Conservatives and the media

If Ms. V had these deep ties to the democratic political machine and the Clinton criminal mob has been in bed with Russia for decades, why didn't Ms. V supply the dirt to the Trump campaign?
Why didn't Trump's campaign use it? Or did they?

I have no idea what Veselnitskaya's game was or is, she enticed Jr. with an opportunity for opposition research then failed to deliver. This was some sort of ploy, though I don't know what it is. But I again remind you that if the offer were not credible, Jr. would not have agreed to meet her, when she failed to deliver, he left.

As for the Clinton connection to Russia, this is irrefutable, even notoriously biased Politifraud has been forced to admit it.


Fact-checking 'Clinton Cash' author on claim about Bill Clinton's speaking fees
Why does the left continue to support the MSM no matter how many mistakes they make? There was hardly a ripple among democrats when CBS used forged documents to try to influence a presidential election. Democrats seemed to support the concept invented by the MSM that Rush Limbaugh caused the Gifford shooting in Arizona and nobody on the left objected to the democrat plan to force right wing media to broadcast left wing propaganda with the ironically named "fairness doctrine" aka Hush Rush. Nobody in the MSM seems concerned enough to investigate Clinton's foreign outreach "foundation" while they chase a phantom like "collusion" which doesn't appear in the federal statutes. There is nothing that the public can do about bias in the media except point it out and the way the left is firing back it seems to be working.

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