Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

The real mockery of national anthem was by Vice President Pence

A mockery was made of the national anthem all right.

But it wasn’t by the San Francisco 49ers who knelt during it.

Vice President Mike Pence turned the anthem into a prop Sunday, co-opting it for a stunt that served no other purpose than to sow division and further enrage the administration’s conservative base. That it likely deflected attention from yet more neo-Nazi protests in Charlottesville was all the better.

“For more than a year, members of our team have protested the oppression and social injustices still present in our society. While some may not have taken a knee or raised a fist, we have all shared the desire to influence positive change,” the 49ers said in a statement issued last weekend on behalf of the players, coaches, ownership and staff.

If there was any team Pence was guaranteed of seeing protest, it would be the 49ers. Yet he went to the game, anyway.

Please, though, tell me again how it’s the players who are so disrespectful.

The real mockery of national anthem was by Vice President Pence ~ USA Today
That it likely deflected attention from yet more neo-Nazi protests in Charlottesville was all the better.
You got a link?

You didn't hear that the Neo-Nazis returned to Charlottesville?

Richard Spencer brought his white nationalist crew back to Charlottesville in the dark of night
No. Guess I didn't listen to the news long enough this a.m.
It's NOT the same. He went there (On the tax payer's dime) to a place he KNEW players would kneel, just to leave and then make a statement about it
Goverment employees have constitutional rights, too.

The more you know...

Yes they have rights, but when they use tax dollars that don't belong to them, to exercise their rights, then there is a problem.
So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.

Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.

Exactly and you fell for it to because here you are talking about it. Congrats! He got us all.

Uh no? I'm only talking about it because it was obviously planned, which means him and Trump are actually spending time thinking about this instead of doing their jobs running the country... and the fact they used TAX DOLLARS to do it. How many of your tax dollars were wasted by the players kneeling?

Since the DOD pays the NFL to have players out there for the National anthem? I’m not sure but is does cost us taxpayers.

Excuse me what? The DoD pays the players to be out there for the anthem? The NFL used to charge the DoD to be able to come out and do their thing, but they got called out for that last year and changed it.

Do you have any idea how much money it costs for the VP to travel and then have security to and from the game, and at the game?
The real mockery of national anthem was by Vice President Pence

A mockery was made of the national anthem all right.

But it wasn’t by the San Francisco 49ers who knelt during it.

Vice President Mike Pence turned the anthem into a prop Sunday, co-opting it for a stunt that served no other purpose than to sow division and further enrage the administration’s conservative base. That it likely deflected attention from yet more neo-Nazi protests in Charlottesville was all the better.

“For more than a year, members of our team have protested the oppression and social injustices still present in our society. While some may not have taken a knee or raised a fist, we have all shared the desire to influence positive change,” the 49ers said in a statement issued last weekend on behalf of the players, coaches, ownership and staff.

If there was any team Pence was guaranteed of seeing protest, it would be the 49ers. Yet he went to the game, anyway.

Please, though, tell me again how it’s the players who are so disrespectful.

The real mockery of national anthem was by Vice President Pence ~ USA Today
That it likely deflected attention from yet more neo-Nazi protests in Charlottesville was all the better.
You got a link?

You didn't hear that the Neo-Nazis returned to Charlottesville?

Richard Spencer brought his white nationalist crew back to Charlottesville in the dark of night

They are disgusting human beings.
It's NOT the same. He went there (On the tax payer's dime) to a place he KNEW players would kneel, just to leave and then make a statement about it
Goverment employees have constitutional rights, too.

The more you know...

Yes they have rights, but when they use tax dollars that don't belong to them, to exercise their rights, then there is a problem.
He's got "cover." He's a fan.
So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.

Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.
The NFL players used their freedom of speech Trump and Pence used theirs I'm not sure why you guys can't get this. There is no controversy it's people doing what they have a right to do.

He went there with the intention to do this... ON TAX PAYER'S DIME!
So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.

Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.

Exactly and you fell for it to because here you are talking about it. Congrats! He got us all.

Uh no? I'm only talking about it because it was obviously planned, which means him and Trump are actually spending time thinking about this instead of doing their jobs running the country... and the fact they used TAX DOLLARS to do it. How many of your tax dollars were wasted by the players kneeling?

Since the DOD pays the NFL to have players out there for the National anthem? I’m not sure but is does cost us taxpayers.

Excuse me what? The DoD pays the players to be out there for the anthem? The NFL used to charge the DoD to be able to come out and do their thing, but they got called out for that last year and changed it.

Do you have any idea how much money it costs for the VP to travel and then have security to and from the game, and at the game?
It was only a stopover. He had somewhere else to go after. Still, it cost some $ for the detour.
The real mockery of national anthem was by Vice President Pence

A mockery was made of the national anthem all right.

But it wasn’t by the San Francisco 49ers who knelt during it.

Vice President Mike Pence turned the anthem into a prop Sunday, co-opting it for a stunt that served no other purpose than to sow division and further enrage the administration’s conservative base. That it likely deflected attention from yet more neo-Nazi protests in Charlottesville was all the better.

“For more than a year, members of our team have protested the oppression and social injustices still present in our society. While some may not have taken a knee or raised a fist, we have all shared the desire to influence positive change,” the 49ers said in a statement issued last weekend on behalf of the players, coaches, ownership and staff.

If there was any team Pence was guaranteed of seeing protest, it would be the 49ers. Yet he went to the game, anyway.

Please, though, tell me again how it’s the players who are so disrespectful.

The real mockery of national anthem was by Vice President Pence ~ USA Today
That it likely deflected attention from yet more neo-Nazi protests in Charlottesville was all the better.
You got a link?

You didn't hear that the Neo-Nazis returned to Charlottesville?

Richard Spencer brought his white nationalist crew back to Charlottesville in the dark of night

They are disgusting human beings.
"They are disgusting human beings."

As bad as females? Better? worse?
The real mockery of national anthem was by Vice President Pence

A mockery was made of the national anthem all right.

But it wasn’t by the San Francisco 49ers who knelt during it.

Vice President Mike Pence turned the anthem into a prop Sunday, co-opting it for a stunt that served no other purpose than to sow division and further enrage the administration’s conservative base. That it likely deflected attention from yet more neo-Nazi protests in Charlottesville was all the better.

“For more than a year, members of our team have protested the oppression and social injustices still present in our society. While some may not have taken a knee or raised a fist, we have all shared the desire to influence positive change,” the 49ers said in a statement issued last weekend on behalf of the players, coaches, ownership and staff.

If there was any team Pence was guaranteed of seeing protest, it would be the 49ers. Yet he went to the game, anyway.

Please, though, tell me again how it’s the players who are so disrespectful.

The real mockery of national anthem was by Vice President Pence ~ USA Today
That it likely deflected attention from yet more neo-Nazi protests in Charlottesville was all the better.
You got a link?

You didn't hear that the Neo-Nazis returned to Charlottesville?

Richard Spencer brought his white nationalist crew back to Charlottesville in the dark of night
No. Guess I didn't listen to the news long enough this a.m.

The less attention we pay to that scum, the better. I don’t want to give them the time of day.

What amazes me is we live in a country that allows disgusting scum like them the right to get a permit and demonstrate. More proof that we take our freedoms to heart.
They are doing exactly what the players are doing...protesting, it’s all good. This is what makes America great, at least the oppressed players make a lot more than the VP.
Poor Pence, Daddy made him walkout on his hometown team.

He didn’t make him do anything he didn’t already want to do. Just as no one made the players do anything they didn’t want to do.
"He didn’t make him do anything he didn’t already want to do. "

You could not possibly know that. Therefore, you just made it up.

So people can make you do whatever they want you to do? Interesting, people can’t make me do anything I don’t want to do. I didn’t know I was the only one.
And now you are pulling a little bait-and-switch, removing the idea the president may have ordered Pence to do something and replacing it with the falsely equivalent idea of "Anyone can make anyone do whatever they want". then, you insist that the argument is about this, instead.

No you said Pence was made to leave and I am saying he isn’t made to do anything he doesn’t want to do and the fact you won’t answer it shows that I made my point. Thanks for the concession buttercup.
"The NFL is returning more than $700,000 of taxpayers' money that was paid to teams for sponsored military tributes.

After being criticized for "paid patriotism," in which money came out of the armed forces budget for various measures of public recognition during games, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said that the league would pay that money back."

NFL returning $723K for paid military tributes
The real mockery of national anthem was by Vice President Pence

A mockery was made of the national anthem all right.

But it wasn’t by the San Francisco 49ers who knelt during it.

Vice President Mike Pence turned the anthem into a prop Sunday, co-opting it for a stunt that served no other purpose than to sow division and further enrage the administration’s conservative base. That it likely deflected attention from yet more neo-Nazi protests in Charlottesville was all the better.

“For more than a year, members of our team have protested the oppression and social injustices still present in our society. While some may not have taken a knee or raised a fist, we have all shared the desire to influence positive change,” the 49ers said in a statement issued last weekend on behalf of the players, coaches, ownership and staff.

If there was any team Pence was guaranteed of seeing protest, it would be the 49ers. Yet he went to the game, anyway.

Please, though, tell me again how it’s the players who are so disrespectful.

The real mockery of national anthem was by Vice President Pence ~ USA Today
That it likely deflected attention from yet more neo-Nazi protests in Charlottesville was all the better.
You got a link?

You didn't hear that the Neo-Nazis returned to Charlottesville?

Richard Spencer brought his white nationalist crew back to Charlottesville in the dark of night
No. Guess I didn't listen to the news long enough this a.m.

The less attention we pay to that scum, the better. I don’t want to give them the time of day.

What amazes me is we live in a country that allows disgusting scum like them the right to get a permit and demonstrate. More proof that we take our freedoms to heart.
I'm not so sure I like the idea of them congregating and lurking around in the middle of the night like that. One of these days they won't be playin' with those torches. Does it seem like they're taking a page straight from the Klan's book? Spooky, letting them get up to that nonsense again.
So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.

Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.
The NFL players used their freedom of speech Trump and Pence used theirs I'm not sure why you guys can't get this. There is no controversy it's people doing what they have a right to do.

He went there with the intention to do this... ON TAX PAYER'S DIME!
If he went there on his own money you would likely still be bitching about it. Like I said he has freedom of speech and or expression as well just because you don't like the way he uses it doesn't change the fact he has it. I don't like the players taking a knee during the anthem but they have that right rather I like it or not these freedoms apply to everyone not just those we agree with those who can't understand or accept this aren't worth dealing with.
Poor Pence, Daddy made him walkout on his hometown team.

He didn’t make him do anything he didn’t already want to do. Just as no one made the players do anything they didn’t want to do.
"He didn’t make him do anything he didn’t already want to do. "

You could not possibly know that. Therefore, you just made it up.

So people can make you do whatever they want you to do? Interesting, people can’t make me do anything I don’t want to do. I didn’t know I was the only one.
And now you are pulling a little bait-and-switch, removing the idea the president may have ordered Pence to do something and replacing it with the falsely equivalent idea of "Anyone can make anyone do whatever they want". then, you insist that the argument is about this, instead.

No you said Pence was made to leave and I am saying he isn’t made to do anything he doesn’t want to do and the fact you won’t answer it shows that I made my point. Thanks for the concession buttercup.
No, Trump said he was made to leave. Pay attention! And your childish argument to the contrary is, "Nobody can force anyone to do anything!". I will forward your deep thoughts to Trump.
Is it time to talk about the fact that Pence was supposed to be boycotting football and never should have been there in the first place?

or should I keep my powder dry for later?

So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.

Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.

Exactly and you fell for it to because here you are talking about it. Congrats! He got us all.

Uh no? I'm only talking about it because it was obviously planned, which means him and Trump are actually spending time thinking about this instead of doing their jobs running the country... and the fact they used TAX DOLLARS to do it. How many of your tax dollars were wasted by the players kneeling?

Since the DOD pays the NFL to have players out there for the National anthem? I’m not sure but is does cost us taxpayers.

Excuse me what? The DoD pays the players to be out there for the anthem? The NFL used to charge the DoD to be able to come out and do their thing, but they got called out for that last year and changed it.

Do you have any idea how much money it costs for the VP to travel and then have security to and from the game, and at the game?

No I don’t know what it cost, nor do I care. Every President has gone to events and have gone on vacations and I believe that is their right and we pay for it because it is part of the deal. The fact you don’t like how they spend it, is mute. Obama and Biden campaigned every day during their eight years in office and they traveled and traveled and used their travels to promote their agenda, what Pence did was no difference, he promoted his agenda.
"The NFL is returning more than $700,000 of taxpayers' money that was paid to teams for sponsored military tributes.

After being criticized for "paid patriotism," in which money came out of the armed forces budget for various measures of public recognition during games, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said that the league would pay that money back."

NFL returning $723K for paid military tributes
GOOD! NOW can they put the players back in the locker room during the anthem, like they did until 2008? We can be entirely done with this and the fans can still salute the flag. Problem solved.
I'm not so sure I like the idea of them congregating and lurking around in the middle of the night like that. One of these days they won't be playin' with those torches. Does it seem like they're taking a page straight from the Klan's book? Spooky, letting them get up to that nonsense again.

Letting them? So you are saying that certain people should be deprived of their rights based on... what?
So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.

Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.
The NFL players used their freedom of speech Trump and Pence used theirs I'm not sure why you guys can't get this. There is no controversy it's people doing what they have a right to do.

He went there with the intention to do this... ON TAX PAYER'S DIME!
If he went there on his own money you would likely still be bitching about it. Like I said he has freedom of speech and or expression as well just because you don't like the way he uses it doesn't change the fact he has it. I don't like the players taking a knee during the anthem but they have that right rather I like it or not these freedoms apply to everyone not just those we agree with those who can't understand or accept this aren't worth dealing with.

No, and that's an assumption on your part not based in reality.

He used tax payers dime to further divide the country, when there are a lot of more important issues going on like healthcare reform, the budget, hurricane relief in 4 states and Puerto Rico, the Iran nuclear deal, North Korea mess... and here he is going to a football game so he can leave and tweet about it.

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