Country First!

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Just another lie by the radical conservative coalition intent on transforming our nation's descent further into a Plutocracy.

Shutdown threat puts heat on House GOP

It doesn't take genius to understand the entire battle over the ACA is an effort by the GOP to protect the rich and powerful who profit from illness and injury. Anyone who can read and would chose to do so would so understand by simply reading "Time Magazine's" Special Report:

Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us |

Here's a primer:
Obamacare: Time Magazine "Bitter Pill"
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Time Magazine?

Another democrat trustworthy news source.

Do you have a source for news / current events you trust?

It's sad yet funny that Katndogz, one of the most partisan and mendacious members of the echo chamber engaged in calumny directed at Time Magazine. Only the mentally challenged or mendacious partisans would respond to a factual article as did s/he.
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There are several possible explanations as to why the Pubs are taking this approach...

1. protecting Big Healthcare Money

2. protecting Business (including the Small ones)

3. protecting Joe Average American and his right to choose (or not choose)

4. keeping the Feds from intruding still further into the healthcare sector

5. wanting to stop this ill-considered, hastily-ramrodded legislation from reaching full operative effect, before it can inflict irreversible and incalculable damage in several quarters

6. desiring to kill Obama's signature piece of legislation

Based on what little I know of the Obamacare animal so far, this thing looks like an abortion.

"To err is human. To really fuck things up requires the Federal government."

The Feds can't even secure our borders or enforce our existing laws in any of a half-dozen focal areas.

Whatever-in-the-world makes us think that they aren't going to fuck this up as well?

Healthcare is too important to be left to the Federal Government, and I don't think we need to be setting Legal Precedents that pave the way for still further intrusions and an eventual Nationalized Healthcare System like some of the Europeans are obliged to deal with, compounded by high taxes.

I have some modest sympathy with the concept of a national healthcare system of some kind...

Well-thought-out, making good provision for all, and with the support of the people...

That's not what's happening here, with ObamaCare, no matter how one spins it...

I have mixed feelings both about the Pubs holding Government hostage to the defunding of ObamaCare, and to killing-off ObamaCare itself...

But the whole concept needs a second look, and a lot more thinking, and, in all probability, a lot of tweaking, and a readiness to go that does NOT extend delays and exemptions to affected businesses, before we actually try to launch such a thing...

If the Obamacare critter is not yet ready for Prime-Time, then, perhaps it's best to kill The Beast after all...

Right or wrong, that's the way a lot of folks (myself included) are perceiving the situation at the moment...

The Pubs aren't being Evil or only attentive to the almighty dollar here... their concerns are genuine, as are those of millions upon millions of ordinary Americans.

Demonizing them for such doubts and concerns and for the exercising of their prerogative to force the issue, is not going to help the situation.
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Seems even Boehner no longer pretends he and the Republicans in the H. of Rep. put our Country First. His comments today were reprehensible; his refusal to bring to a vote Immigration, the Senate Budget passed months ago, and stated effort to repeal Obamacare is pure politics. He doesn't care who gets hurt. And his claim our government can no longer be trusted gives aid and comfort to Iran and N. Korea, the AQ and others who wish our nation and its people harm.
Seriously you are on a political forum and don't know what the ACA is?

And country is not first my family is.
obama's done

Hey shit stain wry. The ACA (obamacare) is law of the land obama is trying to change that law on his own he can't do that So who is putting country first?
Just another lie by the radical conservative coalition intent on transforming our nation's descent further into a Plutocracy.

Shutdown threat puts heat on House GOP

It doesn't take genius to understand the entire battle over the ACA is an effort by the GOP to protect the rich and powerful who profit from illness and injury. Anyone who can read and would chose to do so would so understand by simply reading "Time Magazine's" Special Report:

Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us |

Here's a primer:
Obamacare: Time Magazine "Bitter Pill"

It only looks like we're laughing at you, inside, we're really paying close attention to people who worship the most Imperial US "President" ever
Hey shit stain wry. The ACA (obamacare) is law of the land obama is trying to change that law on his own he can't do that So who is putting country first?

Gee, I would hope that even an ignoramus like you, who post on a message board such as this, would understand how laws are implemented. Have you ever heard of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)? If not I suggest you take a course in U.S. Government and find out. Otherwise some might find your comments not simply ignorant but a product of low intelligence.

Since I pity you I'll give you an 'executive summary', don't worry about its meaning, since I have no doubt you've never been provided one.

Every regulation in the CFR is directly related to a law passed by the Congress. . The regulations spell out in detail how the executive branch will interpret the law.
Hey shit stain wry. The ACA (obamacare) is law of the land obama is trying to change that law on his own he can't do that So who is putting country first?

Gee, I would hope that even an ignoramus like you, who post on a message board such as this, would understand how laws are implemented. Have you ever heard of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)? If not I suggest you take a course in U.S. Government and find out. Otherwise some might find your comments not simply ignorant but a product of low intelligence.

Since I pity you I'll give you an 'executive summary', don't worry about its meaning, since I have no doubt you've never been provided one.

Every regulation in the CFR is directly related to a law passed by the Congress. . The regulations spell out in detail how the executive branch will interpret the law.

It's the law of the land dumb ass why do you want it changed now?
A president can't change laws only congress can do that a president only authority to laws is make sure they are enforced I suggest you see the Constitution
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It doesn't take genius to understand the entire battle over the ACA is an effort by the GOP to protect the rich and powerful who profit from illness and injury.

:lol: I remember the democrats tried to float this bit of spin for a couple of days. Sank like a stone. And take a gander at the colossal cluster-fuck obamacare has turned out to be. :lol:

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