Conservatives only: Is our country salvageable?

Dude, it wasn't about the number of votes. It was about all the attempted cheating. Don't you understand that? Seriously?

Cheating is the only game in town for Republicans. And I haven't even discussed the 400 suppression bills following their failed attempts at cheating.

They didn't cheat, you did. And in what way are they suppression bills? They aren't.
They didn't cheat, you did. And in what way are they suppression bills? They aren't.
We have documented evidence they cheated. I provided the links. What is your evidence countering mine?

Shorten window to apply for a mail ballotAL H.B. 538, AR S.B. 643, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KY H.B. 574, NY S.B. 264, OK H.B. 2663
Shorten deadline to deliver mail ballotAR S.B. 643, IA S.F. 413
Make it harder to remain on absentee voting listsAZ S.B. 1485, FL S.B. 90
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballot applications to voters who do not specifically request themGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2332, TX S.B. 1
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballots to voters who do not specifically request themFL S.B. 90
Restrict assistance in returning a voter’s mail ballotAR H.B. 1715, FL S.B. 90, IA S.F. 413, IA S.F. 568, KS H.B. 2183, KY H.B. 574, MT H.B. 530, TX S.B. 1
Limit the number, location, or availability of mail ballot drop boxesFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, IN S.B. 398
Impose stricter signature requirements for mail ballotsAZ S.B. 1003, ID H.B. 290, KS H.B. 2183, TX S.B. 1
Impose harsher voter ID requirementsAR H.B. 1112, AR H.B. 1244, FL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, MT S.B. 169, NH H.B. 523, TX S.B. 1, WY H.B. 75
Expand voter purges or risk faulty voter purgesAZ S.B. 1819, IA S.F. 413, KY H.B. 574, LA H.B. 167, NH S.B. 31, TX S.B. 1111, UT H.B. 12
Increase barriers for voters with disabilitiesAL H.B. 285, IA S.F. 568, TX H.B. 3920, TX S.B. 1
Ban snacks and water to voters waiting in lineFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202
Eliminate Election Day registrationMT H.B. 176
Reduce polling place availability (locations or hours)IA S.F. 413, MT S.B. 196, TX S.B. 1
Increase number of voters per precinctNV S.B. 84
Show us how these laws make it easier to vote.
We have documented evidence they cheated. I provided the links. What is your evidence countering mine?

Shorten window to apply for a mail ballotAL H.B. 538, AR S.B. 643, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KY H.B. 574, NY S.B. 264, OK H.B. 2663
Shorten deadline to deliver mail ballotAR S.B. 643, IA S.F. 413
Make it harder to remain on absentee voting listsAZ S.B. 1485, FL S.B. 90
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballot applications to voters who do not specifically request themGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2332, TX S.B. 1
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballots to voters who do not specifically request themFL S.B. 90
Restrict assistance in returning a voter’s mail ballotAR H.B. 1715, FL S.B. 90, IA S.F. 413, IA S.F. 568, KS H.B. 2183, KY H.B. 574, MT H.B. 530, TX S.B. 1
Limit the number, location, or availability of mail ballot drop boxesFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, IN S.B. 398
Impose stricter signature requirements for mail ballotsAZ S.B. 1003, ID H.B. 290, KS H.B. 2183, TX S.B. 1
Impose harsher voter ID requirementsAR H.B. 1112, AR H.B. 1244, FL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, MT S.B. 169, NH H.B. 523, TX S.B. 1, WY H.B. 75
Expand voter purges or risk faulty voter purgesAZ S.B. 1819, IA S.F. 413, KY H.B. 574, LA H.B. 167, NH S.B. 31, TX S.B. 1111, UT H.B. 12
Increase barriers for voters with disabilitiesAL H.B. 285, IA S.F. 568, TX H.B. 3920, TX S.B. 1
Ban snacks and water to voters waiting in lineFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202
Eliminate Election Day registrationMT H.B. 176
Reduce polling place availability (locations or hours)IA S.F. 413, MT S.B. 196, TX S.B. 1
Increase number of voters per precinctNV S.B. 84
Show us how these laws make it easier to vote.

Every single one of those laws is to make it harder to commit fraud!
And yet you said it makes it harder to commit fraud.

How about this one...?

'Reduce polling place availability (locations or hours)'

You have one DMV in your town. One county clerk. One courthouse, etc. You have to stand and wait for hours at a time to get a licence. Is it designed to make it harder to get a license? No. It just is.

Now last election, I voted in a local high school. You could vote at that school, the courthouse, and the school at the other end of my town. You could also drive a few miles down the road and vote at the other school. Drive 25 minutes to the other side of the county, and you can vote there as well.

Narrowing down the amount of places to vote is not the end of the world. Like I said, get your shit together and get out bright and early to the one or two or three places in your town and vote.
You have one DMV in your town. One county clerk. One courthouse, etc. You have to stand and wait for hours at a time to get a licence. Is it designed to make it harder to get a license? No. It just is.

Now last election, I voted in a local high school. You could vote at that school, the courthouse, and the school at the other end of my town. You could also drive a few miles down the road and vote at the other school. Drive 25 minutes to the other side of the county, and you can vote there as well.

Narrowing down the amount of places to vote is not the end of the world. Like I said, get your shit together and get out bright and early to the one or two or three places in your town and vote.
You don't have an entire county going to the DMV on the same day as you do with an election. One DMV per county is sufficient.

As far as voting multiple times at different locations, you can't. Everyone is assigned a precinct to vote at where their name appears on a poll book. If a person goes to another location where their name is not on a poll book? All they can do is fill out a provisional ballot which not only will not be counted when it's detected they voted at their precinct, but they'll also likely be charged with voter fraud for voting multiple times.

So, no, closing polling locations or reducing hours will not make it harder to commit fraud. It will only make it harder to vote.
You don't have an entire county going to the DMV on the same day as you do with an election. One DMV per county is sufficient.

As far as voting multiple times at different locations, you can't. Everyone is assigned a precinct to vote at where their name appears on a poll book. If a person goes to another location where their name is not on a poll book? All they can do is fill out a provisional ballot which not only will not be counted when it's detected they voted at their precinct, but they'll also likely be charged with voter fraud for voting multiple times.

So, no, closing polling locations or reducing hours will not make it harder to commit fraud. It will only make it harder to vote.
It will NOT make it harder to vote! If you get assigned a place, you go to that place. Not rocket science.
It will NOT make it harder to vote! If you get assigned a place, you go to that place. Not rocket science.
OK, you're just nuts. Thanks for the confirmation.

Yes, it makes it harder. If you had 10,000 voters at a precinct and it takes X number of hours to wait on line. But now you have 20,000 voters at that same precinct because other precincts are now closed, it now takes twice as long to vote.

There will be many people who will choose to not vote rather than wait on a very long line.

That's by design. And it's intended to target Democrat voters.
I deal with P&L every day. It's an integral part of choosing stocks to trade. :)

Again, Reagan gets the heavy benefit of nostalgia. He had nothing to do with the USSR's collapse. And his policies of funding the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan had HEAVY consequences for us later. Member 9/11? OBL was our friend before he was our enemy. Again..nostalgia. :)
Reagan had advisors in his administration and many of them as we know today were neo cons and globalists. Domestically, the social programs enacted in the 1960's and social security recipients were ramping up in a huge way.
There will be many people who will choose to not vote rather than wait on a very long line.

That's by design. And it's intended to target Democrat voters.
Right, like "Democrat weather." When it rains, Dems don't vote.

Republicans ALWAYS vote. No matter what. Any tiny impediment will stop Dems -----------

Because they're lazy bums.
OK, you're just nuts. Thanks for the confirmation.

Yes, I makes it harder. If you had 10,000 voters at a precinct and it takes X number of hours to wait on line. But now you have 20,000 voters at that same precinct because other precincts are now closed, it now takes twice as long to vote.

There will be many people who will choose to not vote rather than wait on a very long line.

That's by design. And it's intended to target Democrat voters.

Exactly how does it target democrat voters? Democrat voters are lazier? No. If anything, it will target blue collar republican voters, like me, who work from dawn until dusk. Again, I say that if you have all of your ducks in a row, and if it truly matters to you, then there is no excuse.
Right, like "Democrat weather." When it rains, Dems don't vote.

Republicans ALWAYS vote. No matter what. Any tiny impediment will stop Dems -----------

Because they're lazy bums.

Biden: 81 million
Trump: 74 million

You were saying?

Biden: 81 million
Trump: 74 million

You were saying?
Must have been darn good weather that day!

Or a lot of cheating. That's another Dem speciality ---- they make up for the fact that they can't get the vote out with election fraud.
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Exactly how does it target democrat voters? Democrat voters are lazier? No. If anything, it will target blue collar republican voters, like me, who work from dawn until dusk. Again, I say that if you have all of your ducks in a row, and if it truly matters to you, then there is no excuse.
The way the law is drafted is it allows for X number of locations per every Y number of registered voters. Liberals tend to live in metropolitan areas while conservatives tend to live in smaller towns.

I don't recall the exact numbers but let's say it's one location for every 100,000 voters. A small town would have one location but they would have fewer than 100,000 voters meaning shorter wait times. A big city might 20 locations, but with each one maxed out to handle 100,000 voters, wait times will be longer.

There's no valid reason to cut the number of polling locations. It doesn't reduce fraud, which is negligible anyway.
Must have been darn good weather that day!

Or a lot of cheating. That's another Dem speciality ---- they make up for the fact that they can't get the vote out with election fraud.
Oh? Here are 17 cases of election fraud...

... how many of them were Democrats?
There was MASSIVE vote fraud.
I did not know that.
How do you?
Can you provide the forum some authoritative sourcing or citation from credible sources that are in a position to know?
Please provide the forum as sort of a public you seem to be more knowledgeable than other.

More seriously, poster westwall: If you cannot offer this venue some serious contribution that backs up your assertion then my avatar will call your avatar irresponsible.
And corrosive to our defining American tradition of an open and free vote.
To denigrate it, to dismiss it, to diminish it, to threaten un-American. To say it was a fraudulent election WITHOUT demonstrating the respect, integrity, and sense of responsibility to PROVE un-American, is anti-American. So talk to your avatar and inform him that the stakes in America are too high for unserious, unthoughtful, reckless indictments agains our free vote.
    • President Donald Trump carried 2,497 counties across the country that together generate 29% of the American economy, according to a new study by the Brookings Institution.
    • President-elect Joe Biden won 477 counties that together generate 70% of U.S. GDP.
You know, Old Rocks, I had seen that before. But was too unmotivated to go google it up for this thread. So thank you. And yes, MAGA-world lives on the largesse and goodwill of the the non-MAGA world. And yet they are peevishly ungrateful. They whine about it. They try to deny it. It is sad.
Narrowing down the amount of places to vote is not the end of the world. Like I said, get your shit together and get out bright and early to the one or two or three places in your town and vote.
CS....I wonder about your locale. Sounds small-townish, small-city? Rural?

Here's the gig, and poster Faun does a better job of explaining than me, but......but if you have a highly populated precinct, and many urban precincts are with their density of housing. And oft-times that density is manifested in minority areas.

In short, you have a LOT of minority members who live in a district so voting lines are long historically. Anybody who has paid attention to voting dynamics has seen that on the telly. And read about it.
And then.......and reduce the polling places again. Which makes the lines longer and longer.

So long lines in districts where minorities live and where many have jobs that will not allow them to take a few hours off in the morning to vote.....or leave work earlier to vote.
And reduce or eliminate any drop-boxes where those folks who can't get off work could have dropped their secure ballot.
The actions done in 2021 by numerous Republican state legislatures were done to reduce voter access. To narrow and limit the vote. And that is what those bills will do.
So, no, closing polling locations or reducing hours will not make it harder to commit fraud. It will only make it harder to vote.

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