Conservatives hate gov. but love the Constitution

Yeah the republicans love the Constitution so much they voted down an amendment to hold Trump accountable for violating the emolument clause of the Con.

He's enriching himself on the public dime?
Gee... not our problem.
Republicans are such cowards.
For real? Democrats wanted an amendment in order to pursue an action that doesn't require an amendment?

Yes, it's true, I guess. They really are that stupid.
So you're fine with Trump enriching himself while shitting on the Constitution.
Good to know..

Lawdy, you snowflakes are easy.
Yet you shit your pants because you wouldn't answer my question.
Righties will expound endlessly on how much they hate government. They also will tell all those who will listen about their love for the Constitution.

Apparently, they have never read the Constitution, or at least they haven't read past the 2nd Amemndment, because anyone who has read the Constitution knows that more than half of it is the instructions, if you will, for how the Government is to function. And, it is important to note that it functions exactly as proscribed in the Constitution!

So which is it righties, do you love the Constitution and the government it created or do you hate the government and the Constitution that created it? It really can't be both.

Maybe you really just hate America, we already know you hate most Americans
The Constitution limits Government.
The Constitution defines our government
Yeah the republicans love the Constitution so much they voted down an amendment to hold Trump accountable for violating the emolument clause of the Con.

He's enriching himself on the public dime?
Gee... not our problem.
Republicans are such cowards.
For real? Democrats wanted an amendment in order to pursue an action that doesn't require an amendment?

Yes, it's true, I guess. They really are that stupid.
So you're fine with Trump enriching himself while shitting on the Constitution.
Good to know..
Can you once again, be asked to provide proof of this claim?
I have already. Multiple times.. the media has covered it for months..
Oh right your partial to bloggers who kiss Trump's ass.

D.C. and Maryland AGs: Trump ‘flagrantly violating’ emoluments clause

Questions Linger About Trump's Foreign Business Ties And The Emoluments Clause

Donald Trump's plan to avoid violating the Constitution is a sham
Righties will expound endlessly on how much they hate government. They also will tell all those who will listen about their love for the Constitution.

Apparently, they have never read the Constitution, or at least they haven't read past the 2nd Amemndment, because anyone who has read the Constitution knows that more than half of it is the instructions, if you will, for how the Government is to function. And, it is important to note that it functions exactly as proscribed in the Constitution!

So which is it righties, do you love the Constitution and the government it created or do you hate the government and the Constitution that created it? It really can't be both.

Maybe you really just hate America, we already know you hate most Americans
The Constitution limits government, not citizens. There was a controversy over the Bill of Rights because some thought authoritarian assholes would twist it to mean a limitation on citizen rights. LWers/Federalists have spent the last 200+ years trying to give more power to government and less to citizens.

Note things like banning over-sized soda drinks and other laws made for "people's own good".
I don't think the Right, or Libertarians hate government at all, I think we are concerned with excessive government, what these means for the next generation and sustainability of the economy as debt is passed from one to the next. Most important, we are concerned about over reach, abuse of power and the harm against liberty and freedom.

Someone smarter than me said (I paraphrase) we need all the government we need and not a bit more.

With that I agree
Righties will expound endlessly on how much they hate government. They also will tell all those who will listen about their love for the Constitution.

Apparently, they have never read the Constitution, or at least they haven't read past the 2nd Amemndment, because anyone who has read the Constitution knows that more than half of it is the instructions, if you will, for how the Government is to function. And, it is important to note that it functions exactly as proscribed in the Constitution!

So which is it righties, do you love the Constitution and the government it created or do you hate the government and the Constitution that created it? It really can't be both.

Maybe you really just hate America, we already know you hate most Americans

No bed wetter, I can't speak for everyone but I'd assert that we just hate you and parasites like you, that demand government steals %50 or more of our shit so you can have a nanny state.

Yeah the republicans love the Constitution so much they voted down an amendment to hold Trump accountable for violating the emolument clause of the Con.

He's enriching himself on the public dime?
Gee... not our problem.
Republicans are such cowards.
For real? Democrats wanted an amendment in order to pursue an action that doesn't require an amendment?

Yes, it's true, I guess. They really are that stupid.
So you're fine with Trump enriching himself while shitting on the Constitution.
Good to know..
Can you once again, be asked to provide proof of this claim?
I have already. Multiple times.. the media has covered it for months..
Oh right your partial to bloggers who kiss Trump's ass.

D.C. and Maryland AGs: Trump ‘flagrantly violating’ emoluments clause

Questions Linger About Trump's Foreign Business Ties And The Emoluments Clause

Donald Trump's plan to avoid violating the Constitution is a sham
As I have stated repeatedly, media links are proof of NOTHING. You have nothing and you never will.
Righties will expound endlessly on how much they hate government. They also will tell all those who will listen about their love for the Constitution.

Apparently, they have never read the Constitution, or at least they haven't read past the 2nd Amemndment, because anyone who has read the Constitution knows that more than half of it is the instructions, if you will, for how the Government is to function. And, it is important to note that it functions exactly as proscribed in the Constitution!

So which is it righties, do you love the Constitution and the government it created or do you hate the government and the Constitution that created it? It really can't be both.

Maybe you really just hate America, we already know you hate most Americans

Really? Which part of the Constitution grants the President the authority to maintain a kill list?

Secret ‘Kill List’ Tests Obama’s Principles
Righties will expound endlessly on how much they hate government. They also will tell all those who will listen about their love for the Constitution.

Apparently, they have never read the Constitution, or at least they haven't read past the 2nd Amemndment, because anyone who has read the Constitution knows that more than half of it is the instructions, if you will, for how the Government is to function. And, it is important to note that it functions exactly as proscribed in the Constitution!

So which is it righties, do you love the Constitution and the government it created or do you hate the government and the Constitution that created it? It really can't be both.

Maybe you really just hate America, we already know you hate most Americans

There was a question and it still hasn't been addressed directly, love the Constitution and the government it created or hate both?
You aren't really a teacher, are you?? Lord help our kids!
Yeah the republicans love the Constitution so much they voted down an amendment to hold Trump accountable for violating the emolument clause of the Con.

He's enriching himself on the public dime?
Gee... not our problem.
Republicans are such cowards.
If you taught Public School you also enriched yourself on the public dime.
You're the king of the idiots.
Teachers dont have to divest their business interests. Presidents do. Your fuhrer didn't.
You have a little yellow spot on your chin from Trump
I don't think the Right, or Libertarians hate government at all, I think we are concerned with excessive government, what these means for the next generation and sustainability of the economy as debt is passed from one to the next. Most important, we are concerned about over reach, abuse of power and the harm against liberty and freedom.

Someone smarter than me said (I paraphrase) we need all the government we need and not a bit more.

With that I agree
In 1974 while speaking before Congress, President Ford said "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."
The govt of today has no resemblance to the govt created at the time of our founding and the Constitutions premises. If you are that blind, well there is no hope for you.
Righties will expound endlessly on how much they hate government. They also will tell all those who will listen about their love for the Constitution.

Apparently, they have never read the Constitution, or at least they haven't read past the 2nd Amemndment, because anyone who has read the Constitution knows that more than half of it is the instructions, if you will, for how the Government is to function. And, it is important to note that it functions exactly as proscribed in the Constitution!

So which is it righties, do you love the Constitution and the government it created or do you hate the government and the Constitution that created it? It really can't be both.

Maybe you really just hate America, we already know you hate most Americans

There was a question and it still hasn't been addressed directly, love the Constitution and the government it created or hate both?
Righties will expound endlessly on how much they hate government. They also will tell all those who will listen about their love for the Constitution.

Apparently, they have never read the Constitution, or at least they haven't read past the 2nd Amemndment, because anyone who has read the Constitution knows that more than half of it is the instructions, if you will, for how the Government is to function. And, it is important to note that it functions exactly as proscribed in the Constitution!

So which is it righties, do you love the Constitution and the government it created or do you hate the government and the Constitution that created it? It really can't be both.

Maybe you really just hate America, we already know you hate most Americans

There was a question and it still hasn't been addressed directly, love the Constitution and the government it created or hate both?
Loaded question. A better one is "Can you love the Constitution but not the government it creates?"

My answer is "Yes". Constitution limits government. We do need a government for foreign treaties and national defense. We don't need government snooping into people's bedrooms or their bodies much less telling them how to live, what to think and what to believe.
Yeah the republicans love the Constitution so much they voted down an amendment to hold Trump accountable for violating the emolument clause of the Con.

He's enriching himself on the public dime?
Gee... not our problem.
Republicans are such cowards.
If you taught Public School you also enriched yourself on the public dime.
You're the king of the idiots.
Teachers dont have to divest their business interests. Presidents do. Your fuhrer didn't.
You have a little yellow spot on your chin from Trump
Thank for for admitting that you enriched yourself on the public dime.
Righties will expound endlessly on how much they hate government. They also will tell all those who will listen about their love for the Constitution.

Apparently, they have never read the Constitution, or at least they haven't read past the 2nd Amemndment, because anyone who has read the Constitution knows that more than half of it is the instructions, if you will, for how the Government is to function. And, it is important to note that it functions exactly as proscribed in the Constitution!

So which is it righties, do you love the Constitution and the government it created or do you hate the government and the Constitution that created it? It really can't be both.

Maybe you really just hate America, we already know you hate most Americans

Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that is owned by the IMF and totally unconstitutional.
You aren't really a teacher, are you?? Lord help our kids!
Yeah the republicans love the Constitution so much they voted down an amendment to hold Trump accountable for violating the emolument clause of the Con.

He's enriching himself on the public dime?
Gee... not our problem.
Republicans are such cowards.
If you taught Public School you also enriched yourself on the public dime.
You're the king of the idiots.
Teachers dont have to divest their business interests. Presidents do. Your fuhrer didn't.
You have a little yellow spot on your chin from Trump
He's a teacher; I can vouch for the idiocy due to the people I go out of my way to avoid.
there is a difference between hating government period, and hating government intrusion into our personal lives, government infringement on our rights, and government incompetence and corruption
Righties will expound endlessly on how much they hate government. They also will tell all those who will listen about their love for the Constitution.

Apparently, they have never read the Constitution, or at least they haven't read past the 2nd Amemndment, because anyone who has read the Constitution knows that more than half of it is the instructions, if you will, for how the Government is to function. And, it is important to note that it functions exactly as proscribed in the Constitution!

So which is it righties, do you love the Constitution and the government it created or do you hate the government and the Constitution that created it? It really can't be both.

Maybe you really just hate America, we already know you hate most Americans

Really! Show me where in the constitution it states the federal government should be involved in education, healthcare and funding retirement for individuals. While you're at it, please direct me to the section that gives the Supreme Court jurisdiction to decide if abortion should be allowed or not.
Conservatives hate gov. but love the Constitution

The oxymoronic nature of their attestations to that effect are not lost on keen observers. The Constitution is, after all, the document that established the U.S. government.
Righties will expound endlessly on how much they hate government. They also will tell all those who will listen about their love for the Constitution.

Apparently, they have never read the Constitution, or at least they haven't read past the 2nd Amemndment, because anyone who has read the Constitution knows that more than half of it is the instructions, if you will, for how the Government is to function. And, it is important to note that it functions exactly as proscribed in the Constitution!

So which is it righties, do you love the Constitution and the government it created or do you hate the government and the Constitution that created it? It really can't be both.

Maybe you really just hate America, we already know you hate most Americans

Conservatives don't love the Constitution; they love what they've decided the Constitution says and means.

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