Covid was tied to China's bio-weapon program....


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
What we already knew... and also all of us not willing to swallow Fauci's lies....... Covid is a weaponized virus.
The world governments already knew it, hit it from us along with the help of social media platforms.
Why would they do that???
Because allowing the world to get angry at China would upset their investment portfolios, and reduce profits for product makers everywhere.

What we already knew... and also all of us not willing to swallow Fauci's lies....... Covid is a weaponized virus.
The world governments already knew it, hit it from us along with the help of social media platforms.
Why would they do that???
Because allowing the world to get angry at China would upset their investment portfolios, and reduce profits for product makers everywhere.

I already knew that.

I watch conservative news outlets. Early in the pandemic they told me it came from a Chinese Weapons Lab working on enhancing viruses with financing from our government.

Even Trump said that it where is came from and as usual he was right, Of course the liberal media ridiculed him for saying that.

I already knew that.

I watch conservative news outlets. Early in the pandemic they told me it came from a Chinese Weapons Lab working on enhancing viruses with financing from our government.

Even Trump said that it where is came from and as usual he was right, Of course the liberal media ridiculed him for saying that.

No evidence, again no specific evidence.
I already knew that.

I watch conservative news outlets. Early in the pandemic they told me it came from a Chinese Weapons Lab working on enhancing viruses with financing from our government.

Even Trump said that it where is came from and as usual he was right, Of course the liberal media ridiculed him for saying that.

Trump was right about wanting to ban Tik-Tok too. Now Congress is all over that.

Of course, Moonglow will say "Whur's muh evidents?" :laughing0301:
I predict undeniable evidence will emerge when the Republicans take over the House in January and I predict you will say the evidence is false.

The liberal news media will of course agree with you.
Until then your feelz are not evidence.
we are owed answers about the origins of COVID-19. FOLLOW THE MONEY!

this report gives more credibility to the lab leak theory—which many govt officials, Big Tech platforms, & media outlets were quick to label a ‘conspiracy theory.'


American tax dollars funded gain of function research​

I've documented this for a long time here.
Really, is that why they have never said it is without a doubt?
The sky was blue long before someone pointed out the chemical composition and it's reflexivity of light.
It came out of their lab. And you know it also.
I realize your thing here is to play devils advocate and troll.
No evidence, again no specific evidence.
Specific evidence? Patient zero was a couple blocks from a virology lab that manipulated coronoa viruses.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to not put 2 and 2 together?
Oh yeah, I forgot. You are a big govt dick sucker. My fault.
Pedos, viruses, shitting on our rights.. you defend it all.
What other major reason is there to conduct GoF testing on a deadly virus?

What better way to test it than through a controlled accidental leak?

You get to see how other countries fare against it, how they respond, how quickly, etc...
Even Bill Maher... the left loudspeaker for years - waaay early said OBVIOUSLY this was lab created. The first infected person was tied - LITERALLY - to where the exact same virus was being manipulated.


Military links:

1.) USAMRIID experimenting with chloroquine and Chinese krait venom, 1988, Frederick, Md.

2.) PLA's military virus, ZC45, shown on Dr. Quay's Twitter page (24 Aug 2022) is from Zhongshan Island, Zhejiang (2017) and is (neurotropic [italics]) in rats and has affinity to Parkinson's disease because it carries the RGD motif on its spike, just like SARS2 does. Chinese krait venom also has an RGD motif. duh
What we already knew... and also all of us not willing to swallow Fauci's lies....... Covid is a weaponized virus.
The world governments already knew it, hit it from us along with the help of social media platforms.
Why would they do that???
Because allowing the world to get angry at China would upset their investment portfolios, and reduce profits for product makers everywhere.

Makes to much sense not to be true, and it needs to be investigated further.

This is my thoughts though - Until we are somehow free from the grip of the CCP, then we will always have the issue of the what if's, otherwise if we do this then what if or if we do that then what if ?

Then there will be the protectors of the status quo because they could give a shite less about the long term consequences, and this is due to the short term gains, because they are to the point where they've become mentally disturbed basket cases driven by ego and an evil lust for money over anything else especially on the security of our nation.

Talk about a serious quandary the sell outs of this COUNTRY have placed us into, otherwise it is simply mind boggling and amazing when think about it.

We are at war pretty much with Russia through Ukraine, and if we go after China for what they have done or helped to do, then we will be at war with China/N.Korea, and Russia together, and at war with their newly formed allie's.

We will be in the same shape Hitler was in when he decided to open up his war on more than one front.

Ok, so patriotic American's want to know where we are currently at in all of this ?

We want to know or rather we are demanding answers to what has went down in this country, and we want to know why we have slid down the scale so badly when it comes to debauchery and perversion in this country, and we want to know how bad the sell out of our sovereignty and security has been over the last 20+years ?????

Ok, but first off we should cool down our rhetoric against China, and place a cautionary sticker on our relationships with these nation's off shore, at least until we can better assess the overall situation.

We should find out exactly what it is that has stirred the world up into a frenzy like it appears that it has since gotten itself into over the past 20+ years.

If we carry some or even worse most of the blame for it, then we need to look real hard internally for the powerful culprit's that have placed us into the screwed up bad security situation that we now find ourselves in as American's.

Instead of looking without in order to cast blame or put the blame on other's quickly, we should own up to the blame we have on ourselves, otherwise if it is found to be the case that we may have fueled a lot of this stuff.

Hopefully we aren't the main culprit's who have since led to the world to collapse in which has thrown the whole world into chaos and anarchy. Hopefully.

If we got ourselves into this thing by our own stupidity, and our selfishness, along with our recklessness, then it's going to take super cool head's to try and get us back out of it all.

The only way forward is to deal with the situation that may have been fueled or shockingly caused by us before we can be a light for the world to follow after us and/or trade with us in good faith once again.

Our allowance of the evil spirit to take over this nation is totally unexceptable, but here we all sit just wringing our hands wondering what now, and how did we get here ?
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