Conservatives and the media

If you had an IQ greater than 50, you wouldn't be a fascist democrat. We get it gnat, you are abysmally stupid.

Well, UNhinged........a junior high education would have prevented you from typing "fascist democrat"......Maybe a GED course could help you??? Just a suggestion.....LOL

Oh, right because a system that promotes a command economy under an absolute dictatorship where the state reigns supreme is "conservative."


You fucking retard.
because a system that promotes a command economy under an absolute dictatorship where the state reigns supreme is "conservative."

You really shouldn't be so hard on the current Trump regime....

So, bottom line for the UNhinged is that democratic precepts should be labeled "fascists"....Mussolini would be in tears having heard that....LOL
I would probably be far harder on Trump if you Nazi fucks weren't a far greater danger to the nation.

Yes, yes........all your problems are not related to your very limited education........they stem from "liberal Nazi fucks"........LOL
Tell the truth, stop lying, print only facts that are known. Simple as that.
Why bother? When the media does supply facts, the right won't believe it anyway, unless it somehow makes the Trump administration look great. The media is supplying facts right now, has been all week, on Trump Jr.'s meeting to get dirt from the Russian government on H.Clinton back during the campaign. Trump Jr. and the President both admit it and see nothing wrong with it.
Yet the right is still screaming "fake news." How?

It would be a crime if they used the information during the campaign or had exchanged money.
I'm not jumping to any conclusions about it being criminal. Is that why the right is screaming? I have seen enough coverage to know that a lot of people are discussing that and at least half the people I've heard say it WASN'T criminal. So I don't think the media is being overly biased here--they are presenting both sides. Including the President's statements that there's no problem.

The constitution and the law makes it very clear.
Crime has to be committed first then then proven.
This is looking for the crime first ,then proof, that becomes a witch hunt, when continually done over a period of time. In this case for a year of looking for dirt.
Like the salem witch trials;
They accused them of being witches then drowned them to prove they were innocent. :)

We live in a Post Constitutional Nation.
Bread and circuses.
I would probably be far harder on Trump if you Nazi fucks weren't a far greater danger to the nation.

Yes, yes........all your problems are not related to your very limited education........they stem from "liberal Nazi fucks"........LOL
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

Always the same...predictable as sunrise.
Look, 2008, I need to understand why Lynch extending Ms. V's visa somehow proves something to you. In what way?

So let me get this straight, Trump Jr, meeting with Veselnitskaya for 10 minutes is "treason" according to the Nazi press, but Lynch engaging in extraordinary measures to bring Veselnitskaya in to the country is nothing to even notice?

Do you even hear yourself?
The fact is, she was representing a Russian firm based in NYC which was being prosecuted by the DOJ. Case began when she had a valid visa, which expired. The case was not resolved when it expired. The DOJ doesn't deny representation to people it is prosecuting.

That case was abruptly settled for beans by the DOJ now headed by Sessions. After Trump fired the lead prosecutor for no apparent reason a few months back. Trump wanted this case to go away, which involved money laundering by firms involved in Manhattan real estate deals. Ring any bells with you at all? Who has spent a career involved in Manhattan real estate deals? Who refused to release his tax returns, tax returns that would show what businesses Trump had connection with? Smells pretty fishy to me, and a lot more like what Trump is really up to than politics.
The problem is that conservatives have taken a meme and turned it into binary, all-or-nothing gospel. They've done this before, with "greed is good" and "government is the problem", where they take a general principle and make it an a b s o l u t e, applying it completely to every situation, always.

Yes, the national media is biased, and yes, they're hiding it less and less. But now the Right has allowed itself to become convinced that 100% of what they say is "fake", all the time. So, if they don't like a story, it's "fake", whether is any proof of it being fake or not. This is part of what is exacerbating our divide.

And by the way, this was all triggered most recently by the term "fake news", which was originally used against the Right in the context of purely & blatantly fabricated, fantastical stories created by sites such as WND and Info Wars. When ideologues are accurately stung by a term that is appropriate, they immediately try to co-opt it and turn it around. The Left has done this with "snowflake" and (as I've seen here recently) "Identity Politics".

So now the Right labels any news it doesn't like as "fake". That's surely not helpful.
Lie to me once. Shame on you.

Lie to me Twice. Shame on me.

They have lost all credibility. No need to listen to a pack of Liars anymore.
The media isnt even honest on a local level. I have had multiple experiences with the local media via my employer where reporters were given detailed facts and they STILL reported false information because of their agenda.

The media of today exists to push an agenda...not to report the truth. Period. seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:

False equivalence. There is no comparison between FOX and CNN.

MSNBC is closer to FOX, but at MSNBC they issue retractions and don't use questions as a form of news reporting.

Sorry. FOX is in a world by itself.

As I see it, Fox fills the void that no other network does. They wouldn't have to provide Conservative coverage if other networks who came before them had shown some semblance of balance. They were born out of the fact that noone was covering Conservative opinion.


Nutbags lie you think standard news ( NBC, CBS, ABC ) are liberal because facts are liberal. Journalists are fact driven. Their bias comes simply from having the facts at their disposal.

FOX purposefully misrepresents facts to appease it's audience. When facts are told, FOX viewers don't watch.

MSNBC is the reaction to FOX. Not the reason for it.

Take responsibility.

This isn't my opinion. This is simple fact.
Journalists are not " facts" driven. They are agenda driven.
Why bother? When the media does supply facts, the right won't believe it anyway, unless it somehow makes the Trump administration look great. The media is supplying facts right now, has been all week, on Trump Jr.'s meeting to get dirt from the Russian government on H.Clinton back during the campaign. Trump Jr. and the President both admit it and see nothing wrong with it.
Yet the right is still screaming "fake news." How?

It would be a crime if they used the information during the campaign or had exchanged money.
I'm not jumping to any conclusions about it being criminal. Is that why the right is screaming? I have seen enough coverage to know that a lot of people are discussing that and at least half the people I've heard say it WASN'T criminal. So I don't think the media is being overly biased here--they are presenting both sides. Including the President's statements that there's no problem.

The constitution and the law makes it very clear.
Crime has to be committed first then then proven.
This is looking for the crime first ,then proof, that becomes a witch hunt, when continually done over a period of time. In this case for a year of looking for dirt.
Like the salem witch trials;
They accused them of being witches then drowned them to prove they were innocent. :)

We live in a Post Constitutional Nation.
Bread and circuses.

Absolutely correct.
Look, 2008, I need to understand why Lynch extending Ms. V's visa somehow proves something to you. In what way?

So let me get this straight, Trump Jr, meeting with Veselnitskaya for 10 minutes is "treason" according to the Nazi press, but Lynch engaging in extraordinary measures to bring Veselnitskaya in to the country is nothing to even notice?

Do you even hear yourself?
The fact is, she was representing a Russian firm based in NYC which was being prosecuted by the DOJ. Case began when she had a valid visa, which expired. The case was not resolved when it expired. The DOJ doesn't deny representation to people it is prosecuting.

That case was abruptly settled for beans by the DOJ now headed by Sessions. After Trump fired the lead prosecutor for no apparent reason a few months back. Trump wanted this case to go away, which involved money laundering by firms involved in Manhattan real estate deals. Ring any bells with you at all? Who has spent a career involved in Manhattan real estate deals? Who refused to release his tax returns, tax returns that would show what businesses Trump had connection with? Smells pretty fishy to me, and a lot more like what Trump is really up to than politics.

Good to see you covered half the points mentioned in post #129.
I would probably be far harder on Trump if you Nazi fucks weren't a far greater danger to the nation.

Yes, yes........all your problems are not related to your very limited education........they stem from "liberal Nazi fucks"........LOL

Yes, a Ph.D. is so severely limited, sploogy. :eusa_whistle:

As explained to you many times, you and your filthy party are not liberal. You have nothing in common with Jefferson, Mason, Paine, or any of those other "damned Republicans" as founder of the democratic party Jackson called them.

So tell us all what it is, precisely that is "conservative" about a system based on government control of the means of production where the foremost and absolute duty of all is obedience to the state?

And then explain how that differs from the demand of the current democrats that government control the means of production and all be brought under absolute control of the state through hate speech and religious intolerance?

I await your erudite elucidation...
Look, 2008, I need to understand why Lynch extending Ms. V's visa somehow proves something to you. In what way?

So let me get this straight, Trump Jr, meeting with Veselnitskaya for 10 minutes is "treason" according to the Nazi press, but Lynch engaging in extraordinary measures to bring Veselnitskaya in to the country is nothing to even notice?

Do you even hear yourself?
The fact is, she was representing a Russian firm based in NYC which was being prosecuted by the DOJ. Case began when she had a valid visa, which expired. The case was not resolved when it expired. The DOJ doesn't deny representation to people it is prosecuting.

That case was abruptly settled for beans by the DOJ now headed by Sessions. After Trump fired the lead prosecutor for no apparent reason a few months back. Trump wanted this case to go away, which involved money laundering by firms involved in Manhattan real estate deals. Ring any bells with you at all? Who has spent a career involved in Manhattan real estate deals? Who refused to release his tax returns, tax returns that would show what businesses Trump had connection with? Smells pretty fishy to me, and a lot more like what Trump is really up to than politics.

Veselnitskaya is far from the only lawyer working for Russia, Hell Hillary is a lawyer who is employed by the Kremlin. Your excuse fails. Veselnitskaya has DEEP ties to the democratic political machine, which is WHY Trump Jr. found it credible that she would have evidence of collusion between Hillary and Putin. The Clinton criminal mob has been in bed with Russia for decades.
The media isnt even honest on a local level. I have had multiple experiences with the local media via my employer where reporters were given detailed facts and they STILL reported false information because of their agenda.

The media of today exists to push an agenda...not to report the truth. Period.

Most so called journalists are extremely hostile to free enterprise and will frame stories to put businesses in the most negative light possible
Look, 2008, I need to understand why Lynch extending Ms. V's visa somehow proves something to you. In what way?

So let me get this straight, Trump Jr, meeting with Veselnitskaya for 10 minutes is "treason" according to the Nazi press, but Lynch engaging in extraordinary measures to bring Veselnitskaya in to the country is nothing to even notice?

Do you even hear yourself?
The fact is, she was representing a Russian firm based in NYC which was being prosecuted by the DOJ. Case began when she had a valid visa, which expired. The case was not resolved when it expired. The DOJ doesn't deny representation to people it is prosecuting.

That case was abruptly settled for beans by the DOJ now headed by Sessions. After Trump fired the lead prosecutor for no apparent reason a few months back. Trump wanted this case to go away, which involved money laundering by firms involved in Manhattan real estate deals. Ring any bells with you at all? Who has spent a career involved in Manhattan real estate deals? Who refused to release his tax returns, tax returns that would show what businesses Trump had connection with? Smells pretty fishy to me, and a lot more like what Trump is really up to than politics.

Veselnitskaya is far from the only lawyer working for Russia, Hell Hillary is a lawyer who is employed by the Kremlin. Your excuse fails. Veselnitskaya has DEEP ties to the democratic political machine, which is WHY Trump Jr. found it credible that she would have evidence of collusion between Hillary and Putin. The Clinton criminal mob has been in bed with Russia for decades.
If Ms. V had these deep ties to the democratic political machine and the Clinton criminal mob has been in bed with Russia for decades, why didn't Ms. V supply the dirt to the Trump campaign?
Why didn't Trump's campaign use it? Or did they?
Look, 2008, I need to understand why Lynch extending Ms. V's visa somehow proves something to you. In what way?

So let me get this straight, Trump Jr, meeting with Veselnitskaya for 10 minutes is "treason" according to the Nazi press, but Lynch engaging in extraordinary measures to bring Veselnitskaya in to the country is nothing to even notice?

Do you even hear yourself?
The fact is, she was representing a Russian firm based in NYC which was being prosecuted by the DOJ. Case began when she had a valid visa, which expired. The case was not resolved when it expired. The DOJ doesn't deny representation to people it is prosecuting.

That case was abruptly settled for beans by the DOJ now headed by Sessions. After Trump fired the lead prosecutor for no apparent reason a few months back. Trump wanted this case to go away, which involved money laundering by firms involved in Manhattan real estate deals. Ring any bells with you at all? Who has spent a career involved in Manhattan real estate deals? Who refused to release his tax returns, tax returns that would show what businesses Trump had connection with? Smells pretty fishy to me, and a lot more like what Trump is really up to than politics.

Good to see you covered half the points mentioned in post #129.
You want me to cover the other half, fine. It's not treason, and no reputable reliable source that I've read or heard is saying that it was.
The media isnt even honest on a local level. I have had multiple experiences with the local media via my employer where reporters were given detailed facts and they STILL reported false information because of their agenda.

The media of today exists to push an agenda...not to report the truth. Period.

Most so called journalists are extremely hostile to free enterprise and will frame stories to put businesses in the most negative light possible
Yep. Even if it's currently the biggest employer in their state. A state that also hasn't had job growth in over 8 years because they destroyed the economy by ruining the gas and energy industry that paid the majority of their entitlement taxes.

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