Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

That is incorrect. Jobs are available now and there are some shortages of workers
I don't see American going for those jobs.
Feel free to provide evidence...and I'm not just talking about Bernie speeches.

That said, a worker shortage doesn't justify you supporting the victimization and exploitation of illegal immigrants. Why not support immigration reform? Worker visas? Why do you support illegal immigrants who can be exploited for profit and not lawful workers who have the protection of the law?

I'm in the business of medical instruments, consumables and reagents. I do not have illegal employees but I have lots of legal Asian, Hispanic middle easterners, Russian immigrants............... My company is predominantly white Americans....... but when it comes to blood products, warehouse, refrigeration and janitorial jobs......... my fellow Americans are none existent.
Some applied and take the jobs but most they do not last long or quit the next day. I know tons of other business owners like hospitals, hotels, manufacturing operations etc. are also facing the same problem. As I said jobs are available now but where are they?
I also know several small business owners like mom and pop shops that hire illegals............ They are facing shortages of workers and are willing to hire Americans or anybody but where are they?
I do not support illegal immigration and I do not support deportation.
I support immigration reform and that is where I stand.

"Immigration reform" is a code word meaning "amnesty."

Agreed, and fuck that shit.

Ive known you as a racist asshole bastard...... Your credibility and your opinion is nothing but garbage.
This is the way it will be if you go nasty. You have no alternative. Unless you be nice.

WHo was being nasty to you when you started with the homophobic slurs?

I certainly wasn't.

You just stated being incredibly homophobic out of the blue.
bitch please! you and jimblowme are the very definition of homophobia

I'm not the one accusing other men of sucking dick as a personal attack.

That's Jake. Not me.

You libs are supposedly so concerned about bigotry, but when one of your own is doing it, suddenly you cant' even see it.
what does bill Clintons womanizing have to do with your blatant homophobia ? ............jack shit that's what!

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Jake is accusing Trump supporters of sucking dick as a personal smear.

That's homophobia.

Your words make no sense.
sure they don't
It's government laws and regulations. A contract is something you negotiate with someone. It's not something government dictates and can change at will

Lol, wait and think about this for a second....the government can pretty much force you to 'voluntarily' sign a contract just like you 'voluntarily' pay your income taxes.

I'm not sure what your point is
bitch please! you and jimblowme are the very definition of homophobia

I'm not the one accusing other men of sucking dick as a personal attack.

That's Jake. Not me.

You libs are supposedly so concerned about bigotry, but when one of your own is doing it, suddenly you cant' even see it.
what does bill Clintons womanizing have to do with your blatant homophobia ? ............jack shit that's what!

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Jake is accusing Trump supporters of sucking dick as a personal smear.

That's homophobia.....

That's ridiculous. No one thinks you are afraid to suck dick. Quite the contrary...

So anyway, no, he won't deport 11 million people.

I'm disappointed in you. I expect such behavior from Jake.

Your smear was homophobic too.

And if elected, I am sure he will try to deport 11 million illegals.

He might be stopped by the Courts or Congress, but that will be on them.
why is it when you are getting your ass handed to you go all catholic school nun?
...Well, when you said you support "gay marriage," I assumed you were referring to government marriage. Is that not the case?
"Gay marriage" is a euphemism for the 1138 Federal rights and benefits given to married couples. The marriage itself is a religious issue. The rights and benefits (e.g. survivorship, tax breaks, parental rights and obligations, etc) are a secular government issue.
"Consequently, as of December 31, 2003, our research identified a total of 1,138 federal statutory provisions classified to the United States Code in which marital status is a factor in determining or receiving benefits, rights, and privileges."

Appendices 1-4 of the linked PDF list the benefits, rights and privileges.

Exactly, you are referring to government "benefits." Why would a libertarian believe that government should treat any of it's citizens differently than other citizens? What basis is pairing up, straight or gay, a reasonable basis for government to reward you with government perks?

There is nothing libertarian about marriage being a government function at all. And there is a better solution that would be available to every citizen for everything government marriage cures. Taxes should be flat, no one should pay a death tax, paternity should be based on genes not marriage certificates, etc. A private contract could specify any monetary agreement. There is nothing that government marriage is needed for. That is a lot more libertarian than government discrimination for people pairing up

But marriage IS a legal contract. That's why a legal guarantor is needed.

It's government laws and regulations. A contract is something you negotiate with someone. It's not something government dictates and can change at will

If two parties negotiate a contract, there has to be an authority to enforce it or impose punishment or the contract is meaningless.

Yes, and we have civil courts in this country who enforce contracts.

Government marriage has nothing to do with being a contract. Government determines who qualifies, government even gives perks. It's not a contract between two parties, it's a government program you apply for
It's government laws and regulations. A contract is something you negotiate with someone. It's not something government dictates and can change at will

Lol, wait and think about this for a second....the government can pretty much force you to 'voluntarily' sign a contract just like you 'voluntarily' pay your income taxes.

I'm not sure what your point is
That the feds can dictate a contract and compel you to sign it, which you said that they could not do.
I am accusing you of being Trump stump sucker, as I believe many of you are.
Yep. Use of an accusation of homosexuality as a personal smear. That's homophobic, and vulgar and very rude and "nasty". And you pretend to be the aggrieved party. Troll.
Yup because you were being a trolling asshole. This is your life, Correll.

How exactly was I being a troll?

By pointing out that your sexual imagery did not reflect on us, but on you for using it?

That's not being a troll, that's calling you on your homophobic bullshit.
who the fuck is us .?
Jake is talking only to you.
using the imaginary us the same way you use the imaginary we is absolute chicken shit.
I'm not the one accusing other men of sucking dick as a personal attack.

That's Jake. Not me.

You libs are supposedly so concerned about bigotry, but when one of your own is doing it, suddenly you cant' even see it.
what does bill Clintons womanizing have to do with your blatant homophobia ? ............jack shit that's what!

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Jake is accusing Trump supporters of sucking dick as a personal smear.

That's homophobia.....

That's ridiculous. No one thinks you are afraid to suck dick. Quite the contrary...

So anyway, no, he won't deport 11 million people.

I'm disappointed in you. I expect such behavior from Jake.

Your smear was homophobic too.

And if elected, I am sure he will try to deport 11 million illegals.

He might be stopped by the Courts or Congress, but that will be on them.

Gee, that's going to be expensive . Can we try incinerating them alive like the Nazis did in Germany and Waco?

at Waco they barbequed themselves. fail!
It's government laws and regulations. A contract is something you negotiate with someone. It's not something government dictates and can change at will

Lol, wait and think about this for a second....the government can pretty much force you to 'voluntarily' sign a contract just like you 'voluntarily' pay your income taxes.

I'm not sure what your point is
That the feds can dictate a contract and compel you to sign it, which you said that they could not do.

No I didn't say that. I said it's not a contract, it's not an agreement between two parties. It's a program government created and run by government and government provides additional perks. It's not an agreement between you and your spouse. It's an agreement between you, your spouse, your politician and your bureaucrat
It's government laws and regulations. A contract is something you negotiate with someone. It's not something government dictates and can change at will

Lol, wait and think about this for a second....the government can pretty much force you to 'voluntarily' sign a contract just like you 'voluntarily' pay your income taxes.

I'm not sure what your point is
That the feds can dictate a contract and compel you to sign it, which you said that they could not do.

No I didn't say that. I said it's not a contract, it's not an agreement between two parties. It's a program government created and run by government and government provides additional perks. It's not an agreement between you and your spouse. It's an agreement between you, your spouse, your politician and your bureaucrat

I mostly agree with you, but you are missing the point. The government defines what things are, and if they want to force you to 'voluntarily' enter a 'contract' then that is what they will do, compel everyone to call it that and pretend that it is a genuine voluntary contract.
It's government laws and regulations. A contract is something you negotiate with someone. It's not something government dictates and can change at will

Lol, wait and think about this for a second....the government can pretty much force you to 'voluntarily' sign a contract just like you 'voluntarily' pay your income taxes.

I'm not sure what your point is
That the feds can dictate a contract and compel you to sign it, which you said that they could not do.

No I didn't say that. I said it's not a contract, it's not an agreement between two parties. It's a program government created and run by government and government provides additional perks. It's not an agreement between you and your spouse. It's an agreement between you, your spouse, your politician and your bureaucrat

I mostly agree with you, but you are missing the point. The government defines what things are, and if they want to force you to 'voluntarily' enter a 'contract' then that is what they will do, compel everyone to call it that and pretend that it is a genuine voluntary contract.

I still don't know what you're talking about with government forcing you into a voluntary contract. I didn't say that, who are you addressing?
what does bill Clintons womanizing have to do with your blatant homophobia ? ............jack shit that's what!

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Jake is accusing Trump supporters of sucking dick as a personal smear.

That's homophobia.....

That's ridiculous. No one thinks you are afraid to suck dick. Quite the contrary...

So anyway, no, he won't deport 11 million people.

I'm disappointed in you. I expect such behavior from Jake.

Your smear was homophobic too.

And if elected, I am sure he will try to deport 11 million illegals.

He might be stopped by the Courts or Congress, but that will be on them.

Gee, that's going to be expensive . Can we try incinerating them alive like the Nazis did in Germany and Waco?

at Waco they barbequed themselves. fail!

Oh, I see they lived there forever but waited until the federal gestapo was at their premises to bbq themselves? Hummmmm

The government supremacists/stupid fucks never cease to amaze me.

FBI to acknowledge firing potentially flammable devices at Waco
Let me get this straight to both of you.......... Illegals are NOT taking over jobs in a corporate world. That is impossible......... Most work in a mom and pop shops......... There is no such thing that an illegal working in the hospitals.
Are you against E-Verify? Why? Do you favor illegals being exploited for profit?

Are you bullshitting or simply naive? Corporate or hospitals, both need minimum wage employees to clean toilets, wax hallways and other menial labor usually done at night and subtracted to a service. The corporation/hospital is just as guilty of illegal immigrant exploitation as the subcontracted service, but they have "plausible deniability" by looking the other way.

Where in my PISS that I say I'm against E-verify? What made you think these mom and pop shop owners will even know what is e beri beri means.
Hospitals and other corporations that hired subcontractors........... LIKE ME............. Go to a strict guide lines and audits making sure subcontractors do not commit anything illegal. That include labor, financing work environment, child labor etc etc. I hire subcontractors and we audited them by surprise.
I know lots of corporations and hospitals. Don't me give me that crap acting like we ALL part in committing crimes.
Let me repeat....... These illegals are not taking over high paying jobs or even work in the corporations or hospitals. Keep that in mind.
"Gay marriage" is a euphemism for the 1138 Federal rights and benefits given to married couples. The marriage itself is a religious issue. The rights and benefits (e.g. survivorship, tax breaks, parental rights and obligations, etc) are a secular government issue.
"Consequently, as of December 31, 2003, our research identified a total of 1,138 federal statutory provisions classified to the United States Code in which marital status is a factor in determining or receiving benefits, rights, and privileges."

Appendices 1-4 of the linked PDF list the benefits, rights and privileges.

Exactly, you are referring to government "benefits." Why would a libertarian believe that government should treat any of it's citizens differently than other citizens? What basis is pairing up, straight or gay, a reasonable basis for government to reward you with government perks?

There is nothing libertarian about marriage being a government function at all. And there is a better solution that would be available to every citizen for everything government marriage cures. Taxes should be flat, no one should pay a death tax, paternity should be based on genes not marriage certificates, etc. A private contract could specify any monetary agreement. There is nothing that government marriage is needed for. That is a lot more libertarian than government discrimination for people pairing up

But marriage IS a legal contract. That's why a legal guarantor is needed.

It's government laws and regulations. A contract is something you negotiate with someone. It's not something government dictates and can change at will

If two parties negotiate a contract, there has to be an authority to enforce it or impose punishment or the contract is meaningless.

Yes, and we have civil courts in this country who enforce contracts. .....

= the government
..... Government determines who qualifies......

The government determines who can participate in all contracts and which terms can or cannot be a part of any contract. It is what it is.
The WALL will stop the illegals from returning.
The serious crackdown on business who use illegal labor will mean a lot of self-deportation.
The problem with a physical wall, besides the Patton quote regarding fixed fortifications, is that people will just go around it by boat or enter the US legally, but stay illegally:

Rubio says 40% of illegal immigrants stayed in the U.S. after their visas expired
In January 2003, INS released an updated report that said 33 percent of the illegal immigrant population in 2000 had entered the country legally. A 2004 report from the General Accounting Office, based on 2000 data, gave estimates on visa overstays ranging from 27 percent to 31 percent to 57 percent.

Agreed 100% on cracking down on those who profit from illegal immigration. That is a much more viable solution since putting a handful in prison and confiscating their businesses will persuade the majority of other business owners to change their illegal habits.

"Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man"
-- General George S. Patton​

If by "going around" the people in question have to go into the deep desert, that greatly increases the difficulty of getting into the country, AND makes it easier for the Border Patrol to catch them.

And Patton was a great general.

At a very specific time in history when military technology favored fast aggressive offense.

There were plenty of times in history when the opposite was true.

They didn't build castles because they didn't work.

As I said you are obsolete........ Last year 117 Mexicans died from crossing the border. That doesn't even count the people that was rescued close from dying. Illegals going back to Mexico to attend special occasions like death or wedding cannot make it back to US. Some were caught 17 times and deported 17 times. Illegals crossings are just a trickle. Please keep your small head updated.
Plus catching those who have absolutely no intention of being caught.

What percentage of criminals intend to be caught?

IMO, a layered defense and enforcement of current laws would be both cheaper and more effective than a wall.

The minute some Dim gets into office, that will end. The wall can't be made to disappear at the stroke of a pen.

And your solution would not be more effective. If it was, then Israel would be doing it in the West bank.

Walls work. End of story.
Plus catching those who have absolutely no intention of being caught.

What percentage of criminals intend to be caught?

IMO, a layered defense and enforcement of current laws would be both cheaper and more effective than a wall.

The minute some Dim gets into office, that will end. The wall can't be made to disappear at the stroke of a pen.

And your solution would not be more effective. If it was, then Israel would be doing it in the West bank.

Walls work. End of story.
Nope, they don't very well, and, nope, it is not.

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