Cops Called On Man For Being A Firefighter While Black


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

The story is pretty simple, a guy called the police on a firefighter for something that firefighters are required to do all across the country, fire code inspections.

I tried really hard to find a way to give the person who called the cops on this firefighter, the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the firefighter wasn't in uniform and that is why he looked suspicious, maybe the firefighter was trying to break into someone's home, maybe he was trying to sell drugs, etc.

Well according to the story, the firefighter was in full uniform and even had his firetruck parked on the street -- more from the article: “He kind of startled me,” recalled Moore. “He says, ‘Well, what are you doing here?’ I say, ‘We’re here doing our annual vegetation inspection.’ Then he asks for ID. I say no problem. He takes a picture of my ID and says I need to get a different one. I’ve had that ID for years. It’s kind of dark, and I’m more of a dark-skinned black guy, but you can still see me.”

Earlier from the same city, a woman called police on an 8 yr old black girl for selling bottled water without a permit -- thus thwarting that little girl's dastardly scheme. Maybe if this guy wasn't so dark-skinned, he wouldn't have looked so suspicious - -also, according to the concerned citizen -- the firefighter was wearing sneakers which also made him look suspicious. That firefighter in the future should make sure to do more to not look so suspicious if he wants to win another award for bravery and heroism like he did a few years earlier -- However, I am sure when he hopped into that flooded ravine to save passengers from an overturned vehicle -- those passengers didn't refuse his help until he showed them ID.

The story is pretty simple, a guy called the police on a firefighter for something that firefighters are required to do all across the country, fire code inspections.

I tried really hard to find a way to give the person who called the cops on this firefighter, the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the firefighter wasn't in uniform and that is why he looked suspicious, maybe the firefighter was trying to break into someone's home, maybe he was trying to sell drugs, etc.

Well according to the story, the firefighter was in full uniform and even had his firetruck parked on the street -- more from the article: “He kind of startled me,” recalled Moore. “He says, ‘Well, what are you doing here?’ I say, ‘We’re here doing our annual vegetation inspection.’ Then he asks for ID. I say no problem. He takes a picture of my ID and says I need to get a different one. I’ve had that ID for years. It’s kind of dark, and I’m more of a dark-skinned black guy, but you can still see me.”

Earlier from the same city, a woman called police on an 8 yr old black girl for selling bottled water without a permit -- thus thwarting that little girl's dastardly scheme. Maybe if this guy wasn't so dark-skinned, he wouldn't have looked so suspicious - -also, according to the concerned citizen -- the firefighter was wearing sneakers which also made him look suspicious. That firefighter in the future should make sure to do more to not look so suspicious if he wants to win another award for bravery and heroism like he did a few years earlier -- However, I am sure when he hopped into that flooded ravine to save passengers from an overturned vehicle -- those passengers didn't refuse his help until he showed them ID.
/----/ I read about a commercial flight that was delayed on the tarmac because a passenger said the captain making the announcement sounded drunk. The entire crew was tested. The passenger was informed that all crewmembers were sober and the captain was a native of Alabama and speaking with a Southern Accent. So there is no cure for stupid.

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