Conservatives only: Is our country salvageable?

I love how one fake starkey posts bullshit, then another fake starkey gives it a thumbs up.

What a retard.

The young workforces coming up will ensure the country marches forward strong as ever.
America sucks for conservatives.
My grandfather is a conservative. He flies a giant ass flag in his yard, owns a bunch of guns and absolutely loves this country. I guess somebody needs to explain to him that he should be miserable instead of feeling blessed and grateful every day.
If conservatives are so worried about the country, why dont they try and elect someone decent for once?
The Conservatives have tried but in many places, conservatives no longer hold a majority. Parasitic looters of the Left have the numbers now, which is why our nation is spiraling down the drain.
If conservatives are so worried about the country, why dont they try and elect someone decent for once?

The Conservatives have tried but in many places, conservatives no longer hold a majority. Parasitic looters of the Left have the numbers now, which is why our nation is spiraling down the drain.

And don't forget the vote fraud.

No they aren't! LOL.
This country moves forward because of liberal and progressive policies. Not conservative ones. Were it up to conservatives, this country would move back in time to the 1950's (for some reason, a nostalgic sweet spot in time for Republicans and conservatives..makes them misty eyed. ). The progressives are the ones who take the risks, drive innovation, and ultimately move the country in a forward direction. You are confusing the largely right leanings of the heads of corporations that donate heavily to conservative causes...mostly because it benefits their bottom tax line.
What a pile of delusional lies!
Hardly anyone I know whom is in small business is Regressive and of the loonie Left. All the loonie Left is good for is parasitic theft from producers. Most Regressives and Leftists are not productive workers and are anti-profit, showing they are ignorant of basic economics.
In politics, regressive and Leftist leaders of recent decades have next to no experience in wealth creation, the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens, et al having spent the bulk of their careers sucking off the taxpayer tit and living off of OPM (Other People's Money).

I'm someone whom has taken risks, owned small businesses, and been an employer, so my view is one from the economic trenches.

It's the regressives and Left that want to drag this nation back to the FDR 1930s.
What a pile of delusional lies!
Hardly anyone I know whom is in small business is Regressive and of the loonie Left. All the loonie Left is good for is parasitic theft from producers. Most Regressives and Leftists are not productive workers and are anti-profit, showing they are ignorant of basic economics.
In politics, regressive and Leftist leaders of recent decades have next to no experience in wealth creation, the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens, et al having spent the bulk of their careers sucking off the taxpayer tit and living off of OPM (Other People's Money).

I'm someone whom has taken risks, owned small businesses, and been an employer, so my view is one from the economic trenches.

It's the regressives and Left that want to drag this nation back to the FDR 1930s.
All of your screed are the same right wing generalizations I've listened to for the past four decades. They're no more true today than they were back then.

As far as living off of other people's money???...that's been the conservative mantra since a guy name Ronald Wilson Reagan (the father of modern deficit spending) came along. :)

Biden Family Associate Charged with Treason​

Kazakhstan’s former intelligence chief Karim Massimov, who Hunter Biden once described as his “close friend,” was arrested on suspicion of high treason.

Kazakh authorities arrested Massimov on Thursday, just one day after being fired from his post as chairman of the Kazakhstan National Security Committee. Massimov’s arrest came amid violent protests, where more than 160 demonstrators have been killed and roughly 8,000 others injured.

According to the Daily Mail, a photo surfaced showing Joe and Hunter Biden meeting with Massimov and Kenes Rakishev, Hunter’s alleged business partner. Records from Hunter Biden’s laptop indicate that he maintained a close business relationship with Massimov during his second turn as Kazakhstan’s prime minister (from 2014-2016). During this time, Hunter Biden served on the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.
All of your screed are the same right wing generalizations I've listened to for the past four decades. They're no more true today than they were back then.

As far as living off of other people's money???...that's been the conservative mantra since a guy name Ronald Wilson Reagan (the father of modern deficit spending) came along. :)
Modern Deficit spending was in play long before Reagan and expanded ever since by your deadwood Democrats.
If you break the law and are proven guilty of things like domestic terrorism, killing cops, seditious conspiracy, you should serve your sentence. If you are mentally ill ie delusional or schizophrenic, you should be treated at a mental facility. That covers 99% of trumpanzees right there.
Fakey ^ has always been a complete asshole. And now he is even less coherent. Might be time to check his meds.
There was MASSIVE vote fraud.
I was being satirical.
Dems have been doing vote fraud ever since they fine tuned it here in Washington State in our governor elections decades ago.
Wasn't a pervasive cancer though. The US did run deficits, true, but Reagan not only elevated it to an art form, he ballooned the dollar amount. And away we went. Conservative my ass.
You need to factor inflation. Also Obama outdid Reagan with his doubling the Deficit.
To be honest, it's Congress that does it, the POTUS either signs off approving or declines and shuts down the guv'mint.

Meanwhile, like most loonie Leftists, you obviously don't know math or how to read the data in the debt clock link, or use it's "time machine" function.
You need to factor inflation. Also Obama outdid Reagan with his doubling the Deficit.
To be honest, it's Congress that does it, the POTUS either signs off approving or declines and shuts down the guv'mint.

Meanwhile, like most loonie Leftists, you obviously don't know math or how to read the data in the debt clock link, or use it's "time machine" function.
That may be. True and false. The point is that is was a supposedly conservative stalwart that is held up nostalgically like some beacon of light, was the one who started the ballooning deficit dominos falling.

I'm well aware of how to read the data. And the data says conservatives are deficit lovers..while giving generous tax breaks reducing revenue. :)

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