Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Kaz, have you every even BEEN to the Mexican Border? I live on the Mexican border. There is no infrastructure. There are no roads, no electricity, no water, no sewage, no houses, no gas stations, no stores, No place for people to live and no people who want to live there if they HAD infrastructure.

And what do you think that means in terms of not having a wall? That's why illegals flow across the border by the millions

Last 3 to 5 years our BP has done a tremendous job in securing our borders. Right now it's just a trickle. Wall is just a waste.
At the same time there are about 500k tourists visa violations from last year.

More horseshit. When the BP catches illegals crossing the border, the let them go into the general population. They aren't stopping anything. You spout all the same lies the Obama administration puts out. You're nothing but a propaganda organ.

What the fuck are you talking about. Why do you lie? Do you have link to support your bullshit?

Yes, you don't need links to support your arguments, he needs links to refute your arguments, LOL.

There are 11 million illegals and nothing has changed with security. No matter how many are coming across now, there are various factors that ebb and flow. It will flow again. Another DOA argument by you.

Also, the wall would have a significant effect on drug running. You know how many kids get hooked don illegal drugs in this country and what it does to them?

Dude you are blind or just plain ignorant like your cartel.

What we know about illegal immigration from Mexico

U.S. border apprehensions of Mexicans fall to historic lows
Plus catching those who have absolutely no intention of being caught.

What percentage of criminals intend to be caught?

IMO, a layered defense and enforcement of current laws would be both
Yes cheaper and more effective than a wall.

The minute some Dim gets into office, that will end. The wall can't be made to disappear at the stroke of a pen.

And your solution would not be more effective. If it was, then Israel would be doing it in the West bank.

Walls work. End of story.
Nope, they don't very well, and, nope, it is not.

Yes, walls do work, douche bag. The fact simply isn't disputable.
Plus catching those who have absolutely no intention of being caught.

What percentage of criminals intend to be caught?

IMO, a layered defense and enforcement of current laws would be both
Yes cheaper and more effective than a wall.

The minute some Dim gets into office, that will end. The wall can't be made to disappear at the stroke of a pen.

And your solution would not be more effective. If it was, then Israel would be doing it in the West bank.

Walls work. End of story.
Nope, they don't very well, and, nope, it is not.

Yes, walls do work, douche bag. The fact simply isn't disputable.
Of course it is disputable along with your sanity.
Plus catching those who have absolutely no intention of being caught.

What percentage of criminals intend to be caught?

IMO, a layered defense and enforcement of current laws would be both
Yes cheaper and more effective than a wall.

The minute some Dim gets into office, that will end. The wall can't be made to disappear at the stroke of a pen.

And your solution would not be more effective. If it was, then Israel would be doing it in the West bank.

Walls work. End of story.
Nope, they don't very well, and, nope, it is not.

Yes, walls do work, douche bag. The fact simply isn't disputable.
Of course it is disputable along with your sanity.
Idiots can dispute anything.
Exactly, you are referring to government "benefits." Why would a libertarian believe that government should treat any of it's citizens differently than other citizens? What basis is pairing up, straight or gay, a reasonable basis for government to reward you with government perks?

There is nothing libertarian about marriage being a government function at all. And there is a better solution that would be available to every citizen for everything government marriage cures. Taxes should be flat, no one should pay a death tax, paternity should be based on genes not marriage certificates, etc. A private contract could specify any monetary agreement. There is nothing that government marriage is needed for. That is a lot more libertarian than government discrimination for people pairing up

But marriage IS a legal contract. That's why a legal guarantor is needed.

It's government laws and regulations. A contract is something you negotiate with someone. It's not something government dictates and can change at will

If two parties negotiate a contract, there has to be an authority to enforce it or impose punishment or the contract is meaningless.

Yes, and we have civil courts in this country who enforce contracts. .....

= the government

True, civil courts are the government. I have no idea what your point is
Plus catching those who have absolutely no intention of being caught.

What percentage of criminals intend to be caught?

IMO, a layered defense and enforcement of current laws would be both
Yes cheaper and more effective than a wall.

The minute some Dim gets into office, that will end. The wall can't be made to disappear at the stroke of a pen.

And your solution would not be more effective. If it was, then Israel would be doing it in the West bank.

Walls work. End of story.
Nope, they don't very well, and, nope, it is not.

Yes, walls do work, douche bag. The fact simply isn't disputable.
Of course it is disputable along with your sanity.

Walls do work. Mexicans have NOT yet found out how to dig tunnels.

..... Government determines who qualifies......

The government determines who can participate in all contracts and which terms can or cannot be a part of any contract. It is what it is.

So you don't see the difference between:

1) Two parties agree to a contract and all they do is use civil courts to sue them if the other side breaches their side of the contract and the contract can only be amended or cancelled if the two parties agree

2) Government defines marriage, government changes that definition at will, government says when and how the contract can be terminated and government provides special recognition and perks.

Seriously, you don't see the difference?
What percentage of criminals intend to be caught?

IMO, a layered defense and enforcement of current laws would be both
Yes cheaper and more effective than a wall.

The minute some Dim gets into office, that will end. The wall can't be made to disappear at the stroke of a pen.

And your solution would not be more effective. If it was, then Israel would be doing it in the West bank.

Walls work. End of story.
Nope, they don't very well, and, nope, it is not.

Yes, walls do work, douche bag. The fact simply isn't disputable.
Of course it is disputable along with your sanity.

Walls do work. Mexicans have NOT yet found out how to dig tunnels.


But marriage IS a legal contract. That's why a legal guarantor is needed.
CAN be, not IS.

I was at a gay wedding with my girlfriend (her friends) in Key West around 1995. After the ceremony, were they married or not?

I believe they were married. Just because the US government didn't recognize the marriage as "legal" and, therefore, refused to grant them tax breaks and other rights, benefits and privileges doesn't mean they weren't married.
Today if they get married again, sure. Not only CAN BE but IS are the facts of the matter right now.
Not following your point. Were the two gay men I witnessed being married in Key West married or not? Do you think marriage is strictly a government institution or a personal right? Do you think government has a "right" to dictate and enforce beliefs between two (or more) consenting, sound-minded adults?
That would be a tiny number of jobs.
Illegals didn't cause companies to outsource their manufacturing.
Would you pick fruit and vegetables for the wages they get?
You might have to if that kind of mass deportation happens or pay huge amounts for fresh food.

If I had to survive and have money to pay my bills, of course. Anyone would.
Illegal US Immigrants Pay Billions in Taxes, But Is It Enough? « All About America

Immigrants do jobs natives won’t do

Your liberal blogs don't carry any weight. Plenty of people would do those jobs. Jackass.

I've personally done many of the jobs they say Americans won't do.

My ex boyfriend worked construction, as a laborer. He used to have to jump in ditches with the excavator and dig by hand, those areas that the excavator could not. He would come home blackened from dirt in the 90 degree plus weather. Tell me that's not harder than picking effing fruit!

Since when someone dig ditches by hand all day? Your bf as a reference is only one but how many of those that really do these jobs? How much does a constructor pay compare the fruit picking?
The minute some Dim gets into office, that will end. The wall can't be made to disappear at the stroke of a pen.

And your solution would not be more effective. If it was, then Israel would be doing it in the West bank.

Walls work. End of story.
Nope, they don't very well, and, nope, it is not.

Yes, walls do work, douche bag. The fact simply isn't disputable.
Of course it is disputable along with your sanity.

Walls do work. Mexicans have NOT yet found out how to dig tunnels.



Funny is more like it. Chill out, dawg.
Those people were all picked up and sent back where they came from.
Correct. Those are the caughted. If I showed pictures of arrested pickpockets, does this mean all pickpockets are picked up and arrested? Of course not.

A wall has limited effectiveness. Yes, it can be effective to a degree, but is it really worth 10-15 BILLION dollars a year forever? Are there better, more cost effective solutions? Yes, as stated several times previously.

1. Didn't you say previously that you favor immigration reform and amnesty?
2. We are already doing a very good job securing our borders. Illegal crossings are now just a trickle.
3. Wall is just a waste.
2) Government defines marriage, government changes that definition at will, government says when and how the contract can be terminated and government provides special recognition and perks.

Seriously, you don't see the difference?
I know it's been awhile since I've been here, so I'm still getting used to all the personalities, but are you a Left Wing authoritarian who believes government is God? Why else would you say something like "Government defines" and "government says when and how"
...You posted a diatribe but nothing showing how the federal government lawfully acquired the authority to deport our undocumented alien friends.
Your impression that non-citizens can wander freely into the US is wrong. Fascinating, but wrong.
Dude, it happens every day. Mostly along the Canadian border as not every street has a border check point.

Knew a guy who used to live in Maine and he told me of times he wandered across the border then had an 'oh shit' moment as he was in violation of many Canadian laws, usually.

But you can cross the desert along the Southern border as well and not ever see a border patrol.

I thought you get smarter mentioning how easy it is crossing the northern border...............
Then you came back down how stupid and ignorant are you in the south.
....But you can cross the desert along the Southern border as well and not ever see a border patrol.
Understood, but 1) that's risky and 2) to what purpose?:

Drug smuggling? They ain't hiking across the desert with a pound of coke strapped to their legs. They're transporting them in with boats and submersibles by the ton. The "Drug War" costs American taxpayers over 10 Billion a year and all it did was create the Cartels just like Prohibition created the Mafia.

Jobs? Let's discuss E-Verify and locking up illicit employers and renters first before spending 10-15 BILLION dollars a year on a wall.

JimBowel and his cronies like Dannyboys, correll and Brifart is more of the same ignorant, racist assholes bulshitter.

2) Government defines marriage, government changes that definition at will, government says when and how the contract can be terminated and government provides special recognition and perks......

Government determines who can enter into contracts and under what terms. No difference.
Nope, they don't very well, and, nope, it is not.

Yes, walls do work, douche bag. The fact simply isn't disputable.
Of course it is disputable along with your sanity.

Walls do work. Mexicans have NOT yet found out how to dig tunnels.



Funny is more like it. Chill out, dawg.

You see saying "lame" as emotionally charged? How high strung are you? When your mommy asks if you want more vegetables do you lose it?

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