Covid Shots

If a store makes you wear a mask you should loudly leave.

There is no reason someone who was vaccinated should wear a mask other than politics, and businesses you patronize don't need to be in your politics.

I have a lot of family in Maryland. They say there's a lot of social pressure to wear masks, but no one is forcing them now. I realize it's not the same everywhere in Maryland
:lol: The federal military commissary was one of the 1st grocery stores I went to last year requiring masks. They still require them.
So? Are they truly needed or just doing what the government tells them to do?

If it is a military commissary, what is needed is whatever the government tells you is needed to walk in the door :salute:

The military has the power to compel people in the military to follow orders. Wow, that's really an insight, thanks for educating us all today
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.

There is press to jab because the government has a use them or lose them position so unless a state uses theirs up, they will get less. Plus with the demasking and full re-openings going on there is fear there will be another surge.

Anyway, I don't care if people get the shot or not. My barber has an honor system where people with both shots don't have to wear a mask, but people without them do. She doesn't wear one as she had both shots.

So you are saying that it is driven by money and control of the people.
the survivors...and then they tweak it in a couple years and release the next version....yes
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
Why are you against returning to normal?
normal never changed for the average AMERICAN....just the brain dead sheep that support the scum demonRATS.......

The better we become at treating it, the better off we will be. I doubt it just goes away any time soon, but who knows. A lot of those places that were held up as great to make the US (and Trump) look bad last year are still getting pounded this year. Japan is getting hammered right now. Anyway, masks for the vaccinated are no longer mandatory here in VA as of this coming Friday, but I see a lot of people already removing them
In Maryland where I live masks are supposedly not mandated anymore, but a lot of stores won't let you in without them. Stores are the authoritarian enforcers now --- I really resent this. Talk about bad customer service, this is fearing and hating their customers!

I buy pretty much everything online now, and rarely leave the farm.

I think you are really saying that you doubt it will stop on its own (but many, even most, epidemics did stop on their own, sometimes forever, such as the lethal English Sweat, started in 1485 with the Battle of Bosworth Field that put Henry Tudor, Henry VII, on the throne. It was the mercenary soldiers in Henry's army transmitting it, of course. They came from all over.). The fact that it's ricocheting around the world is NOT a good sign, I agree --- I am also worried about that. Japan, India, etc. And that it may surge just because the masks are coming off ---- sure, could happen.

I have hopes for August, because August is often the end of pandemics (Why? Who knows?). But I agree with you ----- anything could happen, including another surge. Including mutations with an independent epidemic. I hope not.
the 'bad' customer service began the day that all gov't entities passed the buck to the store owners....all of a sudden, the quack fake-i and the scum demonRATS have no worries about the chinese flu....
over night, the scare was over and the decision is on the shop owners....amazing-we are all cured now
go figure
:lol: The federal military commissary was one of the 1st grocery stores I went to last year requiring masks. They still require them.
So? Are they truly needed or just doing what the government tells them to do?

If it is a military commissary, what is needed is whatever the government tells you is needed to walk in the door :salute:

So the answer is, do as big brother tells you and don't ask questions. Not the way of free Americans.

Your freedom is brought to you by the people who run military commissaries.

And we learn what from that, Grasshopper?
Jesus people.

It's one thing if you have had the virus and survived (and know that as fact). If you haven't...and refuse the're an idiot.

Whatever. Ya can't kill me any more. I have gotten my shot
Jesus people.

It's one thing if you have had the virus and survived (and know that as fact). If you haven't...and refuse the're an idiot.

Whatever. Ya can't kill me any more. I have gotten my shot

No one knows what effects this injection will have. You are the experiment.
If you're vaccinated why do you or anyone care if cases exist?
BECAUSE the half of Americans that aren't vaccinated are going to keep spreading it among themselves and fuck it up for the rest of us.

No, they're not. Most of them already have antibodies. It's important to watch the vaccinated though since they are the experiment. What are they going to mess up? Even if they don't have antibodies, you already have the injection so you're protected.....................right? This argument is so asinine that it doesn't even warrant consideration.
If you're vaccinated why do you or anyone care if cases exist?
BECAUSE the half of Americans that aren't vaccinated are going to keep spreading it among themselves and fuck it up for the rest of us.
Let em spread it among themselves.
Unfortunately, that's not the extent of the risk, each new case is a potential vessel for mutation and thus a new variant, which could reduce or eliminate vaccine and/or past infection immunity effectiveness.

It's all a moot point though, individuals have every right to decide for themselves whether to get vaccinated, so at the end of the day this virus is going to run its course just the 1918 "Spanish Flu" did, vaccination is just going to (hopefully) shorten that run.

People attempting to "shame" other people into getting the vaccine are just going to achieve the opposite of their objective and thus should knock it off.
If you're vaccinated why do you or anyone care if cases exist?
BECAUSE the half of Americans that aren't vaccinated are going to keep spreading it among themselves and fuck it up for the rest of us.
Let em spread it among themselves.
Unfortunately, that's not the extent of the risk, each new case is a potential vessel for mutation and thus a new variant, which could reduce or eliminate vaccine and/or past infection immunity effectiveness.

It's all a moot point though, individuals have every right to decide for themselves whether to get vaccinated, so at the end of the day this virus is going to run its course just the 1918 "Spanish Flu" did, vaccination is just going to (hopefully) shorten that run.

People attempting to "shame" other people into getting the vaccine are just going to achieve the opposite of their objective and thus should knock it off.
I would like more data. I still have the antibodies, we don't know how effective the vaccines are long term, we seem to have better cures available for the afflicted now that we know COVID causes blood clots in some. Let us live!
If you're vaccinated why do you or anyone care if cases exist?
BECAUSE the half of Americans that aren't vaccinated are going to keep spreading it among themselves and fuck it up for the rest of us.
Let em spread it among themselves.
Unfortunately, that's not the extent of the risk, each new case is a potential vessel for mutation and thus a new variant, which could reduce or eliminate vaccine and/or past infection immunity effectiveness.

It's all a moot point though, individuals have every right to decide for themselves whether to get vaccinated, so at the end of the day this virus is going to run its course just the 1918 "Spanish Flu" did, vaccination is just going to (hopefully) shorten that run.

People attempting to "shame" other people into getting the vaccine are just going to achieve the opposite of their objective and thus should knock it off.
I would like more data. I still have the antibodies, we don't know how effective the vaccines are long term, we seem to have better cures available for the afflicted now that we know COVID causes blood clots in some. Let us live!
Nothing wrong with that, doing extensive "homework" before injecting something into your body is smart, personally I spent quite a bit of time going through everything I could find on the science and talking to people that had already got the vaccine before I decided to go forward with it, wouldn't have done it any other way.

If you're not comfortable getting the vaccine after doing your own unbiased "homework" then DON'T get it.
“A lot of people think of it as a respiratory disease, but it’s really a vascular disease,” says Assistant Research Professor Uri Manor, who is co-senior author of the study. “That could explain why some people have strokes, and why some people have issues in other parts of the body. The commonality between them is that they all have vascular underpinnings.”

If you're vaccinated why do you or anyone care if cases exist?
BECAUSE the half of Americans that aren't vaccinated are going to keep spreading it among themselves and fuck it up for the rest of us.

No, they're not. Most of them already have antibodies. It's important to watch the vaccinated though since they are the experiment. What are they going to mess up? Even if they don't have antibodies, you already have the injection so you're protected.....................right? This argument is so asinine that it doesn't even warrant consideration.
It's not just about ME ME ME.
If you're vaccinated why do you or anyone care if cases exist?
BECAUSE the half of Americans that aren't vaccinated are going to keep spreading it among themselves and fuck it up for the rest of us.
Well ---- how would that "fuck it up" as you say so elegantly, and why would you care if we spread it among ourselves if YOU are protected? I'd think you'd be glad, and hope we all die. Probably you do. So, you know, win--win.

My guess is that you all who are so eager to force vaccination on us 1) want more and more and more government control, or 2) don't actually believe your vaccines work. You look at all these re-infections and deaths from clotting and so on, and Fauci talking about booster shots and mutations and I bet you don't believe the vaccine works, so you want everyone to have to get vaccinated --- though why that should help you if you don't believe in the vaccine, I don't know.

I have long thought people who want to force vaccination for relatively non-lethal diseases make no sense. Just get your own vaccination and shut up!
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