Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017

Maybe, it doesn't really matter. States accept your privilege to drive your truck on a voluntary basis. Nobody forced them to. I don't think there's any law forcing states to accept each others emissions and inspection's standards either but feel free to provide it if you can.
No, states accept me according to laws....they would accept my truck outright....

I can drive my earth raping 1950's gas guzzler anywhere I want in California....and no one can stop anyone from driving it....
As long as it passes safety inspections and California doesn't pass a law against it and withdraw from its voluntary agreement with other states
As a part of the Union, They can do nothing about it....sorry.....
Oh you're talking about driving it illegally. Well then I guess nobody can stop you as long as you don't get caught. Best of luck to you.
It would never pass California emissions, and accept it they must......
Okay. Unless they pass a law about it.
Sure, you can fight back, unless of course there are 3 of them with guns, and you only have one.
This is a totally separate issue -- what do you do when you are outgunned and/or outnumbered?

The answer of course is you run and then you take cover.

It's a separate issue of the same thing.

The USA has the HIGHEST murder rate in the first world. By a large margin too, it's not even close. The US is also the only country in the first world which has such lax gun laws. Switzerland has lots of guns, but not lax gun laws, but even then its gun murders are higher than the UK's gun murders, even though it has a lower murder rate.

Honestly, why don't you go somewhere else? You'd be much happier.

Consider gun control 25 years ago, and now. There's no going back to that arbitrary disarmament program.

Great argument dude.

Literally, if you don't like the shit, go somewhere else. Wow. That's how you solve problems, look at Detroit, it solves some of its problems like that.

You Democrats made Detroit what it is today.

Chicago is next, then San Francisco.


I'm not a Democrat.

Second, there are many reasons why things became as they were, and it's typical of the partisan bullshit for each side to pretend that their policies had nothing to do with it.
This is a totally separate issue -- what do you do when you are outgunned and/or outnumbered?

The answer of course is you run and then you take cover.

It's a separate issue of the same thing.

The USA has the HIGHEST murder rate in the first world. By a large margin too, it's not even close. The US is also the only country in the first world which has such lax gun laws. Switzerland has lots of guns, but not lax gun laws, but even then its gun murders are higher than the UK's gun murders, even though it has a lower murder rate.

Honestly, why don't you go somewhere else? You'd be much happier.

Consider gun control 25 years ago, and now. There's no going back to that arbitrary disarmament program.

Great argument dude.

Literally, if you don't like the shit, go somewhere else. Wow. That's how you solve problems, look at Detroit, it solves some of its problems like that.

You Democrats made Detroit what it is today.

Chicago is next, then San Francisco.


I'm not a Democrat.

Second, there are many reasons why things became as they were, and it's typical of the partisan bullshit for each side to pretend that their policies had nothing to do with it.
You're a fascist one at that,.,:lol:
But the mere the mere presence of a gun cannot keep you from getting shot, right?

Sure it can. I wouldn't call it a guarantee by any stretch...but it certainly increases your odds in many situations.

I watch this channel all the time.
Pansy ass Nesmo King would have been a statistic.......

Nosmo is a pretty good guy...he just has a different perspective based on his life experience than we do. I understand that city folks see firearms negatively...but that negative inference is based on the intent of criminal firearm users in the city. We have many more legal firearms owned and carried by law abiding citizens in the country, and our crime rates are significantly lower. There hasn't been a homicide in my county in the last three years...and I'd surmised 80% of households here contain at least one firearm.

Then again, the largest town in my county (maybe 10,000 total population) has 35 churches and zero bars.
Pansy ass Nesmo King would have been a statistic.......

Nosmo is a pretty good guy...he just has a different perspective based on his life experience than we do. I understand that city folks see firearms negatively...but that negative inference is based on the intent of criminal firearm users in the city. We have many more legal firearms owned and carried by law abiding citizens in the country, and our crime rates are significantly lower. There hasn't been a homicide in my county in the last three years...and I'd surmised 80% of households here contain at least one firearm.

Then again, the largest town in my county (maybe 10,000 total population) has 35 churches and zero bars.
We will have to agree to disagree on our fascist friend nesmo.....I see right through him....

But the rest I completely agree with......
Liberty is the freedom to get shot.

No, that's left-wing freedom.... the freedom to get shot, and not have the slightest chance of defending yourself.

We are going to avoid getting shot, because we can fight back.

Sure, you can fight back, unless of course there are 3 of them with guns, and you only have one.

Which of course is the reason you need high capacity magazines.
Liberals can and do run in packs.
Then you have a better chance if you shoot faster. None if you don't shoot at all.

(Billy rolls his eyes)

Actually, statistically, you have a better chance is neither side have guns.

That will not happen so long as the Constitution is in force, unless we kill all the bad guys instead of sending them to the spa for a makeover.

So, basically the US is incapable of dealing with its problems.

No, the current justice system is incapable of dealing with law enforcement and crime.

Well, the justice system, the legislative system and the executive system seem incapable. The voters seem uninterested in voting for those who will solve the problems. Welcome to the USA.
Curious about your solutions.
Liberty is the freedom to get shot.

No, that's left-wing freedom.... the freedom to get shot, and not have the slightest chance of defending yourself.

We are going to avoid getting shot, because we can fight back.
Do you think that by merely carrying a gun you can avoid getting shot?
It will even the odds I walk away with my life and family intact. If they have a gun, knife, or is a 260lb predator, a gun is a great equalizer. Now I do want to say this. If you carry, and I do, training is essential. I'm not talking plinking at paper in a controlled environment, but real defense training with a professional. Situational awareness, etc. I don't believe it should be mandatory, because not everyone can afford it, and they still have a right to self defense, but it helps greatly.
Liberty is the freedom to get shot.
And apparently using big fed government to circumvent state's rights.

What issues should fall under States Rights?

Would it be proper to have an official State Religion? Is that a States Right issue?

How about the prohibition against Cruel and Unusual punishment? Would it be a States Right issue if North Dakota punished people by whipping them in the town squares?

Explain why the Federal Government has to prohibit those States Rights issues but leave it up to the State on guns.

What if the police arrested you in a town. They say that you have no right to an attorney in State Law. If you are not charged with a Federal Crime, why does the Federal Government give you the right to have a lawyer in state court?

I'll tell you the answer. Because as citizens of the United States we are all individually entitled to those rights. The individual right trumps the States Rights argument.
Your straw man arguments all fail because they violate the U.S. constitution.

Really? Why is it that my right to free speech crosses state lines but my right to own and carry a firearm does not? Isn't my right to keep and bear arms also in the Constitution?
Liberty is the freedom to get shot.

No, that's left-wing freedom.... the freedom to get shot, and not have the slightest chance of defending yourself.

We are going to avoid getting shot, because we can fight back.
Do you think that by merely carrying a gun you can avoid getting shot?
It will even the odds I walk away with my life and family intact. If they have a gun, knife, or is a 260lb predator, a gun is a great equalizer. Now I do want to say this. If you carry, and I do, training is essential. I'm not talking plinking at paper in a controlled environment, but real defense training with a professional. Situational awareness, etc. I don't believe it should be mandatory, because not everyone can afford it, and they still have a right to self defense, but it helps greatly.
I agree...rudimentary training should be offered in all public schools....
Do you think that by merely carrying a gun you can avoid getting shot?

Personally I'd rather keep my options open. Besides, my gun may very well help you to avoid getting shot.
But the mere the mere presence of a gun cannot keep you from getting shot, right?

There is no magic pill that will make it impossible for you to get shot.

The only way to end murder and violence, is to have a ruthless enforcement of the law.

Now I'm in favor of this, but the fact is most people are not, and it doesn't look likely to happen any time soon.

So what can we do?

Well if someone wants to kill you, they are going to get a gun.

So the question for you is simply this.... are you more likely, or less likely to end up shot and killed if you are able to defend yourself?
Do you think that by merely carrying a gun you can avoid getting shot?

Personally I'd rather keep my options open. Besides, my gun may very well help you to avoid getting shot.
But the mere the mere presence of a gun cannot keep you from getting shot, right?

There is no magic pill that will make it impossible for you to get shot.

The only way to end murder and violence, is to have a ruthless enforcement of the law.

Now I'm in favor of this, but the fact is most people are not, and it doesn't look likely to happen any time soon.

So what can we do?

Well if someone wants to kill you, they are going to get a gun.

So the question for you is simply this.... are you more likely, or less likely to end up shot and killed if you are able to defend yourself?

That is not true . Could you go out and just get an illegal gun right now ? No, it's difficult.

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