Conservatives and the media

Riddle me this...........................What is a Grand Jury about...................

What the fuck are you babbling about now.....Calm down.....get those few brain cells to conjure up a decent question and ask a grown up to help you phrase it................LOL
I saw writing on a port-o-let wall the other day..............Said Nat robbed stores in the area........

Gonna investigate your ass cause I saw it written with a Sharpee...............doesn't matter if the information is true or not......

Go to the media and call you a thief...............and try your ass in the public arena................Enjoy.
I saw writing on a port-o-let wall the other day..............Said Nat robbed stores in the area........

Gonna investigate your ass cause I saw it written with a Sharpee...............doesn't matter if the information is true or not......

Go to the media and call you a thief...............and try your ass in the public arena................Enjoy.

As soon as I find my MORON-to-ENGLISH dictionary, I can then decipher what the fuck you're getting at.......LOL
I saw writing on a port-o-let wall the other day..............Said Nat robbed stores in the area........

Gonna investigate your ass cause I saw it written with a Sharpee...............doesn't matter if the information is true or not......

Go to the media and call you a thief...............and try your ass in the public arena................Enjoy.

As soon as I find my MORON-to-ENGLISH dictionary, I can then decipher what the fuck you're getting at.......LOL
Went right over your head.

I already knew that though.
I support Trump. Damn skippy. But believe every damned thing anyone says.....

Not a chance in Hell.

Why do you support Donald Trump?
Posted check list.

I don't give a damn about Political Correctness......................The establishment has thrown everything but the kitchen sink at him............He's still standing isn't he.

Your Lies aren't working anymore. Have a Nice day.

I don't lie, I don't need to lie. Calling me a liar does not make it so. When an allegation such as that is made, evidence must accompany it.

Post it, or I for one will continue to see your for what your posts suggest you are: A partisan hack, hateful, ignorant and obnoxious.
I don't give a flying fuck what you see me as anymore. I see you as a partisan hack already...........I don't care what you call me anymore............That pysch crap has run it's course................with me and the people.

Every trick in the book thrown at Trump. and it failed. Your side is good at one thing now.


Tissue? Trump's problem is not the resistance, his problems are all his doing. As for my side losing, my side is the United States, its citizens and The Union; not some vague ideology which supports hate and is built on a foundation of fear and greed.
so you actually believe the propaganda you just posted? :lol:
Yep..............Next question.

You really haven't looked at some of the crap they put out these days.............

Same question.......You actually listen to the crap they put out now.

Except some of them who got their asses fired for causing that news agency to get SUED for 100 Million Dollars for SLANDER.

Shame isn't it, WHEN THE TRUTH TURNS ON YOU............Poor CNN.........Perhaps one day they might get ratings. Cartoons are beating their asses now.

Who cares if kids are watching cartoons in the evening now that school is out and they don't have to go to bed so early?
CNN's ratings have increased each year. Fox beat them in the one week study which was well publicized by the right to show CNN being "punished" for it's honest retraction of inaccurate reporting on one story. The reporters were fired, as well.
You think InfoWars and Breitbart would behave that way? Who is being professional and accountable here? CNN slants the news by chosing what topics to cover, to emphasize, and who to invite on to voice their opinions. If you don't like it, don't watch. They don't lie. There is such a difference. seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:
Tell the truth, stop lying, print only facts that are known. Simple as that.
Why bother? When the media does supply facts, the right won't believe it anyway, unless it somehow makes the Trump administration look great. The media is supplying facts right now, has been all week, on Trump Jr.'s meeting to get dirt from the Russian government on H.Clinton back during the campaign. Trump Jr. and the President both admit it and see nothing wrong with it.
Yet the right is still screaming "fake news." How? seems you don't appreciate the mainstream media. I've been hearing a lot about that these days. So, tell me, what is your solution to all this? State run news? If we don't have freedom of the press as the framers of our constitution demanded, that's exactly where we're headed. Is this really what you want? A system where the truth is what the government tells you it is? I watch Fox News, and also CNN. They seem to have the same agenda, one promoting the right wing, the other promoting the left. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's better than the alternative. What do you think.....? :bye1:
Tell the truth, stop lying, print only facts that are known. Simple as that.
Why bother? When the media does supply facts, the right won't believe it anyway, unless it somehow makes the Trump administration look great. The media is supplying facts right now, has been all week, on Trump Jr.'s meeting to get dirt from the Russian government on H.Clinton back during the campaign. Trump Jr. and the President both admit it and see nothing wrong with it.
Yet the right is still screaming "fake news." How?
Why bother with being truthful? There you have it folks....
so you actually believe the propaganda you just posted? :lol:
Yep..............Next question.

You really haven't looked at some of the crap they put out these days.............

Same question.......You actually listen to the crap they put out now.

Except some of them who got their asses fired for causing that news agency to get SUED for 100 Million Dollars for SLANDER.

Shame isn't it, WHEN THE TRUTH TURNS ON YOU............Poor CNN.........Perhaps one day they might get ratings. Cartoons are beating their asses now.

Who cares if kids are watching cartoons in the evening now that school is out and they don't have to go to bed so early?
CNN's ratings have increased each year. Fox beat them in the one week study which was well publicized by the right to show CNN being "punished" for it's honest retraction of inaccurate reporting on one story. The reporters were fired, as well.
You think InfoWars and Breitbart would behave that way? Who is being professional and accountable here? CNN slants the news by chosing what topics to cover, to emphasize, and who to invite on to voice their opinions. If you don't like it, don't watch. They don't lie. There is such a difference.

CNN is the on air edition of ThinkProgress.

They have zero credibility with the American people.

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