Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

After all the scandals involving unnecessarily expensive travel by cabinet secretaries, how much taxpayer money was wasted on Crazy Mike's stunt?
This was a story that Trump and Pence did on purpose. Pence went to a game that he KNEW players would kneel, just so he could leave and spin into something more. Fuck him and Trump. They are trolls. They literally just did a real life troll on the American public to create even more fuel to the fire of dividing our country.

I really don't understand how people can continue to support these guys.

They are doing exactly what the players are doing...protesting, it’s all good. This is what makes America great, at least the oppressed players make a lot more than the VP.

It's not the same. I just pointed out why.

It is the same. Pence went to specifically to leave. It was to bring attention back on to the issue. Kaepernick purposely to draw attention to his cause. Pence left to specifically bring attention to his cause.

You just don’t like it. Me I like that both are allowed to protest.
This was a story that Trump and Pence did on purpose. Pence went to a game that he KNEW players would kneel, just so he could leave and spin into something more. Fuck him and Trump. They are trolls. They literally just did a real life troll on the American public to create even more fuel to the fire of dividing our country.

I really don't understand how people can continue to support these guys.

They are doing exactly what the players are doing...protesting, it’s all good. This is what makes America great, at least the oppressed players make a lot more than the VP.
Poor Pence, Daddy made him walkout on his hometown team.

He didn’t make him do anything he didn’t already want to do. Just as no one made the players do anything they didn’t want to do.
/—-I wonder what lobbyist paid for his ticket.
/——/ That’s all you got?

Well did he buy a ticket? It's obvious the whole
Thing was a set up for his dramatic exit .

Why? Cause pense supports police brutality.
You seriously think that Pence bought that ticket? :lol:
/——/ I don’t think any president or VP pays admission to any event, not Pence, not Obozo, not Biden nor Trump. Get a life will ya?

Then it's not really a big stament to leave now is it?

Other than promoting your support of government brutality of citizens .

What government brutality?
This was a story that Trump and Pence did on purpose. Pence went to a game that he KNEW players would kneel, just so he could leave and spin into something more. Fuck him and Trump. They are trolls. They literally just did a real life troll on the American public to create even more fuel to the fire of dividing our country.

I really don't understand how people can continue to support these guys.

They are doing exactly what the players are doing...protesting, it’s all good. This is what makes America great, at least the oppressed players make a lot more than the VP.

It's not the same. I just pointed out why.

It is the same. Pence went to specifically to leave. It was to bring attention back on to the issue. Kaepernick purposely to draw attention to his cause. Pence left to specifically bring attention to his cause.

You just don’t like it. Me I like that both are allowed to protest.

It's NOT the same. He went there (On the tax payer's dime) to a place he KNEW players would kneel, just to leave and then make a statement about it on Twitter to fuel controversy. If this is what our President and VP is spending all their time working on... then our country is in deep shit.
This was a story that Trump and Pence did on purpose. Pence went to a game that he KNEW players would kneel, just so he could leave and spin into something more. Fuck him and Trump. They are trolls. They literally just did a real life troll on the American public to create even more fuel to the fire of dividing our country.

I really don't understand how people can continue to support these guys.

They are doing exactly what the players are doing...protesting, it’s all good. This is what makes America great, at least the oppressed players make a lot more than the VP.
Poor Pence, Daddy made him walkout on his hometown team.

He didn’t make him do anything he didn’t already want to do. Just as no one made the players do anything they didn’t want to do.
"He didn’t make him do anything he didn’t already want to do. "

You could not possibly know that. Therefore, you just made it up.
This was a story that Trump and Pence did on purpose. Pence went to a game that he KNEW players would kneel, just so he could leave and spin into something more. Fuck him and Trump. They are trolls. They literally just did a real life troll on the American public to create even more fuel to the fire of dividing our country.

I really don't understand how people can continue to support these guys.

They are doing exactly what the players are doing...protesting, it’s all good. This is what makes America great, at least the oppressed players make a lot more than the VP.

It's not the same. I just pointed out why.

It is the same. Pence went to specifically to leave. It was to bring attention back on to the issue. Kaepernick purposely to draw attention to his cause. Pence left to specifically bring attention to his cause.

You just don’t like it. Me I like that both are allowed to protest.

It's NOT the same. He went there (On the tax payer's dime) to a place he KNEW players would kneel, just to leave and then make a statement about it on Twitter to fuel controversy. If this is what our President and VP is spending all their time working on... then our country is in deep shit.
/——/ Ahhhhh the VP stood up for his beliefs. Ask mommy to change your stinky diaper
This was a story that Trump and Pence did on purpose. Pence went to a game that he KNEW players would kneel, just so he could leave and spin into something more. Fuck him and Trump. They are trolls. They literally just did a real life troll on the American public to create even more fuel to the fire of dividing our country.

I really don't understand how people can continue to support these guys.

They are doing exactly what the players are doing...protesting, it’s all good. This is what makes America great, at least the oppressed players make a lot more than the VP.

It's not the same. I just pointed out why.

It is the same. Pence went to specifically to leave. It was to bring attention back on to the issue. Kaepernick purposely to draw attention to his cause. Pence left to specifically bring attention to his cause.

You just don’t like it. Me I like that both are allowed to protest.

It's NOT the same. He went there (On the tax payer's dime) to a place he KNEW players would kneel, just to leave and then make a statement about it on Twitter to fuel controversy. If this is what our President and VP is spending all their time working on... then our country is in deep shit.
/——/ Ahhhhh the VP stood up for his beliefs. Ask mommy to change your stinky diaper


It really is amazing how stupid some Trump supporters are.

Just out of curiosity, do you think there are any important things going on in the world that the President and VP might want to pay attention to?
The real mockery of national anthem was by Vice President Pence

A mockery was made of the national anthem all right.

But it wasn’t by the San Francisco 49ers who knelt during it.

Vice President Mike Pence turned the anthem into a prop Sunday, co-opting it for a stunt that served no other purpose than to sow division and further enrage the administration’s conservative base. That it likely deflected attention from yet more neo-Nazi protests in Charlottesville was all the better.

“For more than a year, members of our team have protested the oppression and social injustices still present in our society. While some may not have taken a knee or raised a fist, we have all shared the desire to influence positive change,” the 49ers said in a statement issued last weekend on behalf of the players, coaches, ownership and staff.

If there was any team Pence was guaranteed of seeing protest, it would be the 49ers. Yet he went to the game, anyway.

Please, though, tell me again how it’s the players who are so disrespectful.

The real mockery of national anthem was by Vice President Pence ~ USA Today
Oh, someone should just tell poor, dense Mike that one of the players was kneeling to protest abortion and gays. Then he could stay and enjoy the game.

So it’s okay for a person to kneel and it’s not okay for a person to leave the game as a response to the protest?
It is not OK for the Vice President of the United States to diss a white football hero of his home state, correct.

Peyton Manning Ring of Honor Ceremony

He has a right to peacefully protest however he wants. We have the right to respond to the protest. It’s all good. It’s called America and Trump is getting his way by everyone focusing on this issue.
That's exactly the point. WHY is he refocusing all our attention on this particular issue? That's the problem.

He does it because he can, I can’t understand why people can’t see this. Look at you, you are focused on this issue. He seem to be a master at leading people from one issue to the next.

Protesting is great. The fact that Trump can manipulate people so easily is perplexing.
Crazy Mike and the Colts fans all stood.

You're "worried" that a POTUS thinks folks should stand when the anthem is played?

You're missing the point. Maybe you're doing it intentionally.
When the anthem is played in public, do you stand?
Another miss.
thanks for my answer. :thup: Go back to the FZ again and act like you don't know why this is an issue for many.

Or "worry" some more about a POTUS who thinks folks should stand in public when the anthem is played.
Keep my travels out of it, I'm warning you.

It is fueling the division and the bitter feelings on both sides that worries me. Kap came out and said he'd stand if he is hired again. The games were beginning to be about football again instead of who is kneeling.
Now we're back to square one. I don't think it's healthy to keep this going. Sure, some people won't let it go; they'll worry it like a dog with a bone for months.
You're "warning" me? :rofl:

You clearly stated you are worried or even disgusted by a POTUS who thinks folks should stand when the anthem is played.

And you answered my question by not answering.

Your hypocrisy and backpeddling is showing like a cheap slip. "Kap" is unemployed. :thup:
They'll all be crying in their pillows tonight, I'm sure. Like they care what 100% white bread like Pence thinks of them.
And are we sure that's why he left? Another meltdown by our Pres, perhaps?
More monetary loss for the NFL.

No monetary loss, he bought tickets and then left the game. He protested, that was his right as a citizen of this country.

This thread is a response to his protest.

The NFL was hoping this whole protest thing would disappear, Pence found a way to keep America talking about it.
I think you misunderstood my post.
So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.

Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.

Exactly and you fell for it to because here you are talking about it. Congrats! He got us all.

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