Cop shoots white kid in Reno for waving a knife.

I've been working on an idea to end these cop shootings. When a police officer confronts you DON"T BE A FUCKING DUMB ASS AND GET SHOT.

Try and think a bit if that is not beyond your capability....this was a case of a l4 yr. old white kid who had been bullied, beaten and traumatized by a negroid.

So he went into his mama's kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife to ward off the bully....if you have seen his picture you should know this kid was no threat.

You have let the media do to you what it does to so many.....prevent any critical thinking or logical thought.

A competent cop would have approached the kid in a calm and judicious manner and talked to him like he was his son....the kid was so traumatized he most likely did not even see the cop or hear him ordering him to drop the knife...if the cop indeed did tell him to do that.

Why do you insist on showing everyone how stupid you are?
Since it was a white kid that got shot all the liberal talking heads are saying oh....that was just so justified.

If it had been a black student shot they would all have a opposite narrative...the ole double standard we see it time and again.

Also...most of the video of the incident has been censored since it shows that the officer didnt have to shoot the l4 yr. old.--the kid was merely trying to defend himself from a black bully in a school terrorized by blacks...large number of blacks in that school....and as in all such schools with a large black population many white kids get bullied, beat up, assaulted etc. but the media never reports on that.

Cop didn't need to shoot teen at Nevada high school, family insists
It was justified.

So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies. should be embarassed by the fact you let the media lead you around by your nose.
You are nothing but a liberal liar.
I doubt a school in Reno is dominated or terrorized by Blacks; I lived there for several years. But I do understand your heightened emotions. Sometimes the illusions that form in our minds don;t accurately correlate with the chain of events leading up to a catastrophe.

Says the snowflake with the hate meme in his siggie....
That siggie pic is a graphic prediction of things to come. Take heed!
Since it was a white kid that got shot all the liberal talking heads are saying oh....that was just so justified.

If it had been a black student shot they would all have a opposite narrative...the ole double standard we see it time and again.

Also...most of the video of the incident has been censored since it shows that the officer didnt have to shoot the l4 yr. old.--the kid was merely trying to defend himself from a black bully in a school terrorized by blacks...large number of blacks in that school....and as in all such schools with a large black population many white kids get bullied, beat up, assaulted etc. but the media never reports on that.

Cop didn't need to shoot teen at Nevada high school, family insists
It was justified.

So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Since it was a white kid that got shot all the liberal talking heads are saying oh....that was just so justified.

If it had been a black student shot they would all have a opposite narrative...the ole double standard we see it time and again.

Also...most of the video of the incident has been censored since it shows that the officer didnt have to shoot the l4 yr. old.--the kid was merely trying to defend himself from a black bully in a school terrorized by blacks...large number of blacks in that school....and as in all such schools with a large black population many white kids get bullied, beat up, assaulted etc. but the media never reports on that.

Cop didn't need to shoot teen at Nevada high school, family insists
It was justified.

So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.
Since it was a white kid that got shot all the liberal talking heads are saying oh....that was just so justified.

If it had been a black student shot they would all have a opposite narrative...the ole double standard we see it time and again.

Also...most of the video of the incident has been censored since it shows that the officer didnt have to shoot the l4 yr. old.--the kid was merely trying to defend himself from a black bully in a school terrorized by blacks...large number of blacks in that school....and as in all such schools with a large black population many white kids get bullied, beat up, assaulted etc. but the media never reports on that.

Cop didn't need to shoot teen at Nevada high school, family insists
It was justified.

So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.
Indeed. If he 20ft or closer, he could very well get to you before you can draw.
Since it was a white kid that got shot all the liberal talking heads are saying oh....that was just so justified.

If it had been a black student shot they would all have a opposite narrative...the ole double standard we see it time and again.

Also...most of the video of the incident has been censored since it shows that the officer didnt have to shoot the l4 yr. old.--the kid was merely trying to defend himself from a black bully in a school terrorized by blacks...large number of blacks in that school....and as in all such schools with a large black population many white kids get bullied, beat up, assaulted etc. but the media never reports on that.

Cop didn't need to shoot teen at Nevada high school, family insists
It was justified.

So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.

You do not know what the cop said or how many times he said it or even if he said are basing your flawed analysis on what the media reported....and as most know by now...they misrepresent facts constantly.

You obviously watch a lot of t.v. and think just because some kid has a knife he is some kind of threat....I hope you are never in a real life situation where you have to make a critical decision or one where a tad of common sense is required.
It was justified.

So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.
Indeed. If he 20ft or closer, he could very well get to you before you can draw.
That's a fact. Most people don't realize that, or in some cases, are just too freaking stupid to understand. Back in the prison a con hit me three times in the head before I could even react. Why? I let him get too close to me.
It was justified.

So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.

You do not know what the cop said or how many times he said it or even if he said are basing your flawed analysis on what the media reported....and as most know by now...they misrepresent facts constantly.

You obviously watch a lot of t.v. and think just because some kid has a knife he is some kind of threat....I hope you are never in a real life situation where you have to make a critical decision or one where a tad of common sense is required.
Keep on proving how clueless you are. As far as watching the libard shit on TV, ha!
It was justified.

So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.
Indeed. If he 20ft or closer, he could very well get to you before you can draw.

Nonsense..get real....take a look at the picture of this kid...entirely in a defensive mode and even if he wanted to attack he would probably fall on his face before he reached you....the kid is a pathetic obvious....the cop should have understood this situation from the gitgo....the cop was proably so charged up on adrenaline that he was blinded...all he could think o meo myo...he has a knife I gottta shoot..........the whole thing...entirely pathetic and preventable.
So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.
Indeed. If he 20ft or closer, he could very well get to you before you can draw.

Nonsense..get real....take a look at the picture of this kid...entirely in a defensive mode and even if he wanted to attack he would probably fall on his face before he reached you....the kid is a pathetic obvious....the cop should have understood this situation from the gitgo....the cop was proably so charged up on adrenaline that he was blinded...all he could think o meo myo...he has a knife I gottta shoot..........the whole thing...entirely pathetic and preventable.
Goodbye criminal lover.
So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.
Indeed. If he 20ft or closer, he could very well get to you before you can draw.
That's a fact. Most people don't realize that, or in some cases, are just too freaking stupid to understand. Back in the prison a con hit me three times in the head before I could even react. Why? I let him get too close to me.

Anyone who winds up in prison usually has a severe lack of good judgement to say the very least.

We are not talking about inmates, prisons or that culture....this was a l4 yr. old kid on a school ground. Take a look at his picture and tell me you honestly think he could be a threat to anyone.
So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.
Indeed. If he 20ft or closer, he could very well get to you before you can draw.
Nonsense..get real...
I'm sorry you cannot accept reality and must substitute your own.
All the kid had to do was drop the knife.
Since it was a white kid that got shot all the liberal talking heads are saying oh....that was just so justified.

If it had been a black student shot they would all have a opposite narrative...the ole double standard we see it time and again.

Also...most of the video of the incident has been censored since it shows that the officer didnt have to shoot the l4 yr. old.--the kid was merely trying to defend himself from a black bully in a school terrorized by blacks...large number of blacks in that school....and as in all such schools with a large black population many white kids get bullied, beat up, assaulted etc. but the media never reports on that.

Cop didn't need to shoot teen at Nevada high school, family insists
It was justified.

So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.

I didn't say he should not have been shot. I don't know since I wasn't there. I simply expressed amazement that you pro- lifers are so quick to wish death on a kid. You said you hope he dies.
Since it was a white kid that got shot all the liberal talking heads are saying oh....that was just so justified.

If it had been a black student shot they would all have a opposite narrative...the ole double standard we see it time and again.

Also...most of the video of the incident has been censored since it shows that the officer didnt have to shoot the l4 yr. old.--the kid was merely trying to defend himself from a black bully in a school terrorized by blacks...large number of blacks in that school....and as in all such schools with a large black population many white kids get bullied, beat up, assaulted etc. but the media never reports on that.

Cop didn't need to shoot teen at Nevada high school, family insists
Well I hope that this youngster makes a full recovery.

It does shock me the number of people that your police need to kill every day. Its just a by product of your violent society.

Armed police needed in schools. What a sick society you have created.
All thanks to leftism.
Nope,the US was founded on violence and has been violent since day 1.
Because we declared ourselves independent from you assholes.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.
Indeed. If he 20ft or closer, he could very well get to you before you can draw.
Nonsense..get real...
I'm sorry you cannot accept reality and must substitute your own.
All the kid had to do was drop the knife.

You seem not have a good grasp of what went on there.............the kid had been bullied, beaten and traumatized....he was not rational...the cop further exacerbated the situation,

All that was called for here was some common sense on the part of the cop who could very easily have calmed down the distraught and emotional kid who was nothing more than a pathetic victim of a bully.
It was justified.

So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.

I didn't say he should not have been shot. I don't know since I wasn't there. I simply expressed amazement that you pro- lifers are so quick to wish death on a kid. You said you hope he dies.
Go away liberal.
It was justified.

So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.

I didn't say he should not have been shot. I don't know since I wasn't there. I simply expressed amazement that you pro- lifers are so quick to wish death on a kid. You said you hope he dies.

Just goes to show you how the media controls the minds of so many.
So says the media and another of its dupes....wise up dumbass and learn to think for yourself.
The kid got what he asked, no matter what criminal lovers like you say. I hope he dies.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.

I didn't say he should not have been shot. I don't know since I wasn't there. I simply expressed amazement that you pro- lifers are so quick to wish death on a kid. You said you hope he dies.

Just goes to show you how the media controls the minds of so many.
Your fake news lie-fest is in full swing today. Pulling crap out of your ass. Pathetic.
I can't believe you said that!
Liberal like you self live in a land that reality never knew. He refused to drop his knife after repeated warning and demands to do so. He was a threat to people in the area. he got what he wanted and deserved. The thing is, if someone with a knife ever confronts you, being a fool lib, you most likely will die.
Indeed. If he 20ft or closer, he could very well get to you before you can draw.
Nonsense..get real...
I'm sorry you cannot accept reality and must substitute your own.
All the kid had to do was drop the knife.
You seem not have a good grasp of what went on there.............the kid had been bullied, beaten and traumatized....he was not rational...the cop further exacerbated the situation,
All the kid had to do was drop the knife

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