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Constitutional Scholar With Impeccable Credentials Explains What A True Natural Born Citizen Is

Hey asshole. The Hawaii Dept of Health is the one who has tucked tail and hid behind AG Jill Nagamine when Investigator Zullo confronted them to get answers

And by 'confronted them for answers', you mean when Zullo showed up in Hawaii and demanded that Hawaii give full access for all of their vital records to Zullo's non-profit corporation?

You forget....Zullo's 'cold case posse' isn't part of the Maricopa Sheriff's department. Its just a private non-profit that runs on donations. This from their own website.

The creation of the CCP was a unique departure from the role that the general Posse system has been accustomed to, serving as a direct support to the Patrol Division of the Office. The CCP is the first posse to work directly for and under the supervision the General Investigation Division (GID).

We are a 501c3 charitable corporation. We support the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at NO ADDITIONAL EXPENSE to the taxpayers as we are solely supported by contributions and from our members’ financial support.

MCSO Cold Case Posse - About Us

The 'cold case posse' isn't part of the Maricopa County Sheriff's office. They are a non-profit corporation that 'supports' the Sheriff's office. Why didn't the Maricopa Country Sheriff's department officers go to Hawaii and ask? Why send a private non-profit that they know Hawaii could never release the documents to, as it would explicitly violate Hawaiian law?

If the case is as compelling as Sheriff Joe claims, then getting a warrant for the records would have been child's play. Yet in 3 years, Sheriff Joe has never been able to convince a single judge to authorize such a warrant.

Not one. Not even an Arizona judge.

Worse, if Sheriff Joe wanted to know if Obama's birth certificate was legit, why didn't he just *ask* Hawaii if it was? Its the first thing that a credible investigator would do: check with the issuing agency to verify authenticity. But Sheriff Joe never did, and to this day refuses to do.

Given that Hawaii has already verified that the information on Obama's LFBC published on the White House Website is accurate and matches the original records......why does Sheriff Joe refuse to ask? The Secretary of State of Arizona did;

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett (R), who earlier this month requested more information from Hawaii on President Obama’s birth certificate, has gotten the confirmation he needed.

“Late yesterday, our office received the 'verification in-lieu of certified copy' from officials within the Hawaii Department of Health that we requested in March,” Bennett said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon. “They have officially confirmed that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original record in their files.

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett satisfied Obama was born in United States - The Washington Post

There you go. Verification from the Secretary of State of Arizona that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original records on file. And which State is Maricopa county located? Arizona. The very State that had already verified that the information on Obama's birth certificate was accurate.

So why does Sheriff Joe ignore Arizona officials who have already verified the EXACT issue he's supposedly investigating? Why won't Sheriff Joe ask Hawaii if the Birth Certificate is accurate? Why won't Sheriff Joe release ANY official report on the issue from the Maricopa County Sheriff's department? Its been 3 years....and yet not a single official document on the matter from the Maricopa County Sheriff's department.

What is Sheriff Joe afraid of? What is he hiding that he won't release his report after 3 years of investigating?
Arpaio sent a official police officer with Zullo to Hawaii. Do your homework.

How did that work out? How much Arizona tax payers money was spent on that junket?
everyone knows that the requirement for a "natural-born citizen" was placed in the constitution because thomas jefferson had a deathly fear of tyranny and undue influence that tank-grown, or unnaturally born, clones of past historical figures, including himself, might have on the future of the country.

(less batshit crazy than still claiming obama is not a natural-born citizen)
Hey asshole. The Hawaii Dept of Health is the one who has tucked tail and hid behind AG Jill Nagamine when Investigator Zullo confronted them to get answers. They are the cowards. As Arpaio said........."Release the microfilm" of the original 53 yr old birth document. What is the Hawaii Dept of Health afraid of? If they allegedly released the private information to Linda Lingle that Obama/Soetoro was allegedly born at Kapiolani th3n what are they afraid of?

LOL.....still waiting for you to show us a report from the Maricopa Sheriff's Department saying that Barack Obama's birth certificate is a forgery.

Don't you think it is kind of odd though....that if a law enforcement agency had proof of a forgery.....that they haven't notified a DA...or the FBI...or even the Arizona Secretary of State?
They will be notified when the 2nd criminal investigation is completed which is not to far off. They're tying up some legal issues with Maricopa County Sheriffs Office attorneys according to a interview two weeks ago.

LOL......'soon'.....how far off Stevie boy?

A week?
A month?
6 months?
January 2017?

Birthers will believe any used car salesman...even one who is getting payoffs of $10,000 from his own 'source'......
Mike Zullo has been fully trained by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office under the powers granted to Sheriff Arpaio by the Arizona Constitution. He is well qualified despite having another occupation in the past, which included being a private investigator and a police officer in New Jersey.

Mike Zullo is a former used cars salesman and is not a law enforcement officer.

Still waiting for any report by an actual law enforcement agency or law enforcement officer to support your claims.
Mike Zullo has been fully trained by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office under the powers granted to Sheriff Arpaio by the Arizona Constitution. He is well qualified and has ALL the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office resouces at his disposal, including their attorneys. Also Arpaio opened up a second criminal investigation a year ago appointing two full time detectives from the department. This is why the posse hasnt asked for donations anymore in many months.The second criminal investigation is what has delayed revealing all of the new posses evidence they collected since the second press conference. Once the 2nd investigation wraps they will hold two seperate conferences announcing their findings.
Hey asshole. The Hawaii Dept of Health is the one who has tucked tail and hid behind AG Jill Nagamine when Investigator Zullo confronted them to get answers

And by 'confronted them for answers', you mean when Zullo showed up in Hawaii and demanded that Hawaii give full access for all of their vital records to Zullo's non-profit corporation?

You forget....Zullo's 'cold case posse' isn't part of the Maricopa Sheriff's department. Its just a private non-profit that runs on donations. This from their own website.

The creation of the CCP was a unique departure from the role that the general Posse system has been accustomed to, serving as a direct support to the Patrol Division of the Office. The CCP is the first posse to work directly for and under the supervision the General Investigation Division (GID).

We are a 501c3 charitable corporation. We support the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at NO ADDITIONAL EXPENSE to the taxpayers as we are solely supported by contributions and from our members’ financial support.

MCSO Cold Case Posse - About Us

The 'cold case posse' isn't part of the Maricopa County Sheriff's office. They are a non-profit corporation that 'supports' the Sheriff's office. Why didn't the Maricopa Country Sheriff's department officers go to Hawaii and ask? Why send a private non-profit that they know Hawaii could never release the documents to, as it would explicitly violate Hawaiian law?

If the case is as compelling as Sheriff Joe claims, then getting a warrant for the records would have been child's play. Yet in 3 years, Sheriff Joe has never been able to convince a single judge to authorize such a warrant.

Not one. Not even an Arizona judge.

Worse, if Sheriff Joe wanted to know if Obama's birth certificate was legit, why didn't he just *ask* Hawaii if it was? Its the first thing that a credible investigator would do: check with the issuing agency to verify authenticity. But Sheriff Joe never did, and to this day refuses to do.

Given that Hawaii has already verified that the information on Obama's LFBC published on the White House Website is accurate and matches the original records......why does Sheriff Joe refuse to ask? The Secretary of State of Arizona did;

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett (R), who earlier this month requested more information from Hawaii on President Obama’s birth certificate, has gotten the confirmation he needed.

“Late yesterday, our office received the 'verification in-lieu of certified copy' from officials within the Hawaii Department of Health that we requested in March,” Bennett said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon. “They have officially confirmed that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original record in their files.

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett satisfied Obama was born in United States - The Washington Post

There you go. Verification from the Secretary of State of Arizona that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original records on file. And which State is Maricopa county located? Arizona. The very State that had already verified that the information on Obama's birth certificate was accurate.

So why does Sheriff Joe ignore Arizona officials who have already verified the EXACT issue he's supposedly investigating? Why won't Sheriff Joe ask Hawaii if the Birth Certificate is accurate? Why won't Sheriff Joe release ANY official report on the issue from the Maricopa County Sheriff's department? Its been 3 years....and yet not a single official document on the matter from the Maricopa County Sheriff's department.

What is Sheriff Joe afraid of? What is he hiding that he won't release his report after 3 years of investigating?
Arpaio sent a official police officer with Zullo to Hawaii. Do your homework.

How did that work out? How much Arizona tax payers money was spent on that junket?
The taxpayers in Maricopa County that requested this investigation want to get to the bottom of this fraudulent president and expose him, his shady past and the others who helped him usurp the Oval Office.
A respected constitutional scholar and lawyer sits down to explain what a true Constitutional Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen is in just over 6 minutes. His credentials are impeccable when it comes to the matter of Constitutional Law and our founders original intent, especially on the subject of the presidency. In the brief video's, he gives a clear understandable meaning of why the founders wanted to have a natural born Citizen ONLY for the presidential requirement to hold the executive office of the United States. It is clear after listening to this outstanding scholar in the two part video that you will understand why Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are not constitutionally eligible to hold the office of the presidency.

His credentials:

He taught constitutional law, common law, and other subjects for nearly 30 years at five different American Bar Association approved law schools. From 1986 to 1993, he served as the founding Dean of the College of Law and Government in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Prior to his academic career, he served as a Trial Attorney and a Special Assistant United States Attorney with the United States Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. and Kansas City, Missouri. Today he is engaged in a general practice with a concentration in constitutional strategy, litigation, and appeals.

He holds the J.D. degree (cum laude) from Harvard and the B.S. degree in Political Science from the University of Oregon from which he graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He is an active member of the bar of Virginia and an inactive member of the bar of Oregon. He is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, the United States Court of Claims, and the United States Courts of Appeals for the Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, District of Columbia and Federal Circuits. His constitutional practice has taken him into federal district courts in Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia and the state courts of Idaho, Texas and North Dakota.

Listen very closely.

Part one is 4:32

Part two is 2:03


Morever, President Obama is the sixth U.S. President to have had one or both of his parents not born on U.S. soil." [listing Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, Chester A. Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, and Herbert Hoover].[52]"

Natural-born-citizen clause - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

True but here is the kicker. Wilson and Hoovers mothers became naturalized U.S. Citizens through the congressional 'Act 10 of Febuary 1855 Derivative Marriage' naturalization process when they married their U.S. citizen husbands before Herbert and Woodrow were born. Therefore Herbert and Woodrow became natural born Citizens born to two U.S. citizen parents which gave them sole allegiance to the U.S.A.. Andrew Jackson was exempt because he was covered under the Article 2 Grandfather Clause. As for Buchanan, both parents were citizens when he was born. His father born in Ireland naturalized in the Sovereign Commonwealth in PA via the process outlined in the 1776 PA constitution. Thus James Buchanan Sr. Became a citizen of the U.S. by being a citizen of one of the original 13 colonies and when James jr was born he was made a automatic natural born citizen born to two U.S. citizen parents giving him sole allegiance to the U.S.A.. Now for ineligible Chester. He was not a Article 2 natural born citizen do to the fact he was born before his fathers naturalization. Based on uncovered facts later in history he was unconstitutionally seated based on a fabricated nativity story (like Obama) and fraud by Authur himself which was not discovered until long after his death. He burned all of his family records to cover up the fraud. Stop trying to obfuscate the real facts to cover for ineligible Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka.

Meanwhile in the real world:

There is only one court decision which squarely interprets the "natural born citizen" clause as applied to a candidate for president, which is Ankeny v. Daniels, 916 N.E.2d 678 (Indiana Ct. App. 2009, ). The Ankeny court ruled that the citizenship of President Obama's father is irrelevant:

Based upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are "natural born Citizens" for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.

Congressional Research Service:

“As explained by the Supreme Court of the United States over the course of a number of years, it is well settled from common law Principles of jus soli (“law of the soil”) extant in England and the Colonies at the time of Independence, as well as from subsequent constitutional provisions, as well as subsequent ‘statutory law, that all persons born “in” the United States and subject to its jurisdiction are citizens of the United States “at birth.” As such, any person physically born “in” the United States, regardless of the citizenship of one’s parents (unless such parents are foreign diplomatic personnel not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States), would appear to be a “natural born” citizen eligible to be President of the United States.”

The Maskell CRS memorandum, which has been widely discredited, was produced for one reason and one reason alone: to give political cover to members of Congress who voted to certify Obama’s Electoral College votes, knowing or strongly suspecting that he was not eligible for that office.
A respected constitutional scholar and lawyer sits down to explain what a true Constitutional Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen is in just over 6 minutes. His credentials are impeccable when it comes to the matter of Constitutional Law and our founders original intent, especially on the subject of the presidency. In the brief video's, he gives a clear understandable meaning of why the founders wanted to have a natural born Citizen ONLY for the presidential requirement to hold the executive office of the United States. It is clear after listening to this outstanding scholar in the two part video that you will understand why Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are not constitutionally eligible to hold the office of the presidency.

His credentials:

He taught constitutional law, common law, and other subjects for nearly 30 years at five different American Bar Association approved law schools. From 1986 to 1993, he served as the founding Dean of the College of Law and Government in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Prior to his academic career, he served as a Trial Attorney and a Special Assistant United States Attorney with the United States Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. and Kansas City, Missouri. Today he is engaged in a general practice with a concentration in constitutional strategy, litigation, and appeals.

He holds the J.D. degree (cum laude) from Harvard and the B.S. degree in Political Science from the University of Oregon from which he graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He is an active member of the bar of Virginia and an inactive member of the bar of Oregon. He is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, the United States Court of Claims, and the United States Courts of Appeals for the Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, District of Columbia and Federal Circuits. His constitutional practice has taken him into federal district courts in Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia and the state courts of Idaho, Texas and North Dakota.

Listen very closely.

Part one is 4:32

Part two is 2:03


Morever, President Obama is the sixth U.S. President to have had one or both of his parents not born on U.S. soil." [listing Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, Chester A. Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, and Herbert Hoover].[52]"

Natural-born-citizen clause - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

True but here is the kicker. Wilson and Hoovers mothers became naturalized U.S. Citizens through the congressional 'Act 10 of Febuary 1855 Derivative Marriage' naturalization process when they married their U.S. citizen husbands before Herbert and Woodrow were born. Therefore Herbert and Woodrow became natural born Citizens born to two U.S. citizen parents which gave them sole allegiance to the U.S.A.. Andrew Jackson was exempt because he was covered under the Article 2 Grandfather Clause. As for Buchanan, both parents were citizens when he was born. His father born in Ireland naturalized in the Sovereign Commonwealth in PA via the process outlined in the 1776 PA constitution. Thus James Buchanan Sr. Became a citizen of the U.S. by being a citizen of one of the original 13 colonies and when James jr was born he was made a automatic natural born citizen born to two U.S. citizen parents giving him sole allegiance to the U.S.A.. Now for ineligible Chester. He was not a Article 2 natural born citizen do to the fact he was born before his fathers naturalization. Based on uncovered facts later in history he was unconstitutionally seated based on a fabricated nativity story (like Obama) and fraud by Authur himself which was not discovered until long after his death. He burned all of his family records to cover up the fraud. Stop trying to obfuscate the real facts to cover for ineligible Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka.

Meanwhile in the real world:

There is only one court decision which squarely interprets the "natural born citizen" clause as applied to a candidate for president, which is Ankeny v. Daniels, 916 N.E.2d 678 (Indiana Ct. App. 2009, ). The Ankeny court ruled that the citizenship of President Obama's father is irrelevant:

Based upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are "natural born Citizens" for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.

Congressional Research Service:

“As explained by the Supreme Court of the United States over the course of a number of years, it is well settled from common law Principles of jus soli (“law of the soil”) extant in England and the Colonies at the time of Independence, as well as from subsequent constitutional provisions, as well as subsequent ‘statutory law, that all persons born “in” the United States and subject to its jurisdiction are citizens of the United States “at birth.” As such, any person physically born “in” the United States, regardless of the citizenship of one’s parents (unless such parents are foreign diplomatic personnel not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States), would appear to be a “natural born” citizen eligible to be President of the United States.”

The Maskell CRS memorandum, which has been widely discredited, was produced for one reason and one reason alone: to give political cover to members of Congress who voted to certify Obama’s Electoral College votes, knowing or strongly suspecting that he was not eligible for that office.

Discredited by whom?

Remember once again- the voters knew Barack Obama was eligible, the Electoral College knew Obama was eligible, Congress knew Barack Obama was eligible- and Chief Justice Roberts swore him in three times.

Why does your wee little Birther brain believe that a right wing nutjob like Michelle Bachmann vote to confirm Barack Obama's election if she really thought he was not eligible?

Why would a staunch Conservative like Justice Roberts swear him in?

Why would Republican stalwarts like Orin Hatch and Lindsey Graham say:

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), said:

“Every child born in the United States is a natural-born United States citizen except for the children of diplomats.” (December 11, 2008 letter to constituent)

Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), said:

“What is a natural born citizen? Clearly, someone born within the United States or one of its territories is a natural born citizen.” (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing hearing on OCTOBER 5, 2004)
While Professor Titus believes that a natural born citizen requires two citizen parents, he also understands that the current Supreme Court precedent on what is a natural born citizen is the case of Wong Kim Ark 169 U.S. 649. Under that precedent President Obama, Governor Jindal and Senator Rubio are natural born citizens. The question of Senator Cruz's status would be open to debate.
LOL.....still waiting for you to show us a report from the Maricopa Sheriff's Department saying that Barack Obama's birth certificate is a forgery.

Don't you think it is kind of odd though....that if a law enforcement agency had proof of a forgery.....that they haven't notified a DA...or the FBI...or even the Arizona Secretary of State?
They will be notified when the 2nd criminal investigation is completed which is not to far off. They're tying up some legal issues with Maricopa County Sheriffs Office attorneys according to a interview two weeks ago.

LOL......'soon'.....how far off Stevie boy?

A week?
A month?
6 months?
January 2017?

Birthers will believe any used car salesman...even one who is getting payoffs of $10,000 from his own 'source'......
Mike Zullo has been fully trained by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office under the powers granted to Sheriff Arpaio by the Arizona Constitution. He is well qualified despite having another occupation in the past, which included being a private investigator and a police officer in New Jersey.

Mike Zullo is a former used cars salesman and is not a law enforcement officer.

Still waiting for any report by an actual law enforcement agency or law enforcement officer to support your claims.
Mike Zullo has been fully trained by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office under the powers granted to Sheriff Arpaio by the Arizona Constitution. He is well qualified and has ALL the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office resouces at his disposal, including their attorneys. Also Arpaio opened up a second criminal investigation a year ago appointing two full time detectives from the department. This is why the posse hasnt asked for donations anymore in many months.The second criminal investigation is what has delayed revealing all of the new posses evidence they collected since the second press conference. Once the 2nd investigation wraps they will hold two seperate conferences announcing their findings.

Oh boy more press conferences!

Because that is of course how REAL law enforcement agencies enforce the law.....press conferences.

Not with District Attorney's or Grand Juries, or referrals to the FBI, or Congress...but a chance for a used car salesman to get in front of reporters......priceless.

And thanks for confirming- Mike Zullo is not a law enforcement officer and you have no report from any law enforcement agency stating any of the things you have claimed.
Hey asshole. The Hawaii Dept of Health is the one who has tucked tail and hid behind AG Jill Nagamine when Investigator Zullo confronted them to get answers

And by 'confronted them for answers', you mean when Zullo showed up in Hawaii and demanded that Hawaii give full access for all of their vital records to Zullo's non-profit corporation?

You forget....Zullo's 'cold case posse' isn't part of the Maricopa Sheriff's department. Its just a private non-profit that runs on donations. This from their own website.

The creation of the CCP was a unique departure from the role that the general Posse system has been accustomed to, serving as a direct support to the Patrol Division of the Office. The CCP is the first posse to work directly for and under the supervision the General Investigation Division (GID).

We are a 501c3 charitable corporation. We support the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at NO ADDITIONAL EXPENSE to the taxpayers as we are solely supported by contributions and from our members’ financial support.

MCSO Cold Case Posse - About Us

The 'cold case posse' isn't part of the Maricopa County Sheriff's office. They are a non-profit corporation that 'supports' the Sheriff's office. Why didn't the Maricopa Country Sheriff's department officers go to Hawaii and ask? Why send a private non-profit that they know Hawaii could never release the documents to, as it would explicitly violate Hawaiian law?

If the case is as compelling as Sheriff Joe claims, then getting a warrant for the records would have been child's play. Yet in 3 years, Sheriff Joe has never been able to convince a single judge to authorize such a warrant.

Not one. Not even an Arizona judge.

Worse, if Sheriff Joe wanted to know if Obama's birth certificate was legit, why didn't he just *ask* Hawaii if it was? Its the first thing that a credible investigator would do: check with the issuing agency to verify authenticity. But Sheriff Joe never did, and to this day refuses to do.

Given that Hawaii has already verified that the information on Obama's LFBC published on the White House Website is accurate and matches the original records......why does Sheriff Joe refuse to ask? The Secretary of State of Arizona did;

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett (R), who earlier this month requested more information from Hawaii on President Obama’s birth certificate, has gotten the confirmation he needed.

“Late yesterday, our office received the 'verification in-lieu of certified copy' from officials within the Hawaii Department of Health that we requested in March,” Bennett said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon. “They have officially confirmed that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original record in their files.

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett satisfied Obama was born in United States - The Washington Post

There you go. Verification from the Secretary of State of Arizona that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original records on file. And which State is Maricopa county located? Arizona. The very State that had already verified that the information on Obama's birth certificate was accurate.

So why does Sheriff Joe ignore Arizona officials who have already verified the EXACT issue he's supposedly investigating? Why won't Sheriff Joe ask Hawaii if the Birth Certificate is accurate? Why won't Sheriff Joe release ANY official report on the issue from the Maricopa County Sheriff's department? Its been 3 years....and yet not a single official document on the matter from the Maricopa County Sheriff's department.

What is Sheriff Joe afraid of? What is he hiding that he won't release his report after 3 years of investigating?
Arpaio sent a official police officer with Zullo to Hawaii. Do your homework.

How did that work out? How much Arizona tax payers money was spent on that junket?
The taxpayers in Maricopa County that requested this investigation want to get to the bottom of this fraudulent president and expose him, his shady past and the others who helped him usurp the Oval Office.

Taxpayers have asked Arpaio to stop wasting their money

Taxpayers ask Maricopa Co. Board to stop birther investigation - CBS 5 - KPHO

Maricopa County taxpayers went before the Board of Supervisors Wednesday, asking them to stop Sheriff Joe Arpaio's birther investigation.

Two weeks ago, Arpaio sent members of his posse to Hawaii to investigate the legitimacy of President Obama's birth certificate.

CBS 5 News learned that the investigators sent by Arpaio spent more than $40,000. Arpaio said the money was donated by members of his "Cold Case Posse." The posse is made up of retired lawyers and law enforcement.

Taxpayers told the board that Arpaio needs to stop misusing thousands of tax payer dollars to pursue his birther investigation.

Read more: Taxpayers ask Maricopa Co. Board to stop birther investigation - CBS 5 - KPHO
A respected constitutional scholar and lawyer sits down to explain what a true Constitutional Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen is in just over 6 minutes. His credentials are impeccable when it comes to the matter of Constitutional Law and our founders original intent, especially on the subject of the presidency. In the brief video's, he gives a clear understandable meaning of why the founders wanted to have a natural born Citizen ONLY for the presidential requirement to hold the executive office of the United States. It is clear after listening to this outstanding scholar in the two part video that you will understand why Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are not constitutionally eligible to hold the office of the presidency.

His credentials:

He taught constitutional law, common law, and other subjects for nearly 30 years at five different American Bar Association approved law schools. From 1986 to 1993, he served as the founding Dean of the College of Law and Government in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Prior to his academic career, he served as a Trial Attorney and a Special Assistant United States Attorney with the United States Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. and Kansas City, Missouri. Today he is engaged in a general practice with a concentration in constitutional strategy, litigation, and appeals.

He holds the J.D. degree (cum laude) from Harvard and the B.S. degree in Political Science from the University of Oregon from which he graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He is an active member of the bar of Virginia and an inactive member of the bar of Oregon. He is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, the United States Court of Claims, and the United States Courts of Appeals for the Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, District of Columbia and Federal Circuits. His constitutional practice has taken him into federal district courts in Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia and the state courts of Idaho, Texas and North Dakota.

Listen very closely.

Part one is 4:32

Part two is 2:03


Morever, President Obama is the sixth U.S. President to have had one or both of his parents not born on U.S. soil." [listing Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, Chester A. Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, and Herbert Hoover].[52]"

Natural-born-citizen clause - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

True but here is the kicker. Wilson and Hoovers mothers became naturalized U.S. Citizens through the congressional 'Act 10 of Febuary 1855 Derivative Marriage' naturalization process when they married their U.S. citizen husbands before Herbert and Woodrow were born. Therefore Herbert and Woodrow became natural born Citizens born to two U.S. citizen parents which gave them sole allegiance to the U.S.A.. Andrew Jackson was exempt because he was covered under the Article 2 Grandfather Clause. As for Buchanan, both parents were citizens when he was born. His father born in Ireland naturalized in the Sovereign Commonwealth in PA via the process outlined in the 1776 PA constitution. Thus James Buchanan Sr. Became a citizen of the U.S. by being a citizen of one of the original 13 colonies and when James jr was born he was made a automatic natural born citizen born to two U.S. citizen parents giving him sole allegiance to the U.S.A.. Now for ineligible Chester. He was not a Article 2 natural born citizen do to the fact he was born before his fathers naturalization. Based on uncovered facts later in history he was unconstitutionally seated based on a fabricated nativity story (like Obama) and fraud by Authur himself which was not discovered until long after his death. He burned all of his family records to cover up the fraud. Stop trying to obfuscate the real facts to cover for ineligible Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka.

Meanwhile in the real world:

There is only one court decision which squarely interprets the "natural born citizen" clause as applied to a candidate for president, which is Ankeny v. Daniels, 916 N.E.2d 678 (Indiana Ct. App. 2009, ). The Ankeny court ruled that the citizenship of President Obama's father is irrelevant:

Based upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are "natural born Citizens" for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.

Congressional Research Service:

“As explained by the Supreme Court of the United States over the course of a number of years, it is well settled from common law Principles of jus soli (“law of the soil”) extant in England and the Colonies at the time of Independence, as well as from subsequent constitutional provisions, as well as subsequent ‘statutory law, that all persons born “in” the United States and subject to its jurisdiction are citizens of the United States “at birth.” As such, any person physically born “in” the United States, regardless of the citizenship of one’s parents (unless such parents are foreign diplomatic personnel not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States), would appear to be a “natural born” citizen eligible to be President of the United States.”

The Maskell CRS memorandum, which has been widely discredited, was produced for one reason and one reason alone: to give political cover to members of Congress who voted to certify Obama’s Electoral College votes, knowing or strongly suspecting that he was not eligible for that office.

Discredited by whom?

Remember once again- the voters knew Barack Obama was eligible, the Electoral College knew Obama was eligible, Congress knew Barack Obama was eligible- and Chief Justice Roberts swore him in three times.

Why does your wee little Birther brain believe that a right wing nutjob like Michelle Bachmann vote to confirm Barack Obama's election if she really thought he was not eligible?

Why would a staunch Conservative like Justice Roberts swear him in?

Why would Republican stalwarts like Orin Hatch and Lindsey Graham say:

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), said:

“Every child born in the United States is a natural-born United States citizen except for the children of diplomats.” (December 11, 2008 letter to constituent)

Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), said:

“What is a natural born citizen? Clearly, someone born within the United States or one of its territories is a natural born citizen.” (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing hearing on OCTOBER 5, 2004)

Graham and Hatch must think Cruz is not eligible for Article 2 Section 1 since he wasnt born within the U.S. or one of its territories. Hmmmmm.......interesting.

Morever, President Obama is the sixth U.S. President to have had one or both of his parents not born on U.S. soil." [listing Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, Chester A. Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, and Herbert Hoover].[52]"

Natural-born-citizen clause - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
True but here is the kicker. Wilson and Hoovers mothers became naturalized U.S. Citizens through the congressional 'Act 10 of Febuary 1855 Derivative Marriage' naturalization process when they married their U.S. citizen husbands before Herbert and Woodrow were born. Therefore Herbert and Woodrow became natural born Citizens born to two U.S. citizen parents which gave them sole allegiance to the U.S.A.. Andrew Jackson was exempt because he was covered under the Article 2 Grandfather Clause. As for Buchanan, both parents were citizens when he was born. His father born in Ireland naturalized in the Sovereign Commonwealth in PA via the process outlined in the 1776 PA constitution. Thus James Buchanan Sr. Became a citizen of the U.S. by being a citizen of one of the original 13 colonies and when James jr was born he was made a automatic natural born citizen born to two U.S. citizen parents giving him sole allegiance to the U.S.A.. Now for ineligible Chester. He was not a Article 2 natural born citizen do to the fact he was born before his fathers naturalization. Based on uncovered facts later in history he was unconstitutionally seated based on a fabricated nativity story (like Obama) and fraud by Authur himself which was not discovered until long after his death. He burned all of his family records to cover up the fraud. Stop trying to obfuscate the real facts to cover for ineligible Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka.

Meanwhile in the real world:

There is only one court decision which squarely interprets the "natural born citizen" clause as applied to a candidate for president, which is Ankeny v. Daniels, 916 N.E.2d 678 (Indiana Ct. App. 2009, ). The Ankeny court ruled that the citizenship of President Obama's father is irrelevant:

Based upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are "natural born Citizens" for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.

Congressional Research Service:

“As explained by the Supreme Court of the United States over the course of a number of years, it is well settled from common law Principles of jus soli (“law of the soil”) extant in England and the Colonies at the time of Independence, as well as from subsequent constitutional provisions, as well as subsequent ‘statutory law, that all persons born “in” the United States and subject to its jurisdiction are citizens of the United States “at birth.” As such, any person physically born “in” the United States, regardless of the citizenship of one’s parents (unless such parents are foreign diplomatic personnel not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States), would appear to be a “natural born” citizen eligible to be President of the United States.”
The Maskell CRS memorandum, which has been widely discredited, was produced for one reason and one reason alone: to give political cover to members of Congress who voted to certify Obama’s Electoral College votes, knowing or strongly suspecting that he was not eligible for that office.

Discredited by whom?

Remember once again- the voters knew Barack Obama was eligible, the Electoral College knew Obama was eligible, Congress knew Barack Obama was eligible- and Chief Justice Roberts swore him in three times.

Why does your wee little Birther brain believe that a right wing nutjob like Michelle Bachmann vote to confirm Barack Obama's election if she really thought he was not eligible?

Why would a staunch Conservative like Justice Roberts swear him in?

Why would Republican stalwarts like Orin Hatch and Lindsey Graham say:

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), said:

“Every child born in the United States is a natural-born United States citizen except for the children of diplomats.” (December 11, 2008 letter to constituent)

Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), said:

“What is a natural born citizen? Clearly, someone born within the United States or one of its territories is a natural born citizen.” (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing hearing on OCTOBER 5, 2004)
Graham and Hatch must think Cruz is not eligible for Article 2. Hmmmmm

Feel free to ask them.
Hey asshole. The Hawaii Dept of Health is the one who has tucked tail and hid behind AG Jill Nagamine when Investigator Zullo confronted them to get answers

And by 'confronted them for answers', you mean when Zullo showed up in Hawaii and demanded that Hawaii give full access for all of their vital records to Zullo's non-profit corporation?

You forget....Zullo's 'cold case posse' isn't part of the Maricopa Sheriff's department. Its just a private non-profit that runs on donations. This from their own website.

The creation of the CCP was a unique departure from the role that the general Posse system has been accustomed to, serving as a direct support to the Patrol Division of the Office. The CCP is the first posse to work directly for and under the supervision the General Investigation Division (GID).

We are a 501c3 charitable corporation. We support the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at NO ADDITIONAL EXPENSE to the taxpayers as we are solely supported by contributions and from our members’ financial support.

MCSO Cold Case Posse - About Us

The 'cold case posse' isn't part of the Maricopa County Sheriff's office. They are a non-profit corporation that 'supports' the Sheriff's office. Why didn't the Maricopa Country Sheriff's department officers go to Hawaii and ask? Why send a private non-profit that they know Hawaii could never release the documents to, as it would explicitly violate Hawaiian law?

If the case is as compelling as Sheriff Joe claims, then getting a warrant for the records would have been child's play. Yet in 3 years, Sheriff Joe has never been able to convince a single judge to authorize such a warrant.

Not one. Not even an Arizona judge.

Worse, if Sheriff Joe wanted to know if Obama's birth certificate was legit, why didn't he just *ask* Hawaii if it was? Its the first thing that a credible investigator would do: check with the issuing agency to verify authenticity. But Sheriff Joe never did, and to this day refuses to do.

Given that Hawaii has already verified that the information on Obama's LFBC published on the White House Website is accurate and matches the original records......why does Sheriff Joe refuse to ask? The Secretary of State of Arizona did;

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett (R), who earlier this month requested more information from Hawaii on President Obama’s birth certificate, has gotten the confirmation he needed.

“Late yesterday, our office received the 'verification in-lieu of certified copy' from officials within the Hawaii Department of Health that we requested in March,” Bennett said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon. “They have officially confirmed that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original record in their files.

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett satisfied Obama was born in United States - The Washington Post

There you go. Verification from the Secretary of State of Arizona that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original records on file. And which State is Maricopa county located? Arizona. The very State that had already verified that the information on Obama's birth certificate was accurate.

So why does Sheriff Joe ignore Arizona officials who have already verified the EXACT issue he's supposedly investigating? Why won't Sheriff Joe ask Hawaii if the Birth Certificate is accurate? Why won't Sheriff Joe release ANY official report on the issue from the Maricopa County Sheriff's department? Its been 3 years....and yet not a single official document on the matter from the Maricopa County Sheriff's department.

What is Sheriff Joe afraid of? What is he hiding that he won't release his report after 3 years of investigating?
Arpaio sent a official police officer with Zullo to Hawaii. Do your homework.

How did that work out? How much Arizona tax payers money was spent on that junket?
The taxpayers in Maricopa County that requested this investigation want to get to the bottom of this fraudulent president and expose him, his shady past and the others who helped him usurp the Oval Office.

Taxpayers have asked Arpaio to stop wasting their money

Taxpayers ask Maricopa Co. Board to stop birther investigation - CBS 5 - KPHO

Maricopa County taxpayers went before the Board of Supervisors Wednesday, asking them to stop Sheriff Joe Arpaio's birther investigation.

Two weeks ago, Arpaio sent members of his posse to Hawaii to investigate the legitimacy of President Obama's birth certificate.

CBS 5 News learned that the investigators sent by Arpaio spent more than $40,000. Arpaio said the money was donated by members of his "Cold Case Posse." The posse is made up of retired lawyers and law enforcement.

Taxpayers told the board that Arpaio needs to stop misusing thousands of tax payer dollars to pursue his birther investigation.

Read more: Taxpayers ask Maricopa Co. Board to stop birther investigation - CBS 5 - KPHO
Irrelevant since Arpaio initiated a 2nd criminal investigation seperate from the posses investigation with two newly appointed full time detectives. Arpaio is a patriot. It is why he has been elected for a 6th term.
They will be notified when the 2nd criminal investigation is completed which is not to far off. They're tying up some legal issues with Maricopa County Sheriffs Office attorneys according to a interview two weeks ago.

LOL......'soon'.....how far off Stevie boy?

A week?
A month?
6 months?
January 2017?

Birthers will believe any used car salesman...even one who is getting payoffs of $10,000 from his own 'source'......
Mike Zullo has been fully trained by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office under the powers granted to Sheriff Arpaio by the Arizona Constitution. He is well qualified despite having another occupation in the past, which included being a private investigator and a police officer in New Jersey.

Mike Zullo is a former used cars salesman and is not a law enforcement officer.

Still waiting for any report by an actual law enforcement agency or law enforcement officer to support your claims.
Mike Zullo has been fully trained by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office under the powers granted to Sheriff Arpaio by the Arizona Constitution. He is well qualified and has ALL the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office resouces at his disposal, including their attorneys. Also Arpaio opened up a second criminal investigation a year ago appointing two full time detectives from the department. This is why the posse hasnt asked for donations anymore in many months.The second criminal investigation is what has delayed revealing all of the new posses evidence they collected since the second press conference. Once the 2nd investigation wraps they will hold two seperate conferences announcing their findings.

Oh boy more press conferences!

Because that is of course how REAL law enforcement agencies enforce the law.....press conferences.

Not with District Attorney's or Grand Juries, or referrals to the FBI, or Congress...but a chance for a used car salesman to get in front of reporters......priceless.

And thanks for confirming- Mike Zullo is not a law enforcement officer and you have no report from any law enforcement agency stating any of the things you have claimed.
It wont be just Zullo this time. It will be official law enforcement detectives who have been conducting the 2nd criminal investigation too. You can ridicule all you want as you are a Obama disciple but no matter what, the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office will handle revealing the new evidence in true law enforcement fashion with guidance from their attorneys.
While Professor Titus believes that a natural born citizen requires two citizen parents, he also understands that the current Supreme Court precedent on what is a natural born citizen is the case of Wong Kim Ark 169 U.S. 649. Under that precedent President Obama, Governor Jindal and Senator Rubio are natural born citizens. The question of Senator Cruz's status would be open to debate.
Wong Kim Ark was never affirmed a Article 2 natural born Citizen.
A respected constitutional scholar and lawyer sits down to explain what a true Constitutional Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen is in just over 6 minutes. His credentials are impeccable when it comes to the matter of Constitutional Law and our founders original intent, especially on the subject of the presidency. In the brief video's, he gives a clear understandable meaning of why the founders wanted to have a natural born Citizen ONLY for the presidential requirement to hold the executive office of the United States. It is clear after listening to this outstanding scholar in the two part video that you will understand why Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are not constitutionally eligible to hold the office of the presidency.

His credentials:

He taught constitutional law, common law, and other subjects for nearly 30 years at five different American Bar Association approved law schools. From 1986 to 1993, he served as the founding Dean of the College of Law and Government in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Prior to his academic career, he served as a Trial Attorney and a Special Assistant United States Attorney with the United States Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. and Kansas City, Missouri. Today he is engaged in a general practice with a concentration in constitutional strategy, litigation, and appeals.

He holds the J.D. degree (cum laude) from Harvard and the B.S. degree in Political Science from the University of Oregon from which he graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He is an active member of the bar of Virginia and an inactive member of the bar of Oregon. He is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, the United States Court of Claims, and the United States Courts of Appeals for the Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, District of Columbia and Federal Circuits. His constitutional practice has taken him into federal district courts in Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia and the state courts of Idaho, Texas and North Dakota.

Listen very closely.

Part one is 4:32

Part two is 2:03


Morever, President Obama is the sixth U.S. President to have had one or both of his parents not born on U.S. soil." [listing Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, Chester A. Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, and Herbert Hoover].[52]"

Natural-born-citizen clause - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

True but here is the kicker. Wilson and Hoovers mothers became naturalized U.S. Citizens through the congressional 'Act 10 of Febuary 1855 Derivative Marriage' naturalization process when they married their U.S. citizen husbands before Herbert and Woodrow were born. Therefore Herbert and Woodrow became natural born Citizens born to two U.S. citizen parents which gave them sole allegiance to the U.S.A.. Andrew Jackson was exempt because he was covered under the Article 2 Grandfather Clause. As for Buchanan, both parents were citizens when he was born. His father born in Ireland naturalized in the Sovereign Commonwealth in PA via the process outlined in the 1776 PA constitution. Thus James Buchanan Sr. Became a citizen of the U.S. by being a citizen of one of the original 13 colonies and when James jr was born he was made a automatic natural born citizen born to two U.S. citizen parents giving him sole allegiance to the U.S.A.. Now for ineligible Chester. He was not a Article 2 natural born citizen do to the fact he was born before his fathers naturalization. Based on uncovered facts later in history he was unconstitutionally seated based on a fabricated nativity story (like Obama) and fraud by Authur himself which was not discovered until long after his death. He burned all of his family records to cover up the fraud. Stop trying to obfuscate the real facts to cover for ineligible Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka.

Meanwhile in the real world:

There is only one court decision which squarely interprets the "natural born citizen" clause as applied to a candidate for president, which is Ankeny v. Daniels, 916 N.E.2d 678 (Indiana Ct. App. 2009, ). The Ankeny court ruled that the citizenship of President Obama's father is irrelevant:

Based upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are "natural born Citizens" for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.

Congressional Research Service:

“As explained by the Supreme Court of the United States over the course of a number of years, it is well settled from common law Principles of jus soli (“law of the soil”) extant in England and the Colonies at the time of Independence, as well as from subsequent constitutional provisions, as well as subsequent ‘statutory law, that all persons born “in” the United States and subject to its jurisdiction are citizens of the United States “at birth.” As such, any person physically born “in” the United States, regardless of the citizenship of one’s parents (unless such parents are foreign diplomatic personnel not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States), would appear to be a “natural born” citizen eligible to be President of the United States.”

The Maskell CRS memorandum, which has been widely discredited, was produced for one reason and one reason alone: to give political cover to members of Congress who voted to certify Obama’s Electoral College votes, knowing or strongly suspecting that he was not eligible for that office.

Discredited by whom?

Remember once again- the voters knew Barack Obama was eligible, the Electoral College knew Obama was eligible, Congress knew Barack Obama was eligible- and Chief Justice Roberts swore him in three times.

Why does your wee little Birther brain believe that a right wing nutjob like Michelle Bachmann vote to confirm Barack Obama's election if she really thought he was not eligible?

Why would a staunch Conservative like Justice Roberts swear him in?

Why would Republican stalwarts like Orin Hatch and Lindsey Graham say:

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), said:

“Every child born in the United States is a natural-born United States citizen except for the children of diplomats.” (December 11, 2008 letter to constituent)

Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), said:

“What is a natural born citizen? Clearly, someone born within the United States or one of its territories is a natural born citizen.” (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing hearing on OCTOBER 5, 2004)

No. Millions upon millions of voters did not know he was ineligible. They were stupid to the fact he wasnt. Just like Gruber stated the voters were stupid to the fact that Obamacare was bogus. As for Roberts, it is not his duty to vet Obama or deny swearing him in. Jeez
Now for ineligible Chester. He was not a Article 2 natural born citizen do to the fact he was born before his fathers naturalization. Based on uncovered facts later in history he was unconstitutionally seated based on a fabricated nativity story (like Obama) and fraud by Authur himself which was not discovered until long after his death. He burned all of his family records to cover up the fraud. Stop trying to obfuscate the real facts to cover for ineligible Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka.

You say Chester Arthur was ineligible. But no law nor court has ever found this to be so. No has any law nor court ever backed your exclusive definition of natural born citizenship.

Rendering your declaration of 'ineligibility' meaningless.
While Professor Titus believes that a natural born citizen requires two citizen parents, he also understands that the current Supreme Court precedent on what is a natural born citizen is the case of Wong Kim Ark 169 U.S. 649. Under that precedent President Obama, Governor Jindal and Senator Rubio are natural born citizens. The question of Senator Cruz's status would be open to debate.
Wong Kim Ark was never affirmed a Article 2 natural born Citizen.

Wong explicitly cites British common law as the lens through which the founders would have understood natural born citizenship. And natural born status follow place of birth, even if both parents were aliens. Your fallacious claims regarding Vattel's 'law of nations' being the origin of natural born citizenship definition was shown to be meaningless babble, as no edition of the "Law of Nations' ever used the word 'natural born citizen' until 10 years AFTER the constitution was already written.

Cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by a decade.

No court has ever backed your exclusive definition of natural born citizenship. Nor has any law. Meaning that your definition isn't a legal one. And is thus irrelevant to the eligibility of any president.
No. Millions upon millions of voters did not know he was ineligible. They were stupid to the fact he wasnt. Just like Gruber stated the voters were stupid to the fact that Obamacare was bogus. As for Roberts, it is not his duty to vet Obama or deny swearing him in. Jeez

Who says he's ineligible? Not the constitution. Not the law. Not any court ruling. The exclusive definition of natural born citizenship that you are advocating has never been backed by any law, any court, or is ever mentioned in the US constitution.

Thus, its not a legal definition. And prohibits no one from doing anything.
While Professor Titus believes that a natural born citizen requires two citizen parents, he also understands that the current Supreme Court precedent on what is a natural born citizen is the case of Wong Kim Ark 169 U.S. 649. Under that precedent President Obama, Governor Jindal and Senator Rubio are natural born citizens. The question of Senator Cruz's status would be open to debate.
Wong Kim Ark was never affirmed a Article 2 natural born Citizen.

Wong explicitly cites British common law as the lens through which the founders would have understood natural born citizenship. And natural born status follow place of birth, even if both parents were aliens. Your fallacious claims regarding Vattel's 'law of nations' being the origin of natural born citizenship definition was shown to be meaningless babble, as no edition of the "Law of Nations' ever used the word 'natural born citizen' until 10 years AFTER the constitution was already written.

Cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by a decade.

No court has ever backed your exclusive definition of natural born citizenship. Nor has any law. Meaning that your definition isn't a legal one. And is thus irrelevant to the eligibility of any president.
Again. Wong was never affirmed a Article 2 natural born Citizen. He was made a statutory Citizen under the 14th Amendment, not Articlec 2 Section 1, the only place in the Constitution with the term 'natural born Citizen. You see my uninformed Obama disciple, a statutory citizen (bestowed by man's pen) can never be a "natural born" citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

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