Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017

Liberty is the freedom to get shot.
And apparently using big fed government to circumvent state's rights.

Does your state recognize driver's licenses from all 50 states, or do I get charged with driving without a license in your state?

They all have virtually the same standards for obtaining a drivers license .

Wrong, but you already know that.
Liberty is the freedom to get shot.
And apparently using big fed government to circumvent state's rights.

Does your state recognize driver's licenses from all 50 states, or do I get charged with driving without a license in your state?

They all have virtually the same standards for obtaining a drivers license .

Wrong, but you already know that.

Sure they do . If some hillbilly state started giving out drivers licenses to 6 year olds, you'd see the other states saying no to them.
Do you think that by merely carrying a gun you can avoid getting shot?

Personally I'd rather keep my options open. Besides, my gun may very well help you to avoid getting shot.
But the mere the mere presence of a gun cannot keep you from getting shot, right?

There is no magic pill that will make it impossible for you to get shot.

The only way to end murder and violence, is to have a ruthless enforcement of the law.

Now I'm in favor of this, but the fact is most people are not, and it doesn't look likely to happen any time soon.

So what can we do?

Well if someone wants to kill you, they are going to get a gun.

So the question for you is simply this.... are you more likely, or less likely to end up shot and killed if you are able to defend yourself?

Odd. In history ruthless enforcement of the law hasn't ended crime. Despite people being hung for stealing a horse or murder, these crimes still happened.

Today it would be hard to find a more ruthlessly enforced law than the nations with Sharia law. Yet crime still happens. Thieves steal despite the risk of losing a hand.

So even ruthless enforcement of the law doesn't end crime. At least not in practice. In theory perhaps, but not so much in reality.

So the last paragraph is accurate. If you can't end crime, then the least acceptable action is the ability to defend yourself.
That is not true . Could you go out and just get an illegal gun right now ? No, it's difficult.

Give me one hour I'll build a gun...give me one day, I'll build a gun, mix up some black powder and melt down then cast the lead projectiles. Give me a week, I'll build the gun, extract the raw materials for the black powder, mix the powder, AND construct a rudimentary powdered magnesium & potassium chlorate percussion caps...OR make mercury fulminate primers...AND construct old fashion paper shotgun shells, then load them.

Just because you can't do anything doesn't mean nobody can do anything.

How to Make homemade black powder without sulfur « Explosives & Fireworks

Not that difficult...and that's if you outlawed all guns AND ammo. Right now, it'd be an hour, an angle grinder, a drill and a couple of wrenches.
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Do you think that by merely carrying a gun you can avoid getting shot?

Personally I'd rather keep my options open. Besides, my gun may very well help you to avoid getting shot.
But the mere the mere presence of a gun cannot keep you from getting shot, right?

There is no magic pill that will make it impossible for you to get shot.

The only way to end murder and violence, is to have a ruthless enforcement of the law.

Now I'm in favor of this, but the fact is most people are not, and it doesn't look likely to happen any time soon.

So what can we do?

Well if someone wants to kill you, they are going to get a gun.

So the question for you is simply this.... are you more likely, or less likely to end up shot and killed if you are able to defend yourself?
Carry a gun. Be the hero gunslinger. Take on the liability for your marksmanship skills! If I get shot by you while you're playing Dirty Harry in your mind, I'll sue you out of existence.
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Carry a gift n. Be the hero gunslinger. Take on the liability for your marksmanship skills! If I get shot by you while you're playing Dirty Harry in your mind, I'll sue you out of existence.

Just curious...would you sue the police out of existence in the same circumstance?

Carry a gift n. Be the hero gunslinger. Take on the liability for your marksmanship skills! If I get shot by you while you're playing Dirty Harry in your mind, I'll sue you out of existence.

Just curious...would you sue the police out of existence in the same circumstance?

The police are law enforcement officials and they undergo far more training then a typical civilian.
Carry a gift n. Be the hero gunslinger. Take on the liability for your marksmanship skills! If I get shot by you while you're playing Dirty Harry in your mind, I'll sue you out of existence.

Just curious...would you sue the police out of existence in the same circumstance?

A couple points to consider there.
1) the police are trained to act and react in life and death situations


2) you cannot sue the government for taking the actions they are mandated to take.

But I, or my estate would surely try.
The police are law enforcement officials and they undergo far more training then a typical civilian.

That is a myth. You'd think that was true, but it's not. Ammunition is expensive and law enforcement agencies are cash strapped. Most police only qualify with their duty firearms once a year.

By the time an average police recruit completes typical academy firearms training, how much more skilled in shooting is he than a person who has never shot or even held a handgun before? Not much, according to a first-of-its-kind study by the Force Science Institute that is set for publication in an international law enforcement journal . . .

“[T]his study’s results indicate an alarming need for improved firearms training for officers,” writes lead researcher Dr. Bill Lewinski, FSI’s executive director. After finishing academy instruction and practice, new officers “were a mere 13%” more accurate than novices in shooting at distances where a high proportion of officer-involved shootings occur.

“What these statistics appear to imply,” Lewinski states, “is that officer firearms training is not extensive enough and occurs too sparsely for officers to gain, and maintain, the expert level of accuracy with their service weapons that is expected of them.” This training deficiency “may result in injury, death, or other severe consequences.”

Study: Why Police Firearms Training Sucks - The Truth About Guns

Plus, they usually aren't around when a shooting is taking place.
The police are law enforcement officials and they undergo far more training then a typical civilian.

That is a myth. You'd think that was true, but it's not. Ammunition is expensive and law enforcement agencies are cash strapped. Most police only qualify with their duty firearms once a year.

By the time an average police recruit completes typical academy firearms training, how much more skilled in shooting is he than a person who has never shot or even held a handgun before? Not much, according to a first-of-its-kind study by the Force Science Institute that is set for publication in an international law enforcement journal . . .

“[T]his study’s results indicate an alarming need for improved firearms training for officers,” writes lead researcher Dr. Bill Lewinski, FSI’s executive director. After finishing academy instruction and practice, new officers “were a mere 13%” more accurate than novices in shooting at distances where a high proportion of officer-involved shootings occur.

“What these statistics appear to imply,” Lewinski states, “is that officer firearms training is not extensive enough and occurs too sparsely for officers to gain, and maintain, the expert level of accuracy with their service weapons that is expected of them.” This training deficiency “may result in injury, death, or other severe consequences.”

Study: Why Police Firearms Training Sucks - The Truth About Guns

Plus, they usually aren't around when a shooting is taking place.

They still have better training and knowledge of the law then the average civilian.
Carry a gift n. Be the hero gunslinger. Take on the liability for your marksmanship skills! If I get shot by you while you're playing Dirty Harry in your mind, I'll sue you out of existence.

Just curious...would you sue the police out of existence in the same circumstance?

A couple points to consider there.
1) the police are trained to act and react in life and death situations


2) you cannot sue the government for taking the actions they are mandated to take.

But I, or my estate would surely try.

Fair enough.
The police are law enforcement officials and they undergo far more training then a typical civilian.

That is a myth. You'd think that was true, but it's not. Ammunition is expensive and law enforcement agencies are cash strapped. Most police only qualify with their duty firearms once a year.

By the time an average police recruit completes typical academy firearms training, how much more skilled in shooting is he than a person who has never shot or even held a handgun before? Not much, according to a first-of-its-kind study by the Force Science Institute that is set for publication in an international law enforcement journal . . .

“[T]his study’s results indicate an alarming need for improved firearms training for officers,” writes lead researcher Dr. Bill Lewinski, FSI’s executive director. After finishing academy instruction and practice, new officers “were a mere 13%” more accurate than novices in shooting at distances where a high proportion of officer-involved shootings occur.

“What these statistics appear to imply,” Lewinski states, “is that officer firearms training is not extensive enough and occurs too sparsely for officers to gain, and maintain, the expert level of accuracy with their service weapons that is expected of them.” This training deficiency “may result in injury, death, or other severe consequences.”

Study: Why Police Firearms Training Sucks - The Truth About Guns

Plus, they usually aren't around when a shooting is taking place.

They still have better training and knowledge of the law then the average civilian.

13% better than a novice? I wouldn't call that better training. Knowledge of the law is great...but it doesn't improve your marksmanship. I'd say the average CCW would be safer than the average police officer, because they:

1) Better damn well know they are in the right
2) Are generally engaging from surprise counter-ambush
3) The average defensive firearm use distance for law enforcement is 7 yards, the average for civilians is 4 yards.
Do you think that by merely carrying a gun you can avoid getting shot?

Personally I'd rather keep my options open. Besides, my gun may very well help you to avoid getting shot.
But the mere the mere presence of a gun cannot keep you from getting shot, right?

There is no magic pill that will make it impossible for you to get shot.

The only way to end murder and violence, is to have a ruthless enforcement of the law.

Now I'm in favor of this, but the fact is most people are not, and it doesn't look likely to happen any time soon.

So what can we do?

Well if someone wants to kill you, they are going to get a gun.

So the question for you is simply this.... are you more likely, or less likely to end up shot and killed if you are able to defend yourself?
Carry a gun. Be the hero gunslinger. Take on the liability for your marksmanship skills! If I get shot by you while you're playing Dirty Harry in your mind, I'll sue you out of existence.
Don't drink. Don't do drugs. Keep a cool head and walk away. Road rage, or even the middle finger while driving, is considered aggressive behavior. If you are carrying a weapon as a private citizen, certain responsibilities come with that choice. I always recommend to walk away or avoid the conflict if possible.

Sometimes it's not possible. If a women in a Walmart parking lot is being attacked, men will defend them. At least in my neighborhood. Not so much in Chicago and other liberal utopian havens.
Liberty is the freedom to get shot.

No, that's left-wing freedom.... the freedom to get shot, and not have the slightest chance of defending yourself.

We are going to avoid getting shot, because we can fight back.
Do you think that by merely carrying a gun you can avoid getting shot?
It will even the odds I walk away with my life and family intact. If they have a gun, knife, or is a 260lb predator, a gun is a great equalizer. Now I do want to say this. If you carry, and I do, training is essential. I'm not talking plinking at paper in a controlled environment, but real defense training with a professional. Situational awareness, etc. I don't believe it should be mandatory, because not everyone can afford it, and they still have a right to self defense, but it helps greatly.
I agree...rudimentary training should be offered in all public schools....
Not sure about all schools. Some schools have failed for an extended time. They need to focus on the basics. NYC, for example has dismal scores. The private schools used by government employees score much higher.
Liberty is the freedom to get shot.
And apparently using big fed government to circumvent state's rights.

Does your state recognize driver's licenses from all 50 states, or do I get charged with driving without a license in your state?

They all have virtually the same standards for obtaining a drivers license .

Wrong, but you already know that.

Sure they do . If some hillbilly state started giving out drivers licenses to 6 year olds, you'd see the other states saying no to them.
Are suffering an affliction we should know about? There is reasonable and then oops...their is your asinine post.
Do you think that by merely carrying a gun you can avoid getting shot?

Personally I'd rather keep my options open. Besides, my gun may very well help you to avoid getting shot.
But the mere the mere presence of a gun cannot keep you from getting shot, right?
It's no guarantee, but it most certainly can. It can also prevent you from being stabbed, or bludgeoned and assaulted in general. You should take your sage wisdom to your local police training facility. Explain to them how you cleverly deduced that having a gun cannot prevent a person from being shot. They'll probably quit arming their officers after you drop that nugget on them. Then you can take your message to the military... You're really on to something here...

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