Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

....But you can cross the desert along the Southern border as well and not ever see a border patrol.
Understood, but 1) that's risky and 2) to what purpose?:

Drug smuggling? They ain't hiking across the desert with a pound of coke strapped to their legs. They're transporting them in with boats and submersibles by the ton. The "Drug War" costs American taxpayers over 10 Billion a year and all it did was create the Cartels just like Prohibition created the Mafia.

Jobs? Let's discuss E-Verify and locking up illicit employers and renters first before spending 10-15 BILLION dollars a year on a wall.
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Everytime, correll, you homophobe, sexist, and ageist, this is your life. You are a foul and vulgar person, and we are all going to remember that forever.

You are not sorry at all. You have always wanted to go there with men, but that is you.

Now be nice and get nice. This is on you. :lol:

The American people will not anyone deport eleven million people in mass roundups

I posted the quotes in question and you dodge them instead of explaining them.

I was nice to you, nicer than you deserve and you accused me of sucking Trump's dick.

And now YOU are accusing ME of being vulgar?

YOu are a fucking lying asshole.
...Well, when you said you support "gay marriage," I assumed you were referring to government marriage. Is that not the case?
"Gay marriage" is a euphemism for the 1138 Federal rights and benefits given to married couples. The marriage itself is a religious issue. The rights and benefits (e.g. survivorship, tax breaks, parental rights and obligations, etc) are a secular government issue.
"Consequently, as of December 31, 2003, our research identified a total of 1,138 federal statutory provisions classified to the United States Code in which marital status is a factor in determining or receiving benefits, rights, and privileges."

Appendices 1-4 of the linked PDF list the benefits, rights and privileges.

Exactly, you are referring to government "benefits." Why would a libertarian believe that government should treat any of it's citizens differently than other citizens? What basis is pairing up, straight or gay, a reasonable basis for government to reward you with government perks?

There is nothing libertarian about marriage being a government function at all. And there is a better solution that would be available to every citizen for everything government marriage cures. Taxes should be flat, no one should pay a death tax, paternity should be based on genes not marriage certificates, etc. A private contract could specify any monetary agreement. There is nothing that government marriage is needed for. That is a lot more libertarian than government discrimination for people pairing up
You have been a prick, Correll, so this is your life. Donald will fail.

Here is your guy.

Everytime, correll, you homophobe, sexist, and ageist, this is your life. You are a foul and vulgar person, and we are all going to remember that forever.

You are not sorry at all. You have always wanted to go there with men, but that is you.

Now be nice and get nice. This is on you. :lol:

The American people will not anyone deport eleven million people in mass roundups


Americans are too busy watching America's Got Talent.

They have no time for "illegal" brown skinned motherfuckers. Ask those who survived the Nazi Holocaust.

Trump is going to encourage self-deportation by promising evey illegal immigrant a job in his Mexico shirt factory if they return.
I travel to Mexico quit a bit for work and have witnessed the constantly growing economy. It's not just American companies down there. In fact, from what I've seen, it's mostly Japanese and German car companies fueling the growth.

Good I'm glad you noticed that. I have business in Mexico. But did you noticed the different kind of Mexicans working there and the illegals that here? Most of the Mexicans that has jobs from American companies are young and educated. Illegals that are here a really poor, dirty and uneducated.
Just like so many of our immigrant ancestors and those moving across the frontier for two centuries.

Since illegals don't wear signs around their necks, I can't tell the difference between a really poor, dirty and uneducated American and a really poor, dirty and uneducated illegal alien.
You seem to be claiming that your repeated dick sucking accusations were not nasty.
This is the way it will be if you go nasty. You have no alternative. Unless you be nice.

WHo was being nasty to you when you started with the homophobic slurs?

I certainly wasn't.

You just stated being incredibly homophobic out of the blue.
bitch please! you and jimblowme are the very definition of homophobia

I'm not the one accusing other men of sucking dick as a personal attack.

That's Jake. Not me.

You libs are supposedly so concerned about bigotry, but when one of your own is doing it, suddenly you cant' even see it.
what does bill Clintons womanizing have to do with your blatant homophobia ? ............jack shit that's what!

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Jake is accusing Trump supporters of sucking dick as a personal smear.

That's homophobia.

Your words make no sense.
...Well, when you said you support "gay marriage," I assumed you were referring to government marriage. Is that not the case?
"Gay marriage" is a euphemism for the 1138 Federal rights and benefits given to married couples. The marriage itself is a religious issue. The rights and benefits (e.g. survivorship, tax breaks, parental rights and obligations, etc) are a secular government issue.
"Consequently, as of December 31, 2003, our research identified a total of 1,138 federal statutory provisions classified to the United States Code in which marital status is a factor in determining or receiving benefits, rights, and privileges."

Appendices 1-4 of the linked PDF list the benefits, rights and privileges.

Exactly, you are referring to government "benefits." Why would a libertarian believe that government should treat any of it's citizens differently than other citizens? What basis is pairing up, straight or gay, a reasonable basis for government to reward you with government perks?

There is nothing libertarian about marriage being a government function at all. And there is a better solution that would be available to every citizen for everything government marriage cures. Taxes should be flat, no one should pay a death tax, paternity should be based on genes not marriage certificates, etc. A private contract could specify any monetary agreement. There is nothing that government marriage is needed for. That is a lot more libertarian than government discrimination for people pairing up

But marriage IS a legal contract. That's why a legal guarantor is needed.
I am accusing you of being Trump stump sucker, as I believe many of you are.
You have been a prick, Correll, so this is your life. Donald will fail.


I was talking civilly about the issues and you started making accusations of dick sucking.

I'm not the prick here, you asshole.

I've posted the quotes and you've had nothing to say about them.

Lying coward.
This is the way it will be if you go nasty. You have no alternative. Unless you be nice.

WHo was being nasty to you when you started with the homophobic slurs?

I certainly wasn't.

You just stated being incredibly homophobic out of the blue.
bitch please! you and jimblowme are the very definition of homophobia

I'm not the one accusing other men of sucking dick as a personal attack.

That's Jake. Not me.

You libs are supposedly so concerned about bigotry, but when one of your own is doing it, suddenly you cant' even see it.
what does bill Clintons womanizing have to do with your blatant homophobia ? ............jack shit that's what!

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Jake is accusing Trump supporters of sucking dick as a personal smear.

That's homophobia.....

That's ridiculous. No one thinks you are afraid to suck dick. Quite the contrary...

So anyway, no, he won't deport 11 million people.
WHo was being nasty to you when you started with the homophobic slurs?

I certainly wasn't.

You just stated being incredibly homophobic out of the blue.
bitch please! you and jimblowme are the very definition of homophobia

I'm not the one accusing other men of sucking dick as a personal attack.

That's Jake. Not me.

You libs are supposedly so concerned about bigotry, but when one of your own is doing it, suddenly you cant' even see it.
what does bill Clintons womanizing have to do with your blatant homophobia ? ............jack shit that's what!

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Jake is accusing Trump supporters of sucking dick as a personal smear.

That's homophobia.....

That's ridiculous. No one thinks you are afraid to suck dick. Quite the contrary...

So anyway, no, he won't deport 11 million people.
Man up and tell us, Correll.
I am accusing you of being Trump stump sucker, as I believe many of you are.

Yep. Use of an accusation of homosexuality as a personal smear.

That's homophobic, and vulgar and very rude and "nasty".

And you pretend to be the aggrieved party.

WHo was being nasty to you when you started with the homophobic slurs?

I certainly wasn't.

You just stated being incredibly homophobic out of the blue.
bitch please! you and jimblowme are the very definition of homophobia

I'm not the one accusing other men of sucking dick as a personal attack.

That's Jake. Not me.

You libs are supposedly so concerned about bigotry, but when one of your own is doing it, suddenly you cant' even see it.
what does bill Clintons womanizing have to do with your blatant homophobia ? ............jack shit that's what!

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Jake is accusing Trump supporters of sucking dick as a personal smear.

That's homophobia.....

That's ridiculous. No one thinks you are afraid to suck dick. Quite the contrary...

So anyway, no, he won't deport 11 million people.

I'm disappointed in you. I expect such behavior from Jake.

Your smear was homophobic too.

And if elected, I am sure he will try to deport 11 million illegals.

He might be stopped by the Courts or Congress, but that will be on them.
....But you can cross the desert along the Southern border as well and not ever see a border patrol.
Understood, but 1) that's risky and 2) to what purpose?:

1. Yes, it is risky. Some people are adrenalin junkies. Some are just desperate to get across the border fast with little likelihood of getting stopped, though the situation is fluid.

2. Why do people want to enter the US but cant go through border check points?

Jobs? Let's discuss E-Verify and locking up illicit employers.

E-Verify has problems, mostly regarding what employers can do when they think the documentation presented is hinky, but we need to do something of that sort, agreed.
bitch please! you and jimblowme are the very definition of homophobia

I'm not the one accusing other men of sucking dick as a personal attack.

That's Jake. Not me.

You libs are supposedly so concerned about bigotry, but when one of your own is doing it, suddenly you cant' even see it.
what does bill Clintons womanizing have to do with your blatant homophobia ? ............jack shit that's what!

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Jake is accusing Trump supporters of sucking dick as a personal smear.

That's homophobia.....

That's ridiculous. No one thinks you are afraid to suck dick. Quite the contrary...

So anyway, no, he won't deport 11 million people.

I'm disappointed in you. I expect such behavior from Jake. Your smear was homophobic too. And if elected, I am sure he will try to deport 11 million illegals. He might be stopped by the Courts or Congress, but that will be on them.
Nah, he won't even try, Correll. He is only talking about "suggestions."

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