Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Let me get this straight to both of you.......... Illegals are NOT taking over jobs in a corporate world. That is impossible......... Most work in a mom and pop shops......... There is no such thing that an illegal working in the hospitals.
Are you against E-Verify? Why? Do you favor illegals being exploited for profit?

Are you bullshitting or simply naive? Corporate or hospitals, both need minimum wage employees to clean toilets, wax hallways and other menial labor usually done at night and subtracted to a service. The corporation/hospital is just as guilty of illegal immigrant exploitation as the subcontracted service, but they have "plausible deniability" by looking the other way.
Total bullshit as usual.
NO hospital 'turns the other way' and allows ILLEGALS to wander around their hospital in night!
Are you fucking crazy!
What are you? Like twelve?
I knew mall cops could be stupid, bloated minimum wage earners, but you are making them look bad.

As everyone knows, even Romney and Trump have employed illegals through a subcontracted service. Regardless of what they did upon notification is irrelevant to the fact dimwitted fucking morons are holding hospitals to a higher standard than two Republican Presidential candidates.
So, don't go nasty,

YOur refusal to face that fact that you are the nasty one here, is just another aspect of you being a jerk.

YOu are the one that went nasty, with repeated dick sucking references.

That I politely asked you to cease.

And you continued.

So I called you, correctly, a homophobic asshole.
Don't go nasty and you will be fine, you silly little racist and ageist and sexist and homophobe. You are a nasty little sucker.

All you have to do is be polite, which is so hard for an untrained far righty. :lol:
it's odd that he gets a case of the vapors when called on his bullshit.

In the Victorian era, a wide variety of conditions that primarily affected women were referred to as “the vapors.” Women were viewed as fundamentally weak during this period, and they were also believed to be more susceptible to a range of medical complaints. The stereotypical Victorian image of a woman swooning against a couch is a classic depiction of a woman who has been overcome by the vapors. Currently, this is not a recognized medical diagnosis.

The origins of this term lie in Ancient Greece and Rome, where doctors developed the Four Humors theory of medicine, which stated that the body was influenced by the balance of four “humors” seated in various organs of the body. Imbalances could theoretically cause ill health, and by determining the source of the imbalance, healthcare providers could prescribe the appropriate treatment. Medical professionals in the Victorian era believed that melancholy feelings had their roots in the spleen, and that they rose up through the body in the form of vapors that affected the mind.

While this might sound ludicrous today, this was widely accepted, and reinforced by claims that women were more susceptible to these feelings than men due to "irregularities" of their anatomy. The Greeks called it “female hysteria.” The condition added to the mystery of the “female condition,” and in some cases, the diagnosis hampered serious treatment of medical conditions like vaginal fistulas, a common complaint among Victorian mothers.

sound like any body you know?
So, don't go nasty,

YOur refusal to face that fact that you are the nasty one here, is just another aspect of you being a jerk.

YOu are the one that went nasty, with repeated dick sucking references.

That I politely asked you to cease.

And you continued.

So I called you, correctly, a homophobic asshole.
Don't go nasty and you will be fine, you silly little racist and ageist and sexist and homophobe. You are a nasty little sucker.

All you have to do is be polite, which is so hard for an untrained far righty. :lol:
it's odd that he gets a case of the vapors when called on his bullshit.

In the Victorian era, a wide variety of conditions that primarily affected women were referred to as “the vapors.” Women were viewed as fundamentally weak during this period, and they were also believed to be more susceptible to a range of medical complaints. The stereotypical Victorian image of a woman swooning against a couch is a classic depiction of a woman who has been overcome by the vapors. Currently, this is not a recognized medical diagnosis.

The origins of this term lie in Ancient Greece and Rome, where doctors developed the Four Humors theory of medicine, which stated that the body was influenced by the balance of four “humors” seated in various organs of the body. Imbalances could theoretically cause ill health, and by determining the source of the imbalance, healthcare providers could prescribe the appropriate treatment. Medical professionals in the Victorian era believed that melancholy feelings had their roots in the spleen, and that they rose up through the body in the form of vapors that affected the mind.

While this might sound ludicrous today, this was widely accepted, and reinforced by claims that women were more susceptible to these feelings than men due to "irregularities" of their anatomy. The Greeks called it “female hysteria.” The condition added to the mystery of the “female condition,” and in some cases, the diagnosis hampered serious treatment of medical conditions like vaginal fistulas, a common complaint among Victorian mothers.

sound like any body you know?
Oh, he is a nasty little righty phobe. Wants America like it was in the fifties.
All anti Trumpers should tear down any fences they have around their properties to prove that walls and fences don't work. This also means the pelosis, clintons, and obama's white house, especially the white house. Tear down that wall.
melodramatic false comparison.
by that logic if you are against abortion you should cut you dick off ....
you'll never have to worry about being a rocket scientist.
So, don't go nasty,

YOur refusal to face that fact that you are the nasty one here, is just another aspect of you being a jerk.

YOu are the one that went nasty, with repeated dick sucking references.

That I politely asked you to cease.

And you continued.

So I called you, correctly, a homophobic asshole.
Don't go nasty and you will be fine, you silly little racist and ageist and sexist and homophobe. You are a nasty little sucker.

All you have to do is be polite, which is so hard for an untrained far righty. :lol:
it's odd that he gets a case of the vapors when called on his bullshit.

In the Victorian era, a wide variety of conditions that primarily affected women were referred to as “the vapors.” Women were viewed as fundamentally weak during this period, and they were also believed to be more susceptible to a range of medical complaints. The stereotypical Victorian image of a woman swooning against a couch is a classic depiction of a woman who has been overcome by the vapors. Currently, this is not a recognized medical diagnosis.

The origins of this term lie in Ancient Greece and Rome, where doctors developed the Four Humors theory of medicine, which stated that the body was influenced by the balance of four “humors” seated in various organs of the body. Imbalances could theoretically cause ill health, and by determining the source of the imbalance, healthcare providers could prescribe the appropriate treatment. Medical professionals in the Victorian era believed that melancholy feelings had their roots in the spleen, and that they rose up through the body in the form of vapors that affected the mind.

While this might sound ludicrous today, this was widely accepted, and reinforced by claims that women were more susceptible to these feelings than men due to "irregularities" of their anatomy. The Greeks called it “female hysteria.” The condition added to the mystery of the “female condition,” and in some cases, the diagnosis hampered serious treatment of medical conditions like vaginal fistulas, a common complaint among Victorian mothers.

sound like any body you know?
Oh, he is a nasty little righty phobe. Wants America like it was in the fifties.
that's a myth too ,
the fifties were not what the back in the old days crowd remembers them to be.
The 50's sucked. It really was a boring time period compared to the 60's and 70s. Remember WWII ended about 1945 so the nation was still feeling the effect of that. Then there was the Cold War people were really crazy. They thought there neighbors were spies. And then there was also the Korean war and Vietnam started in truly is amazing how we got out of the 50s. The only plus side was really Rock N Roll was born.
Let me get this straight to both of you.......... Illegals are NOT taking over jobs in a corporate world. That is impossible......... Most work in a mom and pop shops......... There is no such thing that an illegal working in the hospitals.
Are you against E-Verify? Why? Do you favor illegals being exploited for profit?

Are you bullshitting or simply naive? Corporate or hospitals, both need minimum wage employees to clean toilets, wax hallways and other menial labor usually done at night and subtracted to a service. The corporation/hospital is just as guilty of illegal immigrant exploitation as the subcontracted service, but they have "plausible deniability" by looking the other way.

And in the absence of cheap Third World labor, such menial jobs often rise above minimum wage.
Agreed in the absence of cheap Third World labor. Which explains why businessmen and politicians of both flavors are slow to fix the problem: it would cause wages rise and, therefore, profits to go down.
...Why not let the situation go until employers are pushed to do something absolutely CRAZY.

Like raise wages!

Why is the only tool in our toolbox importing cheap labor?!
The problem is partly due to the nature of capitalism and its inherent need for profits (raise profits/cut costs) but mostly due to human nature. Namely good old fashioned greed. Most people act out of self-interest, business leaders/owners are no different. If offered the latitude to take a cheaper or more profitable path, they'll take it.

I understand that portion of the problem.


1. REally? They don't have any other ideas to address the problem?


2. We are under no obligation to make their lives easier. Or more profitable. Let them work harder.

1. That's the point; they don't want to really address the problem. How many decades has this been an issue and how many Presidents and Congresses have danced around but never really solving the problem?

2. Make whose lives easier? Businessmen and politicians? Obviously the US isn't a fucking charity for illegal immigrants nor should it be.
...Why not let the situation go until employers are pushed to do something absolutely CRAZY.

Like raise wages!

Why is the only tool in our toolbox importing cheap labor?!
The problem is partly due to the nature of capitalism and its inherent need for profits (raise profits/cut costs) but mostly due to human nature. Namely good old fashioned greed. Most people act out of self-interest, business leaders/owners are no different. If offered the latitude to take a cheaper or more profitable path, they'll take it.

I understand that portion of the problem.


1. REally? They don't have any other ideas to address the problem?


2. We are under no obligation to make their lives easier. Or more profitable. Let them work harder.

1. That's the point; they don't want to really address the problem. How many decades has this been an issue and how many Presidents and Congresses have danced around but never really solving the problem?

2. Make whose lives easier? Businessmen and politicians? Obviously the US isn't a fucking charity for illegal immigrants nor should it be.
if we're a Christian nation as the religious right proclaims loudly and often , then we are a fucking charity.
There will be no wall, there will be no mass deportation. That is more likely than not.

Trump will betray the far right: that is more likely than not.
Pretty sure. He has already lied to them on big issues and they still suck him.

Your weird sexual terminology has nothing to do with us Trump supporters and everything to do with your own issues.

Which no cares about.
Agreed, but gays tend to put things in terms of their own experiences. A straight would say something like "He has already lied to them on big issues and they still spread their legs for him" "...bend over for him", which would be sexual, but sexual preference neutral. ;)
There will be no wall, there will be no mass deportation. That is more likely than not.

Trump will betray the far right: that is more likely than not.
Pretty sure. He has already lied to them on big issues and they still suck him.

Your weird sexual terminology has nothing to do with us Trump supporters and everything to do with your own issues.

Which no cares about.
Agreed, but gays tend to put things in terms of their own experiences. A straight would say something like "He has already lied to them on big issues and they still spread their legs for him" "...bend over for him", which would be sexual, but sexual preference neutral. ;)
that's total bullshit everyone puts thing based on there own experience gays are no difference.
I'm actually anti-immigration. We don't have enough resources or jobs. Many Americans are out of work or having to take part time jobs, etc. I just don't think rounding up over a million people and deporting them sounds very feasible. Sounds expensive and time consuming. We should beef up our border security. That would provide jobs to American citizens.
That would be a tiny number of jobs.
Illegals didn't cause companies to outsource their manufacturing.
Would you pick fruit and vegetables for the wages they get?
You might have to if that kind of mass deportation happens or pay huge amounts for fresh food.

If I had to survive and have money to pay my bills, of course. Anyone would.
Illegal US Immigrants Pay Billions in Taxes, But Is It Enough? « All About America

Immigrants do jobs natives won’t do

Your liberal blogs don't carry any weight. Plenty of people would do those jobs. Jackass.

I've personally done many of the jobs they say Americans won't do.

My ex boyfriend worked construction, as a laborer. He used to have to jump in ditches with the excavator and dig by hand, those areas that the excavator could not. He would come home blackened from dirt in the 90 degree plus weather. Tell me that's not harder than picking effing fruit!
That would be a tiny number of jobs.
Illegals didn't cause companies to outsource their manufacturing.
Would you pick fruit and vegetables for the wages they get?
You might have to if that kind of mass deportation happens or pay huge amounts for fresh food.

If I had to survive and have money to pay my bills, of course. Anyone would.
Illegal US Immigrants Pay Billions in Taxes, But Is It Enough? « All About America

Immigrants do jobs natives won’t do

Your liberal blogs don't carry any weight. Plenty of people would do those jobs. Jackass.

I've personally done many of the jobs they say Americans won't do.

My ex boyfriend worked construction, as a laborer. He used to have to jump in ditches with the excavator and dig by hand, those areas that the excavator could not. He would come home blackened from dirt in the 90 degree plus weather. Tell me that's not harder than picking effing fruit!
it's not ,
if he had to dig the ditches by hand all day long it would be close.
I can tell by by your post you've never done either.
...Why not let the situation go until employers are pushed to do something absolutely CRAZY.

Like raise wages!

Why is the only tool in our toolbox importing cheap labor?!
The problem is partly due to the nature of capitalism and its inherent need for profits (raise profits/cut costs) but mostly due to human nature. Namely good old fashioned greed. Most people act out of self-interest, business leaders/owners are no different. If offered the latitude to take a cheaper or more profitable path, they'll take it.

I understand that portion of the problem.


1. REally? They don't have any other ideas to address the problem?


2. We are under no obligation to make their lives easier. Or more profitable. Let them work harder.

1. That's the point; they don't want to really address the problem. How many decades has this been an issue and how many Presidents and Congresses have danced around but never really solving the problem?

2. Make whose lives easier? Businessmen and politicians? Obviously the US isn't a fucking charity for illegal immigrants nor should it be.
if we're a Christian nation as the religious right proPclaims loudly and often , then we are a fucking charity.
What the nativist haters will not permit is an omnibus bill with e-verify, business criminal prosecution, dividend fines, and a pathway to light. The Hispanic citizens will make their life absolutely miserable as they turn out in their multitudes. Even the Miami Cubans are fed up with the far right.

Your liberal blogs don't carry any weight. Plenty of people would do those jobs. Jackass.

I've personally done many of the jobs they say Americans won't do.

My ex boyfriend worked construction, as a laborer. He used to have to jump in ditches with the excavator and dig by hand, those areas that the excavator could not. He would come home blackened from dirt in the 90 degree plus weather. Tell me that's not harder than picking effing fruit!
it's not ,
if he had to dig the ditches by hand all day long it would be close.
I can tell by by your post you've never done either.

Neither have you, old fart! He worked WAY harder. I know that for a fact. He had to work outside in the desert-like conditions all day long, for 12 hours a day. So you should shut your trap about what you know NOTHING about, keyboard warrior.
...Why not let the situation go until employers are pushed to do something absolutely CRAZY.

Like raise wages!

Why is the only tool in our toolbox importing cheap labor?!
The problem is partly due to the nature of capitalism and its inherent need for profits (raise profits/cut costs) but mostly due to human nature. Namely good old fashioned greed. Most people act out of self-interest, business leaders/owners are no different. If offered the latitude to take a cheaper or more profitable path, they'll take it.

I understand that portion of the problem.


1. REally? They don't have any other ideas to address the problem?


2. We are under no obligation to make their lives easier. Or more profitable. Let them work harder.

1. That's the point; they don't want to really address the problem. How many decades has this been an issue and how many Presidents and Congresses have danced around but never really solving the problem?

2. Make whose lives easier? Businessmen and politicians? Obviously the US isn't a fucking charity for illegal immigrants nor should it be.
if we're a Christian nation as the religious right proclaims loudly and often , then we are a fucking charity.

You're a dick. A tiny little shriveled up dick.

I've personally done many of the jobs they say Americans won't do.

My ex boyfriend worked construction, as a laborer. He used to have to jump in ditches with the excavator and dig by hand, those areas that the excavator could not. He would come home blackened from dirt in the 90 degree plus weather. Tell me that's not harder than picking effing fruit!
it's not ,
if he had to dig the ditches by hand all day long it would be close.
I can tell by by your post you've never done either.

Neither have you, old fart! He worked WAY harder. I know that for a fact. He had to work outside in the desert-like conditions all day long, for 12 hours a day. So you should shut your trap about what you know NOTHING about, keyboard warrior.
just keep telling yourself that.

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