Couldn't Trump win by proposing one simple question?...."Do you want your state to become the next California?"

i think the loser would be a good democrat politician myself....he and AOC would make for such a cute

Why...because we both believe that Americans deserve to be fucked over by foreign invaders?
To bad the natives did not enact civil rights legislation first, right?

This land was conquered by WHITE Britts and founded by WHITE Europeans...They’re native to America.
Sucks for you huh?
Couldn't Biden win just by proposing one simple question? you want to suffer through another four years of this dumpster fire.

Sure, but NOBODY legitimate has “suffered” on Trumps watch...Shit, even the negroes were killing it for once.
Well it doesn't matter because Trump can't win.
The Democrats have screwed up all these great American cities with incompetent and sicko anti American values Left Wing leadership.

They have screwed up States like New York and California where they have a sizeable margin. For instance, in California they don't have electricity because of the wacko Democrat mandates on the stupid "renewable energy"

They would love to do the same thing to all of the US. Turn it into a Venezuela if they could get away with it.

Democrats are the scum of this country. You would have to be a real idiot to vote for one. Even the ones that claim they are moderate. They are lying to you.
How many states embrace the notion of becoming the next California

It can't be that bad when even you choose to live here in California.

It’s not that bad for anybody who can afford to live like I do on the coast...The human cockroaches can’t afford the water bill in my city...I’m completely insulated from the filth.

Then how do you know you're speaking for them?

You enjoy living in California.
The one party ruled state that has legalized ballot stuffing and voter fraud has shut down most means of energy production in the state other than so called renewable "clean" energy and now the once golden state has rolling blackouts due to an inadequate grid....and power supply....

Liberal or conservative Trump fan or hater you do not want this in your state.......
How many states embrace the notion of becoming the next California / North Mexico?

So are you asking how many people want their states economies to grow to be equal with the fifth largest economy in the world? To have an incredibly diverse economy?

That type of 'Becoming the next California'???
Your premise is that California is "bad," but dumb people, like me, are not sure what all leads to it being bad. I think of New York as being "bad." I think everybody has known that New York has a corrupt government, and the same with Chicago; and you are thinking that there is some way to compel change by pointing out something that they have known for a long time, already???

You make a good Democrat politician.

Are you familiar with the Seventeenth Amendment - it covers up the problem of states in disarray.
The 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Bad amendment.
The reason CA sucks so much is because of all of the New Yorkers that moved there.

If you see anyone moving into your neighborhood from CA, NY, NJ, CO, WA, OR, VT, CT, MI, MN, PA, DL, WI, or Washington DC,.... call the cops. Get them out and down the road before they bugger the town all to Hell.
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Your premise is that California is "bad," but dumb people, like me, are not sure what all leads to it being bad. I think of New York as being "bad." I think everybody has known that New York has a corrupt government, and the same with Chicago; and you are thinking that there is some way to compel change by pointing out something that they have known for a long time, already???

You make a good Democrat politician.

Are you familiar with the Seventeenth Amendment - it covers up the problem of states in disarray.
The 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Bad amendment.

Don't think any reasonable people want to live in a one party state. I left after YEARS of playing defense against overwhelming odds about bad Dem policy out there as a Libertarian.. We were the ONLY folks writing the "Official Voter's Handbook" opposition statements to all the bad bond issues and voting reforms..

Funny that you mention the 17th Amendment because the "revolutionaries" out that spend more time working on MAKING Cali a one party state than do governing, FINALLY FIXED the "17th Amendment that YOU think is a problem.. We FOUGHT the "Top Two" primary system on the Proposition ballot TWICE while I was there and WON.. About 2010, after I left -- they MADE IT LAW...

So NOW -- NO ONE is allowed to appear on a Nov General ballot that DID NOT FINISH in the "Top 2 - Jungle" primary.. Kamala Harris and ANOTHER DEM were the only choices on the ballot... Not a Repub, 3rd party, Indie, whacked out Elvis impersonator was ALLOWED to be a choice...

It is NOW -- a one party state..

Far worse outcome than the 17th Amendment.. Because it's ANTI-democratic removing all choices from a ballot..

Dems can't manage money or tolerate the slightest risk.. RISK is a fear word to them.. And as a result, they cant DESIGN programs or fixes that are sane and efficient and WITHIN THE LIMITED capabilities of politicians to manage and do oversight on...
Your premise is that California is "bad," but dumb people, like me, are not sure what all leads to it being bad. I think of New York as being "bad." I think everybody has known that New York has a corrupt government, and the same with Chicago; and you are thinking that there is some way to compel change by pointing out something that they have known for a long time, already???

You make a good Democrat politician.

Are you familiar with the Seventeenth Amendment - it covers up the problem of states in disarray.
The 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Bad amendment.
You're trying hard to make this complicated and's not.
Mexifornia has become a place of feast or famine, a place where good, productive, normal, REAL Americans do not fit in, a place where one must be bilingual to earn a living, a place where every single blue collar trade is whored out by anchor babies, a place where one must wait in line behind illegal aliens to gain access to ANY public and or social services....I could go on and on but I'm guessing you're starting to understand by now?
a place where one must wait in line behind illegal aliens to gain access to ANY public and or social services...
now that is pretty fucking true....
Stanard tin foil hat talking point..illegals get everything free in California..yada.yada..yada. Not true but that is the belief in the right wing universe of alternate facts.
how long have you lived there benny?....
Your premise is that California is "bad," but dumb people, like me, are not sure what all leads to it being bad. I think of New York as being "bad." I think everybody has known that New York has a corrupt government, and the same with Chicago; and you are thinking that there is some way to compel change by pointing out something that they have known for a long time, already???

You make a good Democrat politician.

Are you familiar with the Seventeenth Amendment - it covers up the problem of states in disarray.
The 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Bad amendment.
You're trying hard to make this complicated and's not.
Mexifornia has become a place of feast or famine, a place where good, productive, normal, REAL Americans do not fit in, a place where one must be bilingual to earn a living, a place where every single blue collar trade is whored out by anchor babies, a place where one must wait in line behind illegal aliens to gain access to ANY public and or social services....I could go on and on but I'm guessing you're starting to understand by now?
a place where one must wait in line behind illegal aliens to gain access to ANY public and or social services...
now that is pretty fucking true....
In right wing fantasy, everything you say is Always right.

Golden State Billionaires: California’s Richest Residents 2020
what the fuck do billionaires have to do with what is being discussed?...
i think the loser would be a good democrat politician myself....he and AOC would make for such a cute

Why...because we both believe that Americans deserve to be fucked over by foreign invaders?
To bad the natives did not enact civil rights legislation first, right?

This land was conquered by WHITE Britts and founded by WHITE Europeans...They’re native to America.
Sucks for you huh?
danny doesnt even know where Ellis island is.....the guy is lost....
Million dollar house in California...
Million dollar house in the midwest...

Enough said.
Couldn't Biden win just by proposing one simple question? you want to suffer through another four years of this dumpster fire.

Sure, but NOBODY legitimate has “suffered” on Trumps watch...Shit, even the negroes were killing it for once.
He means the communist democrats will stop hyping Chinese virus as a killer. The communist democrats will allow some favored businesses to open. Where even the communists will fail is in ending the riots they encouraged. There is no way to stop that now. The enemy has had a taste of human sacrifice and they like it.

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