Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

So, don't go nasty,

YOur refusal to face that fact that you are the nasty one here, is just another aspect of you being a jerk.

YOu are the one that went nasty, with repeated dick sucking references.

That I politely asked you to cease.

And you continued.

So I called you, correctly, a homophobic asshole.
Don't go nasty and you will be fine, you silly little racist and ageist and sexist and homophobe. You are a nasty little sucker.

All you have to do is be polite, which is so hard for an untrained far righty. :lol:

This the post I made, which you responded to with a homophobic accusation of dick sucking, which you are still holding to.

"Your weird sexual terminology has nothing to do with us Trump supporters and everything to do with your own issues. Which no cares about."

There is nothing in there that is "nasty" or "racist" or "ageist" or "sexist" or "homophobic".

YOU went there. YOU went nasty, and now you are claiming that you did it in response to behavior on my part.

YOu have completely proved my point.

THat you are delusional and are completely unaware of what a nasty person you are, and then are thus surprised and shocked when people reply in kind.

You know what type of person is nasty and insulting to people, and then claims that he was NOT insulting when people insult him back?

And then holds to his nonsense even when presented with the facts? and keeps insulting and being a dick to people who were being civil and polite to him?

What type of person behaves like that?
We have it already in most areas. Does nothing.

You ever take finger-boy to task on whether this silly wall will stop immigration on the scale he thinks or how easy he thinks rounding up 11 million people will be?

Of course not.

What is really hilarious, Candy, is that we already have motion detectors in the AZ desert, and heat sensing drones flying out of Tucson to the border at night. Yet, a few weeks ago, 12 of them came across the border in a closed panel truck through the Nogales checkpoint. They were apprehended when the overloaded tires blew out on I-19 and it rolled over....but, a fence will take care of that....
Link to where anyone said the Wall would stop people from sneaking though checkpoints.
Then no need for a Wall if it won't work.
Just because a Wall does not address the issue of sneaking though checkpoints, does not mean the Wall does not work. YOur dishonesty reveals that you know that you are wrong. Otherwise you would not think that you needed to lie.
You are the great liar, unless you really do believe that Trump will build a wall and there will be mass deportations. If you do, then you are one of the biggest idiots on the Board.

Your opinion is noted.

I certainly DO believe that the Wall will be built, and that there will be mass deportations. if Trump wins, of course.

I also might point out that as Trump is running at 46% support in the last national poll, that the opinion that Trump will do as he says, is not nearly so rare as you like to tell yourself.
So, don't go nasty,

YOur refusal to face that fact that you are the nasty one here, is just another aspect of you being a jerk.

YOu are the one that went nasty, with repeated dick sucking references.

That I politely asked you to cease.

And you continued.

So I called you, correctly, a homophobic asshole.
Don't go nasty and you will be fine, you silly little racist and ageist and sexist and homophobe. You are a nasty little sucker.

All you have to do is be polite, which is so hard for an untrained far righty. :lol:

This the post I made, which you responded to with a homophobic accusation of dick sucking, which you are still holding to.

"Your weird sexual terminology has nothing to do with us Trump supporters and everything to do with your own issues. Which no cares about."

There is nothing in there that is "nasty" or "racist" or "ageist" or "sexist" or "homophobic".

YOU went there. YOU went nasty, and now you are claiming that you did it in response to behavior on my part.

YOu have completely proved my point.

THat you are delusional and are completely unaware of what a nasty person you are, and then are thus surprised and shocked when people reply in kind.

You know what type of person is nasty and insulting to people, and then claims that he was NOT insulting when people insult him back?

And then holds to his nonsense even when presented with the facts? and keeps insulting and being a dick to people who were being civil and polite to him?

What type of person behaves like that?

All aside from the well known fact that when libtards accuse you of being homophobic that simply means you won the argument based on the facts.
...Why not let the situation go until employers are pushed to do something absolutely CRAZY.

Like raise wages!

Why is the only tool in our toolbox importing cheap labor?!
The problem is partly due to the nature of capitalism and its inherent need for profits (raise profits/cut costs) but mostly due to human nature. Namely good old fashioned greed. Most people act out of self-interest, business leaders/owners are no different. If offered the latitude to take a cheaper or more profitable path, they'll take it.

I understand that portion of the problem.


1. REally? They don't have any other ideas to address the problem?


2. We are under no obligation to make their lives easier. Or more profitable. Let them work harder.

1. That's the point; they don't want to really address the problem. How many decades has this been an issue and how many Presidents and Congresses have danced around but never really solving the problem?

2. Make whose lives easier? Businessmen and politicians? Obviously the US isn't a fucking charity for illegal immigrants nor should it be.

1. Agreed.

2. Lazy incompetent businessmen.
Don't go nasty and you will be fine.
You seem to be claiming that your repeated dick sucking accusations were not nasty.
This is the way it will be if you go nasty. You have no alternative. Unless you be nice.

WHo was being nasty to you when you started with the homophobic slurs?

I certainly wasn't.

You just stated being incredibly homophobic out of the blue.
bitch please! you and jimblowme are the very definition of homophobia
...and this, ladies and gentlemen, is Trump's fall back position! He was going to seal the borders, but the democrats didn't let him do it!!!! Coming soon to a theater near you!
It's a great plan and has been well used by President Obama and would also be used by either a President Clinton or Sanders.
...Why not let the situation go until employers are pushed to do something absolutely CRAZY.

Like raise wages!

Why is the only tool in our toolbox importing cheap labor?!
The problem is partly due to the nature of capitalism and its inherent need for profits (raise profits/cut costs) but mostly due to human nature. Namely good old fashioned greed. Most people act out of self-interest, business leaders/owners are no different. If offered the latitude to take a cheaper or more profitable path, they'll take it.

I understand that portion of the problem.


1. REally? They don't have any other ideas to address the problem?


2. We are under no obligation to make their lives easier. Or more profitable. Let them work harder.

1. That's the point; they don't want to really address the problem. How many decades has this been an issue and how many Presidents and Congresses have danced around but never really solving the problem?

2. Make whose lives easier? Businessmen and politicians? Obviously the US isn't a fucking charity for illegal immigrants nor should it be.
if we're a Christian nation as the religious right proPclaims loudly and often , then we are a fucking charity.
What the nativist haters will not permit is an omnibus bill with e-verify, business criminal prosecution, dividend fines, and a pathway to light. The Hispanic citizens will make their life absolutely miserable as they turn out in their multitudes. Even the Miami Cubans are fed up with the far right.

Don't go nasty and you will be fine.
You seem to be claiming that your repeated dick sucking accusations were not nasty.
This is the way it will be if you go nasty. You have no alternative. Unless you be nice.

WHo was being nasty to you when you started with the homophobic slurs?

I certainly wasn't.

You just stated being incredibly homophobic out of the blue.
bitch please! you and jimblowme are the very definition of homophobia

I'm not the one accusing other men of sucking dick as a personal attack.

That's Jake. Not me.

You libs are supposedly so concerned about bigotry, but when one of your own is doing it, suddenly you cant' even see it.
Because if he is elected he will be a President, first and foremost and his legacy and reputation will be based on how will he does that job.

Profits trump legacy and reputation every time.

(No pun intended.)

NOt true, and less true as people age and they need money LESS.

If Trump is driven by anything it is ego, and the best way to serve that is to have a successful legacy.

A couple more bucks won't make his legacy any more impressive.
Don't go nasty and you will be fine.
You seem to be claiming that your repeated dick sucking accusations were not nasty.
This is the way it will be if you go nasty. You have no alternative. Unless you be nice.

WHo was being nasty to you when you started with the homophobic slurs?

I certainly wasn't.

You just stated being incredibly homophobic out of the blue.
bitch please! you and jimblowme are the very definition of homophobia

I'm not the one accusing other men of sucking dick as a personal attack.

That's Jake. Not me.

You libs are supposedly so concerned about bigotry, but when one of your own is doing it, suddenly you cant' even see it.
what does bill Clintons womanizing have to do with your blatant homophobia ? ............jack shit that's what!
Because if he is elected he will be a President, first and foremost and his legacy and reputation will be based on how will he does that job.

Profits trump legacy and reputation every time.

(No pun intended.)

NOt true, and less true as people age and they need money LESS.

If Trump is driven by anything it is ego, and the best way to serve that is to have a successful legacy.

A couple more bucks won't make his legacy any more impressive.
of course he does ...but that has fuck all to do with his lack of ability .
Last 3 to 5 years our BP has done a tremendous job in securing our borders. Right now it's just a trickle. Wall is just a waste.
At the same time there are about 500k tourists visa violations from last year.

More horseshit. When the BP catches illegals crossing the border, the let them go into the general population. They aren't stopping anything. You spout all the same lies the Obama administration puts out. You're nothing but a propaganda organ.

What the fuck are you talking about. Why do you lie? Do you have link to support your bullshit?

Read the entire article:

Additionally, ICE officers and agents find the mission of their jobs — which is to enforce immigration law — is often counter to the orders given to them when they are told to release criminal illegal aliens into the public.

“They are just so fed up. The organizational culture from where they’ve come from, it has become so politicized. The immigration system is not just broken. It’s dead. A lot of people at ICE are just so fed up,” the source said. “There’s no enforcement, and worse than that when you’re not enforcing you’re being told, ‘Well you basically can’t do the right thing.’ And the right thing being ‘Well, here’s someone who needs to be detained and you’re not being allowed to have this person detained.’”

Do you even understand the link you posted?
I want to give you a good chance to read your link real good what it meant before I will make a comment.

Fire away. This should be entertaining.

Your brain is really fucked and twisted.
1. Daily Caller founder work for Fox News. Technic and style is the same telling you the technicality but not the reality. It's more like entertaining. Stupid.
2. These illegals that was released had met their sentencing. They cannot keep them forever. Did you understand that?
3. These illegals that committed heinous crime wear ankle bracelet.
4. Some of them have multiples. Since when and how do they know they have multiples when caught at the borders. Meaning they are not caught at the border but in the inner cities. Stupid.
4. Obama told them to released these illegals so they can fuck him up. Only moron like you believed that.
5. We do not catch and release illegals at the border.
Illegals crossing the south is a trickle keep that in mind douche bag.
...Well, when you said you support "gay marriage," I assumed you were referring to government marriage. Is that not the case?
"Gay marriage" is a euphemism for the 1138 Federal rights and benefits given to married couples. The marriage itself is a religious issue. The rights and benefits (e.g. survivorship, tax breaks, parental rights and obligations, etc) are a secular government issue.
"Consequently, as of December 31, 2003, our research identified a total of 1,138 federal statutory provisions classified to the United States Code in which marital status is a factor in determining or receiving benefits, rights, and privileges."

Appendices 1-4 of the linked PDF list the benefits, rights and privileges.
Don't go nasty and you will be fine.
You seem to be claiming that your repeated dick sucking accusations were not nasty.
This is the way it will be if you go nasty. You have no alternative. Unless you be nice.

WHo was being nasty to you when you started with the homophobic slurs?

I certainly wasn't.

You just stated being incredibly homophobic out of the blue.
bitch please! you and jimblowme are the very definition of homophobia

I'm not the one accusing other men of sucking dick as a personal attack.

That's Jake. Not me.

You libs are supposedly so concerned about bigotry, but when one of your own is doing it, suddenly you cant' even see it.
You have used slurs and vulgarities, little Correll, so you don't get away this at all. This is your life on the Board when you do it.

Remember Trump's wall will have a back door.
So, don't go nasty,

YOur refusal to face that fact that you are the nasty one here, is just another aspect of you being a jerk.

YOu are the one that went nasty, with repeated dick sucking references.

That I politely asked you to cease.

And you continued.

So I called you, correctly, a homophobic asshole.
Don't go nasty and you will be fine.

You seem to be claiming that your repeated dick sucking accusations were not nasty.
Said nothing of the sort. So since you are lying again the model is extended to every time you act vulgarly etc to anyone on the Board.

No, Donnie is not deporting 11mm illegals.

Classic lib tactic.

Vague denials and statements, and when you point out that their claims are nonsense, they deny that that was what they meant.

NOte that in your denial that there was NOTHING about what you were "really" trying to say, if I was wrong.

Here is my post and your post to me.

"Your weird sexual terminology has nothing to do with us Trump supporters and everything to do with your own issues. Which no cares about."


"You luving on sum Trump stump, for sure. Trump is interesting as a candidate. He has the far right on the hook and will betray them on immigration, no mass deportation and no wall. I don't think he can bring jobs back from overseas."

YOu went nasty for no reason, and now are pretending you didn't.

And you do this type of shit all the time.

I believe you believe what you are saying.

YOu are so closed minded and vile, that you don't even realize when you are viciously insulting people, and then are truly shocked when people respond in kind.

Or you are one of the worst, most dishonest trolls of all time. Maybe as bad as Lonelaugher.

I'm sorry I had to go there. But you left me no choice.
Trump is going to encourage self-deportation by promising evey illegal immigrant a job in his Mexico shirt factory if they return.
I travel to Mexico quit a bit for work and have witnessed the constantly growing economy. It's not just American companies down there. In fact, from what I've seen, it's mostly Japanese and German car companies fueling the growth.

Good I'm glad you noticed that. I have business in Mexico. But did you noticed the different kind of Mexicans working there and the illegals that here? Most of the Mexicans that has jobs from American companies are young and educated. Illegals that are here a really poor, dirty and uneducated.
Everytime, correll, you homophobe, sexist, and ageist, this is your life. You are a foul and vulgar person, and we are all going to remember that forever.

You are not sorry at all. You have always wanted to go there with men, but that is you.

Now be nice and get nice. This is on you. :lol:

The American people will not anyone deport eleven million people in mass roundups
Trump is going to encourage self-deportation by promising evey illegal immigrant a job in his Mexico shirt factory if they return.
I travel to Mexico quit a bit for work and have witnessed the constantly growing economy. It's not just American companies down there. In fact, from what I've seen, it's mostly Japanese and German car companies fueling the growth.

Good I'm glad you noticed that. I have business in Mexico. But did you noticed the different kind of Mexicans working there and the illegals that here? Most of the Mexicans that has jobs from American companies are young and educated. Illegals that are here a really poor, dirty and uneducated.
Just like so many of our immigrant ancestors and those moving across the frontier for two centuries.
Trump is changing his slogan from, "Make America Great Again", to, "Simple Minds, for Simple Solutions!"

Way to serious and intellectually address complex issues.

As opposed to Trump who is a demagogue who appeals to emotion.

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