Costco shooting

This is old news.

The cop did what he thought was best.
is there another thread on it?
...should be cameras/witnesses/etc
...many ''hate cops''' comments on the web without anyone knowing anything--typical lib/''lib'' dumbshit
Interesting if what the relative said about the dead guy is true. And his parents were shot too.
This is old news.

The cop did what he thought was best.
is there another thread on it?
...should be cameras/witnesses/etc
...many hate cops comments on the web without anyone knowing anything
I honestly don’t know. I’m rarely here because my life is busy.
I'm here because you guys are my only friends ...thank you guys
I don't know what I would do without USMB
I'd go crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thinking and thinking and thinking...sitting and thinking and thinking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
going CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This is old news.

The cop did what he thought was best.

Old news? It just happened today.

Did what he thought was best? EVERY cop can say he did what he thought was best. Means nothing. How does an unarmed man in a Costco with an intellectual disability and no history of violence end up dead? Just what happened that lethal force was the only avenue available to a big, trained police officer? And what about discharging a weapon in a crowded store with other people all around? Was the officer's life at stake? No time to act? Couldn't call for back up to manhandle this guy outside and just arrest him?

Or is it now just a matter of absolute power leads to absolute corruption. When in doubt just shoot because cops protect cops and they all get off the hook for most anything subject only to internal review by other cops?
This is old news.

The cop did what he thought was best.
But....was what he thought best in does it fit the definition of self defense in the state where this happened.

I am not one to automatically say the police are right....too often they are not.

I had always heard about lying cops but until I experienced it myself I never paid much attention to it.

Just not enough info to make a good call on this case....the facts that the guy killed could not speak and had no history of violence....leads me to think the officer may have made a big mistake.

I recall another incident in a Las Vegas Costco....a west point graduate was in the store shopping with his g/f...he had a license to carry a concealed weapon...he went to bend over to pickup something and his shirt pulled up and a costco employee saw the weapon....obviouslly someone who had a fear of gun....he called called the the time the piolice were dispatched ....the story had evolved to man with a gun holding hostages....that is what the police who rushed to the scene thought was going on.

Meanwhile the suspect continued shopping with his g/f blithely unaware of what was developing.

When the police arrive they had the store management to tell everyone to evacuate the one knew why....but per the announcement over the p.a. system everyone started walking outside....including the suspect with his g/f like everyone else he had no idea of what was going on.

When he got outside the store employee pointed a finger at the guy...and hollered he is the one.

Whereupon the police immediately started issuing conflicting commands....bottome line one of the cops thought the guy was either not complying with police orders or he was not complying fast he fired a shot...when he did the other cops started shooting also....the west poiint graduate innocently shopping with his g/f was riddled with bullet holes and died immediately.

The police were exonerated on the grounds the west point graduate was not complying with police commands.

Many stories like this regarding Vegas cops and some of them even worse.

Vegas cops were known to be trigger happy and it was also known Las Vegas cops would hire cops that had been fired by other cities....and it is very difficult to fire a cop.

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