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the science fiction were almost rational for a second.

it is hard to wrap your mind around I agree..but it is hardly science fiction.. When you have several of the few men to ever walk on the moon and ministers of defense from major western countries saying the same seems irrational to dismiss it as just science-fiction
no it's not hard to wrap your mind around..
is there life on other planets ?.....yes
does it have the technology to overcome the time and distance problem....?

Well according to the British and Canadian defense ministers and three men who walked on the moon the answer is ...yes they have
it is hard to wrap your mind around I agree..but it is hardly science fiction.. When you have several of the few men to ever walk on the moon and ministers of defense from major western countries saying the same seems irrational to dismiss it as just science-fiction
no it's not hard to wrap your mind around..
is there life on other planets ?.....yes
does it have the technology to overcome the time and distance problem....?

Well according to the British and Canadian defense ministers and three men who walked on the moon the answer is ...yes they have
but there's no actual evidence..right?
being an astronaut or defence minister is not defence against misidentification or cognitive bias.
no it's not hard to wrap your mind around..
is there life on other planets ?.....yes
does it have the technology to overcome the time and distance problem....?

Well according to the British and Canadian defense ministers and three men who walked on the moon the answer is ...yes they have
but there's no actual evidence..right?
being an astronaut or defence minister is not defence against misidentification or cognitive bias.

Well according to these gentlemen there is ample evidence we are just not allowed to see it and this why they have joined in the petition to congress for full discloser
The problem with the alien theory is one of infinite regression. There isn't rationally enough time for humans to have evolved in 4.5 billion years. If aliens made us, then who made the aliens? Or are you saying the alien or aliens is outside the cosmos, not subject to space, time, matter or energy? I have heard of this alien. We refer to him as Jehovah.
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The problem with the alien theory is one of infinite regression. There isn't rationally enough time for humans to have evolved in 4.5 billion years. If aliens made us, then who made the aliens? Or are you say the alien or aliens is outside the cosmos, not subject to space, time, matter or energy? I have heard of this alien. We refer to him as Jehovah.

A rose by any other name perhaps and indeed what created the aliens..what created the big bang ..what was before it ? it seems logical to me to conclude there is a something beyond space and time not governed by the human concept of a beginning and a end...and given the limitations created by space and time it does lead me to wonder if in fact these beings have the ability to transcend that human concept it would account for tales of angels and demons ...It seems adopting a religious belief in Darwinism and the big bang requires a very narrow view to other possibilities and writes them off as some sort of childish magical thinking...I don't not think any of it occurs by magic and I believe with enough billions of years of calculations and measurements possibly science could achieve Einsteins goal of "understanding the thoughts of god" but we appear far from that place at present
The problem with the alien theory is one of infinite regression. There isn't rationally enough time for humans to have evolved in 4.5 billion years. If aliens made us, then who made the aliens? Or are you saying the alien or aliens is outside the cosmos, not subject to space, time, matter or energy? I have heard of this alien. We refer to him as Jehovah.

The problem with the alien theory is one of infinite regression. There isn't rationally enough time for humans to have evolved in 4.5 billion years. If aliens made us, then who made the aliens? Or are you saying the alien or aliens is outside the cosmos, not subject to space, time, matter or energy? I have heard of this alien. We refer to him as Jehovah.


"There isn't rationally enough time for humans to have evolved in 4.5 billion years"

Of course, the religious extremist has no data, no evidence and no supportable facts to make that assessment.

So, if the gawds "made" us in just the last 6,000 years, who made the gawds who in turn made us?

Jehovah / Yahweh is just one (or maybe two) of the gawds "we" call gawds. Depending upon the geographic and cultural location of one's place of birth, "we" would have different names for gawds quite unlike the Jehovah's / Yahweh's of ancient tales and fables.
The problem with the alien theory is one of infinite regression. There isn't rationally enough time for humans to have evolved in 4.5 billion years. If aliens made us, then who made the aliens? Or are you saying the alien or aliens is outside the cosmos, not subject to space, time, matter or energy? I have heard of this alien. We refer to him as Jehovah.


So, if the gawds "made" us in just the last 6,000 years, who made the gawds who in turn made us?....

Have you really forgotten how many times I've answered this? Really? Are you really that dense? The last time 6 times I've given you the logical answer to this question, you scurried off totally befuddled. Is your memory that bad?

Do you remember? Do I need to go back and link the multiple times I've answered this and shown your twisted logic to be completely flawed? Have you not admitted to horribly flawed logic, by your continued failure to post a rebuttal. Your silence in each instance speaks volumes... volumes of ignorance.

So, if the gawds "made" us in just the last 6,000 years, who made the gawds who in turn made us?....

Have you really forgotten how many times I've answered this? Really? Are you really that dense? The last time 6 times I've given you the logical answer to this question, you scurried off totally befuddled. Is your memory that bad?

Do you remember? Do I need to go back and link the multiple times I've answered this and shown your twisted logic to be completely flawed? Have you not admitted to horribly flawed logic, by your continued failure to post a rebuttal. Your silence in each instance speaks volumes... volumes of ignorance.
Have you forgotten how many times your pleas to self-serving ignorance have resulted only in your confirming yourself as the village ID'iot?

Have you not admitted your religious fundamentalism makes you a poor candidate for objective reasoning?
So, if the gawds "made" us in just the last 6,000 years, who made the gawds who in turn made us?....

Have you really forgotten how many times I've answered this? Really? Are you really that dense? The last time 6 times I've given you the logical answer to this question, you scurried off totally befuddled. Is your memory that bad?

Do you remember? Do I need to go back and link the multiple times I've answered this and shown your twisted logic to be completely flawed? Have you not admitted to horribly flawed logic, by your continued failure to post a rebuttal. Your silence in each instance speaks volumes... volumes of ignorance.
Have you forgotten how many times your pleas to self-serving ignorance have resulted only in your confirming yourself as the village ID'iot?

Have you not admitted your religious fundamentalism makes you a poor candidate for objective reasoning?

religious fundamentalist ? mean like Einstein ?...I think its the bean up your ass for right wing Christians that cripples your ability for objective reasoning as you have not displayed any as of yet...your only refute is use your strawman of fundelmentilist
Have you really forgotten how many times I've answered this? Really? Are you really that dense? The last time 6 times I've given you the logical answer to this question, you scurried off totally befuddled. Is your memory that bad?

Do you remember? Do I need to go back and link the multiple times I've answered this and shown your twisted logic to be completely flawed? Have you not admitted to horribly flawed logic, by your continued failure to post a rebuttal. Your silence in each instance speaks volumes... volumes of ignorance.
Have you forgotten how many times your pleas to self-serving ignorance have resulted only in your confirming yourself as the village ID'iot?

Have you not admitted your religious fundamentalism makes you a poor candidate for objective reasoning?

religious fundamentalist ? mean like Einstein ?...I think its the bean up your ass for right wing Christians that cripples your ability for objective reasoning as you have not displayed any as of yet...your only refute is use your strawman of fundelmentilist
You are, of course, free to defend religious zealots.

So maybe you can support the case for "the gawds did it". The zealots cannot and so far, you have offered nothing of substance to explain existence other than not so subtle references to space aliens Intervening.
Have you forgotten how many times your pleas to self-serving ignorance have resulted only in your confirming yourself as the village ID'iot?

Have you not admitted your religious fundamentalism makes you a poor candidate for objective reasoning?

religious fundamentalist ? mean like Einstein ?...I think its the bean up your ass for right wing Christians that cripples your ability for objective reasoning as you have not displayed any as of yet...your only refute is use your strawman of fundelmentilist
You are, of course, free to defend religious zealots.

So maybe you can support the case for "the gawds did it". The zealots cannot and so far, you have offered nothing of substance to explain existence other than not so subtle references to space aliens Intervening.

I feel given the recent revelations from such prominent people as minsters of defense, men who have walked on the moon and the historical records of ancient history that "alien" DNA manipulation needs to be considered as a possible explanation for the origin of life on earth .as far as existence and origins of the universe itself would seem logical to me to consider that the human concepts and limitations of space and time may not apply to all that is conscious in "existence"
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Have you really forgotten how many times I've answered this? Really? Are you really that dense? The last time 6 times I've given you the logical answer to this question, you scurried off totally befuddled. Is your memory that bad?

Do you remember? Do I need to go back and link the multiple times I've answered this and shown your twisted logic to be completely flawed? Have you not admitted to horribly flawed logic, by your continued failure to post a rebuttal. Your silence in each instance speaks volumes... volumes of ignorance.
Have you forgotten how many times your pleas to self-serving ignorance have resulted only in your confirming yourself as the village ID'iot?

Have you not admitted your religious fundamentalism makes you a poor candidate for objective reasoning?
bullshit! on both counts:

religious fundamentalist ? mean like Einstein ?...I think its the bean up your ass for right wing Christians that cripples your ability for objective reasoning as you have not displayed any as of yet...your only refute is use your strawman of fundelmentilist
Einstein was raised by secular Jewish parents. In his Autobiographical Notes, Einstein wrote that he had gradually lost his faith early in childhood:
. . . I came—though the child of entirely irreligious (Jewish) parents—to a deep religiousness, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of twelve. Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true. The consequence was a positively fanatic orgy of freethinking coupled with the impression that youth is intentionally being deceived by the state through lies; it was a crushing impression. Mistrust of every kind of authority grew out of this experience, a skeptical attitude toward the convictions that were alive in any specific social environment—an attitude that has never again left me, even though, later on, it has been tempered by a better insight into the causal connections. It is quite clear to me that the religious paradise of youth, which was thus lost, was a first attempt to free myself from the chains of the 'merely personal,' from an existence dominated by wishes, hopes, and primitive feelings. Out yonder there was this huge world, which exists independently of us human beings and which stands before us like a great, eternal riddle, at least partially accessible to our inspection and thinking. The contemplation of this world beckoned as a liberation, and I soon noticed that many a man whom I had learned to esteem and to admire had found inner freedom and security in its pursuit. The mental grasp of this extra-personal world within the frame of our capabilities presented itself to my mind, half consciously, half unconsciously, as a supreme goal. Similarly motivated men of the present and of the past, as well as the insights they had achieved, were the friends who could not be lost. The road to this paradise was not as comfortable and alluring as the road to the religious paradise; but it has shown itself reliable, and I have never regretted having chosen it.[2]
Religious views of Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
religious fundamentalist ? mean like Einstein ?...I think its the bean up your ass for right wing Christians that cripples your ability for objective reasoning as you have not displayed any as of yet...your only refute is use your strawman of fundelmentilist
You are, of course, free to defend religious zealots.

So maybe you can support the case for "the gawds did it". The zealots cannot and so far, you have offered nothing of substance to explain existence other than not so subtle references to space aliens Intervening.

I feel given the recent revelations from such prominent people as minsters of defense, men who have walked on the moon and the historical records of ancient history that "alien" DNA manipulation needs to be considered as a possible explanation for the origin of life on earth .as far as existence and origins of the universe itself would seem logical to me to consider that the human concepts and limitations of space and time may not apply to all that is conscious in "existence"
religious fundamentalist ? mean like Einstein ?...I think its the bean up your ass for right wing Christians that cripples your ability for objective reasoning as you have not displayed any as of yet...your only refute is use your strawman of fundelmentilist
You are, of course, free to defend religious zealots.

So maybe you can support the case for "the gawds did it". The zealots cannot and so far, you have offered nothing of substance to explain existence other than not so subtle references to space aliens Intervening.

I feel given the recent revelations from such prominent people as minsters of defense, men who have walked on the moon and the historical records of ancient history that "alien" DNA manipulation needs to be considered as a possible explanation for the origin of life on earth .as far as existence and origins of the universe itself would seem logical to me to consider that the human concepts and limitations of space and time may not apply to all that is conscious in "existence"
I'm afraid I don't have much to respond to regarding the "space alien DNA / aliens among us", thing, except to say... I'm backing away slowly, keep your hands where I can see them, don't make any sudden moves.
You are, of course, free to defend religious zealots.

So maybe you can support the case for "the gawds did it". The zealots cannot and so far, you have offered nothing of substance to explain existence other than not so subtle references to space aliens Intervening.

I feel given the recent revelations from such prominent people as minsters of defense, men who have walked on the moon and the historical records of ancient history that "alien" DNA manipulation needs to be considered as a possible explanation for the origin of life on earth .as far as existence and origins of the universe itself would seem logical to me to consider that the human concepts and limitations of space and time may not apply to all that is conscious in "existence"
I'm afraid I don't have much to respond to regarding the "space alien DNA / aliens among us", thing, except to say... I'm backing away slowly, keep your hands where I can see them, don't make any sudden moves.
easy hollie ,eots is only harmful to himself..
Have you forgotten how many times your pleas to self-serving ignorance have resulted only in your confirming yourself as the village ID'iot?

Have you not admitted your religious fundamentalism makes you a poor candidate for objective reasoning?
bullshit! on both counts:

religious fundamentalist ? mean like Einstein ?...I think its the bean up your ass for right wing Christians that cripples your ability for objective reasoning as you have not displayed any as of yet...your only refute is use your strawman of fundelmentilist
Einstein was raised by secular Jewish parents. In his Autobiographical Notes, Einstein wrote that he had gradually lost his faith early in childhood:
. . . I came—though the child of entirely irreligious (Jewish) parents—to a deep religiousness, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of twelve. Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true. The consequence was a positively fanatic orgy of freethinking coupled with the impression that youth is intentionally being deceived by the state through lies; it was a crushing impression. Mistrust of every kind of authority grew out of this experience, a skeptical attitude toward the convictions that were alive in any specific social environment—an attitude that has never again left me, even though, later on, it has been tempered by a better insight into the causal connections. It is quite clear to me that the religious paradise of youth, which was thus lost, was a first attempt to free myself from the chains of the 'merely personal,' from an existence dominated by wishes, hopes, and primitive feelings. Out yonder there was this huge world, which exists independently of us human beings and which stands before us like a great, eternal riddle, at least partially accessible to our inspection and thinking. The contemplation of this world beckoned as a liberation, and I soon noticed that many a man whom I had learned to esteem and to admire had found inner freedom and security in its pursuit. The mental grasp of this extra-personal world within the frame of our capabilities presented itself to my mind, half consciously, half unconsciously, as a supreme goal. Similarly motivated men of the present and of the past, as well as the insights they had achieved, were the friends who could not be lost. The road to this paradise was not as comfortable and alluring as the road to the religious paradise; but it has shown itself reliable, and I have never regretted having chosen it.[2]
Religious views of Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is a rejection of dogma and does not negate his reference to an intelligent universe
You are, of course, free to defend religious zealots.

So maybe you can support the case for "the gawds did it". The zealots cannot and so far, you have offered nothing of substance to explain existence other than not so subtle references to space aliens Intervening.

I feel given the recent revelations from such prominent people as minsters of defense, men who have walked on the moon and the historical records of ancient history that "alien" DNA manipulation needs to be considered as a possible explanation for the origin of life on earth .as far as existence and origins of the universe itself would seem logical to me to consider that the human concepts and limitations of space and time may not apply to all that is conscious in "existence"
I'm afraid I don't have much to respond to regarding the "space alien DNA / aliens among us", thing, except to say... I'm backing away slowly, keep your hands where I can see them, don't make any sudden moves.

That is just the responses someone would expect from a fundamentalist such as yourself...but the fact remains we have western leaders entrusted as
the head of in control of nuclear arsenals and Men of the caliber to be selected for moon mission..that make the claim of alien contact
but programmed one -liners is all you can respond is it your assertion these men are all dangerous and insane ? and that all these men are having some commonly shared delusion ?..can you give any kind of intelligent response to this fact other than shooting the messenger ?
I feel given the recent revelations from such prominent people as minsters of defense, men who have walked on the moon and the historical records of ancient history that "alien" DNA manipulation needs to be considered as a possible explanation for the origin of life on earth .as far as existence and origins of the universe itself would seem logical to me to consider that the human concepts and limitations of space and time may not apply to all that is conscious in "existence"
I'm afraid I don't have much to respond to regarding the "space alien DNA / aliens among us", thing, except to say... I'm backing away slowly, keep your hands where I can see them, don't make any sudden moves.

That is just the responses someone would expect from a fundamentalist such as yourself...but the fact remains we have western leaders entrusted as
the head of in control of nuclear arsenals and Men of the caliber to be selected for moon mission..that make the claim of alien contact
but programmed one -liners is all you can respond is it your assertion these men are all dangerous and insane ? and that all these men are having some commonly shared delusion ?..can you give any kind of intelligent response to this fact other than shooting the messenger ?

Oh my. I made you angry.

It's just a shame that there are those who will make outrageous claims and there is so often a willing audience. What is consistent about these type of outrageous claims is the curious lack of evidence offered in support.

No one is saying you can’t believe that aliens are among us. Honestly, that’s no more outrageous than people believing in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster or other tales of monsters and demons. It's not for me personally, and I argue that such things had their place and there are better and more realistic models that show factual evidence. Those will eventually replace beliefs in monsters and demons (like these days you don't hear about monsters and demons, but instead the more science-oriented UFOs and aliens -- both are mythic belief systems with no evidence in support of the claims). If I criticize such assertions as space aliens breeding with humans, that is a philosophical approach toward rejecting unsupported claims seeming only to be borne of fear and superstition ... and honestly, a criticism of your willingness to face reality.
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