Cowardly donnie caves again....

Mehico promised to stop the current caravan and future caravans to come.....TRUMP WINS! MAGA!

Like they promised to pay for the wall?


Pass the USMCA and watch who pays for the wall.....I'm beginning to understand how AOC got commies are dumber than cows.

It has passed and it has no specific language for taxing the Mexican govt.

It's extremely vague, you should read it instead of spouting shit: United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement | United States Trade Representative

You Trumpanzees are dumber than a retarded gerbil.
I was hoping he'd do it just so I could see the snowflakes collectively shit their pants.

If you think auto parts manufacturers, grocers, restaurants, schools and military bases are fucking snowflakes, then you're an even bigger idiot than I thought.

I didn't say only snowflakes would be impacted by it. I just wanted to watch the TDS crowd's reaction.

It's in black and white what you said.
Too late, Sparky.

The same thing that would happen to donnie if he stood up to his russian master?

Your hero/zero Mueller says he has no "russian master"....butt-hurt all over again, eh? BTW, we know closing the border would hurt our economy too which your ilk would then try to claim he'd lied about bringing us out of the Obama ditch....not real clever....if you were clever, you wouldn't be a commie.
The same thing that would happen to donnie if he stood up to his russian master?

Your hero/zero Mueller says he has no "russian master"....butt-hurt all over again, eh? BTW, we know closing the border would hurt our economy too which your ilk would then try to claim he'd lied about bringing us out of the Obama ditch....not real clever....if you were clever, you wouldn't be a commie.

^^^^^ . Whining alert....whining alert.

Excuse me but we haven't seen the Mueller report so we don't know what his conclusions are except that Mueller did not exonerate him.

And apparently some of the people in the investigation are objecting to Butt Boy Barr's simple-assed 3.5 pages of bullshit.
Close that fucking border down and fuck the economy. I hope everyone of the motherfuckers that profited from Americans losing their jobs lose everything they have. Fuck those traitors. Shut it down. I don’t give a rats ass if it causes a global depression. All you cocksuckers deserve it for what you done to Americans.
What happened to "thank you Mr. President, it seems that your bluff worked"? Proof that lefties never have a nice day.
Why is it that logic is beyond the trumpers ability of cognitive function?
Did anyone doubt that he didn’t have the balls?

He's a coward.

If he had balls he would hold a rally in a blue city and man up to the crowd that would be mixed.

He would be able to handle protestors without riling the crowd to mob violence.

He would stay off of Twitter.

He would stop lying.

And he's giving Mexico a WHOLE FUCKING YEAR to comply with curtailing drug trafficking.

He's such a sham.

Read the links folks, you won't see this on Fox Noise a.k.a. the Trump Channel.
Mexico on "probation" for one year. so. on April 4, 2010, Trump imposes tariffs if necessary. If that doesn't work, he "closes" the border. Somebody explain to the idiot that he and many Repubs will be in the middle of election campaigns. The last thing that Repubs will want to do is defend Trump's economic killers of tariffs or 'close the border."

So, bottom line, just more Trump hot air designed to pump Faux News. What an impotent phony! He's a total fake!
Cows even the dumb ones were just insulted.

I was on a crew job back in the day in rural Michigan...alone all day in a car, I'd stop on occasion when I saw a herd of cows close to a fence. I'd hop out and start telling them about new tunes on the radio, jokes, famous quotations....they'd gather around and appear attentive. Think how bored they must be wandering around all day eating grass with nobody to keep them's why they're dumb.....Our leftist trash wanders around all day smoking grass and won't listen to Fox because reality terrifies least cows are willing to expand their horizons if given the opportunity.
Cows even the dumb ones were just insulted.

I was on a crew job back in the day in rural Michigan...alone all day in a car, I'd stop on occasion when I saw a herd of cows close to a fence. I'd hop out and start telling them about new tunes on the radio, jokes, famous quotations....they'd gather around and appear attentive. Think how bored they must be wandering around all day eating grass with nobody to keep them's why there's dumb.....Our leftist trash wanders around smoking grass and won't listen to Fox because reality terrifies them.

The resident libs here, they are the smart ones.
Cows even the dumb ones were just insulted.

I was on a crew job back in the day in rural Michigan...alone all day in a car, I'd stop on occasion when I saw a herd of cows close to a fence. I'd hop out and start telling them about new tunes on the radio, jokes, famous quotations....they'd gather around and appear attentive. Think how bored they must be wandering around all day eating grass with nobody to keep them's why there's dumb.....Our leftist trash wanders around smoking grass and won't listen to Fox because reality terrifies them. talk to cows. Enlightening.

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