Conservatives: How would you feel about a Hillary Clinton presidency?

I hope Huntsman or Christy runs in 2016 ;) We need someone that will bring this country together.

The extremes are nuts.
I'm a liberal Democrat and I think she would suck the big wazeeny based on her performance with Benghazi and others...
Some of our neo-cons and liberts like Hillary. That's interesting.

Christie can still beat her.
I do not think my feelings are relevant, unless I was about to be married.

What I think, would be very relevant.
I would rather have Christie than Hillary.

I knew eventually you would post something I agree with.

The Hildebeast would be a slight improvement over The Obamanation, the worst President in the history of our country! :eek:

fdr is the worst

If Jacksons records were clearer, it might be him, but fdr slaughtered Americans.

I know carter gets all the hate, b/c many of us lived through it, but he doesn't have a large body count

Yes. He IS the worst.
His body count extends far beyond Americans.
As much as I do not like obama, he is not even CLOSE
Who wants a president, that when in an emergency when needed will do what clinton did on the night of Benghazi? She's not fit and borderline dereliction of duty
I would rather have Christie than Hillary.

Chris Christie is the ideal old style democrat politician. He is a glib speaker with honest direct opinions and he is liberal on all social issues. The reason that he had to run as a republican is an indication of how far the democrat party has drifted to the insane radical left.

When I look at Chris Christie, I see two men, literally speaking of course. One man is moderately liberal and the other conservatively liberal.

this is what I see
America has already passed on Hilary- they chose a black man with 8 months experience over her.

To be fair, Hillary won the majority vote in her party. The DNC simply decided to appoint Barak over her. They despise the democratic process.

They knew all along they could beat anything the GOP threw at them, and then beat them again in 2016 with Hillary, so it's all good. They are just taking turns. So we have the first gay Muslim atheist black man in the Oval office, and now we will have the first white gay woman in the Oval office in 2016.
Chris Christie is the ideal old style democrat politician. He is a glib speaker with honest direct opinions and he is liberal on all social issues. The reason that he had to run as a republican is an indication of how far the democrat party has drifted to the insane radical left.

When I look at Chris Christie, I see two men, literally speaking of course. One man is moderately liberal and the other conservatively liberal.

this is what I see

Chris Christy is a shrewd politician. He had to know that Obama was going to win, and knew that he lived in a left leaning state. The result? It was a no brainer embracing him and kicking Romney in the shin. He really had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Of course, I don't blame people like Christy. The GOP has never stood up for conservative principles. That is because there is nothing conservative about the federal government. The whole system is a collectivist utopia that is based upon keeping power over the world at large via Uncle Ben's printing press at the Fed. Any disruption and the whole rotten propped up edifice will come crashing down. That is why the Tea Party is seen as a bigger enemy that terrorists abroad.
I was thinking what would be on Hillary's resume for President of the USA:

- As Secretary of State, my first order of business in 2009, while we were experiencing the worst financial crisis in recent history was to replace all the crystal stemware in the State Department.

- As Secretary of State, I denied support staff to the Benghazi, Libya Consulate when requested several times by the Diplomat there.

- As Secretary of State, I denied support when the consulate was attacked at Benghazi, Sept. 1 ,2012, leading to the death of the Diplomat and three other men.

- As Secretary of State, I lied to the people of the United states, insisting a video generated the attack on Benghazi in an attempt to divert attention to the failed foreign policies of the Obama administration.

- As Secretary of State, I delayed my appearance to the Congressional Hearings on Benghazi to get my story straight by claiming bogus stories on my "impaired" health

I will be available to be POTUS Jan.20,2016.
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I was thinking what would be on Hillary's resume for President of the USA:

- As Secretary of State, my first order of business in 2009, while we were experiencing the worst financial crisis in recent history was to replace all the crystal stemware in the State Department.

- As Secretary of State, I denied support staff to the Benghazi, Libya Consulate when requested several times by the Diplomat there.

- As Secretary of State, I denied support when the consulate was attacked at Benghazi, Sept. 1 ,2012, leading to the death of the Diplomat and three other men.

- As Secretary of State, I lied to the people of the United states, insisting a video generated the attack on Benghazi in an attempt to divert attention to the failed foreign policies of the Obama administration.

- As Secretary of State, I delayed my appearance to the Congressional Hearings on Benghazi to get my story straight by claim bogus stories on my "impaired" health

I will be available to be POTUS Jan.20,2016.

If by my age of 69, I will have the stamina to campaign....oh wait! I'm probably not going to have to do that.....:eusa_whistle: I'm a shoe-in or so I'm reading and Bill agrees.

So what else does Hillary have on her side that qualifies her for the job of POTUS? Anything?
So what else does Hillary have on her side that qualifies her for the job of POTUS? Anything?

I've asked myself that, many times, only to come up short with an answer. Maybe a lib can offer some of the Hill's accomplishments??? ( and link the source ) I can only think of her sticking with a serial womanizer, but I do not judge her for is just what comes to my mind, when her name is mentioned...that and the perceived cover-up of Benghazi, where 4 men died who didn't have to. But really....ya know..."what difference---at this point--what difference does it make!"

This has been an interesting, but academic, discussion. Hillary will not be the Dem nominee and will never be president. Here's why

1. too old
2. too shrill
3. too much baggage
4. never accomplished anything
5. Benghazi
6. too far left
7. Bill's bitch
8. unattractive
9. possibly lesbian
10. too angry

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