Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Your liberal blogs don't carry any weight. Plenty of people would do those jobs. Jackass.

I've personally done many of the jobs they say Americans won't do.

My ex boyfriend worked construction, as a laborer. He used to have to jump in ditches with the excavator and dig by hand, those areas that the excavator could not. He would come home blackened from dirt in the 90 degree plus weather. Tell me that's not harder than picking effing fruit!
it's not ,
if he had to dig the ditches by hand all day long it would be close.
I can tell by by your post you've never done either.

Neither have you, old fart! He worked WAY harder. I know that for a fact. He had to work outside in the desert-like conditions all day long, for 12 hours a day. So you should shut your trap about what you know NOTHING about, keyboard warrior.
just keep telling yourself that.

You don't know anything about hard work, loser.
Because if he is elected he will be a President, first and foremost and his legacy and reputation will be based on how will he does that job.

Profits trump legacy and reputation every time.

(No pun intended.)
...Why not let the situation go until employers are pushed to do something absolutely CRAZY.

Like raise wages!

Why is the only tool in our toolbox importing cheap labor?!
The problem is partly due to the nature of capitalism and its inherent need for profits (raise profits/cut costs) but mostly due to human nature. Namely good old fashioned greed. Most people act out of self-interest, business leaders/owners are no different. If offered the latitude to take a cheaper or more profitable path, they'll take it.

I understand that portion of the problem.


1. REally? They don't have any other ideas to address the problem?


2. We are under no obligation to make their lives easier. Or more profitable. Let them work harder.

1. That's the point; they don't want to really address the problem. How many decades has this been an issue and how many Presidents and Congresses have danced around but never really solving the problem?

2. Make whose lives easier? Businessmen and politicians? Obviously the US isn't a fucking charity for illegal immigrants nor should it be.
if we're a Christian nation as the religious right proclaims loudly and often , then we are a fucking charity.

You're a dick. A tiny little shriveled up dick.
tantrum stage one in progress.
I've personally done many of the jobs they say Americans won't do.

My ex boyfriend worked construction, as a laborer. He used to have to jump in ditches with the excavator and dig by hand, those areas that the excavator could not. He would come home blackened from dirt in the 90 degree plus weather. Tell me that's not harder than picking effing fruit!
it's not ,
if he had to dig the ditches by hand all day long it would be close.
I can tell by by your post you've never done either.

Neither have you, old fart! He worked WAY harder. I know that for a fact. He had to work outside in the desert-like conditions all day long, for 12 hours a day. So you should shut your trap about what you know NOTHING about, keyboard warrior.
just keep telling yourself that.

You don't know anything about hard work, loser.
like it said just keep telling yourself that , it will never be true of course.
So, don't go nasty,

YOur refusal to face that fact that you are the nasty one here, is just another aspect of you being a jerk.

YOu are the one that went nasty, with repeated dick sucking references.

That I politely asked you to cease.

And you continued.

So I called you, correctly, a homophobic asshole.
Don't go nasty and you will be fine.

You seem to be claiming that your repeated dick sucking accusations were not nasty.
Said nothing of the sort. So since you are lying again the model is extended to every time you act vulgarly etc to anyone on the Board.

No, Donnie is not deporting 11mm illegals.
My ex boyfriend worked construction, as a laborer. He used to have to jump in ditches with the excavator and dig by hand, those areas that the excavator could not. He would come home blackened from dirt in the 90 degree plus weather. Tell me that's not harder than picking effing fruit!
it's not ,
if he had to dig the ditches by hand all day long it would be close.
I can tell by by your post you've never done either.

Neither have you, old fart! He worked WAY harder. I know that for a fact. He had to work outside in the desert-like conditions all day long, for 12 hours a day. So you should shut your trap about what you know NOTHING about, keyboard warrior.
just keep telling yourself that.

You don't know anything about hard work, loser.
like it said just keep telling yourself that , it will never be true of course.

What will never be true? How about you specify? If you don't think construction jobs are just as hard or harder than picking fruit, then you are a retard. You try shoveling dirt and rocks.
There will be no wall, there will be no mass deportation. That is more likely than not.

Trump will betray the far right: that is more likely than not.
Pretty sure. He has already lied to them on big issues and they still suck him.

Your weird sexual terminology has nothing to do with us Trump supporters and everything to do with your own issues.

Which no cares about.
Agreed, but gays tend to put things in terms of their own experiences. A straight would say something like "He has already lied to them on big issues and they still spread their legs for him" "...bend over for him", which would be sexual, but sexual preference neutral. ;)
that's total bullshit everyone puts thing based on there own experience gays are no difference.
That's what I just said. Why do you screech "total bullshit" when, in fact, you are agreeing with me?

FWIW, I have nothing for or against gays and, as a Libertarian, fully support the party platform on gay rights and marriage equality.

Libertarian Party four-decade advocacy for marriage equality pays off with US Supreme Court decision
....David Boaz, Vice President of the Cato Institute, noted in a column in The Advocate, “The Libertarian Party endorsed gay rights with its first platform in 1972 — the same year the Democratic nominee for vice president referred to 'queers' in a Chicago speech. In 1976 the Libertarian Party issued a pamphlet calling for an end to antigay laws and endorsing full marriage rights.”

“I'm glad to see that the Supreme Court has upheld the equal rights for all Americans that the Libertarian Party has been fighting for, for over forty years," said Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee.

“We applaud and celebrate this victory, and we will continue to fight for the rights of all Americans to pursue happiness and prosperity in any way they choose,” he said, “as long as they don't hurt others or take their stuff."
Pretty sure. He has already lied to them on big issues and they still suck him.

Your weird sexual terminology has nothing to do with us Trump supporters and everything to do with your own issues.

Which no cares about.
Agreed, but gays tend to put things in terms of their own experiences. A straight would say something like "He has already lied to them on big issues and they still spread their legs for him" "...bend over for him", which would be sexual, but sexual preference neutral. ;)
that's total bullshit everyone puts thing based on there own experience gays are no difference.
That's what I just said. Why do you screech "total bullshit" when, in fact, you are agreeing with me?

FWIW, I have nothing for or against gays and, as a Libertarian, fully support the party platform on gay rights and marriage equality.

Libertarian Party four-decade advocacy for marriage equality pays off with US Supreme Court decision
....David Boaz, Vice President of the Cato Institute, noted in a column in The Advocate, “The Libertarian Party endorsed gay rights with its first platform in 1972 — the same year the Democratic nominee for vice president referred to 'queers' in a Chicago speech. In 1976 the Libertarian Party issued a pamphlet calling for an end to antigay laws and endorsing full marriage rights.”

“I'm glad to see that the Supreme Court has upheld the equal rights for all Americans that the Libertarian Party has been fighting for, for over forty years," said Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee.

“We applaud and celebrate this victory, and we will continue to fight for the rights of all Americans to pursue happiness and prosperity in any way they choose,” he said, “as long as they don't hurt others or take their stuff."

Because he's a troll, but an even bigger idiot.
The WALL will stop the illegals from returning.
The serious crackdown on business who use illegal labor will mean a lot of self-deportation.
The problem with a physical wall, besides the Patton quote regarding fixed fortifications, is that people will just go around it by boat or enter the US legally, but stay illegally:

Rubio says 40% of illegal immigrants stayed in the U.S. after their visas expired
In January 2003, INS released an updated report that said 33 percent of the illegal immigrant population in 2000 had entered the country legally. A 2004 report from the General Accounting Office, based on 2000 data, gave estimates on visa overstays ranging from 27 percent to 31 percent to 57 percent.

Agreed 100% on cracking down on those who profit from illegal immigration. That is a much more viable solution since putting a handful in prison and confiscating their businesses will persuade the majority of other business owners to change their illegal habits.

"Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man"
-- General George S. Patton​

If by "going around" the people in question have to go into the deep desert, that greatly increases the difficulty of getting into the country, AND makes it easier for the Border Patrol to catch them.

And Patton was a great general.

At a very specific time in history when military technology favored fast aggressive offense.

There were plenty of times in history when the opposite was true.

They didn't build castles because they didn't work.

The only way they can "go around" is to get on a boat, and those are easy to apprehend. Furthermore, the kind of people coming over the border generally can't afford a boat.
Ummmm, tell that to the Cubans and all those refugees coming ashore in Mediterranean EU nations.



Don't get me wrong, Kaz. if I actually thought that Trump was going to build a wall, I would be down at the border right now putting together a shovel and ladder supply company. I am very pragmatic.

Damn, every time I think you can't get any dumber, you prove me wrong. So you think they'd build a cinder block wall and leave? Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

Trump proposed wall is 30 feet high. Do you know how easy it is to build 31 feet ladder? Wall is just a waste.,

Why doesn't that strategy work on the wall around the West Bank?

BTW, Trump hasn't stated how high his wall will be.

Of course, you're just another open borders douche bag traitor making excuses for doing nothing.

You are an idiot. Okay I will make it 50 feet....... How about a rope with a hook at the end? How is that?
Israel West Bank Barrier.......... Both sides of the wall are residential. Our borders are not except close to cities............. I will leave that your stupid brain why you cannot compare these 2 walls.
Wall is just a waste.

The way you stop ropes with hooks on them is to top the wall with a cylinder several times larger in diameter than the wall. Hooks can't grab onto anything.

However, one thing you are forgetting, and what all open borders douche bags like you pretend won't happen, is that the wall will have guard towers with people in them watching to see if anyone is trying to get over the wall. Apparently you believe all Americans are so stupid that they would build a wall and then leave it unguarded. I will admit that Democrats are certainly that stupid.

Did trumpoline told you how thick the wall is going to be? Idiot.
BP are doing a good job in securing the border. Wall is just a waste.
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Illegals are not equipped with tanks and artillery, so your quote is irrelevant. The problem of the ones getting here legally is not an issue since the U.S. already issues the number of visas it is legally allowed to issue. We can fix that problem #1) by cutting down on the number of visas, and #2) by implementing a system that keeps track of people here on visas.
Disagreed. It's completely accurate and apt regarding the proposed solution to an "invasion".
So, don't go nasty,

YOur refusal to face that fact that you are the nasty one here, is just another aspect of you being a jerk.

YOu are the one that went nasty, with repeated dick sucking references.

That I politely asked you to cease.

And you continued.

So I called you, correctly, a homophobic asshole.
Don't go nasty and you will be fine.

You seem to be claiming that your repeated dick sucking accusations were not nasty.
Said nothing of the sort. So since you are lying again the model is extended to every time you act vulgarly etc to anyone on the Board.

No, Donnie is not deporting 11mm illegals.

Our undocumented alien friends are NOT illegals.

Prior to 1965 we had open borders with Canada and Mexico and there was NEVER a problem. The problem is the gargantuan bankrupt welfare state.

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.
Pretty sure. He has already lied to them on big issues and they still suck him.

Your weird sexual terminology has nothing to do with us Trump supporters and everything to do with your own issues.

Which no cares about.
Agreed, but gays tend to put things in terms of their own experiences. A straight would say something like "He has already lied to them on big issues and they still spread their legs for him" "...bend over for him", which would be sexual, but sexual preference neutral. ;)
that's total bullshit everyone puts thing based on there own experience gays are no difference.
That's what I just said. Why do you screech "total bullshit" when, in fact, you are agreeing with me?

FWIW, I have nothing for or against gays and, as a Libertarian, fully support the party platform on gay rights and marriage equality.

Libertarian Party four-decade advocacy for marriage equality pays off with US Supreme Court decision
....David Boaz, Vice President of the Cato Institute, noted in a column in The Advocate, “The Libertarian Party endorsed gay rights with its first platform in 1972 — the same year the Democratic nominee for vice president referred to 'queers' in a Chicago speech. In 1976 the Libertarian Party issued a pamphlet calling for an end to antigay laws and endorsing full marriage rights.”

“I'm glad to see that the Supreme Court has upheld the equal rights for all Americans that the Libertarian Party has been fighting for, for over forty years," said Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee.

“We applaud and celebrate this victory, and we will continue to fight for the rights of all Americans to pursue happiness and prosperity in any way they choose,” he said, “as long as they don't hurt others or take their stuff."

Why would a libertarian think that marriage should be a government function?
The WALL will stop the illegals from returning.
The serious crackdown on business who use illegal labor will mean a lot of self-deportation.
The problem with a physical wall, besides the Patton quote regarding fixed fortifications, is that people will just go around it by boat or enter the US legally, but stay illegally:

Rubio says 40% of illegal immigrants stayed in the U.S. after their visas expired
In January 2003, INS released an updated report that said 33 percent of the illegal immigrant population in 2000 had entered the country legally. A 2004 report from the General Accounting Office, based on 2000 data, gave estimates on visa overstays ranging from 27 percent to 31 percent to 57 percent.

Agreed 100% on cracking down on those who profit from illegal immigration. That is a much more viable solution since putting a handful in prison and confiscating their businesses will persuade the majority of other business owners to change their illegal habits.

"Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man"
-- General George S. Patton​

Illegals are not equipped with tanks and artillery, so your quote is irrelevant. The problem of the ones getting here legally is not an issue since the U.S. already issues the number of visas it is legally allowed to issue. We can fix that problem #1) by cutting down on the number of visas, and #2) by implementing a system that keeps track of people here on visas.

And as Visa over stay-ers won't be able to pass e-verify, they will not be getting jobs.

Well, since E-verify has been the law here is AZ for a couple of years or more, I guess that means that Easy is right!. There can not possibly be any illegal aliens in AZ!
E-Verify isn't a single point solution. Note that enforcement of laws against business owners who violate hiring laws is also part of the solution as well as enforcing laws on those who overstay their visas.

It no longer amazes me that the Left Wing wants every American who chooses to exercise their Second Amendment right to have a background check, but they pitch a huge fit at the idea of requiring every worker to pass E-Verify.
The WALL will stop the illegals from returning.
The serious crackdown on business who use illegal labor will mean a lot of self-deportation.
The problem with a physical wall, besides the Patton quote regarding fixed fortifications, is that people will just go around it by boat or enter the US legally, but stay illegally:

Rubio says 40% of illegal immigrants stayed in the U.S. after their visas expired
In January 2003, INS released an updated report that said 33 percent of the illegal immigrant population in 2000 had entered the country legally. A 2004 report from the General Accounting Office, based on 2000 data, gave estimates on visa overstays ranging from 27 percent to 31 percent to 57 percent.

Agreed 100% on cracking down on those who profit from illegal immigration. That is a much more viable solution since putting a handful in prison and confiscating their businesses will persuade the majority of other business owners to change their illegal habits.

"Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man"
-- General George S. Patton​

Illegals are not equipped with tanks and artillery, so your quote is irrelevant. The problem of the ones getting here legally is not an issue since the U.S. already issues the number of visas it is legally allowed to issue. We can fix that problem #1) by cutting down on the number of visas, and #2) by implementing a system that keeps track of people here on visas.

And as Visa over stay-ers won't be able to pass e-verify, they will not be getting jobs.

Well, since E-verify has been the law here is AZ for a couple of years or more, I guess that means that Easy is right!. There can not possibly be any illegal aliens in AZ!
E-Verify isn't a single point solution. Note that enforcement of laws against business owners who violate hiring laws is also part of the solution as well as enforcing laws on those who overstay their visas.

It no longer amazes me that the Left Wing wants every American who chooses to exercise their Second Amendment right to have a background check, but they pitch a huge fit at the idea of requiring every worker to pass E-Verify.
E-verify is only part of the solution.
The WALL will stop the illegals from returning.
The serious crackdown on business who use illegal labor will mean a lot of self-deportation.
The problem with a physical wall, besides the Patton quote regarding fixed fortifications, is that people will just go around it by boat or enter the US legally, but stay illegally:

Rubio says 40% of illegal immigrants stayed in the U.S. after their visas expired
In January 2003, INS released an updated report that said 33 percent of the illegal immigrant population in 2000 had entered the country legally. A 2004 report from the General Accounting Office, based on 2000 data, gave estimates on visa overstays ranging from 27 percent to 31 percent to 57 percent.

Agreed 100% on cracking down on those who profit from illegal immigration. That is a much more viable solution since putting a handful in prison and confiscating their businesses will persuade the majority of other business owners to change their illegal habits.

"Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man"
-- General George S. Patton​

If by "going around" the people in question have to go into the deep desert, that greatly increases the difficulty of getting into the country, AND makes it easier for the Border Patrol to catch them.

And Patton was a great general.

At a very specific time in history when military technology favored fast aggressive offense.

There were plenty of times in history when the opposite was true.

They didn't build castles because they didn't work.

The only way they can "go around" is to get on a boat, and those are easy to apprehend. Furthermore, the kind of people coming over the border generally can't afford a boat.
Ummmm, tell that to the Cubans and all those refugees coming ashore in Mediterranean EU nations.




Those people were all picked up and sent back where they came from.

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