Covid Positive

That sucks. I got tested today and mine came back negative. I must just have a cold or a touch of the flu
Carry on Gunny...

Well me and my wife have covid my son must too he lives here. Not sure how I got it I never go out.

All that happens when you hide from a virus is it doesn't go away and no one builds up immunites.

Except it isn't crippling it has a death rate the same as the regular flu.
Well me and my wife have covid my son must too he lives here. Not sure how I got it I never go out.

If you have animals in your house, those in the animal kingdom can also spread Corona Virus. I saw where leopards have come down with the 'Rona.

I'm sure dogs, cats, as well as wildlife you might have in your area could have transmitted to you as well.
Well me and my wife have covid my son must too he lives here. Not sure how I got it I never go out.
Best of luck Gunny.
They have nothing to worry about sense it’s nothing differerent than the common flu,stay home a few days,take your vitamin c,gets lots of fluid and rest and in a week or two,they are all fit as new and come out of as they all
I have a vicious cough and was dizzy and disorientated, doc gave me some medication that got rid of the dizzy and disorientation. As for the claim I ignored precautions by one very sick sort I never did, I am pretty much home bound due to other problems and my wife works at a Hospital. When I go out and am around people I wear a mask even though I don't think they work. It makes others feel safe so it is worth it to do it. My son doesn't go out either he only goes when I go or his mom Takes him somewhere.
I have a vicious cough and was dizzy and disorientated, doc gave me some medication that got rid of the dizzy and disorientation. As for the claim I ignored precautions by one very sick sort I never did, I am pretty much home bound due to other problems and my wife works at a Hospital. When I go out and am around people I wear a mask even though I don't think they work. It makes others feel safe so it is worth it to do it. My son doesn't go out either he only goes when I go or his mom Takes him somewhere.
Hope you recover quickly. I hate to say it but your wife may have brought it home. Hospitals are the worse place to be, COVID or not. The hospitals are where all the sick people are. Prayers for you and your wife....
Dear pos that attacked gunny for going out etc..I have known gunny online for years..he doesn't go out..never did before covid and somehow I doubt he has become some party animal after maybe you should try not to be so judge fucking mental eh?

Take care gunny wishing only the best for you and yours..looking forward to ringing in the new year with you

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