Cory Booker: Republican healthcare plan will cost American lives It will mean death

Yet they don't. Why?

I would.

So the republicans have been full of shit for the last eight years then?

One thing about the Republicans, and that is that most of them are not Democrats. A definite selling point.
Trump is a Democrat.

Trump is a pragmatist.
Trump is a con artist.
Matthew, don't let the partisan junk scare you to death. That is the only way anyone would die from it.
You're NOT christian if you support this satanic bill

For those of you who actually believe in the teachings of Jesus:

Matthew 25:42-44

42 For I was hungry, and ye fed me not; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye clothed me not; sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see thee hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
Only Millions will die?



I would.

So the republicans have been full of shit for the last eight years then?

One thing about the Republicans, and that is that most of them are not Democrats. A definite selling point.
Trump is a Democrat.

Trump is a pragmatist.
Trump is a con artist.
Yes. He's a world class huckster.

And since this is a health care topic: The Emperor Has No Clothes
Cory Booker: Republican healthcare plan will cost American lives It will mean death
Source: Share Blue
Republicans in the House of Representatives are preparing for a morning vote on the latest, more cruel version of their healthcare plan, one which strips away protections for preexisting conditions, yet exempts themselves from their own bill. While they may just squeak through with a razor-thin margin, this is an awfully big risk for them to take on an unpopular bill that has little chance of passing the U.S. Senate.

In fact, according to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, some Democrats see this House vote as something of a political gift that will, at best, hang a poisonous vote around Republicans’ necks for no reason. But when Hayes asked Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) about that political calculus, Booker delivered a moving and sobering reminder of the stakes involved:

BOOKER: So screw the politics. This is about people. This is about what’s morally right. This is about what we stand for. This is a president who has lied to people, folks in red states, red counties who passionately want to keep their health care, who were promised better health care, more access, something better than the Affordable Care Act. Well, this is clearly not just worse. It’s a death knell. I don’t mean to be melodramatic about this, but I’ve seen where people have to wait to get their health care til the emergency room. This will cost American lives if it ever becomes law. This will mean death, pain, and suffering to people’s families. So I’m not interested in the politics. This is something that my colleagues, people I respect across the aisle, they just can’t support. For God’s sake, for the sake of our country and what we stand for, they cannot pass this piece of legislation.

Read more: Cory Booker: Republican healthcare plan “will cost American lives… It will mean death”

Millions will die because of this piece of shit bill and healthcare debt will spike through the fucking roof but the republicans only care about the 1%. Go Cory Booker!!!!

Still pushing the commiecrat propaganda from regressive hate sites I see. How about you provide the CBO scoring to back up your bullshit.

They didn't have it scored. They want to push it through the house without having to explain the cost.

So you're admitting this is nothing but commiecrat propaganda?


Great thing about this site is that everything is written down. It's easy to see I didn't write anything near what you just said.

So what do you call it when these folks are just pulling those projections out of their ass?

Truth = sad eh. Sad for you.

No, snowflake. fear-mongering' is the tactic libs use to try to scare people with lies into siding with them.

booker never read the Dems' / Obama's own health care bill. He sure isn't going to read the GOP's. He is just lying his ass off again, what libs do best.
Its all just fake news I'm sure. Trump is absolutely trustworthy and truthful how could he not be?
This just in!! Breaking news!!

It's not millions who will die. It's not Billions either!!

Now it/s TRILLIONS!!!


Cory Booker: Republican healthcare plan will cost American lives It will mean death
Source: Share Blue
Republicans in the House of Representatives are preparing for a morning vote on the latest, more cruel version of their healthcare plan, one which strips away protections for preexisting conditions, yet exempts themselves from their own bill. While they may just squeak through with a razor-thin margin, this is an awfully big risk for them to take on an unpopular bill that has little chance of passing the U.S. Senate.

In fact, according to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, some Democrats see this House vote as something of a political gift that will, at best, hang a poisonous vote around Republicans’ necks for no reason. But when Hayes asked Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) about that political calculus, Booker delivered a moving and sobering reminder of the stakes involved:

BOOKER: So screw the politics. This is about people. This is about what’s morally right. This is about what we stand for. This is a president who has lied to people, folks in red states, red counties who passionately want to keep their health care, who were promised better health care, more access, something better than the Affordable Care Act. Well, this is clearly not just worse. It’s a death knell. I don’t mean to be melodramatic about this, but I’ve seen where people have to wait to get their health care til the emergency room. This will cost American lives if it ever becomes law. This will mean death, pain, and suffering to people’s families. So I’m not interested in the politics. This is something that my colleagues, people I respect across the aisle, they just can’t support. For God’s sake, for the sake of our country and what we stand for, they cannot pass this piece of legislation.

Read more: Cory Booker: Republican healthcare plan “will cost American lives… It will mean death”

Millions will die because of this piece of shit bill and healthcare debt will spike through the fucking roof but the republicans only care about the 1%. Go Cory Booker!!!!
No surprise. Even Fox news is saying the bill cuts medicaid for the low income people in America. I hope it fucking fails and Trump is a fucking fraud if it gets to his desk and he signs. He said EVERYONE would be taken care of. How is cutting medicaid and allowing states to cut essential services like maternity care helping EVERYONE? Go ahead pass the biggest slaughter of GOP seats in history. Unfortunately the IDIOTS around here will reelect that bastard Meadows.
Another insane liberal losing his mind thread!

Next time I might just vote Republican just because it drives liberals beyond the brink of sanity.

Great entertainment liberals!!! Thanks!
Cory Booker: Republican healthcare plan will cost American lives It will mean death
Source: Share Blue
Read more: Cory Booker: Republican healthcare plan “will cost American lives… It will mean death”

Millions will die because of this piece of shit bill and healthcare debt will spike through the fucking roof but the republicans only care about the 1%. Go Cory Booker!!!!

Still pushing the commiecrat propaganda from regressive hate sites I see. How about you provide the CBO scoring to back up your bullshit.

They didn't have it scored. They want to push it through the house without having to explain the cost.

So you're admitting this is nothing but commiecrat propaganda?


Great thing about this site is that everything is written down. It's easy to see I didn't write anything near what you just said.

So what do you call it when these folks are just pulling those projections out of their ass?


Paid political operatives.
It cuts the Medicaid program for low-income people and lets states impose work requirements on Medicaid recipients.

Psstt! DUMBASSES! MOST poor people are already fucking working! We get medicaid and wife works FULL TIME most of the time she has overtime....go ahead cut our medicaid we will just run up hospital bills and not pay them. See if we fucking care. Thanks to this ANTI POOR PEOPLE bill our hospital which was bought out by a bigger one in Asheville CLOSED our maternity center so now pregnant women here have to drive AT LEAST 20 miles to Sylva and POSSIBLY 70 miles to Asheville. Real safe GOP!
ObamaCare replacement bill approved in House

GOP continues to hate the poor and elderly. Shocker. The democraps are no better they could have given us a BETTER bill in 2009/2010.

It cuts the Medicaid program for low-income people and lets states impose work requirements on Medicaid recipients. It transforms Obama's subsidies for millions buying insurance -- largely based on people's incomes and premium costs -- into tax credits that rise with consumers' ages.

Poor and Elderly get fucked over. AWESOME!
You're NOT christian if you support this satanic bill

For those of you who actually believe in the teachings of Jesus:

Matthew 25:42-44

42 For I was hungry, and ye fed me not; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye clothed me not; sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see thee hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
You'd do well not to preach to us Matt, especially quoting the Bible, when you support the atrocity that is abortion.

If you're going to attempt using our Christian values against us, you should prepare yourself for the rebuttals of those of us who actually put it into practice.
You elected someone who talks about grabbing pussy, is on third marriage, and ran a scam university. Nice values.
Words vs Hillary's actions.

Now tell me who has "nice values". Woman breaks law, wins Democratic nomination for president, and you voted for her.

Sure. Have a seat hypocrite.
You're NOT christian if you support this satanic bill

For those of you who actually believe in the teachings of Jesus:

Matthew 25:42-44

42 For I was hungry, and ye fed me not; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye clothed me not; sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see thee hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
You'd do well not to preach to us Matt, especially quoting the Bible, when you support the atrocity that is abortion.

If you're going to attempt using our Christian values against us, you should prepare yourself for the rebuttals of those of us who actually put it into practice.
You elected someone who talks about grabbing pussy, is on third marriage, and ran a scam university. Nice values.
Words vs Hillary's actions.

Now tell me who has "nice values". Woman breaks law, wins Democratic nomination for president, and you voted for her.

Sure. Have a seat hypocrite.
Fact remains your actions show you have no values and should be treated as such despite your fake morality and religious claims. Fakes are the worst, you are one and get zero respect.
It's getting worse now.....

Breaking news!!

This just in!!

The GOP healthcare plan that was passed in the House today......

is going to lead to loss of all life on the planet Earth!!! We are all doomed!!

Thanks Trump, you just destroyed the entire planet!!

Hurts the elderly and disabled. Biggest transfer of wealth in one bill in our history. Millions more will lose health care. Hospitals will go out out business. Small clinics too.

But none of that matters because it's an enormous tax cut for the 2%.

Did anyone see that Jason Chaffetz came in to cast his voted
For trump/ryan care? Oh the irony. Congress is exempt. They get to keep ObamaCare. And we all pay for sleazy, lying Chaffetz' insurance.

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