Covid Lab Leak staring to be more likely...


Platinum Member
May 26, 2021
Even Russel Brand, who is very leftist, is bringing this too light.
But why isn't this more important to our media, politicians, and our society in general. Knowing the origin, IMO, is vitally important to stopping another pandemic.

(And keep in mind, I don't look to Russel Brand as some type of specialist or viral professional, but his taking this on means something).

Even Russel Brand, who is very leftist, is bringing this too light.
But why isn't this more important to our media, politicians, and our society in general. Knowing the origin, IMO, is vitally important to stopping another pandemic.

(And keep in mind, I don't look to Russel Brand as some type of specialist or viral professional, but his taking this on means something).

Fauci caused this country and world so much grief he should be executed by firing squad along with that senile old fool
Fauci caused this country and world so much grief he should be executed by firing squad along with that senile old fool
That might be a bit extreme... In a court of law, this would be negligence, and restitution would required by those parties that are guilty. In this case, this would be the lab, China, those financing "Gain of Function" research and anyone else who would have been responsible for the negligence. Unfortunately, in the US. We want to blame the maskers and the non-maskers. We have a war between the vaxers and the anti-vaxers, which is exactly the narrative that those who are ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE want to see happen.

So those on this forum, who want to perpetuate blame to those I listed, or to the orange blob, or to Biden or a political side, etc., please stop. The real blame goes all the way back to China and those responsible.
That might be a bit extreme... In a court of law, this would be negligence, and restitution would required by those parties that are guilty. In this case, this would be the lab, China, those financing "Gain of Function" research and anyone else who would have been responsible for the negligence. Unfortunately, in the US. We want to blame the maskers and the non-maskers. We have a war between the vaxers and the anti-vaxers, which is exactly the narrative that those who are ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE want to see happen.

So those on this forum, who want to perpetuate blame to those I listed, or to the orange blob, or to Biden or a political side, etc., please stop. The real blame goes all the way back to China and those responsible.
Fauci oversaw the funding and that research in China. Illegally it looks like.

That bastard said gain of function was worth the risk of a panic and pandemic

I just wish Trump would have let air travel open until Congress had to act. Wish he never asked the army to mobilize to handle the onslaught. Never built those hospital ships.

And mostly, I wish the vax was 4 yrs away..................That's how much Trump fucked this up
Even Russel Brand, who is very leftist, is bringing this too light.
But why isn't this more important to our media, politicians, and our society in general. Knowing the origin, IMO, is vitally important to stopping another pandemic.

(And keep in mind, I don't look to Russel Brand as some type of specialist or viral professional, but his taking this on means something).

Why isn't Fauxi indicted yet?
That might be a bit extreme... In a court of law, this would be negligence, and restitution would required by those parties that are guilty. In this case, this would be the lab, China, those financing "Gain of Function" research and anyone else who would have been responsible for the negligence. Unfortunately, in the US. We want to blame the maskers and the non-maskers. We have a war between the vaxers and the anti-vaxers, which is exactly the narrative that those who are ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE want to see happen.

So those on this forum, who want to perpetuate blame to those I listed, or to the orange blob, or to Biden or a political side, etc., please stop. The real blame goes all the way back to China and those responsible.

China had a Hong Kong problem - now they don't.

How did the Hong Kong problem get solved? How did a million protesters in front of cameras broadcast to the world become subdued? Did the Chinese send in troops and shoot them? Tanks and crush them?

No, Covid-19 made large crowds untenable. It created a level of fear military might fails to do, as no one is defiant to a virus.

Happy coincidence? Or biological warfare?

Born in a lab in Wuhan, it ended the Hong Kong problem and then was used to put the Vassals of the CCP, the Vichy democrats, in power when in 2919 there was no possible way to defeat the economic juggernaut of the Trump presidency.

Negligence means accidental - there was nothing "accidental" about the Wuhan Designer Virus®. This is biological warfare - pure and simple.
Even Russel Brand, who is very leftist, is bringing this too light.
But why isn't this more important to our media, politicians, and our society in general. Knowing the origin, IMO, is vitally important to stopping another pandemic.

(And keep in mind, I don't look to Russel Brand as some type of specialist or viral professional, but his taking this on means something).

A lab leak was always the most likely cause.
Even Russel Brand, who is very leftist, is bringing this too light.
But why isn't this more important to our media, politicians, and our society in general. Knowing the origin, IMO, is vitally important to stopping another pandemic.

(And keep in mind, I don't look to Russel Brand as some type of specialist or viral professional, but his taking this on means something).

Russel Brand is a libertarian. I can’t believe he was married to that Hollywood Globalist **** Katy Perry
That might be a bit extreme... In a court of law, this would be negligence, and restitution would required by those parties that are guilty. In this case, this would be the lab, China, those financing "Gain of Function" research and anyone else who would have been responsible for the negligence. Unfortunately, in the US. We want to blame the maskers and the non-maskers. We have a war between the vaxers and the anti-vaxers, which is exactly the narrative that those who are ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE want to see happen.

So those on this forum, who want to perpetuate blame to those I listed, or to the orange blob, or to Biden or a political side, etc., please stop. The real blame goes all the way back to China and those responsible.
The coverup is the crime....Doing so makes Fauxi a willing accomplice to Xi Jinping's act of global biological war.

The both of them should be up before The Hague.
(And keep in mind, I don't look to Russel Brand as some type of specialist or viral professional, but his taking this on means something).
Apparently you DO look at this comedian as if his opinion is valuable. It means nothing
only lab in China that could produce COVID19 is in Wuhan
Actually scientists have said that that lab was NOT capable of producing this virus
Apparently you DO look at this comedian as if his opinion is valuable. It means nothing

Actually scientists have said that that lab was NOT capable of producing this virus
Bullshit. Link it. You’re such a liar, Herr Lesh
Apparently you DO look at this comedian as if his opinion is valuable. It means nothing

Actually scientists have said that that lab was NOT capable of producing this virus
They really don't have to create a virus... only isolate it.
This really isn't exactly that difficult to do...
A 1,000X wet-lense microscope and some petri dishes and lab mice and you are good to go. (And a few other things)

The virus is inside of a class...
Meaning that it was isolated and allowed to grow. Then all it really takes is NOT incinerating the droppings in a lab animal's cage where the pangolins went rummaging (like normal) and viola....instant global pandemic.
Apparently you DO look at this comedian as if his opinion is valuable. It means nothing

Actually scientists have said that that lab was NOT capable of producing this virus

CCP scientists said so!!

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