Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

Bold of the man who worked tirelessly to kick trans people out of the military/deny benefits, to talk about “disrespecting our soldiers”
DIVISIVE is always the way to go , what good American wants to stand with scum OldLady ,
There's disagreement, Pismoe, and then there's intentional divisiveness. I know where you stand. I don't agree with it.

Both acts are divisive, and both are peaceful ways to protest. As an American I am for both ways to protest. It is America and we have people using their freedom of expression to make political points.

Soldiers gave their lives and sacrificed for this right to protest.
I agree in theory about fans' right to protest the protest. I am very concerned that the President is spending his weekend thinking up ways to keep this at a full boil, knowing it is not good for the sport or the people. The people need to listen to each other. Stuff like this makes it too loud for anyone to actually hear. It's not good, imo. It's not that I don't agree with the fans' rights, but I'm really worried/disgusted that the President is a cheerleader for the anti-protesters.

It’s not anti-protesters, it’s protesters responding to protesters. When Obama interjected in the Martin-Zimmerman issue and the Ferguson issue, did that bother you?

Personally, into me it’s a waste of time. I’m so tired of the issue, I quit listening to sports shows, watching the NFL and the evening news.

Lots of blame to toss around.
So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.
Found it. Deleted my post.

It is just that you libs make up so much shit, it is often hard to tell.
Right, it's the liberals' fault you act the way you do. Poor little guy.... lost his free will years ago. now relies on liberals for cues on what to think and how to act.... like a dog, but with no bite...

Better to be a dog with no bite than a liberal man without testicles. How long was the recovery process when you had them removed? Can you still lick yourself?
You must be used to hanging around middle schoolers. As you are a grown man, I think someone should notify thw authorities.

Well he is hanging around middle schoolers by replying to your posts. Start making your calls buttercup.
You're not a very witty guy, are ya?

And you’re not a witty gal, are ya?
Right, it's the liberals' fault you act the way you do. Poor little guy.... lost his free will years ago. now relies on liberals for cues on what to think and how to act.... like a dog, but with no bite...

Better to be a dog with no bite than a liberal man without testicles. How long was the recovery process when you had them removed? Can you still lick yourself?
You must be used to hanging around middle schoolers. As you are a grown man, I think someone should notify thw authorities.

Well he is hanging around middle schoolers by replying to your posts. Start making your calls buttercup.
You're not a very witty guy, are ya?

And you’re not a witty gal, are ya?
Oh look, goofy wingnut embarrasses himself by using "female" as an insult. Again.
Both acts are divisive, and both are peaceful ways to protest. As an American I am for both ways to protest. It is America and we have people using their freedom of expression to make political points.

Soldiers gave their lives and sacrificed for this right to protest.
I agree in theory about fans' right to protest the protest. I am very concerned that the President is spending his weekend thinking up ways to keep this at a full boil, knowing it is not good for the sport or the people. The people need to listen to each other. Stuff like this makes it too loud for anyone to actually hear. It's not good, imo. It's not that I don't agree with the fans' rights, but I'm really worried/disgusted that the President is a cheerleader for the anti-protesters.
You're "worried" that a POTUS thinks folks should stand when the anthem is played?

You're missing the point. Maybe you're doing it intentionally.
When the anthem is played in public, do you stand?
Another miss.
thanks for my answer. :thup: Go back to the FZ again and act like you don't know why this is an issue for many.

Or "worry" some more about a POTUS who thinks folks should stand in public when the anthem is played.
Wow...Pence was able to exercise his First Amendment Right without the NFL Players lying on him, changing his stance and making it about a totally unrelated issue.
Too bad trump and Pence are too stupid to do the same...
Bold of the man who worked tirelessly to kick trans people out of the military/deny benefits, to talk about “disrespecting our soldiers”

Don't forget how he shit on McCains service , gold star families , and dodged the draft !
So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.

Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.
it's there in black and white, illiterate. Read, if you can.

It's damn funny what worries or disgusts her.
No, you are wrong, as clearly her words show. You may be literate, but it's understanding simple ideas that eludes you.

Just face it, you're a cackling, petty, angry little person who has no good knowledge of or arguments for anything at all, so you invent little army men to knock over in order to feel less impotent.
I'm "wrong" to laugh. And you call me angry.

No genius, you were wrong to misrepresent her. As any 6 year old who can read would have gathered.
I'm sorry I angered you so much by laughing at someone who is worried that a POTUS thinks folks should stand during the anthem. (I'm not really sorry, but your anger is going to kill you. I care that much.) What a miserable life you lead
You didn't anger me... I just pointed out your simpleton's error of misrepresenting her. i don't care what you cackle at, cackle away.
You spent a lot of time typing for not caring about my laughing at her "worries" about a POTUS who thinks folks should stand in public when the anthem is played. Stay bitter....and tell me more about how my laughing pissed you off.
No, you are wrong, as clearly her words show. You may be literate, but it's understanding simple ideas that eludes you.

Just face it, you're a cackling, petty, angry little person who has no good knowledge of or arguments for anything at all, so you invent little army men to knock over in order to feel less impotent.
I'm "wrong" to laugh. And you call me angry.

No genius, you were wrong to misrepresent her. As any 6 year old who can read would have gathered.
I'm sorry I angered you so much by laughing at someone who is worried that a POTUS thinks folks should stand during the anthem. (I'm not really sorry, but your anger is going to kill you. I care that much.) What a miserable life you lead
You didn't anger me... I just pointed out your simpleton's error of misrepresenting her. i don't care what you cackle at, cackle away.
You spent a lot of time typing for not caring about my laughing at her "worries" about a POTUS who thinks folks should stand in public when the anthem is played. Stay bitter....and tell me more about how my laughing pissed you off.
"You spent a lot of time typing for not caring about my laughing"

And in each post I typed, i made it clear that I responded only to correct your incorrect claim. Pay attention! Again, laugh all you like, it doesn't bother me, and I doubt it bothers anyone.
I agree in theory about fans' right to protest the protest. I am very concerned that the President is spending his weekend thinking up ways to keep this at a full boil, knowing it is not good for the sport or the people. The people need to listen to each other. Stuff like this makes it too loud for anyone to actually hear. It's not good, imo. It's not that I don't agree with the fans' rights, but I'm really worried/disgusted that the President is a cheerleader for the anti-protesters.
You're "worried" that a POTUS thinks folks should stand when the anthem is played?

You're missing the point. Maybe you're doing it intentionally.
When the anthem is played in public, do you stand?
Another miss.
thanks for my answer. :thup: Go back to the FZ again and act like you don't know why this is an issue for many.

Or "worry" some more about a POTUS who thinks folks should stand in public when the anthem is played.
Keep my travels out of it, I'm warning you.

It is fueling the division and the bitter feelings on both sides that worries me. Kap came out and said he'd stand if he is hired again. The games were beginning to be about football again instead of who is kneeling.
Now we're back to square one. I don't think it's healthy to keep this going. Sure, some people won't let it go; they'll worry it like a dog with a bone for months.

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