Copycat Walmart Shooter Stopped by Man with a Gun

If they wear a bullet proof vest and carry a gun with 100 rounds in a mall. I dont see why not. Huh? Better safe than sorry.
You're ok with detaining someone for exercising the 2nd amendment and not breaking any laws?

What a weird thread.
Weird how the quote function went all screwy there....

Wait....why is that weird?
Quite simply, my dear, because until he fixed it, it was attributing your comments to me. I would prefer that not happen.

“Dear”? Wait, you called me dear?
I did indeed. Did that bother you?
You're ok with detaining someone for exercising the 2nd amendment and not breaking any laws?

What a weird thread.
Weird how the quote function went all screwy there....

Wait....why is that weird?
Quite simply, my dear, because until he fixed it, it was attributing your comments to me. I would prefer that not happen.

“Dear”? Wait, you called me dear?
I did indeed. Did that bother you?

Wait...why would it bother me? I didn't realize you were a female, that is all.
Never happened and when it does we can discuss it.
This is what I am talking about people. This is Idiocracy on steroids. "Never happened and when it does we can discuss it." Tell me something, when it does, what exactly are you going to "discuss? "

I'll discuss it with someone willing to discuss things honestly, not just make things up.
You didn't answer, because you can't. The only answer that exists, is the one that exposes you for playing a role in Idiocracy.

You are correct. I can not comment on something that has not happened. Automatic, semi-automatic, a sharp stick does not change what happened here.
Yep, people, we are at Idiocracy level logic with these Trump cultists. Nothing we can do.

Not a Trump supporter. Something else you can't get right.
Never happened and when it does we can discuss it.
This is what I am talking about people. This is Idiocracy on steroids. "Never happened and when it does we can discuss it." Tell me something, when it does, what exactly are you going to "discuss? "

I'll discuss it with someone willing to discuss things honestly, not just make things up.
You didn't answer, because you can't. The only answer that exists, is the one that exposes you for playing a role in Idiocracy.

You are correct. I can not comment on something that has not happened. Automatic, semi-automatic, a sharp stick does not change what happened here.
Yep, people, we are at Idiocracy level logic with these Trump cultists. Nothing we can do.
It totally shocked me how many became avowed gun-grabbers over this issue.
As a conservative with a functioning brain...
I do hope they address the right to carry laws so they make sense.

As in:
1) Handguns must be properly holstered unless you are at a gun counter for repair etc.
2) All rifled guns must be enclosed in a gun case. No exceptions. No walking around shouldered over your back or any other means. Must be carried in an enclosed case. I don't give a rats ass what anyone says, no normal person is going to carry around a shotgun/rifle for personal protection in a public place. That is what handguns are for.
3) Ammo limit. A maximum of "X" rounds on person. Except on grounds of a gun range.

Makes sense to me.
.....I'm sure someone has said it--the rifleman was breaking no laws --the firefighter was breaking the law
no ''infringement'' --remember???
so what is it???
.....I said it many, many years ago--no one should be in these stores open carry--it's ridiculous
Someone who is openly carrying only turns into a mass murderer when they start shooting people.

It's impossible to determine if this guy was a psychopath or a "good guy with a gun".

He puts on fatigues and body armor, walks into a Walmart with tactical weapons and a 100 rounds of ammunition and you can’t tell if he is a good guy or a bad guy? Are you joking?

Just curious here, but which of those acts are illegal?
Someone who is openly carrying only turns into a mass murderer when they start shooting people.

It's impossible to determine if this guy was a psychopath or a "good guy with a gun".

He puts on fatigues and body armor, walks into a Walmart with tactical weapons and a 100 rounds of ammunition and you can’t tell if he is a good guy or a bad guy? Are you joking?

Just curious here, but which of those acts are illegal?

Why did they arrest him? You arrest good guys?
he was not breaking any laws
Again....GOD BLESS that off duty fireman with a gun! :clap:


Actually, if there were more concealed carry, there might be few mass shootings at all! After all, when was the last time you heard of a mass shooter breaking into a police station or a gun store where he knew everyone was armed and could shoot back?
Texas is a pro-gun state.........?
Weird how the quote function went all screwy there....

Wait....why is that weird?
Quite simply, my dear, because until he fixed it, it was attributing your comments to me. I would prefer that not happen.

“Dear”? Wait, you called me dear?
I did indeed. Did that bother you?

Wait...why would it bother me? I didn't realize you were a female, that is all.
Well....ok then.
Someone who is openly carrying only turns into a mass murderer when they start shooting people.

It's impossible to determine if this guy was a psychopath or a "good guy with a gun".

He puts on fatigues and body armor, walks into a Walmart with tactical weapons and a 100 rounds of ammunition and you can’t tell if he is a good guy or a bad guy? Are you joking?

Just curious here, but which of those acts are illegal?
Someone who is openly carrying only turns into a mass murderer when they start shooting people.

It's impossible to determine if this guy was a psychopath or a "good guy with a gun".

He puts on fatigues and body armor, walks into a Walmart with tactical weapons and a 100 rounds of ammunition and you can’t tell if he is a good guy or a bad guy? Are you joking?

Just curious here, but which of those acts are illegal?

Why did they arrest him? You arrest good guys?

They charged him for indicating a threat.
what was the threat?
Wait....why is that weird?
Quite simply, my dear, because until he fixed it, it was attributing your comments to me. I would prefer that not happen.

“Dear”? Wait, you called me dear?
I did indeed. Did that bother you?

Wait...why would it bother me? I didn't realize you were a female, that is all.
Well....ok then.

Now I have to be nicer to you. :bang3:
This is what I am talking about people. This is Idiocracy on steroids. "Never happened and when it does we can discuss it." Tell me something, when it does, what exactly are you going to "discuss? "

I'll discuss it with someone willing to discuss things honestly, not just make things up.
You didn't answer, because you can't. The only answer that exists, is the one that exposes you for playing a role in Idiocracy.

You are correct. I can not comment on something that has not happened. Automatic, semi-automatic, a sharp stick does not change what happened here.
Yep, people, we are at Idiocracy level logic with these Trump cultists. Nothing we can do.
It totally shocked me how many became avowed gun-grabbers over this issue.

I am totally shocked how many Trumpettes are wanting to allopw these assault type rifles to mow down children, women, and othe innocent people.
What are you going to do? Leave your pistol in your pocket until he points his AR at you? Won't do you any good there. So you take it out and have it at the ready. What's he going to do when he sees it? You don't know, and he has more firepower. It's an emotional time and juries may be emotionally swayed.

I'm not saying it would be the right thing to do. I am saying that, on this date, it's arguably defensible.


Some people arguably find, it's truckloads of fun to live in kind of a permanent civil war zone, governed by 18th century law, but with 21st century weaponry, devouring kids and elderly alike, when everyone is on the lookout for the next shooter whenever they're forced to leave home.

And then these exact folks turn around and screech like stuck pigs over a fictional flick on the same subject, and the heart-breaking, cynical inhumanity of "The Hunt".

To steal a word, "It's an emotional time", indeed.
I'll discuss it with someone willing to discuss things honestly, not just make things up.
You didn't answer, because you can't. The only answer that exists, is the one that exposes you for playing a role in Idiocracy.

You are correct. I can not comment on something that has not happened. Automatic, semi-automatic, a sharp stick does not change what happened here.
Yep, people, we are at Idiocracy level logic with these Trump cultists. Nothing we can do.
It totally shocked me how many became avowed gun-grabbers over this issue.

I am totally shocked how many Trumpettes are wanting to allopw these assault type rifles to mow down children, women, and othe innocent people.
They are heartless, evil, and they don't give a shit.
Someone who is openly carrying only turns into a mass murderer when they start shooting people.

It's impossible to determine if this guy was a psychopath or a "good guy with a gun".

He puts on fatigues and body armor, walks into a Walmart with tactical weapons and a 100 rounds of ammunition and you can’t tell if he is a good guy or a bad guy? Are you joking?

Just curious here, but which of those acts are illegal?
Someone who is openly carrying only turns into a mass murderer when they start shooting people.

It's impossible to determine if this guy was a psychopath or a "good guy with a gun".

He puts on fatigues and body armor, walks into a Walmart with tactical weapons and a 100 rounds of ammunition and you can’t tell if he is a good guy or a bad guy? Are you joking?

Just curious here, but which of those acts are illegal?

Why did they arrest him? You arrest good guys?

They charged him for indicating a threat.
what was the threat?
Not knowing.
Sounds like someone wanted to test the limits of Missouri's open carry laws.

Probably not the best time to be doing that... what a dumbass...
How friggin stupid do these people have to be to not realize there will be panic when someone walks into a Walmart like that? Legal open carry of automatic weapons in a public business has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard of. Why? Because no one will ever know. And what if everyone went in there with automatic weapons? They still wouldn't know who to shoot or not to shoot if someone started shooting, because every one would be with guns. Have we lost our fucking minds?


And this is where the problem starts, people who do not know what they are talking about, yet they want to deprive others of their constitutional rights.

Until everyone understands that the firearms being discussed ARE NOT AUTOMATIC there is no point in talking. You cannot have a discussion when one side has no clue...

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