Could Basic Income work in the US?

I ask this question because it was a discussion on the Michael Smerconish show on satellite radio. What basic income would do is eliminate all social programs we know as the safety net, and instead, just have government write every adult (21 and older) a check for $1,700 a month. It doesn't matter what you do with it, it's yours to spend as you like.

The savings from all these social programs would mostly fund the idea. It would eliminate tiers of bureaucracy and the hundreds if not thousands of government workers that oversee and operate these programs. There would be no food stamps, no HUD, no TANF, no welfare checks, unemployment checks, nothing. Anything you or your family needs comes out of that government check. Plus unlike our current system, it wouldn't discourage people from working. You get this check if you are Bill Gates or a homeless guy in the gutter. It would encourage people to work instead of discourage them. It would stop people from having unwanted children in order to get more goodies from the government. It would actually discourage poor people from procreating unlike our current system that rewards it. For those who could live solely on that $1,700 a month, they wouldn't have to work thus leaving open a job opportunity for those that may want it.

Switzerland is now putting it up for a vote as a trial program. If successful, it may the the law of the land. But the question I have is, who here would support such a program, and what party affiliation do you have?

Switzerland Will Hold The World's First Universal Basic Income Referendum

You listen to Smerconish?

Why so surprised? I have a hold button on my radio that holds a half-hour of programming. When my local conservative radio goes to commercials, I have something to listen to in the meantime.

I am surprised because I consider his audience to consist of people who aren't as abrasive as you are. You know...."angry is over" and all that jazz.

I'm never angry. If this forum made me angry, I wouldn't be here. I would be doing something that made me happy like drinking or something.

OK. You are happy go lucky. My mistake.
I ask this question because it was a discussion on the Michael Smerconish show on satellite radio. What basic income would do is eliminate all social programs we know as the safety net, and instead, just have government write every adult (21 and older) a check for $1,700 a month. It doesn't matter what you do with it, it's yours to spend as you like.

The savings from all these social programs would mostly fund the idea. It would eliminate tiers of bureaucracy and the hundreds if not thousands of government workers that oversee and operate these programs. There would be no food stamps, no HUD, no TANF, no welfare checks, unemployment checks, nothing. Anything you or your family needs comes out of that government check. Plus unlike our current system, it wouldn't discourage people from working. You get this check if you are Bill Gates or a homeless guy in the gutter. It would encourage people to work instead of discourage them. It would stop people from having unwanted children in order to get more goodies from the government. It would actually discourage poor people from procreating unlike our current system that rewards it. For those who could live solely on that $1,700 a month, they wouldn't have to work thus leaving open a job opportunity for those that may want it.

Switzerland is now putting it up for a vote as a trial program. If successful, it may the the law of the land. But the question I have is, who here would support such a program, and what party affiliation do you have?

Switzerland Will Hold The World's First Universal Basic Income Referendum

Probably not. I think a more effective method for Americans would be an hourly stipend. For every hour you work, you get $5.00, or what not. Its essentially a pay bump. The more you work, the more you get.

Not that I'm for an hourly stipend either. But it would work better than universal income. At least in the US.

Incidentally, its how I think that welfare should work.

Well......yes, but that wouldn't eliminate welfare programs. People who don't want to work won't benefit and we will never let those people (and their children) starve in the street.

Basic income would replace all of our welfare programs and even Social Security.
Terrible idea.
I don't know
Who would work the dirty jobs? The truly undesirable work that is needed.

I'm barely left of center, not a democrat

The wage of those jobs would rise, so somebody would take them up.

Anyway, I believe this is a terrible idea. This is not the first time Switzerland is voting for it, and I believe it won't pass. A trial I could support though...

You have to realize that Switzerland is a rich free market country, unlike the USA. They actually could afford this... too bad their citizenry is smart enough to not fall for it.
The total welfare state cost us 950 billion dollars total a year. There are 300 million people. About a third are adult.

A thousand a month leads to 1.2 trillion dollars a year. If we play around with the numbers, it is doable.
I don't know
Who would work the dirty jobs? The truly undesirable work that is needed.

I'm barely left of center, not a democrat

In the military, who gets the dirty work. Whoever is available. End of the story. Our economy should work no differently. But I wouldn't force them to do whatever the dirty work is. At least not forever. But here is the thing. Plumbing is dirty work. But if you like being able to call on a plumber if the situation needed, you should have no real objection to doing the work yourself.

Another rotten job is working out in the fields someplace hot and humid. Like Georgia. I have heard that mexican migrant workers were getting paid 15 dollars an hour because the work was so difficult. It would probably be even more difficult at first for those who aren't acclimatized to it. But I have no doubt that Americans could do it. The trick would be in giving them something else useful to do in that region when the harvest is over.
I ask this question because it was a discussion on the Michael Smerconish show on satellite radio. What basic income would do is eliminate all social programs we know as the safety net, and instead, just have government write every adult (21 and older) a check for $1,700 a month. It doesn't matter what you do with it, it's yours to spend as you like.

The savings from all these social programs would mostly fund the idea. It would eliminate tiers of bureaucracy and the hundreds if not thousands of government workers that oversee and operate these programs. There would be no food stamps, no HUD, no TANF, no welfare checks, unemployment checks, nothing. Anything you or your family needs comes out of that government check. Plus unlike our current system, it wouldn't discourage people from working. You get this check if you are Bill Gates or a homeless guy in the gutter. It would encourage people to work instead of discourage them. It would stop people from having unwanted children in order to get more goodies from the government. It would actually discourage poor people from procreating unlike our current system that rewards it. For those who could live solely on that $1,700 a month, they wouldn't have to work thus leaving open a job opportunity for those that may want it.

Switzerland is now putting it up for a vote as a trial program. If successful, it may the the law of the land. But the question I have is, who here would support such a program, and what party affiliation do you have?

Switzerland Will Hold The World's First Universal Basic Income Referendum

You listen to Smerconish?

Why so surprised? I have a hold button on my radio that holds a half-hour of programming. When my local conservative radio goes to commercials, I have something to listen to in the meantime.

I am surprised because I consider his audience to consist of people who aren't as abrasive as you are. You know...."angry is over" and all that jazz.

I'm never angry. If this forum made me angry, I wouldn't be here. I would be doing something that made me happy like drinking or something.

OK. You are happy go lucky. My mistake.

Something like a guaranteed income would allow many families to have a stay at home parent again. You it was in "the good ol' days" That alone would result in benefits that far outweigh the cost.

That would allow more women to home-school their children. Think of all the money we could save on that alone!

Or men......

Just being home when the kids are home would reap benefits. Used to be that way for many more American kids than it is now. Trickle down economics stripped kids of full time parents.
Something like a guaranteed income would allow many families to have a stay at home parent again. You it was in "the good ol' days" That alone would result in benefits that far outweigh the cost.

That would allow more women to home-school their children. Think of all the money we could save on that alone!

Or men......

Just being home when the kids are home would reap benefits. Used to be that way for many more American kids than it is now. Trickle down economics stripped kids of full time parents.

I'm old enough to remember those days as a child. Where we lived, all the women used to stay home with their children or just be stay-at-home wives. No women (other than the single ones) that I knew worked.
I ask this question because it was a discussion on the Michael Smerconish show on satellite radio. What basic income would do is eliminate all social programs we know as the safety net, and instead, just have government write every adult (21 and older) a check for $1,700 a month. It doesn't matter what you do with it, it's yours to spend as you like.

The savings from all these social programs would mostly fund the idea. It would eliminate tiers of bureaucracy and the hundreds if not thousands of government workers that oversee and operate these programs. There would be no food stamps, no HUD, no TANF, no welfare checks, unemployment checks, nothing. Anything you or your family needs comes out of that government check. Plus unlike our current system, it wouldn't discourage people from working. You get this check if you are Bill Gates or a homeless guy in the gutter. It would encourage people to work instead of discourage them. It would stop people from having unwanted children in order to get more goodies from the government. It would actually discourage poor people from procreating unlike our current system that rewards it. For those who could live solely on that $1,700 a month, they wouldn't have to work thus leaving open a job opportunity for those that may want it.

Switzerland is now putting it up for a vote as a trial program. If successful, it may the the law of the land. But the question I have is, who here would support such a program, and what party affiliation do you have?

Switzerland Will Hold The World's First Universal Basic Income Referendum

Probably not. I think a more effective method for Americans would be an hourly stipend. For every hour you work, you get $5.00, or what not. Its essentially a pay bump. The more you work, the more you get.

Not that I'm for an hourly stipend either. But it would work better than universal income. At least in the US.

Incidentally, its how I think that welfare should work.

Well......yes, but that wouldn't eliminate welfare programs. People who don't want to work won't benefit and we will never let those people (and their children) starve in the street.

Basic income would replace all of our welfare programs and even Social Security.

It isn't meant to replace welfare programs. Its meant to help welfare programs become more transitional and produce useful labor.
I ask this question because it was a discussion on the Michael Smerconish show on satellite radio. What basic income would do is eliminate all social programs we know as the safety net, and instead, just have government write every adult (21 and older) a check for $1,700 a month. It doesn't matter what you do with it, it's yours to spend as you like.

The savings from all these social programs would mostly fund the idea. It would eliminate tiers of bureaucracy and the hundreds if not thousands of government workers that oversee and operate these programs. There would be no food stamps, no HUD, no TANF, no welfare checks, unemployment checks, nothing. Anything you or your family needs comes out of that government check. Plus unlike our current system, it wouldn't discourage people from working. You get this check if you are Bill Gates or a homeless guy in the gutter. It would encourage people to work instead of discourage them. It would stop people from having unwanted children in order to get more goodies from the government. It would actually discourage poor people from procreating unlike our current system that rewards it. For those who could live solely on that $1,700 a month, they wouldn't have to work thus leaving open a job opportunity for those that may want it.

Switzerland is now putting it up for a vote as a trial program. If successful, it may the the law of the land. But the question I have is, who here would support such a program, and what party affiliation do you have?

Switzerland Will Hold The World's First Universal Basic Income Referendum

Probably not. I think a more effective method for Americans would be an hourly stipend. For every hour you work, you get $5.00, or what not. Its essentially a pay bump. The more you work, the more you get.

Not that I'm for an hourly stipend either. But it would work better than universal income. At least in the US.

Incidentally, its how I think that welfare should work.

Well......yes, but that wouldn't eliminate welfare programs. People who don't want to work won't benefit and we will never let those people (and their children) starve in the street.

Basic income would replace all of our welfare programs and even Social Security.

It isn't meant to replace welfare programs. Its meant to help welfare programs become more transitional and produce useful labor.

Well it would produce useful labor for many people, but yes, the idea is to eliminate all welfare with this program. No more anything from the government.
I ask this question because it was a discussion on the Michael Smerconish show on satellite radio. What basic income would do is eliminate all social programs we know as the safety net, and instead, just have government write every adult (21 and older) a check for $1,700 a month. It doesn't matter what you do with it, it's yours to spend as you like.

The savings from all these social programs would mostly fund the idea. It would eliminate tiers of bureaucracy and the hundreds if not thousands of government workers that oversee and operate these programs. There would be no food stamps, no HUD, no TANF, no welfare checks, unemployment checks, nothing. Anything you or your family needs comes out of that government check. Plus unlike our current system, it wouldn't discourage people from working. You get this check if you are Bill Gates or a homeless guy in the gutter. It would encourage people to work instead of discourage them. It would stop people from having unwanted children in order to get more goodies from the government. It would actually discourage poor people from procreating unlike our current system that rewards it. For those who could live solely on that $1,700 a month, they wouldn't have to work thus leaving open a job opportunity for those that may want it.

Switzerland is now putting it up for a vote as a trial program. If successful, it may the the law of the land. But the question I have is, who here would support such a program, and what party affiliation do you have?

Switzerland Will Hold The World's First Universal Basic Income Referendum

Probably not. I think a more effective method for Americans would be an hourly stipend. For every hour you work, you get $5.00, or what not. Its essentially a pay bump. The more you work, the more you get.

Not that I'm for an hourly stipend either. But it would work better than universal income. At least in the US.

Incidentally, its how I think that welfare should work.

Well......yes, but that wouldn't eliminate welfare programs. People who don't want to work won't benefit and we will never let those people (and their children) starve in the street.

Basic income would replace all of our welfare programs and even Social Security.

It isn't meant to replace welfare programs. Its meant to help welfare programs become more transitional and produce useful labor.

Well it would produce useful labor for many people, but yes, the idea is to eliminate all welfare programs with this program. No more anything from the government.

Its like using a chainsaw to cut butter. Sure, it will get the job done. But its *way* more than you actually need.

I'd focus welfare on the folks who need it. Not everyone.
Oh wait. I get it

1,500 a month will not kill real incentives. It is like a solution to help those who can't work and eliminate the need for fraud by those who don't want to work.

But still.......
I ask this question because it was a discussion on the Michael Smerconish show on satellite radio. What basic income would do is eliminate all social programs we know as the safety net, and instead, just have government write every adult (21 and older) a check for $1,700 a month. It doesn't matter what you do with it, it's yours to spend as you like.

The savings from all these social programs would mostly fund the idea. It would eliminate tiers of bureaucracy and the hundreds if not thousands of government workers that oversee and operate these programs. There would be no food stamps, no HUD, no TANF, no welfare checks, unemployment checks, nothing. Anything you or your family needs comes out of that government check. Plus unlike our current system, it wouldn't discourage people from working. You get this check if you are Bill Gates or a homeless guy in the gutter. It would encourage people to work instead of discourage them. It would stop people from having unwanted children in order to get more goodies from the government. It would actually discourage poor people from procreating unlike our current system that rewards it. For those who could live solely on that $1,700 a month, they wouldn't have to work thus leaving open a job opportunity for those that may want it.

Switzerland is now putting it up for a vote as a trial program. If successful, it may the the law of the land. But the question I have is, who here would support such a program, and what party affiliation do you have?

Switzerland Will Hold The World's First Universal Basic Income Referendum

Probably not. I think a more effective method for Americans would be an hourly stipend. For every hour you work, you get $5.00, or what not. Its essentially a pay bump. The more you work, the more you get.

Not that I'm for an hourly stipend either. But it would work better than universal income. At least in the US.

Incidentally, its how I think that welfare should work.

Well......yes, but that wouldn't eliminate welfare programs. People who don't want to work won't benefit and we will never let those people (and their children) starve in the street.

Basic income would replace all of our welfare programs and even Social Security.

It isn't meant to replace welfare programs. Its meant to help welfare programs become more transitional and produce useful labor.

Well it would produce useful labor for many people, but yes, the idea is to eliminate all welfare programs with this program. No more anything from the government.

Its like using a chainsaw to cut butter. Sure, it will get the job done. But its *way* more than you actually need.

I'd focus welfare on the folks who need it. Not everyone.
But the thing is, by trying to focus it only those who need it cost as much as giving a universal stipend.

The difference is that it removes a lot of headaches and helps remove some incentive to defraud the government.
Oh wait. I get it

1,500 a month will not kill real incentives. It is like a solution to help those who can't work and eliminate the need for fraud by those who don't want to work.

But still.......

I see it as creating an incentive for all people.

The way things work now, I go to work every day, earn money, and pay taxes so others don't have to work. They stay home all day watching the big screen. They get their Obama phone, SNAP's cards, Medicaid and sometimes a HUD home in the suburbs.

In short, I get screwed and they make out. Well.....if I'm forced to contribute to this program, why can't I make out as well? Then I wouldn't feel so bad about contributing to the system.
Because the more money you have, the more money somebody else will figure out a way of taking from you.

Oh, shut the fuck up with this whiny, liberal, victimhood bullshit!

Are you a time traveler from the past? Because you spout the same kind of horseshit as a French aristocrat would have before the French Revolution. Also, what is in your worthless opinion of what causes inflation. Another thing is that our constitution is only useful as toilet paper. I especially dislike the amendment that allows pregnant human cockroach mexican women to come here, drop anchor babies and have them be citizens.
Are you a time traveler from the past? Because you spout the same kind of horseshit as a French aristocrat would have before the French Revolution.

And you spout the same kind of stuff a five year old would have before getting spanked and sat in the corner.

OP has a good idea.
Something like a guaranteed income would allow many families to have a stay at home parent again. You it was in "the good ol' days" That alone would result in benefits that far outweigh the cost.

That would allow more women to home-school their children. Think of all the money we could save on that alone!

Yes, all of those uneducated housewives teaching another generation of morons! Right!
Something like a guaranteed income would allow many families to have a stay at home parent again. You it was in "the good ol' days" That alone would result in benefits that far outweigh the cost.

That would allow more women to home-school their children. Think of all the money we could save on that alone!

Yes, all of those uneducated housewives teaching another generation of morons! Right!

Yeah, right, it takes such special talents to teach kids. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I remember as a child all those uneducated nuns that did just fine. In fact, back then, I would have put any of our students against any public school students in the surrounding area.

Don't worry about home schooling, it's something people have done long before the teachers unions were formed. In fact a close friend of mine had his wife teach their children. Two of them are in college today doing very well and the youngest one is already making plans.
Something like a guaranteed income would allow many families to have a stay at home parent again. You it was in "the good ol' days" That alone would result in benefits that far outweigh the cost.

That would allow more women to home-school their children. Think of all the money we could save on that alone!

Yes, all of those uneducated housewives teaching another generation of morons! Right!

Yeah, right, it takes such special talents to teach kids. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I remember as a child all those uneducated nuns that did just fine. In fact, back then, I would have put any of our students against any public school students in the surrounding area.

Don't worry about home schooling, it's something people have done long before the teachers unions were formed. In fact a close friend of mine had his wife teach their children. Two of them are in college today doing very well and the youngest one is already making plans.

Was she a high school graduate?

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