Court orders DOJ to explain President Obama's comments on their authority.

Of course it was immature.
We have very specific checks and balances in our system of governance that has been in play since the dawn of America after the revolution.
Obama can't stand to have someone step over his authority and he threw a temper tantrum on camera that in effect, questions the authority of the Supreme Court.
He is the President Sallow. And when a President questions the authority or integrity of another branch - that is a very, very big deal.

Checks and balances include the court. If the court is engaging in partisan politics as opposed to valid Judicial prudence..then the President is well within his rights to say so.

The court has proven itself to be very radical, partisan and abusive of it's role in government over the last decade.

Yeah.......IF. They aren't. They are doing their job of determining whether the law is constitutional or not since many cases were filed in lower courts saying it wasn't. It's how the judicial process works. Liberals don't understand what "judicial activism" is.....even though they engage in it. Judicial activism is when a judge legislates from the bench. It's when they circumvent the legislative process and declare their own law that must be followed. The SCOTUS actually hearing a case based on whether or not a law is constitutional is exactly what their job is. There is no partisan politics involved.......unless they are legislating from the bench. They are not.


they are a right wing southern court and are making this poltical you fool.

what happend to all the rights concern of judicial misdeeds?
Now you are all worrried about the court being left alone?

Gee how very quickly you gravitate to WHATEVER you think gains your side without a single bit of clinging to principle
Your precious Bush made the judiciary as partisan as he could manage and that was fine with you.

Now these partisan assholes are getting political and you appuald them and shit all over Obama of pointing it out.
Looks like Obama will have to answer for his immature remarks he made Monday about the health care law and questioning the supreme courts ability to carry out their duty.

I beat you to it. My thread was posted at 7:06. :D

I actually posted this yesterday. The search function really is a wonderful tool......

That's what I did and this is what I got:
Today, 07:55 AM

Says NOTHING about it being posted yesterday.

Last edited:
Remember the good old days when the Right pissed and moaned ad nauseum about the 'unelected' judiciary having too much power??

Wha' hoppen' ???? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Remember the good old days when the Right pissed and moaned ad nauseum about the 'unelected' judiciary having too much power??

Wha' hoppen' ???? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

WTF are you babbling about? There is a not so fine line between judicial activism and proper judicial review. The fact that Little Lord Fauntleroy thinks the SCOTUS can't overturn an act of law passed by Congress shows he's either an ignoramus or completely dishonest.

Go do a little reading on the subject and then come back.
Obama fully understands Judicial Review. He's counting on his psychophants...the uneducated dumb masses that are going to vote for him any way...
Looks like Obama will have to answer for his immature remarks he made Monday about the health care law and questioning the supreme courts ability to carry out their duty.

Smith also made clear during that exchange that he was "referring to statements by the president in the past few days to the effect ... that it is somehow inappropriate for what he termed unelected judges to strike acts of Congress."
..."That has troubled a number of people who have read it as somehow a challenge to the federal courts or to their authority," Smith said. "And that's not a small matter."

Read more: Judges Order Justice Department To Clarify Obama Remarks On Health Law Case | Fox News

Read more: Judges Order Justice Department To Clarify Obama Remarks On Health Law Case | Fox News

I wonder if they will blow this off just like the Senate has blown off the Budget.
Looks like Obama will have to answer for his immature remarks he made Monday about the health care law and questioning the supreme courts ability to carry out their duty.

Smith also made clear during that exchange that he was "referring to statements by the president in the past few days to the effect ... that it is somehow inappropriate for what he termed unelected judges to strike acts of Congress."
..."That has troubled a number of people who have read it as somehow a challenge to the federal courts or to their authority," Smith said. "And that's not a small matter."

Read more: Judges Order Justice Department To Clarify Obama Remarks On Health Law Case | Fox News

Read more: Judges Order Justice Department To Clarify Obama Remarks On Health Law Case | Fox News

I wonder if they will blow this off just like the Senate has blown off the Budget.

With the intent being blaming the other side.
Checks and balances include the court. If the court is engaging in partisan politics as opposed to valid Judicial prudence..then the President is well within his rights to say so.

The court has proven itself to be very radical, partisan and abusive of it's role in government over the last decade.

That is your opinion. And as a citizen of this country it is both your right and duty to question authority. But your not the President. That is the crux. A sitting President cannot make a general statement questioning the authority and integrity of another branch without very specific claims. And even then it should be done in proper channels and not on camera to promote himself.
It was outrageous and stinks of Nixon'sm.

It might be good to see a full blown pissing match between the Court and the White House. It could at least give more people the opportunity to reflect on what unlimited executive (or congressional) power would mean.

At the least, it will give the unwashed uneducated masses a reminder of what they failed to hear in their 8th grade civics class as regards our system of checks and balances.
Looks like Obama will have to answer for his immature remarks he made Monday about the health care law and questioning the supreme courts ability to carry out their duty.

Smith also made clear during that exchange that he was "referring to statements by the president in the past few days to the effect ... that it is somehow inappropriate for what he termed unelected judges to strike acts of Congress."
..."That has troubled a number of people who have read it as somehow a challenge to the federal courts or to their authority," Smith said. "And that's not a small matter."

Read more: Judges Order Justice Department To Clarify Obama Remarks On Health Law Case | Fox News

Read more: Judges Order Justice Department To Clarify Obama Remarks On Health Law Case | Fox News

There is no case and controversy before the 5th circuit. even fakenews should understand that.

they have no business asking for anything.

i look forward to the justice department telling them to piss off.
Looks like Obama will have to answer for his immature remarks he made Monday about the health care law and questioning the supreme courts ability to carry out their duty.

Smith also made clear during that exchange that he was "referring to statements by the president in the past few days to the effect ... that it is somehow inappropriate for what he termed unelected judges to strike acts of Congress."
..."That has troubled a number of people who have read it as somehow a challenge to the federal courts or to their authority," Smith said. "And that's not a small matter."

Read more: Judges Order Justice Department To Clarify Obama Remarks On Health Law Case | Fox News

Read more: Judges Order Justice Department To Clarify Obama Remarks On Health Law Case | Fox News

There is no case and controversy before the 5th circuit. even fakenews should understand that.

they have no business asking for anything.

i look forward to the justice department telling them to piss off.

You can look until the cows come home then... Holder said he'd respond.

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