Conservatives sold themselves two lies

I simply pointed out that your claim that Clinton, Obama, Kerry and Gore were all "moderates" was belied by their voting records in the Senate before you Democrats nominated them!

So you should be able to point out an exact law they supported that was out of the mainstream. Come on, man, I've given you FIVE CHANCES now to cite something they supported that was crazy liberal.

So who's being put forth as the front runner for the next Democratic nominee? That would be Kamala Harris. So who has the most liberal voting record in the Senate right now? That would be Kamala Harris!

Except no one is really supporting her, and frankly, if she is a viable candidate, it would be because Trump has fucked this up so badly that a black woman would seem viable and Oprah is busy.

So again- you can no doubt cite a totally crazy law she supported that most Americans don't agree with.

This isn't really a complicated thing. Then again, your movement is against denying people what they want. If we had a national referendum, we'd probably ban guns and have universal health care, and that would be the point where you'd tell us that the Founding Slave Rapists gave us a Republic for a reason instead of direct democracy.

Nobody is supporting her as a candidate? You're a joke, dude! Her name comes up every single time a discussion takes place about who the Democrats are going to run. She has an almost PERFECT rating according to Progressive Punch a liberal rating group who looks at politician's voting records.

ProgressivePunch: Senate Members by score / All issues
OH it's Republicans who are responsible for Detroit turning out low quality crap. All of the Republican bean counters who took control away from the engineers and designers were democrats. Man you really are the expert on the Big Three.

Given I've worked for manufacturers who provide parts to the big three... um, yeah.

So tell us, did the DemocRATs take control again in the 1980s by addressing the poor quality the Republicans engineered into the cheap econo cars?

Um, you clowns were in charge in the 1980's. You even got Reagan to protect Detroit by putting limits on what the Japanese could import. (which the Japanese got around by simply doing final assembly here.)

My point stands, though. While the Japanese and Germans concentrated on quality, Detroit concentrated on obscene profits.

And they lost.
/-----/ So now President Reagan is responsible for Detroit turning out crappy cars. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Reagan tax cuts.jpg
Nobody is supporting her as a candidate? You're a joke, dude! Her name comes up every single time a discussion takes place about who the Democrats are going to run. She has an almost PERFECT rating according to Progressive Punch a liberal rating group who looks at politician's voting records.

And once again SIX FUCKING TRIES, and you have yet to cite a law she supported that was unreasonable.

I doubt she'll be the nominee. probably more likely a Democratic governor.

But one more time, please cite something ANY of these radical liberals that was out of the mainstream.

/-----/ So now President Reagan is responsible for Detroit turning out crappy cars. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I think he gave license to the kind of corporate greed that protected Detroit from making good decisions.

We keep bailing these guys out, and they keep fucking up.
/----/ The Big Three started turning out crap a decade before Reagan was president. You're just flailing in the wind.
/-----/ So now President Reagan is responsible for Detroit turning out crappy cars. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I think he gave license to the kind of corporate greed that protected Detroit from making good decisions.

We keep bailing these guys out, and they keep fucking up.
/----/ Now here is some great news. Now go out there and enjoy the rest of your day, Libtard.
EPA poised to scrap fuel economy targets that are key to curbing global warming — setting up clash with California
EPA poised to scrap fuel economy targets that are key to curbing global warming — setting up clash with California
The Big Three started turning out crap a decade before Reagan was president. You're just flailing in the wind.

Yeah, and Reagan gave them limits on Japanese cars, and they kept avoiding the need to produce quality... that was the point.

/----/ Now here is some great news. Now go out there and enjoy the rest of your day, Libtard.

EPA poised to scrap fuel economy targets that are key to curbing global warming — setting up clash with California

Yeah, so once again, while we keep producing gas guzzlers most of the world won't let us sell, the Germans and Japanese will get an increasing amount of the market share.

Until Trump is run out of office and we put them back in.
The Big Three started turning out crap a decade before Reagan was president. You're just flailing in the wind.

Yeah, and Reagan gave them limits on Japanese cars, and they kept avoiding the need to produce quality... that was the point.

/----/ Now here is some great news. Now go out there and enjoy the rest of your day, Libtard.

EPA poised to scrap fuel economy targets that are key to curbing global warming — setting up clash with California

Yeah, so once again, while we keep producing gas guzzlers most of the world won't let us sell, the Germans and Japanese will get an increasing amount of the market share.

Until Trump is run out of office and we put them back in.
/——/ We’ll produce what people want to buy not what you LeftTurds think we should buy. Go suck on that.
The Big Three started turning out crap a decade before Reagan was president. You're just flailing in the wind.

Yeah, and Reagan gave them limits on Japanese cars, and they kept avoiding the need to produce quality... that was the point.

/----/ Now here is some great news. Now go out there and enjoy the rest of your day, Libtard.

EPA poised to scrap fuel economy targets that are key to curbing global warming — setting up clash with California

Yeah, so once again, while we keep producing gas guzzlers most of the world won't let us sell, the Germans and Japanese will get an increasing amount of the market share.

Until Trump is run out of office and we put them back in.
/——/ Hey Know Nothing Libtard. Read the list of gas guzzlers and count how many are Japanese. Top 10 Gas Guzzlers - Autotrader
and you are the know all, see all of what people want. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

I seem to remember whole lots full of SUV's and Hummers in 2009 no one wanted to buy because you couldn't afford to fuel them.

But that's okay, you keep doing what you are doing. The next time the Auto Industry needs a bailout, we should nationalize it.
/----/ You are correct. Under the Obozo regime everything went to hell. There’s no denying that the U.S. auto market, along with the economy, took a dive in 2009. Overall auto sales were down 21% to just 10.4 million units. Thankfully President Trump has fixed Obozo's screwups.
The 107 SUV & Crossover nameplates on sale in the USA in 2017 accounted for 42% of all vehicle sales for the year, an increase in this segment’s market share from 39.5% a year ago.

2017 saw these higher-riding vehicles put the squeeze on passenger car sales once again as US consumers flock to buy them, despite higher price tags and many models, particularly in the crossover segment, being not mechanically dissimilar from the passenger cars the automakers also sell.

Indeed, it’s this penchant for SUVs that has been a driving factor in the record high transaction value reported at the end of December.
2017 Year End U.S. SUV Sales Rankings - Top 107 Best-Selling SUVs In America - Every SUV Ranked -.
God Bless you President Trump.
You are correct. Under the Obozo regime everything went to hell. There’s no denying that the U.S. auto market, along with the economy, took a dive in 2009. Overall auto sales were down 21% to just 10.4 million units.

You are just going to pretend that Bush didn't give us the 2008 recession, aren't you?
/----/ Obozo took what should have been a short term 6 month recession and turned it into a full blown 8 year recession. Obozo was either an incompetent boob or a brilliant communist.
Obozo took what should have been a short term 6 month recession and turned it into a full blown 8 year recession. Obozo was either an incompetent boob or a brilliant communist.

Okay, if you really think that 2008 was just a minor correction, you are deluded.

I remember September of 2008, pretty much my company was in full panic about the collapse of Wall Street. They all knew this was going to be bad, a lot worse than previous recessions.

But if you need the revisionist history because it would absolutely burn you to give a black guy credit for anything, have at it.
Obozo took what should have been a short term 6 month recession and turned it into a full blown 8 year recession. Obozo was either an incompetent boob or a brilliant communist.

Okay, if you really think that 2008 was just a minor correction, you are deluded.

I remember September of 2008, pretty much my company was in full panic about the collapse of Wall Street. They all knew this was going to be bad, a lot worse than previous recessions.

But if you need the revisionist history because it would absolutely burn you to give a black guy credit for anything, have at it.
/-----/ Revisionist? refute this Libtard:
Blame Bush? The two charts that show how the Great Recession really happened - AEI
A moderate recession became a major recession in summer 2008 when the [Federal Open Market Committee] ceased lowering the federal funds rate while the economy deteriorated. The central empirical fact of the 2008-2009 recession is that the severe declines in output that in appeared in the [second quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009] … had already been locked in by summer 2008.
Politicians (And Lib hacks on USMB) can continue blame to Bush and the banks and free-market capitalism for the Great Recession, just as some folks still blame Hoover and Wall Street for the Great Depression. But in both cases, it was the Fed.
It's crp because you can't refute it and it fly's in the face of your IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT rant. And OBOZO's so called recovery was anemic at best.

Oh, I agree, it was anemic... because the initial damage was so bad.

The complete collapse of the housing market meant even people with good credit had no collateral to take out loans.

10 TRILLION in wealth was lost in 2008, about half of the US GDP. No, you aren't going to recover from that in a few months.

America Lost $10.2 Trillion In 2008

You'll hear lots of talk about how recessions are caused because people feel poorer or irrationally react to a flood of bad economic news. But the truth is that these depressed feelings are rooted in reality. Americans don't just feel poorer, they are poorer:

  • U.S. homeowners lost a cumulative $3.3 trillion in home equity during 2008, according to a report fromZillow. (MortgageWire.)
  • One in six homeowners is now underwater on their mortgage.
  • The stock market erased $6.9 trillion in shareholder wealth in 2008.

To put that number in perspective, it's almost one fifth of the GDP of the entire world. It's about the size of the US Debt at the end 2008, meaning we could have paid off the entire debt of our government with the money we lost last year.

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