Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

The problem with a physical wall, besides the Patton quote regarding fixed fortifications, is that people will just go around it by boat or enter the US legally, but stay illegally:

Rubio says 40% of illegal immigrants stayed in the U.S. after their visas expired
In January 2003, INS released an updated report that said 33 percent of the illegal immigrant population in 2000 had entered the country legally. A 2004 report from the General Accounting Office, based on 2000 data, gave estimates on visa overstays ranging from 27 percent to 31 percent to 57 percent.

Agreed 100% on cracking down on those who profit from illegal immigration. That is a much more viable solution since putting a handful in prison and confiscating their businesses will persuade the majority of other business owners to change their illegal habits.

"Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man"
-- General George S. Patton​

Illegals are not equipped with tanks and artillery, so your quote is irrelevant. The problem of the ones getting here legally is not an issue since the U.S. already issues the number of visas it is legally allowed to issue. We can fix that problem #1) by cutting down on the number of visas, and #2) by implementing a system that keeps track of people here on visas.

And as Visa over stay-ers won't be able to pass e-verify, they will not be getting jobs.

Well, since E-verify has been the law here is AZ for a couple of years or more, I guess that means that Easy is right!. There can not possibly be any illegal aliens in AZ!
E-Verify isn't a single point solution. Note that enforcement of laws against business owners who violate hiring laws is also part of the solution as well as enforcing laws on those who overstay their visas.

It no longer amazes me that the Left Wing wants every American who chooses to exercise their Second Amendment right to have a background check, but they pitch a huge fit at the idea of requiring every worker to pass E-Verify.
E-verify is only part of the solution.

And what's your solution, genius?
Illegals are not equipped with tanks and artillery, so your quote is irrelevant. The problem of the ones getting here legally is not an issue since the U.S. already issues the number of visas it is legally allowed to issue. We can fix that problem #1) by cutting down on the number of visas, and #2) by implementing a system that keeps track of people here on visas.
Disagreed. It's completely accurate and apt regarding the proposed solution to an "invasion".

Not. When illegals start driving tanks and artillery over the border, then it might become relevant.
There are LOTS of ways that illegals hurt American citizens. Health care, wage stagnation and not least of all, jobs.

Do illegal immigrants take jobs from American workers? | Jobs Back (

Many illegal immigrant workers do not have health insurance. But
they can go to the emergency room of a hospital, and most hospitals
must supply emergency medical care to any patient.

And the health care may essentially end up costing the illegal workers
nothing. Since most illegal immigrant workers have no or very few
assets, it is not cost-efficient for the hospital to spend much time and
money trying to collect payment.

This is assuming that the illegal immigrant workers even give the
hospital a correct name and address.

Not only have illegal immigrants taken jobs from American workers, but
illegal workers have driven down the wages for many other jobs.

This is because the millions of American workers who lost jobs to
illegal immigrant workers still need jobs. This competition puts
tremendous downward pressure on wages for the jobs that are left.

The more workers competing for a job will often cause the wages for a
job to go down. It is the basic economic law of supply and demand.

The opposite is also true. If no one is applying for a job, the employer
will have to offer higher wages to attract potential employees.

So illegal immigrant workers have taken jobs away from American
workers and driven down the wages for many of those jobs that
Our undocumented alien friends are NOT illegals.

Prior to 1965 we had open borders with Canada and Mexico and there was NEVER a problem. The problem is the gargantuan bankrupt welfare state.

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.
Sorry, dude, but that's poppycock; a huge distortion of the truth.

The history of Ellis Island gives a more accurate history of immigration law in the US: Ellis Island History - The Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island
From the very beginning of the mass migration that spanned the years 1880 to 1924, an increasingly vociferous group of politicians and nativists demanded increased restrictions on immigration. Laws and regulations such as the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Alien Contract Labor Law and the institution of a literacy test barely stemmed this flood tide of new immigrants.

Actually, the death knell for Ellis Island, as a major entry point for new immigrants, began to toll in 1921. It reached a crescendo between 1921 with the passage of the Quota Laws and 1924 with the passage of the National Origins Act. These restrictions were based upon a percentage system according to the number of ethnic groups already living in the United States as per the 1890 and 1910 Census.

It was an attempt to preserve the ethnic flavor of the "old immigrants", those earlier settlers primarily from Northern and Western Europe. The perception existed that the newly arriving immigrants mostly from Southern and Eastern Europe were somehow inferior to those who arrived earlier.

After World War I, the United States began to emerge as a potential world power. United States embassies were established in countries all over the world, and prospective immigrants now applied for their visas at American consulates in their countries of origin. The necessary paperwork was completed at the consulate and a medical inspection was also conducted there.

After 1924, the only people who were detained at Ellis Island were those who had problems with their paperwork, as well as war refugees and displaced persons. Ellis Island still remained open for many years and served a multitude of purposes. During World War II, enemy merchant seamen were detained in the baggage and dormitory building.
Citizens should not have to "compete" with illegals for jobs. Sorry, but this is NOT the 1800s anymore. We have limited resources and limited jobs.


Those who are on a fixed income have the right to pay the LEAST for the MOST. They are AMERICANS too, you know.

At any rate , economists have shown time and time again that immigrants are NOT a detriment to the economy.

Back in the 1890's a RACIST SCOTUS used the same argument to USURP POWERS and deport the Chinese.
Why would a libertarian think that marriage should be a government function?
Where did I say marriage is a government function? It's not. No one needs to get permission to marry. OTOH, if they want the government to recognize their marriage for 1138 Federal legal reasons, then they have to follow the laws voted in by American citizens.
Our undocumented alien friends are NOT illegals.

Prior to 1965 we had open borders with Canada and Mexico and there was NEVER a problem. The problem is the gargantuan bankrupt welfare state.

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.
Sorry, dude, but that's poppycock; a huge distortion of the truth.

The history of Ellis Island gives a more accurate history of immigration law in the US: Ellis Island History - The Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island
From the very beginning of the mass migration that spanned the years 1880 to 1924, an increasingly vociferous group of politicians and nativists demanded increased restrictions on immigration. Laws and regulations such as the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Alien Contract Labor Law and the institution of a literacy test barely stemmed this flood tide of new immigrants.

Actually, the death knell for Ellis Island, as a major entry point for new immigrants, began to toll in 1921. It reached a crescendo between 1921 with the passage of the Quota Laws and 1924 with the passage of the National Origins Act. These restrictions were based upon a percentage system according to the number of ethnic groups already living in the United States as per the 1890 and 1910 Census.

It was an attempt to preserve the ethnic flavor of the "old immigrants", those earlier settlers primarily from Northern and Western Europe. The perception existed that the newly arriving immigrants mostly from Southern and Eastern Europe were somehow inferior to those who arrived earlier.

After World War I, the United States began to emerge as a potential world power. United States embassies were established in countries all over the world, and prospective immigrants now applied for their visas at American consulates in their countries of origin. The necessary paperwork was completed at the consulate and a medical inspection was also conducted there.

After 1924, the only people who were detained at Ellis Island were those who had problems with their paperwork, as well as war refugees and displaced persons. Ellis Island still remained open for many years and served a multitude of purposes. During World War II, enemy merchant seamen were detained in the baggage and dormitory building.



You posted a diatribe but nothing showing how the federal government lawfully acquired the authority to deport our undocumented alien friends.
There are LOTS of ways that illegals hurt American citizens. Health care, wage stagnation and not least of all, jobs.

Do illegal immigrants take jobs from American workers? | Jobs Back (

Many illegal immigrant workers do not have health insurance. But
they can go to the emergency room of a hospital, and most hospitals
must supply emergency medical care to any patient.

And the health care may essentially end up costing the illegal workers
nothing. Since most illegal immigrant workers have no or very few
assets, it is not cost-efficient for the hospital to spend much time and
money trying to collect payment.

This is assuming that the illegal immigrant workers even give the
hospital a correct name and address.

Not only have illegal immigrants taken jobs from American workers, but
illegal workers have driven down the wages for many other jobs.

This is because the millions of American workers who lost jobs to
illegal immigrant workers still need jobs. This competition puts
tremendous downward pressure on wages for the jobs that are left.

The more workers competing for a job will often cause the wages for a
job to go down. It is the basic economic law of supply and demand.

The opposite is also true. If no one is applying for a job, the employer
will have to offer higher wages to attract potential employees.

So illegal immigrant workers have taken jobs away from American
workers and driven down the wages for many of those jobs that


The Case for Open Borders
Economic Benefits
Those people were all picked up and sent back where they came from.
Correct. Those are the caughted. If I showed pictures of arrested pickpockets, does this mean all pickpockets are picked up and arrested? Of course not.

A wall has limited effectiveness. Yes, it can be effective to a degree, but is it really worth 10-15 BILLION dollars a year forever? Are there better, more cost effective solutions? Yes, as stated several times previously.
Not a chance
No chance of what?

You might try quoting the material you're referring to so people know what the hell you're talking about.

We'll since my post is not addressed to anyone in particular, maybe then it's addressed to the question in the title. Is that difficult for you?

I just assumed that you are a dumbass who doesn't understand posting etiquette.
It wasn't addressed to you and you're going to speak of etiquette? Bitch please.
There's no rule that says you can't respond to posts that aren't addressed to you. In fact, it's encouraged.
You just don't get how this forum works, do you?
deflect, divert, deny and make counter-accusations - standard libtard playbook.
Why would a libertarian think that marriage should be a government function?
Where did I say marriage is a government function? It's not. No one needs to get permission to marry. OTOH, if they want the government to recognize their marriage for 1138 Federal legal reasons, then they have to follow the laws voted in by American citizens.

Well, when you said you support "gay marriage," I assumed you were referring to government marriage. Is that not the case?
...You posted a diatribe but nothing showing how the federal government lawfully acquired the authority to deport our undocumented alien friends.
Your impression that non-citizens can wander freely into the US is wrong. Fascinating, but wrong.
Dude, it happens every day. Mostly along the Canadian border as not every street has a border check point.

Knew a guy who used to live in Maine and he told me of times he wandered across the border then had an 'oh shit' moment as he was in violation of many Canadian laws, usually.

But you can cross the desert along the Southern border as well and not ever see a border patrol.
it's not ,
if he had to dig the ditches by hand all day long it would be close.
I can tell by by your post you've never done either.

Neither have you, old fart! He worked WAY harder. I know that for a fact. He had to work outside in the desert-like conditions all day long, for 12 hours a day. So you should shut your trap about what you know NOTHING about, keyboard warrior.
just keep telling yourself that.

You don't know anything about hard work, loser.
like it said just keep telling yourself that , it will never be true of course.

What will never be true? How about you specify? If you don't think construction jobs are just as hard or harder than picking fruit, then you are a retard. You try shoveling dirt and rocks.
I have worked both most earth moving is done by machine ,
I never said it was not hard ,
...You posted a diatribe but nothing showing how the federal government lawfully acquired the authority to deport our undocumented alien friends.
Your impression that non-citizens can wander freely into the US is wrong. Fascinating, but wrong.

BEFORE 1965 that is precisely what non-citizens did and there was never a problem until LBJ and the fascists created the welfare state.
Pretty sure. He has already lied to them on big issues and they still suck him.

Your weird sexual terminology has nothing to do with us Trump supporters and everything to do with your own issues.

Which no cares about.
Agreed, but gays tend to put things in terms of their own experiences. A straight would say something like "He has already lied to them on big issues and they still spread their legs for him" "...bend over for him", which would be sexual, but sexual preference neutral. ;)
that's total bullshit everyone puts thing based on there own experience gays are no difference.
That's what I just said. Why do you screech "total bullshit" when, in fact, you are agreeing with me?

FWIW, I have nothing for or against gays and, as a Libertarian, fully support the party platform on gay rights and marriage equality.

Libertarian Party four-decade advocacy for marriage equality pays off with US Supreme Court decision
....David Boaz, Vice President of the Cato Institute, noted in a column in The Advocate, “The Libertarian Party endorsed gay rights with its first platform in 1972 — the same year the Democratic nominee for vice president referred to 'queers' in a Chicago speech. In 1976 the Libertarian Party issued a pamphlet calling for an end to antigay laws and endorsing full marriage rights.”

“I'm glad to see that the Supreme Court has upheld the equal rights for all Americans that the Libertarian Party has been fighting for, for over forty years," said Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee.

“We applaud and celebrate this victory, and we will continue to fight for the rights of all Americans to pursue happiness and prosperity in any way they choose,” he said, “as long as they don't hurt others or take their stuff."
I said it bullshit because you based your statement on ignorance .
Pretty sure. He has already lied to them on big issues and they still suck him.

Your weird sexual terminology has nothing to do with us Trump supporters and everything to do with your own issues.

Which no cares about.
Agreed, but gays tend to put things in terms of their own experiences. A straight would say something like "He has already lied to them on big issues and they still spread their legs for him" "...bend over for him", which would be sexual, but sexual preference neutral. ;)
that's total bullshit everyone puts thing based on there own experience gays are no difference.
That's what I just said. Why do you screech "total bullshit" when, in fact, you are agreeing with me?

FWIW, I have nothing for or against gays and, as a Libertarian, fully support the party platform on gay rights and marriage equality.

Libertarian Party four-decade advocacy for marriage equality pays off with US Supreme Court decision
....David Boaz, Vice President of the Cato Institute, noted in a column in The Advocate, “The Libertarian Party endorsed gay rights with its first platform in 1972 — the same year the Democratic nominee for vice president referred to 'queers' in a Chicago speech. In 1976 the Libertarian Party issued a pamphlet calling for an end to antigay laws and endorsing full marriage rights.”

“I'm glad to see that the Supreme Court has upheld the equal rights for all Americans that the Libertarian Party has been fighting for, for over forty years," said Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee.

“We applaud and celebrate this victory, and we will continue to fight for the rights of all Americans to pursue happiness and prosperity in any way they choose,” he said, “as long as they don't hurt others or take their stuff."

Why would a libertarian think that marriage should be a government function?
because it always has been.
When did people start marrying?
The first recorded evidence of marriage contracts and ceremonies dates to 4,000 years ago, in Mesopotamia. In the ancient world, marriage served primarily as a means of preserving power, with kings and other members of the ruling class marrying off daughters to forge alliances, acquire land, and produce legitimate heirs. Even in the lower classes, women had little say over whom they married. The purpose of marriage was the production of heirs, as implied by the Latin word matrimonium, which is derived from mater (mother).
How marriage has changed over centuries
There are LOTS of ways that illegals hurt American citizens. Health care, wage stagnation and not least of all, jobs.

Do illegal immigrants take jobs from American workers? | Jobs Back (

Many illegal immigrant workers do not have health insurance. But
they can go to the emergency room of a hospital, and most hospitals
must supply emergency medical care to any patient.

And the health care may essentially end up costing the illegal workers
nothing. Since most illegal immigrant workers have no or very few
assets, it is not cost-efficient for the hospital to spend much time and
money trying to collect payment.

This is assuming that the illegal immigrant workers even give the
hospital a correct name and address.

Not only have illegal immigrants taken jobs from American workers, but
illegal workers have driven down the wages for many other jobs.

This is because the millions of American workers who lost jobs to
illegal immigrant workers still need jobs. This competition puts
tremendous downward pressure on wages for the jobs that are left.

The more workers competing for a job will often cause the wages for a
job to go down. It is the basic economic law of supply and demand.

The opposite is also true. If no one is applying for a job, the employer
will have to offer higher wages to attract potential employees.

So illegal immigrant workers have taken jobs away from American
workers and driven down the wages for many of those jobs that
the author is a survivalist clown..
Why would a libertarian think that marriage should be a government function?
Where did I say marriage is a government function? It's not. No one needs to get permission to marry. OTOH, if they want the government to recognize their marriage for 1138 Federal legal reasons, then they have to follow the laws voted in by American citizens.

Well, when you said you support "gay marriage," I assumed you were referring to government marriage. Is that not the case?
Gay 'marriage' in medieval Europe
Same-sex unions aren't a recent invention. Until the 13th century, male-bonding ceremonies were common in churches across the Mediterranean. Apart from the couples' gender, these events were almost indistinguishable from other marriages of the era. Twelfth-century liturgies for same-sex unions — also known as "spiritual brotherhoods" — included the recital of marriage prayers, the joining of hands at the altar, and a ceremonial kiss. Some historians believe these unions were merely a way to seal alliances and business deals. But Eric Berkowitz, author of Sex and Punishment, says it is "difficult to believe that these rituals did not contemplate erotic contact. In fact, it was the sex between the men involved that later caused same-sex unions to be banned." That happened in 1306, when the Byzantine Emperor Andronicus II declared such ceremonies, along with sorcery and incest, to be unchristian.
How marriage has changed over centuries

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