpful.
Lie to me once. Shame on you.

Lie to me Twice. Shame on me.

They have lost all credibility. No need to listen to a pack of Liars anymore.

You supported Hillary.


I'm sure that you believe that Hillary lies as much as Trump. More even.

But you can not prove it. I can support the claim that Trump lies more than Hillary.
Hillary lies all the time, but you don't know this because your media doesn't tell you. They do tell you when Trump lies. Unbelievably you still can't see you are being purposely duped. seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:
WE need Gateway Pundit ...:bye1:

U.S. Sen. John McCain took to Facebook early Thursday to issue what he called a Fake News Alert. The pro-Trump alt-right website Gateway Pundit, he said, ran a fake story claiming he had ties with Veselnitskaya. At issue was a photo on Veselnitskaya's Facebook page purportedly taken from inside McCain's D.C. office.

"The photo in question shows Mark Feygin and me, a Russian opposition lawyer working to free Nadiya Savchenko, Ukraine's first female military pilot and Member of the Ukrainian Parliament who had been abducted by pro-Russian separatists and illegally imprisoned in Vladimir Putin's Russia," the Arizona Republican said in the statement.

McCain said he tweeted the photo in April 2015, and for reasons that are unclear Veselnitskaya posted it without comment on her Facebook page with a time stamp of Dec. 24, 2015.

The Gateway Pundit also posted a fake story on Thursday with a screaming headline that alleged former Rep. Ron Dellums had served as a Washington chaperone for Veselnitskaya days after she had met Trump Jr. at Trump Tower.

Internet scrutiny zeroes in on Kremlin-aligned Russian operative Natalia Veselnitskaya

john-mccain-rino-stamped.jpeg seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:

When you have the majority of the news supporting one party only it's a problem.
People have been complaining about it for 30 years.

We don't have that. It's a false narrative and has been for 30 years.

Public records of contributions to each party proves your wrong. seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:
WE need Gateway Pundit ...:bye1:

U.S. Sen. John McCain took to Facebook early Thursday to issue what he called a Fake News Alert. The pro-Trump alt-right website Gateway Pundit, he said, ran a fake story claiming he had ties with Veselnitskaya. At issue was a photo on Veselnitskaya's Facebook page purportedly taken from inside McCain's D.C. office.

"The photo in question shows Mark Feygin and me, a Russian opposition lawyer working to free Nadiya Savchenko, Ukraine's first female military pilot and Member of the Ukrainian Parliament who had been abducted by pro-Russian separatists and illegally imprisoned in Vladimir Putin's Russia," the Arizona Republican said in the statement.

McCain said he tweeted the photo in April 2015, and for reasons that are unclear Veselnitskaya posted it without comment on her Facebook page with a time stamp of Dec. 24, 2015.

The Gateway Pundit also posted a fake story on Thursday with a screaming headline that alleged former Rep. Ron Dellums had served as a Washington chaperone for Veselnitskaya days after she had met Trump Jr. at Trump Tower.

Internet scrutiny zeroes in on Kremlin-aligned Russian operative Natalia Veselnitskaya
Yeah...John McCain (the crazy warmongering drugged up fool) is a reliable source...CRAZY! seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:

When you have the majority of the news supporting one party only it's a problem.
People have been complaining about it for 30 years.

We don't have that. It's a false narrative and has been for 30 years.
Your post proves you don't know what is going on. STOP posting until you get informed. seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:
WE need Gateway Pundit ...:bye1:

U.S. Sen. John McCain took to Facebook early Thursday to issue what he called a Fake News Alert. The pro-Trump alt-right website Gateway Pundit, he said, ran a fake story claiming he had ties with Veselnitskaya. At issue was a photo on Veselnitskaya's Facebook page purportedly taken from inside McCain's D.C. office.

"The photo in question shows Mark Feygin and me, a Russian opposition lawyer working to free Nadiya Savchenko, Ukraine's first female military pilot and Member of the Ukrainian Parliament who had been abducted by pro-Russian separatists and illegally imprisoned in Vladimir Putin's Russia," the Arizona Republican said in the statement.

McCain said he tweeted the photo in April 2015, and for reasons that are unclear Veselnitskaya posted it without comment on her Facebook page with a time stamp of Dec. 24, 2015.

The Gateway Pundit also posted a fake story on Thursday with a screaming headline that alleged former Rep. Ron Dellums had served as a Washington chaperone for Veselnitskaya days after she had met Trump Jr. at Trump Tower.

Internet scrutiny zeroes in on Kremlin-aligned Russian operative Natalia Veselnitskaya
It was Trump putting out the fake news dude ...McCain proved it...Gateway Pundit is a source of fake news affiliated with Donald Trump a well known serial liar who had to pay back $25 million he stole from people with a fake University

Donald Trump needs "Scam artist" pasted on his Orange Face seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:
WE need Gateway Pundit ...:bye1:

U.S. Sen. John McCain took to Facebook early Thursday to issue what he called a Fake News Alert. The pro-Trump alt-right website Gateway Pundit, he said, ran a fake story claiming he had ties with Veselnitskaya. At issue was a photo on Veselnitskaya's Facebook page purportedly taken from inside McCain's D.C. office.

"The photo in question shows Mark Feygin and me, a Russian opposition lawyer working to free Nadiya Savchenko, Ukraine's first female military pilot and Member of the Ukrainian Parliament who had been abducted by pro-Russian separatists and illegally imprisoned in Vladimir Putin's Russia," the Arizona Republican said in the statement.

McCain said he tweeted the photo in April 2015, and for reasons that are unclear Veselnitskaya posted it without comment on her Facebook page with a time stamp of Dec. 24, 2015.

The Gateway Pundit also posted a fake story on Thursday with a screaming headline that alleged former Rep. Ron Dellums had served as a Washington chaperone for Veselnitskaya days after she had met Trump Jr. at Trump Tower.

Internet scrutiny zeroes in on Kremlin-aligned Russian operative Natalia Veselnitskaya

Uh stupid, the Dellums story is verified.

Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team

You Nazi fucks are some dumb mofos....
Yeah...John McCain (the crazy warmongering drugged up fool) is a reliable source...CRAZY![/QUOTE]

Yeah sure Donald Trump the man who took his Marital vows and wiped his greasy Orange ass with them...a three time adulterer
...a man who declared Bankruptcy 6 times in order to not pay Back Money he borrowed

...Donald Trump who had to pay back $25 million he had thieved off folks with a fake University ...Donald Trump the guy who has been sued thousands of times ...that is the guy to Believe LOL

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